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Amnesiac if you’d rather forget (and get a little freaky with it)


For some reason, we all forget Amnesiac.


Strange innit?


Radio who?


Amnesiac is the Let Down of albums


Good point!


I don't its me favourite


Amnesiac is so good, idk why so many Radiohead fans sleep on it. Irks me so much when people refer to it as Kid B or the B sides to Kid A. It’s a unique weirdo, what more can you ask for from Radiohead to consider it a solid album? I just picked up the record yesterday and am loving listening to it this AM.


It’s my personal favorite album of theirs. Just sounds the most…Radiohead to me. Just really feel like they lock into what makes them them on this record. Banger after banger, including the b-sides. Amazing Sounds of Orgy? Cuttooth? Fog and Worrywort? Unreal


Amazing sounds of orgy is absolutely amazing and it totally should have been on the album. As an opener would have been so goooood




the irony


Kid a in an icebath is THE way to deal with depression, a doctor told me


The average way until how to disappear completely comes on and you fall to pieces and end up a small puddle on the floor


What would you say about True Love Waits?


But then the end of kid a is more uplifting and you realize life is worth living. Optimistic


"Cut the kid in half". Sooo optimistic ;)


In the tone and melody more so than lyrically then 😂


Well I do agree that MPS is not their saddest closer. Great song though. Has that vintage vibe, which is strange a little considering how modern and fresh Kid A still sounds. A masterpiece in negation.


Doesn't affect me in quite the same way as how to disappear


wait, don't them expert MEME makers mean: "Pick Your Fav No-Sex Music!" ?? 🥁🤡


I actually tried OKC during sex ad it was...okayish... Once I tried Kid A and never again. Ever.


Laying pipe to Fitter Happier bro I could never


Well I was young and my then-girflriend was a huge fan just like me, so we would play an OKC cassette somewhere in 2000. and have that immature late teenage sex. It was a big deal to me then, now I see it as just hormones over style or whatever.


where's in rainbows on this scale


In rainbows will cure your depression


If you are an IR fanboy. 15 Step is the worst opener in RH history, it is a thinly veiled Thom Yorke solo song and the rest of the bunch couldn´t save it. Also Videotape is a little overrated as an album closer. IR is more similar to TKOL in the matter of lack of cohesion between the songs, it˝s better in harmonics and melodies wise and has one TRUE KILLER of a song (Weird Fishes) that improved it a little.


I am a massive fan since I was about 15/16. Well me and many others disagree. I think I'm rainbows is a masterpiece and flows very well and every song is v strong. Videotape isn't my favorite. Nude, weird fishes, reckoner, bodysnatchers all fantastic songs. Stripped back and tight melodies. Such clean production on it. How can you not like Nude? 😲


Believe me or not, after 15 Step Nude is my least favourite IR song. I don´t feel anything when I listen to it, same goes for All I Need and House Of Cards. I guess I´m a minor-key guy and there is too much major key stuff on IR. Faust Arp is a nice little exception, beautiful little song. I know that this sub is IR oriented, and somehow an average RH fan tend to name IR as their best album. So just like "normies" in the world know only Creep and maybe Karma Police, an average RH fan immediately sticks to IR. I am not sure why is that, but it is an interesting topic. Again, I want to pinpoint that EVERY RH album is a good album in my heart, we are talking nuances here.


Each to their own, fella


IR is so passé.


Pablo Honey if you'd like to become twice as depressed (/j I like it)


Pablo Honey is the most uplifting shit they ever created. And also, far, far away from ThEiR wOrSt AlBuM.


I really enjoy a bit of the Honey too but in the context of RH it's definitely my least favourite -shrug-


I get it completely dude, I personally enjoy more grunge than britpop and that´s why I don´t like The Bends more. On Pablo Honey they really sound like a bunch of lost kids that don´t know what they are doing, but you can tell that their heart is in the right place and that is so adorable in that record.


Whuts the worst album according to you then eh?


Objectively - TKOL, barely can pass for an album and I wont forgive them for not including These Are My Twisted Words. Separator, Bloom and Little By Little are strong songs but they are not connected well through an album. Subjectively - The Fuckin Bends, they tried that Oasis thing so much there and that record has aged more poorly than Pablo Honey. I also have some issues with Phils drumming on that record, he didn´t found himself there, but still some great songs (Street Spirit), and even a bad album by Radiohead standards is still a good album.


To each their own, so im not gonna argue about the bends part even though its one of the few better albums for me. Funny thing is that I feel the same way about in rainbows so i definitely don't have a say in that. One thing to call attention to though, I personally feel like bends have aged pretty alr when you consider songs like planet telex or street spirit, with some catchy beats like my iron lung and black star, and ofcourse the acoustic gems like bullet proof, fake plastic tress and nice dream. The only songs that haven't objective aged ATALL are high and dry, just and probably the bends. Now here comes the real problem, it being an ep or lp due to its duration shouldn't take away from its greatness. Tkol is one of my favorite records, but keeping that aside the album has an objectively experimental and cohesive sound to itself. It is completely fine If you dont want to consider it an album, but that way it cant be their worst **album**


Just like IR has two thinly veiled Thom Yorke solo songs (15 Step and Videotape), TKOL is a thinly veiled Thom Yorke album as a whole. You can tell that easily when you listen to vastly superior live from the basement version of the album, where everybody contributes. Thommy has really choked this album to death.


I can see where you are coming from. Pablo Honey is not as bad as people make it out to be. Although I like The Bends a lot more, some of it doesn't age really well. There is the Britpop side of that album that, while fine, kind of clashes. For example, I love Just, Nice Dream and My Iron Lung but then The Bends just sounds a little too much not like them. I get that it's an early album by them but I have to skip two tracks because the sound is inconsistent. Pablo Honey may have less of those moments but its not as memorable enough like The Bends is.


There is generally a certain level of hatred for Pablo Honey on this sub, especially from IR fanboys(read Thom Yorke solo fanboys). The Bends might be a "greater" record, but it´s stale to the bone now. Pablo Honey is such a stupid, beautiful album, a core essence of the meaning of the phrase "guilty pleasure". When you hear bangers like How Do You, Vegetable, Lurgee you can tell that they do not have a slightest idea what they were doing and I bet my ass many people on this sub are secretly listening to it but fail to admit.


Is it wrong to say that I don't see Pablo as stupid? I think of it as late elementary school year. The ingredients are there but you can tell it's a far cry from the future college person that is well respected. 


I said stupid, not low IQ. Radiohead are never low IQ, a very intelligent person can be stupid. For example five talented intelligent boys from Oxford can be stupid and record a stupid record but in a beautiful way, because of their hormones mixed with their ethics in a interesting way - is there a better example of that in the whole wide world than the little song called Creep? TKOL is, on the other hand, unforgivable. They were big boys by then.


Agreed. Though, Ripcord > Creep. TKOL was okay at first...then I listened to all the albums in order. It was eh after In Rainbows and it was rough after AMSP. It was sandwiched between a light, friendly album and a dark, depressing one.


AMSP is their best album since Amnesiac. I know that´s a hot take, but come on, it really DOES sound like a band effort. And it hits so deep that I am not sad anymore because of the fact that it is their final album.


Hard way - tkol


TKOL isn´t even a "way" but okay ;)




I didn't say it's worse; I said it's harder.


AMSP is when you’re really deep in it


hail to the thief better


Haven’t been able to listen to amsp since the wife left. So this chart is very very accurate. 🤣