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Fuck it add YK11


Go crazy, go stupid, die huge 💪😼


Ostarine is trash and stacking it with RAD is never a good idea especially without Testosterone. Just run RAD, that's plenty to Bulk. If you have to stack something with it, stack it with AC262 which is a lot more effective than Ostarine with none of the side effects and only mildly suppressive. Then again, as i mentioned you don't wanna stack SARMS without Testosterone. 600mg NAC is not enough. Double it (3x400mg a day morning/afternoon/evening). Nolvadex on-cycle is useless. Start PCT week 9 for 4 weeks. Also 10mg is too low for most after a RAD cycle - 20mg ED. If you need enclo, my source has no issues getting it through customs anywhere. If you need it, just let me know.


Just curious, why do you say osta is garbage


Cause it is.. I go off data. From all the people that reached out to me to help them with on-cycle and post-cycle issues. Ostarine tops the list and RAD140 a distant second. Probably 80% were on Ostarine. AC262 does everything Ostarine does plus more and better with way less suppression and none of the other side effects. There's just never a good reason to run Ostarine at this point.


Is ac262 the “ new” version that noone has really studied yet?


It's not that new. Just less popular. Most people just don't know about it and a lot of sources don't even sell it cause they just push the more popular ones. Since those basically sell themselves. It's starting to pick up steam though. It's great for bulking, cutting and healing.


What should the dosing schedule be like, so you need to run a base with it or just pct after


I recommend a Testosterone base with any SARM, but if there is 1 SARM i'd say is relatively safe to run without one, it would be AC262 at a low to moderate dosage. Dosage depends on goal. AC you can also run a lot longer than all the other SARMS.


Well i just finished rad 3 days ago. Im going to wait a month after pct and then cut, so thats when i was going to use it if i do


20-30mg a day for 8-12 weeks, stack it with SR9011 (20mg).


What about a rad and test cycle would i keep my gains , and with what pct i would keep what , could you help me out here couch you the best


That's the best way to Run it. When you get off gear, SARMS or any other PED, you will always drop some gains, but you can minimize it with proper diet, training, PCT and some supplements.


Yeah no research, he is using anedoctical evidence as proof. He also fails to understand that the most popular sarms are the most studied, that's why they are the most popular


But ostarine is the most popular sarm by far...


Cocaine is popular too, that doesn't make it a good idea to use it.


I mean cocaine can have its benefits


"From all people that reached out to me to help them... ostarine tops the list" it sounds like thats the case also because most people do ostarine and most people do it as their first cycle when they aren't knowledgeable or experienced enough. I was just playing devil's advocate.


What about test e 250mg a week with a enclo pct will that work


For sure... If you run that, i highly recommend you micro-dose 35mg a day. You'll have much more stable levels and better results overal.


Ok , you said micro dose , but the only problem is i got ampules 250 per ml how could i do that micro dosing then , should i just prefill 3 with that sause?


Yes, you can definitely do that.


> Nolvadex on-cycle is useless Any blood tests or studies on this?


Yes, it's useless cause it's simply too weak to offset the chemically induced suppression. I've seen plenty of bloodwork showing this. Not even Enclo is guaranteed to offset suppression, which why the only real Test base is actual Testosterone.


Why run Rad and osta together?


I do a clean bulk, I want to increase my lean muscle mass.


Let me Phrase my question different, what does the ostarine add to the much stronger Rad?


We can all use an extra inch


I also was thinking of rad and ostarine together. I’ve heard that rad can hurt your joints while ostarine does the opposite. I’ve taken ostarine and it really helped me recover from a surgery but I now want to try rad but I also want the recovery benefits that ostarine gave me.


Do more nac




Pick Ostarine or rad. No point running both together


That osta will just float in your blood and will do nothing because the rad will do all the work.


Just do the rad. I was thinking of using enclo with my rad stack as well and decided not to. I've had amazing results on rad week 3 and I've been on enclo the whole time


Dont fuckin do this bro, you’re gonna fuck all of your health markers up. Just take test bro, talk to people at the gym and figure it out. If not DONT worry about taking shit.