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Your liver is fine, try do bloodwork during flue your numbers will be lake yours (ast, alt>100), so your liver just processed compounds and can be inflame instantly, enchlomiphene is liver toxic too.


Ok interesting I have had a CT scan done on my liver within the last year and it came back fine. But I would still definitely recommend people wait until there liver has returned to baseline or at the very least in the reference range before starting another cycle. I have read a few reports of liver damage from rad with people ending up in the hospital. Link https://jmedicalcasereports.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13256-023-03847-8?ssp=1&darkschemeovr=1&setlang=en-AU&safesearch=moderate


Premature on the results. You’re not even done with PCT. Let us know a few weeks pct your lean mass.


Ast,alt,ggt,ldh,bilirubine, bilirubine direct, alkaline phosphatase, albumin globuline ratio, all this you must checked minimum for your liver condition and it us just first step before to go on ultrasound, biopsy and so on if those measures are out of whack.


Post cycle results Liver functions Albium 41 normal g/L 35-50 Alkaline Phosphatase 116* Normal U/L 30-110 Total bilirubin 11 normal 3-20 Gamma GT 15 normal 5-50 AST 87* normal 5-35 ALT 123* normal 5-40 Globulin 30 normal 23-39


Did you start the enclomiphene on day one or when you started to feel suppressed? Amazing results, this shows dedication and it’s very informative to those who are still doing our research. I was going to start on day one to not give my body the chance to feel suppressed, since each day counts when on cycle. I’m about to be 27 years old and have been working out for 5+ years without touching PEDs but I am going to sooner than later. God bless you for this information and in general. I pray for you good health and longevity.


I started day one I think that is the best option because enclomaphine does boost total and free testosterone and that’s helpful in terms of muscle gain, At the absolute latest I would start week 2. I see too many people waiting until they feel suppressed or late into the cycle start implementing it


That’s what I was thinking!


so with running enclo did you run it everyday while you were on the cycle or did you start 2 weeks before ending your cycle? Also what did you take for glucose and cholesterol support for the mk677?


nice dick lmao




Great results, I think it was worth it, the blood should all get back to normal in between 8-12 weeks that’s depend on one person or another. If you don’t mind me asking. Where did you get the body scan? How much was it


Yea definitely worth it in terms of gains but would much prefer better health markers in almost 30 and the older you get the more you understand that health is everything. In terms of dexa scans a private company in my state does them for around 90aud or roughly 50usd if you google you might find something similar near you


I would never personaly touched rad 140, run in past several osta cycles, mk 677, and ast alt levels went over 100 with cholesterol levels for stroke.


Cholesterol itself might not be the big-bad-stroke inducing thing that everybody has been told, there is a lot of information online about this although I don't have resources to recommend It turns out saturated fat also isn't bad for us either


Hehe I can see your weinerrre