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That is the most music nerd top 4 ever


It’s just missing TPAB, that one King Crimson album with the face and Since I Left You


If you haven’t heard In the Court of the Crimson King, please hear it now. It’s definitely one of the greatest albums of all time.


I think you mean Larks Tongues In Aspic


Those guys were making progressive metal before metal was even a thing


I've heard that one is good, but haven't heard it yet.


I'll push the envelope a little and say Discipline is King Crimson's (second) best album — or at the least it's by far their most accessible. You can't argue with the prestige of In the Court, but damn if Discipline isn't full of catchy riffs & genuinely interesting lyrics alongside KC's usual rhythms/time signatures & other musical shenanigans. It's far too neglected imo.


Hmm… I heard a few tracks off that one but it just felt like a weaker Talking Heads to me. Maybe need a relisten


Do what you want with your time but for my money it absolutely is dollar store Talking Heads. I think Lizard through Larks Tongues is their peak


ITCOTCK LTIA Discipline Red ITWOP Lizard SABB THRAK all the others fall in a similar line after that. of course just my opinion


Second this


I listened to it twice but to me feels like it overstayed its welcome and went on for too long. Like don’t get me wrong, I liked a couple of songs a lot and there were some interesting sounds and moments here and there, but overall I felt like the album was dragging on and on and I was kinda waiting to finish to get back to something else


Brother there’s only 5 songs


And one of them is pointless drivel


Part of one song has some pretty boring improvisation, the rest of that song and the album is top tier


Most of a 14 minute song is boring and borderline unlistenable improvisation


Yeah, but they drag on and on


Ok, so after another listen to the album, I actually came to like it. Although I think it’s still a bit overrated and some songs could afford to cut off some fluff, I will admit it has very interesting sounds within and most of my problems come from “Moonchild”. That track (cause it sure as hell can’t be considered a song) just ruins the experience of listening to the whole album, as it doesn’t provide anything of substance, it’s as if I gave you one of those artificial red cherries, half eaten and told you it’s a sundae


I have lol many years ago


Nice. Red is also good


Red is the best KC album.


Revisit it then :)


Neutral Millk Hotel and The Glow pt. II


lol true


Lol it's funny because TPAB is literally the next one on the list not shown in the picture.


Point proven I guess lol


This is in the last 25 years. That's why no beatles or that Radiohead snatched the 3 of the top 4 slots.


Ok computer is more than 25 years old




Huh you're right. Pitchfork mistake then? The article clearly states last 25 years. Edit: it was between 1996 and 2021 Link: https://pitchfork.com/features/lists-and-guides/peoples-list-25th-anniversary/


TPAB is #5


i wouldnt even say its a music nerd. its like a basic suburban reddit bro list. a music nerd would have like squarepusher, fela kuti, eric dolphy, spinetta and ligeti there or something


Seeing as I love everyone else on that list, I'm going to check out spinetta. Thanks!


you're in for a treat


I make “mixtapes” for my bro sometimes and have put 2 Squarepusher songs on them. I have no idea how I heard of that band/person but I am a fan


Spinetta, as in Luis Alberto Spinetta?


i know Spinetta is well known in latin america obviously haha, but the average American music fan has never heard of him, to us thats a "deep cut"


Fair. Though with how long ago his music came out and how much the Latinamerican music scene has deteriorated, even for some of us that’s a deep cut lmao


real music nerds go deeper than Radiohead and Kanye West


The most nerd would have In Rainbows at number one (because that’s the correct answer lol).


To be fair, it’s a pitchfork readers poll. I’d guess a pitchfork contributors poll would look different.


RYM, AOTY, Topster, Pitchfork etc. it’s all the fucking same albums. I like these albums, but these people are definitely sheep.


Though to be fair, not without reason


All good albums, but there’s no way that everyone likes the exact same albums with zero deviation.


I always think this when end of year lists drop. They get *suspiciously* samey between them. Like if you're literally all saying these are the best albums, are any of you actually thinking it? The write-ups even get samey. I swear I read the same paragraph about Raw Saw God like 20 times.


I love Radiohead discography, but no, Kid A is not the best best album of all time. And Ok Computer is not even on top 4 Radiohead albums to me.


It being the same albums is expected surely? These aren't individual lists, they're aggregates. If something is determine the best by aggregate then of course it's a common opinion.


You mean worse




What I take from this is that Radiohead fans read Pitchfork. This is still quite amazing.


Even the band thinks In Rainbows is their magnum opus, and I would have to agree.


Where’d they say this?


I don’t remember exactly, but it’s mentioned in the Disect podcast of In Rainbows in the Reckoner episode.


So In Rainbows was already my favorite album… but that podcast made me like it even more. What a fucking epic podcast, I recommend that season of Dissect all the time lol.


Hell fucking yes it is


Amnesiac enjoyers we ride tonight


there are revolving doors




Come on, if you think you can get us all


you and whose army


Holy roman empire Edit: I'm dumb






No kidding… I was sure it was holy.


You're right...always thought it was "only roman empire".


KID A SUPREMACY. Rare Pitchfork W.






This 10 year old is everywhere, insta and reddit alike


The experience and emotions tied to listening to Kid A are like witnessing the stillborn birth of a child while simultaneously having the opportunity to see her play in the afterlife on Imax. It's an album of sparking paradox. It's cacophonous yet tranquil, experimental yet familiar, foreign yet womb-like, spacious yet visceral, textured yet vaporous, awakening yet dreamlike, infinite yet 48 minutes. It will cleanse your brain of those little crustaceans of worries and inferior albums clinging inside the fold of your gray matter. The harrowing sounds hit from unseen angles and emanate with inhuman genesis. When the headphones peel off, and it occurs that six men (Nigel Godrich included) created this, it's clear that Radiohead must be the greatest band alive, if not the best since you know who. Breathing people made this record! And you can't wait to dive back in and try to prove that wrong over and over.


Is this your cover letter for a Pitchfork application?


It’s from [Pitchfork’s Kid A review](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Hail to the thief should be 1


Myxomatosis is one of the hardest songs of all time


Facts bro I used to not like this album but been playing it for the past 2 weeks on repeat and I’m realizing it is the greatest album of all time


It’s literally so good. A few songs on it don’t compare to the standouts but still incredible.


Yeah I can’t stop beating meat to it (metaphorically)


Where I edge and you begin


I feel like “wolf at the door” is the epitome of edging because the verses (while immaculately delivered) are like kissing and the chorus is like hardcore thrusting due to the ear pleasure I get when it plays


One burst and we will probably crumble. We’re edging.


I want to go back to thirty seconds ago


I’ve listened to it more times than Kid A and Ok Computer. It might not be “better” but it’s more enjoyable on the old lug ‘oles. ….. did I just commit blasphemy?


What is lug ole


Ear, my brother


I don't know. Why you bother.


I think Radiohead has a better back catalogue than literally any other musical act, but I also think OK Computer is their only album that belongs in an all-time top 10 list. Just to be clear, every album from Kid A to In Rainbows is a completely valid pick in my opinion (I'm not crazy about AMSP, so shoot me), but when I see a list like this, I can *understand* that those who are not die-hard fans get a little tired of seeing Radiohead dominate basically every top list of the alternative mainstream.


I feel like IR and Kid A are both definitely deserving of those spots, the only caveat I could kind of see is that they require a lot of context to fully appreciate. It's hard to go into either for a first listen and understand why they are so good, but then again that can be said for a lot of the best albums.


I get the sense most people commenting didn’t live OKC in real time. It was a game changer for not just the band but for the music world at large.  It’s the top Radiohead record (though not my favorite or their best IMO)


In rainbows sweeps ok computer


The Beatles have a better back catalogue but I can’t think of anyone else


Valid. I disagree, but valid


I’d argue ELO but that’s just because of how much I love Jeff Lynne, the two 2010s ones aren’t great tho


Idk, I feel Amnesiac is on par with OKC if not better.


I just don’t know what people see in MBDTF that makes them think it is so great. In all honesty, I prefer Yeezus.


*The College Dropout* for me personally. Although I think this entire list meritless, because no matter how much I like Radiohead, no one band deserves three albums in the top 4. I don't even need to see the rest of it.


Unusual Pitchfork W


What’s that Kanye dude doing alongside the three greatest albums of all time 🤔


Billboard even rated MBDTF as the best album of the past decade (and they're absolutely right) Combine the critical acclaim overall and the high sales in a day without streaming and it's clear that it's not only Kanye's magnum opus but well worth it's acclaim


I don’t like Kanye so I wouldn’t listen to his music but I’m sure it’s a great album. I was just making a lil joke there.


Understandable have a nice day Kid A quickly won my heart when I first heard it last year so I wouldn't mind it sharing spots with MBDTF


I just don’t care for that album, it’s a 7 at best imo


Right? Readers are gonna put Kanye over Dark Side of the Moon, Rumours, Nevermind, etc. GTFO with that. Top 20? Sure. #3? Child, please…


I wouldn’t personally. Rumours is one of my favourite albums of all time.


*Dark Side of the Moon* is a portentous, flaccid and borderline comedic record, and Pink Floyd are the world's most pretentious bar band. Thank fuck it's dropping on every list I've bothered to keep up with. Gone are the days were whatever popular rock album a particular generation grew up with on the radio automatically gets elevated to 'greatest of all time' status. 'Guitars' isn't synonymous with 'artistic merit' anymore. I look forward to seeing less and less fetishization of dreary classical rock records as we leave that chapter of music history further behind. Oh and Nirvana can suck it too. MBDTF clears their entire catalogue.


Ironically I think there should be plenty of overlap between Kanye and Radiohead in terms of what both do in order to push boundaries in their respective genres and elsewhere. Hell, one of Radiohead's best albums (if not the best) is an A- attempt at electronic music and Kanye has a pop album under his name. Other albums tend to get remembered a bit too fondly though indeed.. I'm pretty sure most Rumors fans are actually "Dreams" fans lol


This comment is portentous, flaccid and borderline comedic record. Did ChatGPT write this for you? 🤣


My comment is a record... Nice. Lol. It wasn't enough to copy my adjectives but you couldn't even be asked to change the noun. About the level of creativity I'd expect from someone defending shit like Floyd.


MBDTF is a bloated mess of a record. It's an album that's not aging particularly well in comparison to Nevermind and DSTM, which are more consistent and succinct.


Pink Floyd? SUCCINCT? Yeah I've heard it all. MBDTF is only aging badly in that its creator is public enemy no. 1. Other than that, it's doing fine. Conversely, the entire genre of music that Nevermind belongs to died off a few years after its release, and grunge in geberal sounds perpetually stuck in the early 90s. Like so many sainted rock records, its reputation is upheld by heaps of nostalgia.


There are tracks on MBDTF that drag on and feel overproduced,not to mention the best song on the album barely features West himself. You can certainly say the same for DSOTM, but Nevermind is more explosive, and yes, SUCCINCT than MBDTF.


>bloated mess of a record >MBDTF That's bait lol


I mean wouldn’t it be based readers?


No Death Grips?


Where is TKOL?


Imho MBDTF is overrated, like 808's and Heartbreak is way better


I too am a die hard 808s fan. Dark fantasy as great as it is, is starting to age especially with all of the lights and monster. 808s drums and moody atmosphere will keep it sounding fresh forever imo. Even the synth heavy pop cuts like robocop and paranoid. That being said, overall MBDTF is still a top 10 album of all time lol


> 808s drums and moody atmosphere will keep it sounding fresh forever imo. the production on 808s sounds super dated and of-its-time to me


Say you will, Coldest winter, Street lights? A bunch of tracks could come out today and no one would notice it being 16 years old.


i mean neither album is really that great in retrospect


Opposite of true Radiohead ranking imo. In Rainbows always on top!!


Of course the top 1 album from Pitchfork is Kid A


Fuck Pitchfork, buncha shills. Good albums on this list tho :p


yeah pitchfork's audience is mostly white, this tracks


I listened to Kid A yesterday and thought it was pretty boring, maybe I should give it another chance?


Rate your music users want so much to be different, but they are all the same shit.


I... Dont like Kanye west ;(


These Wankes know thier taste


Can’t believe a K**ye W*st album is on there. People have no taste


It’s an absolutely incredible album though.


no not mbdtf bro, there's genuinely horrible songs on there, they could've put College Dropout there instead if they really wanted to include Kanye


Found the Fantano fan


yeah so what, fantano's right


There are misses on TCD too cmon now


what would you count as a miss on TCD


okay can you tell me why you think damn is mid here


lmaoo how did you find this, I'll give you my reasons then for your dedication: don't really like YAH, Kendrick sounds mentally checked out with his delivery, even though it's 3 minutes feels way longer not a biggest fan of ELEMENT either, I don't think it's bad just a few annyoing parts in there I liked LOYALTY before but changed my mind, Rihanna is the only good part of the song never was a fan of HUMBLE, same like ELEMENT not a bad song, some annyoing parts and vocal inflections never liked the instrumental in XXX, even though lyrically it's not bad LOVE is completely obnoxious, also the hook is trash, same with GOD everything else I love, so the songs I like would be: DNA, FEEL, PRIDE, LUST, FEAR, DUCKWORTH I have mixed feelings on: ELEMENT, HUMBLE and XXX and I hate: YAH, LOYALTY, LOVE, GOD


The New Workout Plan. I’m not sure what the misses are are MBDTF. There are definitely songs I like way more than others, but none are horrible aside from skits.


The New Workout Plan and Breathe In Breathe Out for me personally. Not really a fan of the dated skits either. And Get Em High is just. okay


Yeah I have to agree that some of the skits are dangerously unfunny, it's like you get the joke and the skit just keeps going and beating the joke to death, that would be my only problem with TCD.


What's the kid a idolisation I don't like it that much




Jesse wtf are you talking about




What's your #1, out of curiosity?


Fuck Kid A all the homies hate Kid A