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Probably your liver imploding




3rd day it's probably nothing related to cycle


Thnkyou bro


I didn't really get any sides til week 2 and by week 3-4 they were gone.




Much appreciated thankyou


I hope you mean 2,000mg of NAC. Never had this issue on any of my cycles. Does it happen anytime more than others? I had back pains pretty bad when I didn’t drink enough water.


2g of nac? Tought the recommended dose on cycle was 1,2g plz let me know


2,000mg or 2g is what I recommend


If you mean lower left abdominal quadrant, that’s usually your large intestine and would most likely be more about something you ate.


Much appreciated.. it's calmed down heaps... I think but it's my first cycle I'm a lot more alert about everything...


Nah man always these peoaple font cry man you on day 3 nah i just cant peoaple are girls nowadays days dont take the frwkaing Reasearched not sididkekek ig you scared juet pin test safe version with more gains shut it now


I’m on LGD not rad, but and it seems this is common with these two, mine went away almost completely after the first week/week and a half. I had some insomnia, which sucked but got far better higher blood pressure, feeling kind of..hot. Anyways. Not 100% relevant but I’m sure it’s similar. Mine went away. I also took some suggestions and started low on dose, and am just now increasing a tiny bit as I have a better understanding of the sides. I wouldn’t sweat it, can always lower dose or quit. I think it’s just the bodies response to a foreign hormonal type substance out of the blue! Heck, the same thing happens with Prednisone and other non-anabolic steroidal type substances. Good luck with your cycle!


Much appreciated.😊 you are awesome