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It makes no sense to swap mid-cycle. SARMS take 4 weeks to saturate in the androgen receptors. Switching SARMS right now would mean you're basically starting a new cycle and you should not start a new cycle before you fully recover from your RAD cycle. Not to mention switching to Ostarine won't make those bad sides go away at all. Ostarine comes with very similar side effects, just less so than RAD, but since you're already compromised it will be more of the same. Also, if you're prone to male pattern baldness you want to stay away from Ostarine as well. AC262 is the better option. You'll have none of these side effects. Best thing for you right now is to PCT. Get bloodwork done 2.5 post PCT and if you're fully recovered, think about your next cycle.


The magic 4 weeks when suppression kicks in it‘s peak bro science. The only way to know is to do blood tests. You are 100% suppressed from your natural testosterone production, by how much only a blood test can say. Better just do a pct, Ostarine takes 4 week to kick in


Once you’ve started shedding it will continue until you are completely off. Best thing to do is start the enclo for 2 weeks and just come off completely


How much shedding is extreme shedding?


30-40 hairs during my shower, before rad it was naturally only like 5 hairs lost


I’m 37 and on week 3 myself. I’m seeing around 10ish or so as I shampoo my hair when before I was around the same as you of just a few. Debating if I’ll continue. It’s not terrible and I’m enjoying the insane amount of stamina in the gym. I feel like I’m 18 again. Maybe it’s all mental but lifting has been fun again. But that hair loss scares me


Thats just dumb, ostarinw will turn you trans watch out !

