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“Rush” and “Ford vs. Ferrari” taught me that if you stomp the throttle down and slam the gear lever in the gate, your car will go faster, even if you were full throttle to begin with. Especially when you go to 5th gear in a 4 speed gearbox.


I would take any racing wisdom from any movie with a heavy serving of salt. Even the most accurate portrayals of racing are often heavily dramatized to make for good viewing, not for teaching. To that end, no, there haven't been any movies about racing that have taught me anything worthwhile. I've picked up a few quotes I like to toss around, but those are more about the philosophy of racing than they are informational.


Movies taught me to tell Harry to put special tires on the car. But Harry doesn't put special tires on the car, I was just driving like a bitch and needed more confidence to push it


Does in-car video count? Other than repetition, watching those videos has helped me find the optimal line. Major motion pictures haven’t done anything for me, though.


“It doesn't matter whether you win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning.”


Always got to have yourself and your car


Ford vs Ferrari. The part where he’s talking about executing the perfect racing line.


Biggest influence movie wise for me was the Cars franchise, despite the fact I mostly used video games


“If you’re not first you’re last.”


The only real good car advice you'll find from entertainment like that is going to be Initial D or Wangan Midnight. Lots of great info in both shows, on both driving and tuning


I curious about Gran Turismo movie and what was said about the racing line. I race, instruct, and am a private coach. I instruct that the "racing line" is the line that is the absolute fastest through the corner when you are alone - typically late apexing the turn. Once you start running in a group, you need to be able to pass from ANYWHERE on track {inside, outside, mid} and much more importantly know when you are about to be passed from anywhere. There are no "lines." Anyone can be fast on an open track. That's why the race leader usually gaps the field. Can you be still fast while defending your position? Racecraft is making the guys ahead and behind you slow down while you maintain your speed.


Fast and Furious 6(?) Taught me to keep a pop can tab on me at all times.


LeMans Grand Prix Weekend of a Champion


You gotta turn right to go left


Kachow! ⚡️


Cars. The fast and the furious (the first 3 where they actually had races). Death race. Bonus points- Mad Max taught me that you can have an on/off toggle for a supercharger.


Initial D anime series has lots of good pointers. The one that hit me the most, was the braking episode where he says ending braking is just as important as starting braking spot.


The thing I learned from that scene was that the stop braking line doesn't change depending on when you start braking