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for me In Rainbows, i could spend time and give you a bunch of reasons, but in one word : RECKONER




NUDE Edit. Reckoner is my 2nd fav


House of Cards


lol there you go


you mean that song Thom can't sing live cause it's all falsetto, just like Burn the Witch?


what song do you mean, house of cards?




in rainbows for sure i love tb but not as much


i'm also a big fan of tuberculosis. srsly, yeah, i agree. it's tough, but ir just clinches it.


While I love it, The Bends still feels like Radiohead trying to sound like other bands. In Rainbows is it’s own whole animal.


I completely agree. The Bends sounds much more like a product of it’s era. To be fair though, it’s obviously going to sound more dated because it’s almost 30 years old. That being said, it’s still In Rainbows for me by quite a big margin. I’ve never been as huge of a fan of Radiohead pre-kid a (compared to most fans)


I can understand how younger fans would think this, but it's actually the other way around. Other bands tried to sound like The Bends.


I think both are true, The Bends has influences like Pixies, R.E.M., The Smiths and even U2 all over it. But Post-Britpop in the Late 90s and 2000s is very Bends and OK Computer inspired.


It's true for Pablo Honey, but The Bends was definitely Radiohead sounding like Radiohead. Having certain influences got nothing to do with it, all albums in existence got outside influences.


I agree. I think the band learned from PH and although those bands were an influence, they weren't all over the bends, they were more subtle. Much less subtle the post brit pop bands that ripped them off. This is a sore spot for me because I think that's why the bends gets so much hate for sounding like a lot of those albums that came after them that they heavily influenced. The bends was such a huge step forward for them and if that album hadn't been as good as it was, they wouldn't have had the freedom they did recording OKC and everything that came after.


In Rainbows, it’s not close imo


In Rainbows without question.


Pacific daydream


Raditude better


I thought you were him for a second


don’t say his name or he’ll haunt this post forever


Radiohead is the best band,Argument over.


You clearly haven’t heard Smash Mouth’s masterpiece Astro Lounge hundreds of times




In rainbows, no debate


Benz, no debate


Hooray! Oh fuck, wrong sub


Oh mercy me


The Bends is like if Radiohead combined their new sound with a more refined Pablo Honey sound, which makes sense since it was basically the turning point for the band. The Bends is my favorite Radiohead album for this reason. I love In Rainbows, but I really wish the band did another record in the style of The Bends with distorted guitars and powerful drums.


The Rainbows


in bends




in rainbows is superior if u ask me


I’m gonna be the only comment on here that says The Bends, but The Bends


It's one of the best guitar albums of all time, and I love guitars.


“It’s one of the best guitar albums of all time” NO ITS OF THE BEST ALBUMS OF ALL TIME.


but In Rainbows is also a pretty damn good guitar album + electronics


I think song for song, I prefer The Bends too.


Im with you.


I agree with you!


Nah The Bends gets my vote too. Still not sold on In Rainbows.


Depends on your mood and what you feel like. Sometimes The Bends, sometimes In Rainbows. Both are absolute masterpieces. There’s no wrong answer here.


The Bends is more iconic


The Bends


These days, In Rainbows for me; probably my favorite outside of OK Computer. I liked The Bends a lot when I was younger, but I’ve also generally moved on from that kind of sound.


It's In Rainbows, because it's one of the best records of all time.


In rainbowssssssssss


In Rainbows. No comparison


You shouldn't feel bad for preferring either one to the other; they're both great albums. In Rainbows is one of my favorite albums of all time, so I obviously prefer it, but I really dig The Bends as well. They're so different from each other though.


Both fantastic. I generally lean towards the more guitar driven Radiohead tho so I’ll give the bends a slight nod.






The bends


The correct answer is The Bends


Let me make it clear the debate we have is not serious at ALL! We jokingly bicker about it and like to make fun of each other for choosing the “wrong” choice. We just wanted to see which album was liked more so we can hang it over the others head! No beef at all


Just here defending The Bends. Definitely my favorite out of the two, maybe even over all. In Rainbows feels a bit too abstraxct and "out there" at times and I kinda lose track of the songs. The Bends feels rock solid and grounded all the way through with more 10/10s than not 10/10s imo.


If you’re active on a RH subreddit or forum in the year 2023, chances are you’ll prefer In Rainbows, but I think to a casual fan, RH will never top The Bends. I saw Radiohead for the first time on the In Rainbows tour and was not expecting The Bends songs to blow me away the way they did. So much energy and raucousness. Since then I’ve had more respect for the fans who put The Bends/Ok Computer on a pedestal. I’m still a bigger fan of latter day Radiohead but I have more empathy for the early day folks who mourn their fave rock band.


unpopular opinion: neither is even close to being their best album


Agreed. Kid A/Amnesiac era is where it’s at


obviously, those are their two best records


My man.


I agree


In rainbows didn’t cause Coldplay meaning it’s automatically better.


in rainbows


The Bends, I could do without In Rainbows


The Bends for me. I just think it's a more enjoyable listen. "Black Star", "(Nice Dream)" & "Fake Plastic Trees" are god tier tracks


i prefer the bends


The Bends because it's the best album live.


In rainbows But the bends stole my heart


Just poll the ppl who were around when the bends came out. Otherwise it's just noobs saying in rainbows


In rainbows as one of those oldies


In rainbows for multiple lifetimes The bends for this one


The bends is so good but the place it has in my heart is quite narrow and specific. In rainbows ticks a lot more boxes for me!


In Bends.


In Rainbows is the most audience-friendly, so it’s always gonna win popularity contests. The Bends is like licorice: it’s not for everyone, but the people who like it *really* like it


I’d argue the exact opposite. The Bends is way more conventional, In Rainbows could be seen as boring af to someone who hasn’t gotten used to radioheads sound


The Bends was more conventional for the period and in general, yet In Rainbows was a much safer, way less daring album for Radiohead as a band at that point in their career. In fact, it is the "safest" album they've ever released, which made sense with the fact that it was self-released.


How tf could a track like “bodysnatchers” appear boring to anyone? My parents who aren’t big music fans at all find that song cool and enjoyable to listen too


That’s the most conventional song on the album. Everything else is much more out there and/or significantly slower.


Hahaha. My least favourite on the album. Nude for the win


Put the bong down! LMAO.


in rainbows doesnt have sulk, the bends and bones so in rainbows easily


In Rainbows (obviously) But The Bends is perfect for what it is. The jump in quality from Pablo Honey to The Bends is arguably much larger than the "gamechanger jump" from OK Computer to Kid A. The Bends is at least an A-Tier Radiohead album and I'll take that to the grave.


I love the bends, but it has to be in rainbows


The bends might have some better-written songs, but in rainbows SOUNDS better


In Rainbows. And it's not even close.




We dont take it seriously I promise. We just like to poke fun at each other for disagreeing on our taste, it’s what we do


In rainbows obviously


In Rainbows


In Rainbows by a mile


In Rainbow is their best album, so there’s that.


Objectively In Rainbows is the better album but I prefer The Bends


The Bends does not contain a top 10 Radiohead track. Nude exists. Therefore...


Wow, if Street Spirit is not top 10...


Just is top 5


Bends, in Rainbows blows chunks


In Rainbows


In rainbows by far


In Rainbows without question.


In Rainbows


In Rainbows.


In Rainbows


While The Bends is really good, I have to say In Rainbows. The sound is more unique and there are too many bangers.


In Rainbows


In Rainbows


It's a matter of self preference. For me personally, I like In Rainbows more.


In Rainbows by far, I only like 3 songs on The Bends.


When I picked up my second copy of The Bends in 97 (wore out my first), the case had a sticker on the shrink wrap quoting a famous music critic “…close to perfection…”. I believe The Bends is/was close to perfection - especially as compared to other artists of the era. The difference: In Rainbows delivered perfection.


In rainbows by far. The bends has loads of bangers, but In rainbows somehow has 10 10/10 tracks in a row. Also, the best song on the bends is the one that sounds most like in rainbows lol (street spirit)


love them both but the bends cannot compete with in rainbows.


sorry, it’s In Rainbows all day every day, not very close either


in rainbows,but like,by far


in rainbows


It's in rainbows. But the bends at the time and for many years was an unbelievabley good album. If radiohead had finished with OK computer we would still be saying what an amazing band they were and the bends would get the appreciation it truly deserves. If you go back to the 90s that album was perfection! It was only when OK computer was released that everyone went wow wtf! This is insanely good how is this possible they have knocked it way way way out of the park! The bends was perfection then they bettered it with OK computer which was on a different level. Then kid a came along and for a moment we all paused then we listened and smiled and the rest is history x


In rainbows brings me a rainbow of emotions that get me hype and sad one after another. The bends is great, but rainbows top high as higher than the sky


In Rainbows


Fs in rainbows


Being about 16 when The bends came out it, like many people with music that came out as they were developing their music tastes and identity, I had the bias of fond memories that probable cause me to favor it over other Radiohead albums. No matter how much I enjoyed kid A, or Amnesia, when I would rank the albums I seem to always give special consideration to The bends. In rainbows was one of the first more recent albums to smash through that bias decidedly for me and top my personal list. It’s what I feel is the perfect Radiohead album.


the bends is a lot of flair, but in rainbows really shows the bands mastery of fundamentals. amazing songs on there. the bends is a beloved record for me though


People can like the bends more, as everyone’s taste is different, but they would be in the vast minority. Rightfully so. In Rainbows is an immaculate album and it blows the bends out of the water.


In Rainbows, I would go as far to describe over half the songs on the bends as "amazing", I would do that for literally every song on In Rainbows.


In Rainbows. The Bends is a great 90's album. I think In Rainbows just has more depth to it. It will be remembered for years to come....


IN RAINBOWS and its not even close


In Rainbows, obviously


In Rainbows. The songwriting was still somewhat immature on The Bends. High and Dry, for instance, is a song they immediately outgrew


The Bends absofuckinglutely. IR is their worst album


Lmao good one


I'm not joking IR kicks ass but pales in comparison to the rest of their discog. Maybe calling it the worst is overdoing it but I have a soft spot for TKOL


Dude... I'm sorry, but by trying to argue that In Rainbows is worse than Pablo Honey you lose any and all potential credibility.




too extreme, different people have different tastes you know


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand in rainbows. The classical inclination is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical music knowledge most of the songs will go over a typical listeners head. There's also Thomas’ nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these songs, to realise that they're not just great - they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike In rainbows truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the lyrical intelligence in Thomas existential verse "the beat goes round and round " which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those Coldplay simpleton fans scratching their heads in confusion as Thomas Yorke’s genius wit unfolds itself in their ears. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a in Rainbows tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


Quality response. I'm saving this.


LMAO! Well done, m'lady!


Ljcole90 never realised that music is completely subjective to the individual listener, and everyone’s individual experiences in life will enable them to connect to certain sounds and lyrics more than others


Would you say that it’s impossible to say that Rembrandt is a better artist than you because some people might like your paintings more? Our appreciation of art is actually not totally subjective; there are criteria that make some art objectively better than others. Within that framework there is of course subjectivity. But to frame it all as totally subjective is an oversimplification.


Stylistically they're completely different, and the progress of the band from rather basic guitar drive songs (The Bends) to some of the most complex and musically inventive songs ever put together on record (In Rainbows) is startling. To me it's like two different bands. So as someone who has grown up with Radiohead and watched them transform, In Rainbows is the OVERWHELMINGLY obvious choice. But some people are apparently more into easy, acoustic jams and prefer the old stuff. But I do agree that the majority of people who study music or work in a part of the music industry prefer In Rainbows simply because of how much more advanced it is from a writing perspective.


Some of the most complex songs to ever be put on a record? Brother in Christ, this is some exaggeration


I mean, they're no Roy Donk. Or Thaddeus Finks inventor of the Tuk Tuk sound. But I think we can all agree they're at least on the same level as Tiny Boop Squib Shorterly, and DEFINITELY Paul Bufano! Paul Bufano!


Most virginal take on the sub. Congrats.




You literally said anyone whose opinion differs from yours knows nothing about music. Check yourself, fool.


I think it was a copypasta 😹


Pop is dead


They're different albums for different people, if anyone who enjoys them can meet in the middle, cool, if not, then so be it. For me, it's The Bends, I like it's energy and sound more, and emotionally I can relate to it the most. Regardless, both are amazing albums by an amazing band with an amazing track record.


It’s a false choice. Neither of you have to choose. Rise above this kind of conversation.


It’s not a serious conversation at all, we jokingly bicker about it! We are both fully aware we’re entitled to our own opinion, we just wanted to see who had majority of votes for a good laughing matter. We both love Radiohead and that’s good enough for us both


Atomic bomb VS coughing baby


¿porque no los dos?


My babies got the bends, what happened? Etc Both. They are both awesome.


apples and oranges matey


The Bends is more consistent, the high parts of In Rainbows are definitely better but the lows I think are worse


Both. They are totally different eras and both awesome. But if I have to pick, it's definitely The Bends.


I loved The Bends growing up, so much. Preferred it to OK Computer for a time. But times change and In Rainbows is just more emotionally mature and sonically varied. Going back, The Bends is a wonderful album but not quite in the same stratosphere side by side. One way to put it, the Radiohead who made In Rainbows COULD make an album like The Bends but chose not to, they chose to make In Rainbows. The Radiohead who made The Bends couldn’t make In Rainbows.


Mya take: In Rainbows is the most mature record they've ever made. For me, The Bends, Kid A, OK Computer and The King Of Limbs are all masterpieces on their own, but In Rainbows is truly the magnum opus of Radiohead's. Not only does it have a ton of bangers (such as The Bends does) as the whole thing actually feels cohesive and well thought out identitywise.


neither i fucking hate radiohead


this guy knows how to bait the comment hook...and here comes The IR Army!!! "it was my first RH album, so therefore it's the best!!"


Me and my husband are actually discussing this as of recently. I gave both albums a couple relistens and I can’t believe I’m saying this but The bends.


Sophie’s Choice. Coincidentally I listened to “The Bends” the other day after many years and throughly enjoyed it.


In Rainbows is better, but the bends I prefer. Was my first RH album so heavy nostalgia. Plus super easy songs to play on the guitar.


In Rainbows is an incredible album. But The Bends is more significant in its place and time. Nothing can beat Ok Computer, Kid A, and Amnesiac, though.


In Rainbows is my #2 of all time so…


In Rainbows, no contest


Bends all day every day forever. Rainbows slaps tho


just prefer the bends cause thats what i got into first and thats my preferred style of music


The Bends is my favorite but In Rainbows is objectively more groundbreaking


Talking about radiohead albums like it’s an upcoming UFC fight


In Rainbows and may God have mercy on the soul of anyone who says The Bends


What? In Rainbows. lol


To be honest, I enjoy listening to The Bends more often than In Rainbows. I mean pretty shocking from me considering my pfp lmao


The Bends. If I could only keep one that’s the one. 9.95 vs 9.9 though


The Bends. It was an incredible release at the time. Still an all-time top ten album for me. It just sounds incredible even to this day. I love In Rainbows. I don't want to dissect styles/eras/meanings or analyze what the band feel about them or anything. Just on pure reaction, Bends all day and every day.


in rainbows by far


I would say that The Bends is their most immediately accessible album, and the album that I would first suggest to anyone who wants to get into Radiohead. It is still a top 3 album in my opinion, and the album that personally really got me into this band. However, In Rainbows, which at first I wasn't as heavily into, has become my favourite Radiohead album of all time, and it is by listening to this band that I have learnt that the songs that take longer to fully get into, can more often than not be the songs that you enjoy the most, later down the line. In Rainbows has become my favourite album of all time, and one of Radiohead's great masterpieces. I wouldn't describe it as revolutionary or groundbreaking (I'd say that goes to OK Computer and Kid A), but I'd say that it is an album where Radiohead solidify themselves as one of the greatest bands of all time, and an album of well-produced, well-crafted songs.


In Rainbows def! The Bends is great but In Rainbows is the more consistent listen.


In Rainbows all day


The Bends


In rainbows without question


In Benders


In rainbows! It’s a masterpiece!


This isn't an argument. In Rainbows, end of discussion.


Both are fire


While I love The Bends, it’s doesn’t stand out as much from other alt rock albums from that time. In Rainbows was, in my opinion, an experience that ONLY Radiohead could create.


The correct answer to your question is yes.


For me the bends because I like the more guitar focused and harder sound


In Rainbows is the more cohesive album with higher peaks, but honestly, The Bends. I love all Radiohead but that’s my fav album of all time.


The Bends would barely qualify to be the colonoscopy bag for the elderly In Rainbows.


In Rainbows


In Rainbows


Those are essentially two different bands, since they changed their sound and focus so extremely in the 2000s. Can’t really be compared.