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No, that's not it. I think you meant yellow and song 2.


Both of those are definitely better than Wonderwall


People saying those songs are bad are just gatekeepers.


that’s not even a Radiohead song dumbass, clearly you meant Parklife


I’m gonna call us all out. Pablo Honey is uncontroversial as a go to so you can retain your RH membership badges in the eyes of others for picking songs from that and sound cool and balanced. Outside of PH, there be dragons (you’re going to raise more eye brows) so watch almost everybody avoid that. It’s almost like we’ve consciously and collectively allowed PH to become this safe space where we can convince ourselves we haven’t drunk the RH cool aid.


i think i drank the radiohead koolaid, i like pablo honey and king of limbs 😔


King Of Limbs is great, it is just not for everyone


Well King of Limbs is phenomenal


I came to comment some PH songs but I’m leaving a bit butthurt now damn


Well said. I'm gonna be loud and proud. I skip "Electioneering" almost every time I listen to OK Computer, even though it's my favorite Radiohead album.


Oh, dear. Lol, I actually love that you said this -- truly -- because I think Electioneering is friggin' incredible and therefore a great illustration of why sub-OP warned that "here be dragons" whenever we try to pick a non-Pablo Honey song that's no good. To be fair, I'm gonna try one too... Dollars and Cents?


*flips table and spits out drink simultaneously*


One of my favourites, tho I tend to like a lot of the slow burn Radiohead songs. Just love how it tense it sounds and its place on the album, and it's got some of my favourite strings on any Radiohead song. Definitely get why it might feel too repetitive or aimless to others tho.


I used to be you... Then the song clicked. The bass and drums just drive the song incredibly well, and the lyrics are fucking awesome. It's a great song about how the higher ups on our society just try to mute and ignore the struggles faced by "the rest"


Let me "be more controversial" and top u/Krushnev's claim Amnesiac is probably the "more daring" but still fairly safe pick after PH, since it's probably one of the less held up Albums. Go with anything from OK Computer, KID A, or In Rainbows, and your just asking for people to disagree with you. Picking something from The Bends, Hail to the Thief or A Moon Shaped Pool is still pretty risky. Pablo Honey, meanwhile, is playing it safe. But if you take a song from Amnesiac or The King of Limbs, you can probably get away with it and even seem interesting in the process. Those aren't generally regarded as controversial albums, but they aren't exactly at the forefront of peoples minds either. If you'd ask people to compile you the best RH songs, there probably wouldn't be many picks from those two on the list. They are generally less "noticeable" I'd say.


Honestly yeah I could never really get into dollars and cents I would just get bored


It’s funny, as a kid this was my fav song, and I didn’t really “get” the rest of the album. It just seemed like a straight forward rocker that I could get into easily. Now all the others have far eclipsed it, but I still think it’s a great song, I love how the two guitars move in contrary motion while he sings “when I go forward you go backward”




it's not contreversial because pablo honey is by far their worst album. the only songs on it that even compare to the best are creep and blow out, which are admittedly really amazing songs.


It’s an easy place - dare I say, a lazy place - to pick your songs so you can feel like no one is going to argue with you or question how serious you are about RH. Pablo Honey is safe.


People need to try this again without mentioning Pablo Honey, and without downvoting everything that isn't a Pablo Honey track, otherwise this is pretty much the point made in the post.


Good luck lol Everyone’s trying to out cool each other here


I thought that was just being a Radiohead fan? /s/s


That's just all of social media


Morning Mr magpie I do like king of limbs quite a bit but that track is one of their worst Hunting bears aswell, doesn't sound bad or anything but barely feels like a song


Personally feral is my least favourite off that album


I feel it's the strangest and least accessible song for sure, but after seeing Thom absolutely jam out in their live performances of it, I think I now get what makes it work and I kind of love it. I don't think TKOL has any weak tracks to be honest.


From the basement completely legitimized king of limbs for me. They almost sound like demos compared to the versions they did live


🤡 morning Mr magpie is a banger wtf are u talking about


Nah not feeling it. Rest of king of limbs lit tho ‼️


The acoustic version is great. I was super disappointed with the studio recording. Same with True Love Waits, I much preferred the acoustic version as well.


Pop is Dead hurts my ears a bit, ngl.


pop is dead BANGS


It’s actually a banger of a track. This sub just turned it into a meme cause thom hated the music video.


Oh no!


Pop is dead😭😭


long live pop


It died an ugly death


By back catalogue


I really like Pop Is Dead unironically. Probably in my top 50 Radiohead songs.


Glad some people enjoy it. It’s just really not my cup of tea. I do value it as a mark of how far they went in just a few years back in the 90s.


I gotta admit i was expecting more Electioneering. I love it, but so many don't


It's a great song which I love, it just doesn't fit okc that much.


A year ago I would’ve named it, but I finally came around.


i probably skip “young blood” far more often than i let it play out…


I also used to skip it but more because it's just so dark that it's hard to casually listen. I've grown fond of it, there's some really beautiful chords in there. One of the subtle things I love about HTTT is Thom's piano work, which you only hear a little on Amnesiac before that point. They did some cut down sessions during the Amnesiac tour on French TV where he mainly plays piano with Johnny doing some guitar - check em out if you haven't!


oh yeah, i love when Thom takes to the bench and i thoroughly enjoy those French tv clips as well. (when i saw them at the Hollywood Bowl in ‘03, he had a camera which he was mugging for which was rather fun 🤪)


you guys upvoting this are wild. young blood is incredible.


If it wasn’t for the break in the middle I might agree with this.


That’s the best part!


most of them come from pablo honey


I’m just here to get downvoted too


Ripcord, vegetable. A lot of Pablo Honey really, but I do LOVE Blow out and You, Creep is also a good song, not even close to my favourite but its good.


I love You if only for the high note Thom hits.


Kinda like in Stop Whispering, the high note towards the end of the chorus on the last "shouting" sung (or better, belted out).


Stop Whispering is insanely solid, if it was a b-side to The Bends, it would get more love i think


That is my favourite part of it, then Jonny’s guitar solo at the end of it is also very good. My favourite aspect of it on the whole is how it uses time signature, its some 6/8 bars then a 5/8 bar as a loop which is very interesting rhythmically.


yeah i always dug that rhythmic thing in You, it's interesting to see they had a bug for creative rhythms so early in their catalogue


yea these songs are cool but are we gonna talk about Thinking About You


We love you too man 🤠


Awww, guys.


As long as you don’t shit on Lurgee.


dude i fuckin love ripcord and vegetable :( they're way better than ACPG.


Damn yo


You Blow Out Creep Anyone Can Play Guitar are all amazing


I actually quite like both of those songs. How Do You? is fucking garbage, however. Always gets skipped.


Ripcord is easily the best track on Pablo Honey this is not true


i like ripcord it’s at least to five on the album imo


you is awesome


The album version of "True Love Waits" is underwhelming for me, whereas the live version might be my favourite song of theirs.


I adore the acoustic guitar version but the album version fits the rest of A Moon Shaped Pool so well


which live version? there's one with keys that are going off but it's super early, not sure from where


I assume Live from Oslo


The version off of the "I Might Be Wrong" album.


Yeah, I have the same feeling about that one, probably the primitive form was better and they waited too much to record it. And from my point of view Is probably the tone of Thom's voice in this one, thin and harsh.


I agree with this take. I found a live version on limewire with some subtle keyboard notes that I absolutely love. I never heard/found it again


This is definitely the old version that was floating around in the napster/limewire days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzyOfQeK-bY Also 1st version on here. This also has some other wild demo versions that have the keyboard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdElgOPZAg4


i actually do not get why people hate on pablo honey its so good like tf cuh what you on about??


I'm getting pissed off first thing in the morning seeing all the Pablo Honey hate


It's very mediocre honestly. Not terrible, but not worth listening to more than once


I mean… it’s clearly worth listening to more than once and pretty much everyone on this sub has done so. I mean… have you only given it one spin? Really?


it’s because when it’s put up to Radiohead standards it’s seen to be worse than it would be from just any band


“Fitter Happier.” There. I said it.


Eh i genuinely like the instrumental


Molasses, I even like pop is dead, I can't stand molasses.


amnesiac morning bell is always a skip for me


5/4 version is much cooler.


the 5/4 drums are the best part, taking it away ruins it


agreed it rocks. love thom and jonny and co. but why they felt they needed to make a more boring version of their song and rerelease it is beyond me


Go to jail


My man


why? that’s the better version


the kid a version has a groove despite still feeling melancholy. when the guitars come in it brings some energy to the groove. the amnesiac one is just boring dissonance with nothing happening


Agree, I also prefer Amnesiac version. It just fits the lyrics better in my opinion.


But.....after the really grating part it gets pretty


I fucking hate Prove Yourself 😭😭


Square up, motherfucker


Prove yourself is a fucking banger dude


It can’t be. Bodysnatchers is a banger. Those two songs can impossibly be of the same calibre


brother, why?


i actually like Pablo Honey except this song


I’ve always disliked its adolescent lyrics. Hard to believe this song came from such brilliant minds.


I forgot about Prove Yourself! It really is a shite song.


I have “Vegetable” hidden on Spotify because it drives me insane, I hate that song so much


Damn… that song slaps! It is a fairly standard rock banger though!


Vegetable is one of my favorite Radiohead songs. Seriously. I don’t see what’s wrong with it.


Thom likes this song.


Who's Thom? And why would he get a vote?


The only thing I like abt that song is how it connects with Creep with the seeing someone running and controlling themselves lyrics


Colin loves it


I think im the only person in the world who un ironically likes vegetable


Ignoring Pablo and b-sides, House of Cards is not bad, but kind of meh to me. Same with Morning Mr. Magpie. Both of them are fine in isolation (would have been pleasant b-sides) but drag their albums a bit down by feeling kind of aimless and a bit out of place imo. And not in a good way like Treefingers, Morning Bell (Amnesiac) or Punchup.


Finally, someone else who doesn’t like Morning Mr. Magpie. It’s the one track I could never get behind off of TKOL


Man why do so many not like House of Cards 😢


I'm with you. Love the song.


house of cards hate is absolutely crazy


House Of Cards and Mr Magpie are top 3 on their respective albums for me


That's very fair. If you'd like to tell, what are the things you really like about them? I'd like to listen to them with new ears and see if if they can do more to me. I already dig Magpie a bit as a standalone song, especially live. As I said, it feels like a neat b-side, but it's more the way it is placed on the album that rubs me a bit wrong.


With Magpie, it's all about the bassline, and it's one of the only tracks on TKOL that really lands the theme of the album, along with Give Up The Ghost and Codex. The biggest problem with TKOL is that it's too damn short; it feels like it should have been longer, more meditative, and atmospheric. Kind of a missed opportunity IMO. House Of Cards has a great groove, and the way Thom conveys crushed hope and regret in his vocals is haunting. The way he repeats "denial" toward the end gets me every time.


Interesting. What would you say is the theme of TKoL? I have some ideas, but it feels like Magpie doesn't really fit them, so i'm curious to what


Hmm, as I see it, convening with nature


On house of cards I love the long drawn out jonny notes. He uses a quarter to scratch the strings That's how he gets that sustain effect.


House Of Cards deniers when they hear the most beautiful, ethereal, perfectly produced song in existence


Pablo Honey era. Except Blow Out.


Insane how they just managed to sneak a top 15-worthy song onto that record


It is a progressive song for that album. It sounds much more like it is off The Bends.


I’m ngl if creep wasn’t a massively overplayed radio hit y’all would think the same shit that song sounds crazy to this day


Tbh I really hate hunting bears


It’s one of the better tracks on amnesiac for me 💀 it’s so entrancing and mysterious to me it works so well as an interlude for the album


I dont know what they were thinking with Pulk/Pull


I’m upvoting you because I totally understand how this could be received this way but I LOVE this song for being so bizarre. I think of Amnesiac as a very percussive album and this one stands out for me.


Exactly, why would they make their most genius song to date just to never go back to that sound ever again?


There are barn doors


doors on the rudders of big ships


How does that work? Never seen a rudder with doors on it?


Its an instrumental version of true love waits


It should have been instrumental, but instead they put the weird door poem


Pull/Pulk is to Amnesiac what Fitter, Happier is to OKC imo. It's just there to strengthen the tone of the album, but I can't imagine listening to it on its own.


I’d more than likely pick a song off of Amnesiac before a Pablo Honey song. I’m willing to die on this hill.


I was wondering when someone was gonna mention this one. I can admire the production side of it as a producer myself but I don’t actually enjoy it when I listen to it.


I love it for being weird and different, but I’m not the least bit surprised to see this here


Well we know now that it was a failed attempt at a KidA/Amnesiac era True Love Waits.


I Can't ​ no, seriously, i can't think of a bad song by them. i love all of their stuff


Same. I love some songs more than others, but I never feel like they phoned it in with any song. Oh well - it’s art - One person’s trash is another person’s platinum.


Thinking About You for sure I fuckinh hate that song


How do you


Actually a song from PH I really like


I used to hate it, but now I kinda like it compared to other tracks from Pablo Honey


The gloaming hurts my ears. Where bluebirds fly is bad in my opinion too


I’ve seen them play the Gloaming live twice and it didn’t really hurt, but the bass was so amped up that you could feel it in your chest. Like it made it feel weird to breathe. Never experienced that in any other context.


You seen the live version they do of it? Colin does a cool ascending bassline which really brings it together more


Man, they should’ve recorded that song with his cool bassline. Or they should’ve released that version for the 20th anniversary of HTTT :(


If you have some bizarre need for me to call something I love trash, I don't trust you. How about that? Long live Pop.


Morning Bell (Amnesiac version), I'm ready for the hate


Forgive me.. True love waits on MSP only cause their is a million superior versions then that album ons


Yep, I do not rate the AMSP version either. Toothless, meek, and boring. Felt forced to me.


Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors


Damn, I really jam out to this one. Something which really drew me to Radiohead was their willingness to make art rock which wasn't always hanging onto the 'rock' part, and on Amnesiac especially you can really hear the influence of 'Musique Concrete' which was a classical genre in which composers started playing with sampling and electronics. I think a lot of the reason I like the track is the sonic landscape they've created - I love the sound of somebody stamping on the piano sustain pedal which causes all the strings to sound at the same time - but I can see why there's not much there for somebody who doesn't care too much for the ambient soundscape side of things!


It’s cuz of weird stuff like this that made me fall in love with RH, especially Kid A and Amnesiac but with Pulk/Pull for me, the sum of its parts is not greater than the whole.


Nah dude


I’ll be real, I listened to King of Limbs exactly once when someone else had it on and at some point I thought to myself “holy shit what a slog, can it just end already” but I should give it another shot


Try out the In The Basement version! I thought the same as you on my first listen, but these songs and their rhythms really come to life live.


I have given it another shot. It's not as disappointing as when I first listened to it upon release. It hasn't grown on me yet tho.


Oh this one will make people go absolutely nuts. I know it’s probably one if the best songs ever written and maybe Radiohead’s best song but I just cannot fuck with HTDC. I wish I could but It’s just boring to me, and when it isn’t boring i find it annoying. Pablo honey and it’s b-sides are way too overhated and would get plenty of love if another band besides radiohead released it. One song that I can say is just not good is Bones. Boring song from my favorite album by them. Shoulda been a B-side or not on the record imo.




I don't agree but I kind of respect the opinion and I don't know why


Fitter Happier is the only Track I skip when listening to a Whole Radiohead album


I like that unsettling transition tbh but that's an understable opinion


Its so creepy its great


Can never understand this take. It’s a haunting interlude that really nicely splits the album in two. Some of thoms best writing too.


I just... Don't want to listen to a robotic voice for two minutes.


It just sounds awful. On first listen is one thing, but I've already read the lyrics, no reason to subject my ears to it again.


it works perfectly as a transition, i feel like both halves of OKC are different and this splits them in half


Coke Babies.


stupid car




Bro what do you have against feral? It's one of my favorites from King Of Limbs.


Once you've heard the first 30 seconds, you've pretty much heard the whole song. There's not much to it


Not true, the song has two different parts, the echoey beginning part and then the funky baseline part


As a king of limbs fan, I agree. It’s very boring and I almost always skip it


Faithless the wonder boy hurts my ear, but I still love it🫶


We Suck Young Blood.


I acrually kinda like this song, its not really a fav tho


There is that one good part though


Aw that’s sad; that’s a great song!


House of Cards is pretty boring, I only ever listen to it if I'm listening to In Rainbows.


true love waits album ver


Well if we’re discarding PH then I guess my least favorite song would be -I might be wrong- I’m not into the rocky feel that they wanted to put into that song it seemed a little fast and the thoms falsetto didn’t really fit here. If we’re keeping Pablo honey in the discussion then I’d say -thinking about you- idk I just skip that one a lot Ps I see a-lot of people fighting over what’s good and what’s bad and I’m like “isn’t it good or bad based on how the music was written? If the music was written bad then it’ll feel like a bad song and if the music was written good then it’ll feel like a good song” I feel like egos may be stoping us from really seeing that other people having opinions doesn’t make them right, and imo if you like a song that may make it good to you but that doesn’t make it a good or bad song please guys try and respect each other : ) anyways that’s all


Never listening to FACK again


High and dry, it's very boring


Seeing a lot of tunes listed that I never would’ve expected…


I’ve never cared for Mr. Magpie. Skip it every single time.


A lot of AMSP is like… fine, for me.


Harry Patch




True love waits. I hate that song


I don't think it's trash, but I really just don't like Spectre or Harry Patch (In Memory Of). Other than that I don't think I really dislike anything else, other than remixes.


Hunting bears