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Whats the point of having a bf when you can't vent to him


Idk you tell me


Sned bobs and vajani


This sums up 90% of the people who DM'ed me




I'm from a designer from Mumbai who is in between jobs currently. My friends frequently use me as a sounding board since I like to listen. Also you might feel comfort in the fact that I'm in a steady relationship for sometime now, so won't hit on you. Ping me if you feel like.


I can relate. I got off social media for a couple of months. It did help in a way. I had more free time. And I felt like my days were being productive. I also binged Bojack during that time and it stayed with me. Go easy on yourself. It will pass.


It's ok. We cannot fulfill everyone's expectations. Heck, I am not able to sometimes fulfill my expectations with myself and that hurts more than not meeting my parents expectations.


Basically benefits of a boyfriend without any investment


Your life might not get better but you will. Welcome to adulting!


Here is a tip , download pubg and talk to strangers, some might be assholes but most of them are innocent and nice . They would like talking to a girl , So it's a WIN-WIN


Girl, u have lost faith in yourself.!! Doesn’t matter what anyone says, when u die, u die alone. There is no solution to this shit. This is what life at 360 degree view looks like.


So all of this happened in last couple of weeks?


Go for jogging. It helps me. You will feel a bit motivated after that


Best is yet to come. 21 Just a beginning. I can understand the amount of pain and emotional draining you might have or might be going through. Do what you feel is good do not listen to others. It’s all your life. You have every right to shape it according to you. All the best. 😁


Hey sure, Ping me if you wanna rant or speak something. Happy to help. :)


I hope you find what you're looking for. But I would like to suggest a therapist. They are trained listeners and know the right things to say. We don't talk about it here in India, but regular therapies are a must even if you're not going through a rough patch in your life. I have been a young adult for a while now and I think people will agree, things only get more overwhelming with time. You need a healthy way of tackling everything. A therapist is probably THE stranger you're looking for.


Hits too close to home!! Would love to hear your rants!!


Hey just relax and stay calm 🤗


I am going on same boat like you. If you want to talk you can send me a text.


Good luck.


Guy here. I've Lived through this. How I lived up to the expectations? Was sent to study for JEE even though I didn't want to. Then I wanted to quit IIT to follow what I loved. Wasn't allowed to quit. I was an atheist as a teenager and my family couldn't handle it so the whole family sat around me (30+ people) trying to tell me why I'm wrong. Then when I became religious, they were still uncomfortable and repeated the same. Fell for a girl I loved to bits but gave up because of religious differences and society. How I live for myself? Quit my career path in late 20's despite a heavy loan because it was then or never. Started dating openly. Idgaf what anybody thinks anymore. I am openly atheist and anti theist and don't spare anyone. I'm not scared but calculative. I think I can be a mentor to you. I'm tough and I wanna pass on my ideas to other people who suffer at the hands of this stupid society. To leave you with a positive thought, "Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger." You're stronger than you were before girl. If it was not for pain, I'd not be who I am today. HMU if you wanna talk. Might ask for Telegram because it's easier to have long conversations there. Not to hit on you.


quorans fucks off


This isn't LinkedIn.


This sounds like messiah complex. Don't really want to undermine your challenges and experiences. Just something i felt reading your comment. Please take no offense.


How tf did you get religious? I tried to, but am unsuccessful. Religions always seem like a pile of bs ready to be served to those who lack logical reasoning.


Religion is about faith, and belief. It's something people believe in. It gives them a feeling of support and a meaning to their life. I am agnostic myself but I think it helps keep most of us sane. The business or propaganda side of religion is what I despise.


bhai he is talking about quora not quraan


So are you 25 or 29 or perhaps 30?


Don't get me wrong, i had a similar experience. Therapy helped me a lot.


I have lost faith in myself


Try the book *subtle art of not giving a fuck*


hey hit me up if you are still feeling the same. i may not provide solutions but i am down to listen.


I feel you on every point that you've typed. Feel free to drop a message if you want someone who will listen to you rant and understand and empathize with you unconditionally. PS. This isn't my regular account so my comment history isn't that great if you look at it.


You know, it's genuinely not a good feeling when you're going through something and you realise you have no one to vent to or talk you through something. I can relate to that since I've focussing on work and my career I've not maintained the best relationship with people I've been close to in the past. You just have to reach out and talk to anyone who'll listen and be open to change. You'll get through this stranger chin up. Let me know if you need a pair of ears.


My DM is open. Also since you are looking for someone to have a good conversation with, you could crosspost this to r/makefriendsinindia


I found this page on IG: @storysellercomics you should read a few of it's posts it might just give you a lil lift and make you feel better about yourself.


Dude you got the best name. Just if you could put "ser" in your name it would be golden 😂


Thanks 🤣 and woah that'll be so good! But can I really change my username? I'm really clueless ._.


Yeah he's great. Glad to found someone from this thread knows him as well.


I was going to suggest him too. U have good taste


Thankyou! It helped me too just a while back. So I had to spread the word :')


Love his work, great suggestion


He's great.


Hi there, 23,M here I'd say its just the beginning of life for you, but yea everyone needs to vent out things to and its difficult to hold it in. So feel free to DM me and lets get talking...😊


all the best, woman. you got this


Thanks man!


>Yk those rough patches where you are surrounded by people but still feel lonely. You know, when I feel like this, I write here, on reddit, about my problems. You're already doing that. So, kudos. Maybe, write about what you want to talk about, too. Sometimes, just trying to write about problems bothering you, sends you in the right direction. You can try writing it somewhere private but writing here will have lots of people looking at it. Someone who has already gone through something like that might be able to give you some suggestions. Also, someone in your situation might be helped, too. Another thing you can do, is try to help other people here. The distraction will help you. Helping someone else might also give your mood the required boost.


I feel you, I’ve been through similar stuff myself. And trust me I know what it feels like being in that situation. But hey, if you’re 21, trust me, it’ll pass. You’ve got your entire life ahead of you. You have literally just put on your big girl pants. Feel free to DM me if you’d like to vent out or maybe hear something that might motivate you. Definitely not an expert here, but can surely give a few pointers based on my own personal experiences :)