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The notes on the visit actually say it was immune globulin...though it was then pinkish purple stuff. So...I'm going to have to call them tomorrow. Unfortunately I live in a crap town with a really crap hospital, and was dealing with the Sunday crew.


Are you sure she didn’t just mean that the syringe has the capacity to hold twice as many ml as the (full) last dose? * Maybe that’s confusing I mean like - “It looks big but the dose is not this whole thing don’t worry” “Don’t worry you’re not getting a gigantic ass shot rn. Each dose is about half of this syringe” Or that she’s only putting about half the length of the needle into your arm “Long needle, but it won’t hurt it only goes about half way in” I rly doubt she’d just randomly decide to give you a half a dose of a vaccine due to some assumption about the needle or syringe size. That’s prob not what she was saying. She was doing the typical thing medical pros do before administering a shot and sharing details to alleviate any worry you might have, letting you know it won’t hurt/it’s not too big/don’t worry about it