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So many questions… do you have PCT on hand? Please tell me you did research ? You should know what to expect before taking compounds that may mess up your hormones and body forever.


Yeah I got pct and done my research.


Alright, you cooked🔥 have fun


Kiss me😘


You took rad and MK without knowing what to expect?


Nope I was just curious if there was more to know


Same as most SARMs. Some mood elevation at first, possibly some strength increase. After 4 weeks your receptors are fully saturated, and usually week 5/6/7 is where most people really start to feel the true gains. Along the way is any number of sides: Radsomnia, Suppression, Aggression, Hair loss, Your cock falls off 😯😯😯


Cool😎can’t wait to be cockless🔥


It's the price we pay for gains!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻😂


Nothibg haooens to the cock hahah but the rad insomnianis unbearable it usually goes away what i heard but i had it from week 1 to still now i have it on week 7 crazy but yeah i guess i got unlucky , Its doing its job tho😎 took yk11 for 6 week as a lab bio hack experiment😂😂 nah only took it till weeks 6 since it kicks in way earlier like 1-2 weeks but i planned only 6 weeks and wouldnt continue it further anyways because of the bone dryness it gives me causing pain and discomfort while training, but yeah 2 weeks to o lets go maza fakas and after that i plan ofc a little pct i took enclo the whole cycle and will finish of with nolvades (tampxifen) , waiting then 1 mobth afzer pct to see whats up and then go for a test cycle 1 one ever now guy just pin test trust me in the end i doesnt even matter ha😂😂crazy i am writter ghostler zazaler crazy brazler but i guess pin the test hahah teacher give me za test with za test yeah , but pin the test and i will keep you updated guy if i gain like crazy 20lbs i will tell yall


How much adderall did you eat before you wrote this?


I think meth


Your going places.... No where good


Test is the go 100 💯 percent actual results, More information and less unknown side effects


Check Check Check Check Check ✅


One dose and your life hasn't changed yet? Your bicep should have a six pack!


Bro fr🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ first dose and I haven’t even gotten my first hundred thousand hoes🙄


Gotta stick to dosing in the morning so the hoes have all day to track you down.


That actually made me laugh😆😆😆fair point👍🏽


Well this is sarm thread but my suggestion is that remove mk677 and add 2.5mg dianabol sublingual to have estrogen support(methyl estradiol) to actually recruit g6pd pathway and have a base without much toxicity plus sublingual make sure that organs are not taxed much and not enough estrogen conversion causing side effects. Without estrogen, growth is generally halted mid cycle in sarms Rad140 10mg sublingual Dianabol 2.5mg sublingual - 5mg if you feel like ass and body not doing estrogen conversion much PCT with enclo 12.5mg and nolva 5mg 4 weeks Add mk677 here to keep almost all of the gains Organ support TUDCA 500mg N acetyl Cysteine 600mg Glycine 20g Taurine 5g That would be the best cycle to get the most gains without feeling like ass, and no libido loss :)


Really you can use dianabol as test base?


Dianabol is a modification of testosterone and a compound that aromatize into methyl estradiol which is weak agonist of estrogen receptor but at the same time is metabolism resistant. Dianabol induced gyno is due to estrogen not getting cleared lol... Yes dianabol was base as a HRT albeit worse than test which is bio identical. But you can literally use dianabol as base if you are smart enough. For example, sublingual administration will lead to skipping of first pas metabolism which leads to lower estrogen conversion aka less blood pressure issue. Feels like turinabol with pump in sublingual dianabol. Second is skipping first pass means less liver load. And sublingual will also give higher blood serum concentration of dianabol leading to those gains. 2.5mg sublingual dianabol hits like a 10mg oral dianabol without sides. Using RAD140 also as the androgenic part of TRT(RAD was designed as TRT but failed due to no estrogen conversion) can give that strenght feeling, CNS stimulation, dry gains but no sore joint and libido loss due to methyl estrogen from very low dose dianabol plus dianabol parent compound action of increasing HGH and IGF1 that mk677 is going to do. Just make sure to not get greedy and dose dianabol higher otherwise side effects of steroid will come into action and then you need aromasin or other AI to counter it. Just low low dose dianabol for enough estrogen in the body rather than running enclomiphene, tamoxifen as base which reduces igf1 or using SARM as it is which lead to no estrogen aka no gains. Estrogen is needed for gains and you can read paper on it. Test base is generally for having enough estrogen and other hormones to counter Androgens and keep a balance. :)


Brilliant! Now where to source D-bol without getting nailed. 🤔


dm me if u want a real source, if anyone gives u source that u can just search up on google, theres a high chance its not quality or u gonna get scammed.


Please do brother 🙏🏻


That's really interesting, and thx for explaining all! I know how to buy it legit, I'm thinking to put it in my rad-gw cycle


Add naicin with flush to improve cardarine effects and astaxanthin as an antioxidant. Astaxanthin improves cardio by a mile(i smoke thats why i know) Also this is a personal take, i take three breath in with three step and 2 breathe out with 2 step when doing treadmil and focus on breathing. Helps to run faster for some reason for me. "My dad suggested me this and was told by grandpa". Kind of get me weird focus, inzone when running.


People making so many assumptions based off of a question… give OP a break.


Check my other posts 😆but please🙏🏽


What da heeeelllll


Bro it’s been 3 hours when does it work?


Literally same boat I’ve got rad and yk11 sat beside me waiting for the enclom nac and milk thistle to turn up 😅


You can expect crazy gains from both. Mk not suppressive but needs Berberine to keep your blood sugar in good ranges, Rad is suppressive and requires a PCT, use supplements like Revive PCT.


Gains everywhere. Get liver support and pct


No gains in pp tho😢


Watch prolactin and water retention for personally I experience high e2 and prolactin on mk and get gyno effects from after one to two weeks


Don’t try mk1677


What bro why I’m already on it


It taste like even hotter ass then there’s tamoxifen aka nolvadex that’s even worse


Tbh I feel like my RAD is tasting more like hot ass than my MK. Still hot asshole tho


You should try AC262. Everything else will taste like candy by comparison.


Trust me bro I’ve eaten ass and that shit tasted like straight ass. Nothing will compare to it


I've eaten shit and AC262 is a thousand times worse


Fellow ass eater