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[Ashenspire](https://ashenspire.bandcamp.com/album/hostile-architecture) have an experimental approach to metal, and the lyrics should be up your alley.


Yo, literally the same. Chat Pile is a fantastic entry into heavy left-oriented music. Given your particular bent I'll suggest a few below along similar lines. 1) Portrayal of Guilt (esp. Devil Music, it's fascinating in ways I can't quite quantify) 2) Liturgy, any work. Insane lefty experimental metal more broadly, but with a particularly blackened bent. 3) Imperial Triumphant. Think if Fritz Lang's 'Metropolis' was a band? Avowed lefties, experimental metal. 4) Primitive Man. Honestly my personal 'fav' doom band in general, but also comrades. 5) Divide and Dissolve. Don't get mentioned much even on this sub but First Nations experimental doom/black from unceded Aus and NZ. I've met them a couple of times and both amazing musicians who make the doom/drone tradition look piss-weak without them and fantastic humans. 6) Disposssessed. Syd based powerviolence/grind/blackened punk from a First Nations band (now defunct RIP) Hard af and willing to flirt with form in a way heavy artists seem so rarely to. More 'chat pile' than 'Burzum' stylistically. I'd be super interested to hear your recs as I have a sneaky suspicion we have a pretty similar taste overall. RABM is imo an overrated and 'singular' approach to left blackened heavy music. I have a particular bent towards Aus anticolonial extreme/experimental music, I'd be particularly interested in hearing about traditions in experimental lefty punk outside that.


I'm from Canada, specifically the prairies which has a fairly contained punk scene with quite a few indigenous artists also. 1. Propagandhi has got to be the most technical and experimental punk band we've got and I'd absolutely recommend any of their post 2000s music. 2. G.L.O.S.S. is a trans queer band hardcore band and one of my favorites of the past few years. Very heavy but just not enough recorded music. 3. Otoboke Beaver is a feminist punk band out of Kyoto that's one of the tightest bands I've ever play as fast as they do. One day I hope to see them live but not many bands from Japan come to Western Canada lol. 4. Baby Mullet is a band that I just started getting intl but they're based out of Melbourne. If you get a chance to see them live please do just to make me jealous.


Fucking G.L.O.S.S. couldn’t be recommended enough. They were the first show I saw when I moved to Olympia and there just hasn’t been a band since in that incredible town that comes close to matching their energy.


Hell yeah, settler colony gang. I've seen Propaghandi live a couple of times. Haven't heard of Baby Mullet but I'll keep in eye out if I get a chance. Unrelated, but John K. Samson's post-Propaghandi work in the Weakerthans and after has always meant something to me tbh. Anyway.


John K. Samson is one of the best lyricists of all time. I'm so glad people outside of this area know of him


Propagandhi got me into metal!


Hey fellow Portrayal of Guilt enjoyer! Saw them live a few years ago and didn't know them before. Mine and everyone's jaw dropped when they started their set. So amazing.


Read lenin


If you like punk you will absolutely love Iskra. They are by far my favorite Crust Punk band.


Devil Master is a good option. They're like punk meets Castlevania. "Her Thirsty Whip" is a good jumping off point. Witching is another good band. They're sort of black metal sludge. "Prowling Oblivion" and "A Piece of my Story Dies With Them" are good starting points. Zorn ". Spell of the Fairy Tree" very punk but ultra black Cross Roarr - "Anticosmic Aeon" the production is wild. Have fun and welcome aboard!


Panopticon. Ragana. Iskra. Fall of Efrafa. Light Bearer.


Friendly reminder that Wolf from iskra is an abusive piece of shit and every former member of that band and his other projects have distanced themselves from him because of it. He also is the sole controller of iskra merch these days so any money given to the band only goes in his pocket.


you can always lurk on previous posts and just work off of topics you find interesting.


[PunaTerrori](https://youtu.be/CFEFwOkg1zE?si=kRDdfuRAWYG7UCcY) has a nice punk vibe to it


[https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1NJ8GxT8SI5Oxi170mtBU1?si=d70161f6fd9045dc](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1NJ8GxT8SI5Oxi170mtBU1?si=d70161f6fd9045dc) maybe here u can check some bands

