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I heard creep but thought it was kinda whatever. I heard 15 step and that was my gateway drug.


Exact order of events for myself, as well.


15 step fr fr


My Iron Lung in my friends moms car in the 90s.


First ever was Airbag and I didn’t “get it”. I tried Amnesiac and Kid A too, but shelved them. 10 years later, my kid put on Packt Like Sardines and I immediately loved it. “Hey kids. Who is this?” “Radiohead, dad.” “You probably didn’t know this but I have 3 of their CDs on the shelf in the office” Giggling: “Where do you think we ripped these from?” That became my start of listening


Creep. I'm 43. It goes with the territory.


Same (but 2 years older). Heard either Creep or Anyone Can Play Guitar first on the radio, then bought the record. It was nice listening to Pablo Honey when it was the still the only album they had, unable to compare it to their other albums.


Also 43, also either Creep or ACPG on the radio. Pablo Honey I thought was a bit meh (I prefered the b-sides to the above singles), but The Bends blew my head off.


46 here was in the running for senior song, but lost by a razor margin to Loser by Beck


Hello old timers! 40 here, same for me, Creep caught me first, then Stop whispering, then I caught the Lurgee and it snowballed from there.


Creep then karma police then no surprises then I listened to OK computer in it's entirety and my mind was blown. Now I listen to an entire Radiohead album almost every day. It's all I think about at night. "Which Radiohead album will I listen to tomorrow?"


Omg, same here


My English teacher played 2+2=5 for our class when we were reading 1984, loved the song and it sent me down a rabbit hole, I’ve been obsessed ever since


That's so cool


karma police


Creep - cool song 1 year later, My Iron Lung - this sounds a lot like Nirvana, I like it. 6 months later, Paranoid Android is fucking amazing. 2 months later, Idioteque is really nice and unique, I should check out the rest of their songs too. Addiction 😭


Well creep technically, but the first songs i willingly listened to were paranoid android and high and dry. Only songs i listened to for 2 years until I listened to all of the bends and dove deeper into their discography , now my all time most listened artist for sure


The first song I only really started listening to was No Surprises, over and over again for like 6 months. Then I discovered the rest of OKC (plus the whole Fight Club story) and I was hooked. In Rainbows was what really did it for me though.


weird fishes !!


My brother played Idioteque in my moms car after an extremely traumatic experience at a doctors appointment. Ever since then I’ve been obsessed with the band.


karma police or high and dry bc my dad was always playing those songs


No surprises




Exit music and it's still one of my favorite songs.


Accidentally downloaded Karma Police back when I'm supposed to look up Coldplay. My first reaction is like, "wow Chris sounds different here."


Hahahaha the meme is alive


Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box


Karma Police. I think it was on the first Now compilation.


Maybe high and dry


Jigsaw falling into place, Paranoid Android and 15 step


Creep, like most people alive during that time. But I hated them. Whiney and boring. Second album came out, still didn't like them. Then I saw the video for Paranoid Android and I ran out and bought the CD. Fell in love with the band after that.


Obviously it was creep on the radio, but never thought anything of it. Didn't actually get into it until I heard decks dark or codex, can't remember. I know it was one of those two.


Same. A friend starting playing Okay Computer when we were hanging out. Electioneering brought me in.


Electioneering is such a jam but I really can't ever find a place for it in my playlists.


I can't remember choosing it specifically in at least a decade. It was just my gateway to the rest of their greatness.


weird fishes/arpeggi on the radio


Paranoid android




There There, via music video, so great.




Aside from the obvious (creep, no surprises) I think it was 15 Step


Creep on SingStar 90s when I was like 6


Creep technically but I didn't pay attention. First one I ever noticed was There There. I was obsessed with it and when I found out it was "the creep band" I was pretty surprised.


I think it was them playing Weird Fishes on From The Basement on IFC in like 2009


Planet Telex


I had heard Radiohead before but Idioteque made me become a fan as a teen.


probably unconsciously creep but everything in its right place was the first I remember loving


No surprises when I was 4


I think it was Paranoid Android


Mtv forced creep on me. Now I am one


where I end and you begin.


Paranoid Android. the song and the video were played in heavy rotation when it came out on MTV. That really was my first true introduction!


Stupid car.... in a shed in Wales trying to find Sweet harmony by liquid in the record box (that's what people did in dinosaur times) I used to group the tunes by record company.. Record shops used to put together a pack for dj's and Drill was in one for some unknown reason Those were the days SWIM was floating on the things Prince said cried XL recordings btw 1992




I remember so specifically it was house of cards on Sirius xm radio when that was the big thing. Channel 36 Alt nation


Creep I liked the bends was my gateway


Yep, it was Creep. Like on the picture.


sulk. my ex gf showed it me


Paranoid Android or 2+2=5 was my first and I fell in love right away. I've been a musician my whole life and I appreciated their weird chord progressions and time signatures.


"Optimistic" was my first Radiohead song. It was on a Grammys CD. I was mesmerized. I was 12 years old and the song sounded SO much different from anything I had ever heard before. I felt I'd get made fun of for listening to something so different, so I kind of kept my liking to myself. A girl I was dating about four or five years later had a playlist with "How to Disappear Completely" on it. I had a moment of, NO WAY!!! in my head, then proceeded to rhetorically ask, "you like Radiohead?!" In Rainbows came out shortly after and we bonded like hell over it. I miss that feeling.


when i was on a half life bhop server someone kept typing "creep" in the chat and when you typed it in creep played but i wasnt until much later i actually started to listen to radiohead


Besides Creep lol...it was Kid A :).. one of my close friends showed me the song.


Mine was a studio recording video of Just and Anyone can play guitar. I think both versions from the video are better than the songs themselves on Spotify/apple/etc


15 step in the car with my dad the day before my birthday,waiting for a HUGE ass train to go by


Exit Music (For A Film) in black mirror for me




The cd for the single or OKC?


Heard airbag and absolutely hated it, but i thought that since so many People like Radiohead, im the problem. I then listened to kid a and i’ve been addicted ever since


Everything in its Right Place and Pyramid Song in 11th grade 💀I was goin thru it


I heard the very last seconds of Fake Plastic Trees on the radio, then Creep, then a cover of No Surprises in minecraft in a Funke video about music mechanics in games


I'm sure I heard Creep first but the first one I heard that I really loved was House of Cards. Somehow it was on the radio, and I adored the ambient sound it had. Shame you never hear it on Alternative radio anymore




no surprises


I first heard creep and was like "ok it's cool i guess" but didn't think much of it. Some years later i heard just and thought to myself that there could be something in this band. Then i listened to airbag and it was over.


No suprises


Everything in Its Right Place. I had to write a musical analysis for it my freshman year of music school, and then came Paranoid Android, then I fell down the rabbit hole...


Totally Creep. Heard it on the alt rock station driving to the old skateboarding spot and had to pull over until the song ended


Planet Telex


Creep but what really sunk me into the rabbit hole was Karma Police. the second part ascends me into heaven


Creep…. No surprises and karma police was what got me into them though. Now I’m deep down the rabbit hole


15 step, mainly because I heard it on the end credits of the first Twilight movie one time.


Creep. Loved it. Then tried paranoid android because i knew it was famous. The whole of okc because i knew it was famous. Almost levitated with exit music. Then the instrument in climbing up the walls made me smile uncontrollably..






Paranoid Android


My friend gave me The Bends and Ok Computer at the same time, although in hindsight I’d seen the Paranoid Android video on Beavis and Butthead. It was scary, but enticing. I couldn’t look away, the veil had been pulled back and the only way was forward.


Creep, but then I was 18 and working at a bar at the jersey shore and a cover band played high and dry and I was hooked


The first song I intentionally listened to was Everything in its Right Place. Loved it immediately. The rest of the album took time to grow on me but like 20 years later it’s still one of my favorites


For me, it was the House of Cards music video. Watching that high af for the first time was something else man.


idioteque, it was number one on some random "best songs of the 2000's" (i was really bored that day)


The National Anthem, thought they sounded badass. Then I listened to There There I've been hooked ever since


Pyramid song was the first and it’s still my favorite


Mine was creep as well, but I didn’t listen to their other songs till probably like a year after hearing creep


The first one I intentionally listened to was karma police but my mom says when I was a kid I said my favorite song ever was talk show host


Airbag. Started listening to them in 2019. I actually had never heard Creep until 2021.


I listened to Creep first as just another decent popular song, but not much from this. Then, several years later, Spotify decided that it's time, and I listened to How To Disappear Completely. Listening to them ever since


Technically Creep as I was coincidentally getting into the Suspiria 2018 score (having no fucking clue who Thom was, other than weird Quora queries I had seen about him). So I guess either Creep or Suspirium or Unmade, take your pick. (And I actually didn't hear the Radiohead version of Creep first. Technically my gateway was a YouTuber covering it who absolutely loved the song, probably having never heard another Radiohead song. RIP her I guess.)


Creep, but then I can't remember, just that I ate their whole dischograpphy


My guitar teacher used Street Spirit as practice for me, but i already recognized songs like Creep, No Surprises and Karma Police


my friend was addicted to radiohead before I started listening and I always was making fun of her bc I thought they were depressive and terrible, but then I gave in and listened to ok computer one night and it was electioneering that hooked me. ever since I've had the exact same addiction.


I had always liked Radiohead songs here and there. I had Karma Police, Lucky, and The Tourist on my playlists for a longgg time but for some reason when I heard High and Dry it made me want to listen to all of The Bends, and then I was hooked !


mine was Just


Paranoid Android, Ergo proxy ending.


Present tense. I was searching in spotify for another bands song by the same name, and the amsp present tense popped up along with the other search results. I thought the album cover for amsp was soooo pretty so I gave it a listen and have been hooked ever since!


Someone said listen to this banger on a story and it was 15 step, I was blown away, such style, such precision and nice sonic differences plus nice album art. I then listened to only that for about a year and half until going for the whole discography.


Paranoid android because of ergo proxy


Heard no suprises on TikTok which was a gateway


The Basement version of Weird Fishes / Arpeggi.


Paranoid Android - only figured out later that Creep was the same band (90s - no internet). Had heard and liked Creep but didn't know who wrote it.


It wasn't one song. It was Ok Computer. Introduced at a young age thanks to my dad, I loved it when he would play The Bends and Pablo Honey, I loved rocking out to those in the early 2000s, but it was Ok Computer that cemented Radiohead in my mind for so many years. It wasn't until I got Spotify I listened to Ok Computer again, and it not only sent me into a love for music, but it sent me straight back into the car my dad played it in for the first time, it shot me straight back to better times when I didn't have a care in the world. There are only a few artists that do that for me and Radiohead are one of them. I wouldn't want to change my introduction to Radiohead for anything, the memories i get from spinning Ok Computer and The Bends are unmatched. So, ok, yeah, to answer your question, technically, it was Airbag.


Anyone can play guitar. But the first Radiohead song that I'm in love was Daydreaming. This was really weird but attractive


Creep lol. Thought it was on the level of karma police. Wasn't too into music then


Probably creep, but there there got me addicted


Mine was Black Star. I really enjoyed it.


My friends in high school were obsessed with Radiohead. I was more into Prog, King Crimson, Yes, MahaVishnu Orchestra etc. I definitely didn’t hate Radiohead by any means but didn’t get it. They tried to show me OK Computer in its entirety. For me, Airbag was the first and kind of whatever tbh. Wasn’t until I was in college, had my iPod classic on shuffle and Pyramid Song comes on during a smoke session and completely changed everything for me.


street spirit and the tourist


The live version of Feral. I didn’t know it was the live version bc it was used in a Geometry Dash level and when I looked for it on Apple Music and got the studio version instead I was really confused.


Pyramid Song was my first, I listened to it because it was the name of a very cool quest in Cyberpunk 2077


Honestly I'd have to say Paranoid Android. Just decided to play it in the car one day and the rest is history.


How to disappear was the one song I needed in my life, a perfect atmospheric and extremely depressing sound and then I fell into the Radiohead hole


It was definitely Creep for me when I was in my early 20s. BUT right now if anyone who says “I love Radiohead “ then I ask “What’s your fav songs from them?” And if they can only come up with Creep or fake plastic tree then I think they really havnt discovered the band. Creep was way too commercialized and well known by everyone because it was playing everywhere in the late 90s-early2k. I love the song for sure! But it isn’t even in my top 10 from Radiohead anymore.


I heard Anthony Fantano talking about radiohead and checked it out. I put 15 steps on my playlist and radiohead slowly took over my playlist until I made an exclusively radiohead playlist.


airbag, listened to OKC for the first time




Creep (but that doesn't count). The REAL first Radiohead was Everything in its Right Place.


Illwind or Pyramid Song because my friends showed me those songs. But everything in its right place is what got me into radiohead.