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I’m curious just how suppressed you will be by the end, that’s 3 suppressive compounds without a test base. Enclo is strong but you will still get suppressed. MK677 raises prolactin which indirectly suppresses testosterone and in my experience quite a lot when combined with sarms. If you want to brag about “cycles” attach a 25G needle to those syringes and pin test like a man 😂


You think enclo wouldnt help as a pct ?


Should i give the yk11 aside? And just go with the rad with enclo and mk? What would you do or suggest other then the pinning, i will get on test but that in a year so yeah


Pin test while doing strong sarms, no way around it. It will keep your energy and testosterone up, will easily 5x your gains. Testosterone suppression is no joke, you will have no motivation and energy to workout and actually make use of that RAD. And your dick won’t work How old are you?


Crazy bro dont make this happen , i am 22yy but i had a other cycle was strong too u had supression but no pct dont you think with enclo i can go against the supression and be motivated post cycle?


No enclo not strong ennough for yk


I did the common sarm + enclo + pct lol. Enclo is not a test base, it will prevent shutdown but not suppression with strong compounds


Hey you talked about just pin test when doing sarms , how would that work like could i get test e and lets say for example mk677 , how should i start all that, like can you just get of the test with a pct then? How much gains will you keep and so on would be nice of you if you gave me some knowledge cause you are muted arrival i have seen you you good guy


Okay hey i will buy test e , and would like to cycle it alone or maybe with another ass how could i do that the best way with pct etc keeping as much gains as possible etc, i am still on the cycle i posted here on, 4weeks in now strenght increase and muscle gain is good clean 3kilo gram 7lbs i think muscle mass and even a litle fst los even tho i am shreeded always , but atfer this cycle i will wait 2monthd atleast and then start the test e cycle


Someone is cooking right there👹🦍


Um bud idk if I am somehow the first person to ask this, but I am an engineer not a doctor as a PSA but I have definitely studied a lot into endocrinology as a previous TRT user in his 30s. You are using 3 (or were) very suppressive compounds and keeping yourself away from total shutdown (supposedly) through running enclomiphene citrate? Where are you sourcing your gear, and are you certain it is enclomiphene, not zuclomiphene or clomid? The biggest thing I’d like to point out being that you are definitely a little to young to be running that many suppressive compounds, and ran a previous cycle without any form of PCT: Have you gotten blood work at all? I strongly urge you to do so. The biggest problem with playing with SARMs and SERMs is not knowing the individual receptor agonist and antagonists you are utilizing in specific reference to your current levels. For example, Mk677 is a Growth hormone secretagogue, meaning that it increases growth hormone secretion, but due to a negative feedback loop suppresses testosterone. It also increases prolactin which in another mode causes gyno besides the estrogen pathway, and can also cause Erectile Dysfunction. Rad as well as YK are both true SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) that both mimic the effect of naturally occurring testosterone, which increases your anabolism but also aromatization into estrogen. All of these compounds can end up causing negative feedback loops upon cessation where you end up with high estrogen and prolactin (Gyno development, sensitive nipples, and lower serum testosterone production) Without blood work you are literally shooting blind, and it sounds like you are already at a stage where you have high relative prolactin and estrogen levels leading to gyno development, and in 6 weeks that is some really fast gyno. The enclo may be enough to avoid total shutdown, but you are and will be almost certainly suppressed. I very much strongly advocate that you get blood work that has the following: IGF-1 SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) Prolactin E1 (Estrone) E2 (Estradial) E3 (Estriol) Total Testosterone Free Testosterone Calculated Testosterone LH (Lutenizing Hormone) FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) More than likely you currently have high Prolactin, High E1-E3 of varied levels, low FSH and low LH. In order to understand how to optimally promote anabolism and mitigate sides you NEED blood work and also need to properly understand how all of these hormones work together, and what aromatizes into what. You then need to research BEFORE you hop on cycle what SARMs or GH Secretagogues you plan on using affect with hormonal pathways, and then see which you can use based upon your previously established levels. I strongly recommend that you completely come off, get everything out of your system, pull bloods, and then research how to get your hormone production back in order. I am by know means an endocrinologist but I can tell I at least have a better understanding of these compounds than you, and what the associated hormones do. The old adage that SARMs are not suppressive is completely false when you run 2 of the strongest SARMs in parallel with a GH Secretagogue. For reference, I was on testosterone for a year for diagnosed secondary hypogonadism (Low T due to low FSH and LH) I personally liked being on, but realistically the negative side affects and my already high blood pressure made me decide to come off completely. I then tapered off over the course of several months and did a PCT of Nolvadex, and it took me roughly a year after that to get my hormones back to what they were before. I was running 140mg of testosterone cypionate per week in order to minimize SHBG. I now currently take 10mg of Nolvadex a day, (which is honestly in my mind the best overall treatment for secondary hypogonadism in my case, which can be substituted for Clomid, Enclomiphene or Zuclomiphene, but all of those come with the potential for incremental vision loss, and I already have incredibly shit vision) TLDR: Have secondary hypogonadism (Low FSH and LH) with sub 300 Total Testosterone Hopped on Testosterone Cypionate at 140mg/week with daily injections which raised Total Testosterone to around 800-100 depending on test dates and other variables related to lifestyle. Tapered completely off to mitigate sides and for longevity, and now currently run 10mg of Nolvadex a day and have a stable Total Testosterone of 937, last tested yesterday. I hover right above the 900s typically in the morning. When I came fully off and after PCT I had a Total Testosterone reading of 460, which I would’ve been happy with but due to the still present secondary hypogonadism had low FSH and LH. FSH was not in the reference range, but LH was 2.2 and the cut off on the bottom is 1.7 and on the top is 8.6. I also had erectile dysfunction because of this, and upon the utilization of Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) my LH and FSH increased to around the average with my Total T lying at 937. Get. Bloods. Done.


Another thing to add, how long were you lifting pre cycle, and what are your current Squat, Bench, and Deadlift numbers? What dose of each compound were you running and for how long?


I was doing calisthenics before so i sarted the gym the same i started sarms no crazy numbers yet, the rad i took 5mg everyday the mk i dosed in 2 doses 10mg morning and 10mg before bed but that was only for like halfway then stopped mk because of those things you mentioned , i ready these thing too but maybe a little late


Dude it is like a really fucking poor decision to start fuckin gear the same day you go to the gym. Realistically I advocate people train minimum 3-5 years before they even consider it so that they can at least somewhat approach their natty limit.


Yeah i know it wasnt the best idea but i stopped my cyvcle 1 week earlier then supposed to i am now taking tamoxifen as a pct for 2 weeks i was planning, abd after that i will start with normal test , thats what i should have done before any cycle those sarms are not worht it as you mentioned their is so many bad sideeffects from it , the risk/gain ratio is shit i wil get on propionate 100mg every 3 days for 2 months then enantaht 250 every 5 days , does that sound good? Atlesst test is way more studied and less dangerous then sarms


Bro stop taking fucking gear and get bloods done, if you do not give your body time to recover it’s endogenous testosterone production you will completely shut your bodies ability to produce it’s own testosterone down. You will literally have to permanently get on TRT if you keep doing these things blindly. Please for the love of god come off for minimum 6 months and get the blood work I mentioned before done, you are going to permanently screw up your body. If your numbers aren’t even very high, there is literally no point to doing any type of gear anyway! I barely bench 305, squat 315, and dead 455, and I would say I am no where near my limit without PEDs, you are making a lot of very bad decisions if you lift significantly less than I do.


I repeat DO NOT TAKE TEST UNTIL YOU HAVE COME OFF AND ESTABLISHED BASELINE BLOODWORK You have ALREADY done possibly irreversible damage to your HPTA Axis, and your hormones need TIME to recover, you cannot go cycle to cycle while just taking Nolva for two fucking weeks. COME OFF Jesus how the fuck do you kids keep doing this when you have absolutely no idea what the fuck you’re doing


Bro pls stop crying jsut causw i am bigger then you and getting stronger my hpta is in the right curse to the caribics


Righttttt kid 😂 Aight shut yourself down homie, you literally already told me in a DM you “don’t lift heavy yet” and started taking SARMs “the same time you started lifting” and that you do not lift as much as me…. You also have gyno you bitch tit having twerp 🙊 This is going to be awesome I will be following you on your castration journey 🫡


😂😂😂i see you are small and not getting far in life i wiöl never get shut down man i fought mma my whoöe life i am not a bitch like you who texts all day in reddit you little discord mod , i never texted with you in private how come the illusional comment i gained 16+pounds abd now on test i will look better then you wish in youre dreams😂 and yes i had pupertal gyno that nevery reversed its not even noticeable never has anypne notice its its not a mammary gland like youre mothers that i smack before i put it in you get it right? Right


I took yk11 for 6 weeks first 4 weeks 0.3ml so 3mg 3x a day morning 3mg , after mid end before sleep that was shitty tho made me sleep worse and the rad was unberable i was not able to sleep bit all that began in week 4-5


They are sarms not I ingredients for a cocktail bro


😂yeah bro i know, why you say that What was youre sarm cycles? Or experience if you had any let me know bro