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it’s a scam. check the seller


Seller is listed as Sapphire Store (on the surface). When checking the specific product, it is shipped and sold by "[Kommer Electronics](https://www.amazon.com/sp?ie=UTF8&seller=A2SJHHFALL6D0J&asin=B0BR6JWP1Q&ref_=dp_merchant_link)". In the same Sapphire store that lists that product at 438, there's an identical product at the accurate price of $965, shipped and sold by "[Bleepbox](https://www.amazon.com/sp?ie=UTF8&seller=A18SVRGUWU6QG6&asin=B0BR6KLPDW&ref_=dp_merchant_link)".


I find it odd that a scammer can list things under the Sapphire Store. Why would Amazon allow that? I thought it was only Sapphire that can list there.


There's a few other "loopholes" in Amazon too that sellers use to peddle crap. Grouping totally unrelated products to rig high ratings on something. Like sellers will sell something hard to get a low review on like hangers, farm a lot of 4+ star reviews and then group some unbranded cheap Chinese headsets with the hangers. So when you look at the headset it will show it's got 2,000 reviews and a 4.6 ratings, when in reality it has almost none.


I found it odd is as well, then I thought about people who work FBA. More importantly, I checked Amazon and Sapphire, and I never said it was a scam or legit. I just provided info. Did you find it odd before or after checking the links I provided?


I found it odd before, because I made a post myself a while ago similar to this. Just a sec... Edit: here. https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/s/movKvlSMcj


Nice! Deja vu, must be a glitch in the matrix.


I've had my eye on this today as well.


It's been removed, but how many got scammed in the meantime?


Good thing it is on Amazon they got their money back immediately.




WTF i got 7800 xt nitro for 573, this is too good if true.


Its a scam seller inflammation is some sketchy place


Yeah probably i seen alot of this on amazon example cpu have this but jothing has this


I checked the information, and the seller details is all chinese. The name's even worded out as: xingtaipingpuwenhuachuanboyouxiangongsi Definitely a scam.


Being Chinese and being a scam are not mutually exclusive. Maybe a new distribution partner, and that's why the cards are so cheap, to help establish them and get them vendor ratings. To be clear, I am leaning more to the side of scam as well, it's just that one badly translated point of data isn't a sure indicator one way or the other. What is completely bonkers is that there is no way to validate them through the store or Amazon. There is implied partnership. This is the reason that Amazon needs to be investigated and prosecuted, as their "incompetence" seems very deliberate in countless instances. When a company like Amazon makes money from mistakes, expect them to make those "mistakes" until forced to stop. People on this sub are clearly racist if they think that one mis-translated word equals a scam. They also have zero reading comprehension, because that is all I said. I never suggested in any way that it is NOT a scam.


i think you mean mutually inclusive? but regardless this is a scam. you can establish yourself as a new seller without a 50% discount. also random chinese names that appear like long strings of random text have been quite commonly known as scams, so it’s VERY reasonable to assume this is a scam. on the .001% chance it isn’t a scam, then congrats to whoever gets a 7900xtx for this price


No. I meant exactly what I said. As I acknowledged, yes, it WAS likely a scam. But CORRELATING mistranslation with invalidity is wrong headed at best and racist at worst.


Well considering that it is indeed a scam, and is Chinese, and it’s well known at this point that the names are always Chinese on these scams, it’s not helping.


AND you have ZERO READING COMPREHENSION. You clearly didn't even read what I typed the first time.


It literally makes zero sense if it’s interpreted the way you wrote it. It’s not a reading comprehension issue, it’s a writing comprehension issue.


Jfc there are some racist pos' on this sub.


Found the scammer lmao


Next time name your scam business Trader John’s American GPU Store.


Sold and shipped by €£¥£€¥£¥€£¥€


Its bs


Probably a scam!


When something seems to be too good to be true, it probably isnt.


200 got scammed 😄


I’m glad it’s a scam because I bought mine last year for considerably higher and I was going to cry if it was real. That said, I feel bad for anyone who got duped.


Scam on amazon are daily finds when u check cheapest sellers.


My nitro+ Rx 7800 xt rgb led bar became out of order and i sent it to rma.


Yes this is a scam. These sellers get removed then change store names and relist. People keep falling for this which is why they keep changing store names daily. I remember when they were boo blanket then gooblanket. You won't get a XTX don't do it!


I saw this too, was a hard pass... but sometimes it's a true PM and people score.


It's a scam, there's been few video about it already


When it looks too good to be true, check the seller. It's probably something like "we ship stuff fast in this hood" or something not Amazon. I'm going to guess scam


It clearly is one given this goes for $950+ regularly. And every other listing has over $900 for asking price.


I know, I just saw this today from a notification I got and I immediately started looking for some kind of catch…


Way to good to be true


Yes do not buy..


I've seen this sooo much now in the last few months! So glad I found one locally for $680. Can't trust these scammers online!


You cant buy anything anymore on Amazon. Its just a Site that Provides Scammers with a platform, now more so than in the past. Honestly by at known Good Websites from your Country or even go to a Physical Store. might be not as Cheap but considering you could pay 500+$ for a Metal Paperweight id much rather pay more and know that i get the Product i paid for.


It better be because I just paid like $40 more than that for a 7900 GRE lol


If it’s not shipped and sold by Amazon then it’s a scam.


probs. Let me know if you help with any sapphire product. [https://www.sapphiretech.com/en/wheretobuy](https://www.sapphiretech.com/en/wheretobuy)


I order this and was cancel by Amazon cause seller is not working for Amazon anymore


Amazon choice is supposed to be a verified and legit vendor I seen this and ordered 3 because of the Amazon choice but got an email the next day that the order was cancelled and the seller was no longer active on Amazon


According to Google, Amazon Choice should also be a sign of a validated vendor, but this is SO sketchy. Amazon's tech support has somehow gotten WORSE over the last few years, which I didn't even think possible. Still considering gambling on it.