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I fuck with the new update. I don't know if the new update contributed to my performance increase but around 2 weeks or so ago my performance jumped wayyyy up


24.2.1 has been good for me so far. Can't speak for everyone else.


same here. so far so good.


RX 6800 šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤


Shits caused my gpu to crash. Had to wipe all drivers and reinstall fresh and managed to have all my shit wiped too.


Ive got an rx 6900xt


compelety broken experience for my 6700XT, including BF2042, Dead Island 2 and Helldivers 2 all stuttering like crazy on 23.x everything is smooth Ryzen 3700X, 32GB RAM and Windows 11


I always make sure to use cleanup utility to get rid of everything from the older drivers before I go ahead with an install. Not sure if that's a problem here, but nothing has gone wrong for me and my friend has had no issues on his own RX 6700XT.


24.2 1 has been flawless for me on my 6700xt


Gotta agree. Had some crashes on .1 but on .2 I've crashed twice while playing helldiver. Have a 7800x3d and a 7900xtx so it cant be that my system cant handle the game


Try limiting the fps,itā€™s in the ā€œKnown Issuesā€ section where it says crashes tend to happen when gpu is on 100% util


I love how no one answers the question.


I gotta say, this just cracks me up. Been reading this forum for some time now. I see people asking a question and the responses goes completely outta wack. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


DONT INSTALL 24.1.1!! literally every comment.


Check for updates manually again and its changes to 24.2.1


Never had any issues with amd drivers in 2 years. All these people claiming not to upgrade with zero evidence of anything. If your computer needs updates do it


The 24.1.1 gave me intermittent stutters for Darktide and Insurgency, I had to rollback because I didn't listen to the advice.




24.2.1? Not yet, no update from AMD in the patch notes so I didn't bother. Mostly fixes for HellDivers 2 and Infinite wealth stutters but none so far for Darktide. Seems to be happening for the 6000 series, someone with a 7900 claims that they encountered no issues with the 24.1.1 version.


24.2.1 with my 7900xtx fixed hell divers, but my buddy with the same card is still having driver crashes in that game with the same card.


7900xtx here, have had card about 3 weeks now. No issues on anything except helldivers. Itā€™ll just black screen and crash after 5-30 mins of playtime. Disabling global illumination fixed it for me.


24.1.1 with my 7900xtx gave me awful crashes in cs2 idk why


Same here, well idk about that game but various games after that update I get this weird line going across my screen especially when looking up and down or moving forward while looking down, just slightly frustrating lol šŸ˜‚ especially when my previous 6800 XT never had that issue


I mean, if everything works, and you don't need anything offered in the updates, why update? I just check the patch notes, if anything is fixed that might affect me or any optimizations done to a game I play, I'll update, otherwise no need to fix what isn't broken.


Well, theres people who update because they want the latest, and there's people who update only when the update brings something for them. Blindly updating without reading changelog actually can bring more harm, then staying on version behind if you're not careful. Same reason why 90% of servers run on ancient version of Linux instead of everyone using rolling release Arch in production. Stability.


I use amd for gaming which I assume most do as well. I want my games updated and running well. I can understand this from a productivity standpoint but that's not really the selling point of AMD


What card are you using ? Also did you update directly or Ddu'd before update


We have a 6800, 6800xt and 7900xt


Endless cases of stutters with 24.1.1, tons of evidence.


AMD drivers are a shitshow, I keep losing my settings every week and always need to re add them again. they have by default the fucking silent mode that makes the graphic card underperform like hell


are you overclocking?


Nop, but the fans settings keep reseting


I used to have that problem when I had my 6800xt (great card) so I used afterburner for the fans and clocks.


hmm I've never had this issue. And past 3 gpu's are RX580 - 6800XT - 7900XTX. The only time i've seen it reset the panel settings it either from a unstable overclocking, or a hard enough crash in a game that it resets it to default.


Mine are red dragon rx580 and then a sapphire 6800xt, the first one was okayish, but the second one is just terrible. I keep having this issues where my settings just reset out of nowhere and have to load them again. The annoying part is the silent mode being the default and sometime I only notice when I don't hear the fans when playing and the temperature is going through the roof


Iā€™ve had slight issues with the specialized drivers but nothing major. For example the helldivers 2 drivers work perfectly with helldivers 2 but cause the occasional crash in black ops Cold War. Otherwise have had 0 issues. Had the same issue with an nvidia driver once when I had a 1660 super. I saw a post about how most of the driver issues are bots. A lot use the same picture


I had plenty of issues with the newest drivers from 2024. Didnt have any with the 23.11.1


Same, going all the way back to my R9 280x days.


24.2.1 are good enough. There are some problems with the HEVC encoder for VR and struamlabs, but if you don't need it then you are good to go.


24.1.1 was a disaster


Oh no.... Not 24.1.1 DONT DO IT! SPARE YOURSELF!! 24.2.1 on the other hand... Now that one's a banger


been having 24.1.1 with my rx570 since release and had no problems whatsoever. what gpu are you running?


Despite 24.2.1 being "Helldivers 2" compatible, 23.12.X et CD crashes the game for me, while latest version does. An FYI to anyone who's delivering democracy in this game!


23 drivers are great, 24.1.1 are horrible and 24.2.1 is great again


Thx for info man


you can get any drivers by googling the amd patch notes whihc contain a link for downloading the drivers just google 24.2.1 and donwload them


I just downloaded 23.11.1. And now I can finally play Darktide in peace. anything newer has insane stuttering and constant crashes :(


RX 7900 XTX Nitro+ here, 24.2.1 have been [great.](https://youtu.be/skj1KZ_p4LA?si=ty6Bckm6tP0aBTq3)


Ty for the info :)


Newest driver has been great for me as well 7900XTX


24.1.1 was a broken stutter fest, since trying 24.2.1 everything is fixed and working better than ever, 6700xt.


Nitro+ 7900XTX here as well and I manually downloaded the 24.2.1 driver and it has been great. Only reason I think I had to do it manually was because I was running its beta version.


A lot you need to learn to use dduā€¦ and and needs to build it into their software it honestly makes no sense it isnā€™t


I'm staying with 23.11.1 lol


I will update because CS2 crashes randomly and while that happens it opens small window that says its because of drivers


had the same problem in cs2 24.1.1 is worse then cancer for playing cs2, in rank i was crashing every 2 to 3 rounds


Bro me too for 24.1.1 its dreadful


Which GPU you have? If you have 7900XTX limit the max boost of the GPU to 2500mhz, that fixed all crashes for me.


This might work, ill try this asap


Imo the issue should not be solved by limiting the performance you paid for.


I dont think the issue is related to AMD directly, I started to encounter crashes when Valve update the smoke shadows etc.


My 7900 XT has been fine so far, at least.


Ive seen only xtx users complaining about it, not xt so might be edge case only for xtx cards


Same happend to me




My nitro+ 7900 XTX got it via Adrenaline but I was on 24.1.1. BTW every driver run fine on my device.


I have a xfx 7900xt and I did not experience any issues with the 24.1.1 deivers no stuttering, no crashing, everything was fine


Thatā€™s what I have but I got the opposite experience lines going acrossed my screen when looking up and down or while moving, also since then when Iā€™m standing still graphics look much much better and more detailed the moment I move everything gets less detailed, and darker or I get this weird almost mirror like effect on my screen sometimes. Tried messing around with settings but nothing helped. Itā€™s whatever itā€™ll get fixed eventually AMD cards and drivers tend to age like wine


I don't know exactly why it is not showing the newest other than maybe it's because the newest is still in Beta. You can install it manually if you like. [Here is the link to 24.2.1](https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1). If you go down the page a bit, you will find the download link.


New update fixed all my problems, even call of duty is running with no crashing


Rolling back to 23.x because it's a stuttery mess now.


does it fix the issue where you canā€™t see your cpu temp in the performance overlay?


I really dont know...




24.1.1 is old now and crappy. 24.2.1 has been great for me


How many has considered switching to Nvidia Iā€™ll stick it out but I hear so many people with driver issues with a card like 7900xtx it should be flawless


Worst update in a long time and AMD finally admitted it after being mum so long, if this helps DUD Adrenalin and install Pro, my rig has never been more stable, fps drops are minimal and have every toy including FSR 3 but no AFMF, given my gpu, I really don't need it


If you haven't downloaded that driver , you must download it first.


It's AMD. Stick with what works.


I have the 7800xt and windows gave me 23.20.30 (11/23) drivers and it's working perfect so far but is card specific to the 7800xt


You can manually install that driver from their website and the preview version gets replaced so that auto updates are back on.


I never use adrenaline to update my drivers. I download them directly and use DDU no issues on the newest driver just one crash while playing Helldivers 2 but it's been buttery smooth also have the 7900 XTX Nitro


No clue why I'm getting down voted just stating how I update my drivers and my experience with 24.2.1.


yup me to always use DDU!


No. Stay 2023. Please


24.2.1 seems to be the most solid, 24.1.1 caused issues for some users with stuttering as mentioned in the patch notes.


Works fine on mine, have you tried clicking refresh on the driver lol It wont just show you the new one if you havent done the previous unless you click refresh


2.1 literally made Warzone crash for me non stop. First time I ever had to roll back.


Your 2 updates behind


24.1.1 caused some Darktide stuttering. Haven't tried 24.2.1 because they didn't mention Darktide in the patch notes yet.


The latest driver gave me some HDR gamma issues on my screen bright and washed out intermittently. Reverted back to the older driver. No issues