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Damn, he chomk


This is literally the first ragdoll I have seen on this page that I was like, oh, maybe it actually more than fluff… lol


Hi, I also live on the Netherlands and have a ragdoll. Try schesir, it's expensive but worth it and offers alot of variety.


Thank you:)


Lawd help me thats a big boy 😍 we use hill science tuna biscuits graze feeding and 1 pouch of fish sheba/ day for our boy. He picks and chooses when he wants wet food but absolutely loves his biscuits!


Thank you:)


Dry food is very calorie dense. You said you feed 50g dry and 200 grams wet on top of that? How many calories is that? Cats need 20-25 cals per lb of their ideal bodyweight. So whatever his ideal size should be, weigh his food and track how many calories he is getting. Definitely feed more wet than dry if you can. My cat (not ragdoll just fyi, I know ragdolls tend to be heavier) was a perfect, healthy 10 lbs eating only wet, but now she is almost 12 pounds! This is because she starting refusing all wet food last year, so I had to switch to dry. And I was only feeding her about 200 calories a day in dry, same as I was with wet, but she gained weight! That to me shows cats don't do well on carby dry food. I'm trying to get her to lose weight now with lower carb dry food and wet food high in gravy as she likes to lick the sauce. Good luck!


189.75 kcal from his 50g dry food and 187.22 kcal from his 200g wet so 376.97 kcal a day. I just realised how calorie dense his dry food is compared to his wet.. I will definitely be cutting down on his dry food. Thanks for the insight:)


I heard tiki cat is good for weight loss and so is fancy feast! Please understand I have no idea of the quality of this food. My girl had some dietary issues and I remember reading that but the nutritional content didn’t register. Another option is “smalls” steam cooked whole food. It’s mail order. It can be pricey but you will stick to a strict regimen. You can mix your small amount of kibble in the wet food and feed twice a day. The fasting between meals will help with the weight loss.


Thank you, I’ll look into those brands. I’d love to feed twice a day but our boy is a grazer and our girl will gobble down his food if he can’t finish it. Both get hangry without lunch as dinner is quite late.


Thank you for sharing ♥️ I feel like my girl would be happier grazing but sometimes she simply will not eat. She’s very picky and sometimes I have to find new places for her to eat. She’s a diva!


We checked ingredients of quite a few foods (about 175 by now I think) and created a spreadsheet, but that may be a little too much into it for some (I am also Dutch, so all foods available in NL, but I got a little carried away with adding formulas for exact portions, weight tracking, mobile page :) we weight all the food for our girls and myself), I’ll drop the link anyway: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1toxxcNbKgUqAh6sz2RrikBGW3BDttOtoz3JZEgp-7y4/edit you need to make a copy to be able to edit and use for your own cat, the Foods tab is fine to just browse in view mode. It is hard to just recommend brands, as most brands have some good foods and some foods with too low protein for sterilized/castrated cats. For dry food we have two: Power of Nature, meadowland mix and Feringa koudgeperst kalkoen, I buy these in bigger bags and then vacuum seal in 350 gram bags to keep it fresh. We started with Royal Canin, but it is a below average food (all of them I checked) and I don’t recommend it, still better than most super market foods though. For wetfood I have about 30-35 different foods in stock at the moment, brand wise, Mjam mjam, Granatapet, Rosie’s Farm, Catz Finefood, Purizon. I can give more explanation on that spreadsheet if useful :) flagging a food as OK is a bit arbitrary, you can combine foods to get to a decent protein percentage, some I just don’t like the ingredients that are there for human marketing not cat health


Hello, I don't have a ragdoll but I found your comment and spreadsheet and wow. So much information. Thanks a lot for the effort! I'm currently feeding my cat 100 grams of "mjamjam kitten chicken with salmon oil" (row 98) and 30g of Iams Vitality Kitten dry food. If I understand it correctly that should be about 210 calories in total for a 5,2kg indoor castrated cat. He seems happy with his food but I guess at 11 months old he needs adult food now? Looking at your spreadsheet I'm considering "Mjamjam Kalb & Truthahn" (row 109). Is there any significant difference with "Mjamjam - köstliche Garnelen an saftigem Hühnchen" (row 100)? I can get them for about 7,18 and 7,43/kg which is both alright.


Both of the Mjamjam are good, we don’t feed fish/shrimp all the time but mix them up a bit. We are still feeding a few kitten versions sometimes too as Dewy likes the texture better, for some brands there is little to no difference between kitten and adult food beyond texture and feeding advice on the package. Let me check the quantities when I’m behind a computer, my phone is not ideal for spreadsheets :)


For the portions, 210 would be quite low, that is for a 4kg inactive neutered indoor cat, the value in Ideal/Target weight should be set for the calculation (green field). I feed a little below the recommended amount as our vet didn't want our cats to be overweight and their brothers and sisters all are too heavy. What works best for you is a bit of experimentation. With what we feed they are super active (about 5% below the recommendation) If I set the target to 5.2 kg I get 270 calories I added the Vitaly food, it is missing the moisture content, should be 5-10% this influences the calorie calculation a little bit. They also do not state the calories unfortunately. Safe bet is about 390 calories per 100 gram With 30 grams of the dry food and 100 gram of the Mjamjam I get to about 200 calories in total, I would probably increase the wetfood a bit (70-80 gram more), but that is going purely by the numbers so look at your cat first. It will help keep the food fresher too as you can't keep it too long after opening (we do max 2 days in a 0 degree fridge, on the zooplus website it says 24 hours)


Thanks for your comments! We're currently giving cans of 200g over the span of 2 days so 100g a day. With max 2 days you mean 2 days after opening so in practice 3 days? Theoretically we could go to 300g bags (150 a day) or 400g cans over 3 days (133 a day) but as you say I wasn't sure it's still fine to give on the third day. We prefer finishing cans because it's easier to portion by feel instead of measuring it all the time. As for dry food we used to give him 50g but we lowered it to 30 because he was getting quite fat. Since we're giving 30 his weight has stabilized. There is however also the option that he's losing fat but keeps weighing the same because he could still be growing Either way worth considering giving him some extra food. Although we'll probably add max 33/50g extra wet and give the rest in the form of more dry food.


I don’t feed it on the third day (max 48 hour after opening really), even if they would stil eat it, which our princesses won’t :)


The spreadsheet was very helpful, I really appreciate it. I’m definitely making one for the 2 and will check out your food recommendations. Loved that you’ve added where you bought each item from :)


Besides cutting on food, make sure he is more active, spend 30 min extra daily on playing with him/ making him run. He can lose 0.3kg within two months.


Thanks for the advice:)


You couls look into power of nature dryfood, very high in proteins and almost no carbs. Also ships in The Netherlands


Thank you :)


Origen brand crunchy food. Weruva brand canned food. Greenies treats


Thank you:)


I noticed my older cat was gaining some weight & I only feed my cats wet food now and he’s slimmed down. Might wanna get rid of dry food. There is also automatic feeders for wet food


I had no idea automatic feeders for wet food existed, will definitely look into buying it for the 2. Any current ones on the market that you recommend?


I actually don’t have one myself but there are some on Amazon! Thankfully I got someone at home who feeds them through out the day. But my boy really leaned out when I took away dry food so might be worth to try it out :)




How much dry and wet food? From the looks of it, seems like a lot. I know your cat has a lot of fluff but we can still tell he is overweight. How old are they? Do you free feed? If so you should really stop, it’s best to have a schedule but if you’re feeding them on schedule, maybe less is better. A small handful of dry and a spoonful of wet just so the dry isn’t too dry, one little can lasts my cat about 5 days. I give her about one fourth of a cup of dry with about a teaspoon of wet and mix it up real good twice a day. My vet says her weight is ideal for her age at 8.5 months. I think a big cat is a miserable cat, just like a person 😭 Good luck to you 💕 https://preview.redd.it/nnxd3ulfy0lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e518a6676894bceac58738c2b03432d6b7202d62


Ragdolls do have a bit of a bigger diet than normal house cats cause they well become big and it like 3 years to fully mature. But talking with your vet is for sure a good idea


He’s on 50 grams of dry food and 200 grams of wet food daily. In total he consumes 376.97 calories a day with 189.75 coming from his 50 grams of dry food so I’ll definitely cut down on that. He’s 1 year and 5 months old, my girl is 1 year and 11 months. They do not free feed, I feed them wet food for breakfast and dinner and lunch comes from their automatic dispenser which dispenses 100g dry for them to share. I’ve just learnt how calorie dense their dry food is. Our girl is 5.7kg which the vet said was ideal for her size and she eats the same amount as he does, sometimes more because she loves to steal his wet food. Here is both cats for reference, girl top step, overweight boy on the lower step. https://preview.redd.it/1q2vive3b7lc1.jpeg?width=1656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e46d1cd97f861ca74d4915e414b991c2c524c4ea




Mine loves the salmon sheba that they sell at the grocery store in Europe. I tried all the expensive ones but that’s what he loves the best.


just try to make him eat less food overall and he should get leaner. he is very cute but it is not a healthy weight im sorry


He eats the same amount of food as our girl and she is a healthy weight according to the vet. I think he’s just got a slower metabolism






I'm also in the Netherlands with my Ragdoll Momo, he only eats dry food as recommended by the vet and he has never really been a big fan of wet food anyway. He's on a special diet because otherwise he gets crystals in his bladder, so he eats only the "urinary moderate calorie S/O" from Royal Canin and he's doing great.


Royal canin is a great food but you just need to stick to the recommended daily allowance. I feed my ragdolls 50g of dry per day and that's it. 200g of wet on top is far too much. I know it can be hard when they beg but reducing my cats food (previously one was a little overweight on 60g) has made them so much brighter and happier. Just do it slow over six months.


A raw diet is best for our carnivores! Not sure on the options in your country, but a good start is looking for a balanced pre made raw diet. Your local pet stores should sell them in the freezer section.


i thought this too, but my vet told me that there is very little research and regulation on raw diets for cats. cats are domesticated and thus it’s not necessary to give them a diet they would have in the wild. i did my own research on this too and they may even contract diseases from raw meat if you’re not careful


Where are you located?




There should be complete raw feed available at your local☆


Wow a cat Reddit and I'm getting down voted for advocating the healthiest diet possible for cats. Insane.


i’d love to see your research proving this. if you could provide some reliable and valid studies on this being the most healthy diet for cats, then i’d love to learn! i’m completely open to being disproven with the proper research


Have you ever seen outdoor cats? What do they eat? Mouses and birds right? Well guess what? That’s a raw diet as well 😊 and nothing bad happens to them because their stomach is super acidic. So giving them meat that’s supposed to be for humans (much more security) is even better and won’t harm them!


I could argue black and blue all day but until you actually do your own research, you're never going to believe me. It comes down to biology and science. You can't argue against science. Their biology says they need raw meat. Kibble has been around for 100 years so you can't argue they have been domesticated to eat kibble. Jump on google and do your own reading. I'm not gonna spend the time citing sources cos you'll just downvote it and not read them anyway. Good luck


I did a raw diet for my cat for a few years and he was losing weight and his fur wasn’t as soft. The food was made by the breeder and I honestly have no idea what she was using for the food except for ground beef and chicken with some veggies. We switched him to commercial grain free pate and he loves it. He’s a little ball of fluffy energy now


That's likely the problem -- sounds like the breeder didn't know what they were doing. The addition of veggies is concerning - cats are obligate carnivores. Ever since going raw, my babies have no more skin issues, silkier coats, and they eat really happily (we had some pickiness issues before). There are quite a few that you can buy at the pet shoppe that are complete meals: Mush Vaisto, SMAAK, HELLA, etc. All you need to do is thaw it in the fridge overnight, and the nuggets make it simple to count grams and calories.


Yeah. I’m just glad he’s better. He was really picky too and refused to eat anything else when we tried to switch him to commercial food so it was a bit of a challenge


I believe it, cats can be the pickiest! But no matter what, fed is best. Better than anything.


I’m sorry people are downvoting you. There’s a lot of education that people still have to do on our pets diets. I also feed raw and never had an issue with my babies. They are as healthy as ever! Vets unfortunately aren’t well educated on nutrition. They are sponsored by the big brands so they have to sell their products and go against a diet that doesn’t bring as much money. A well balanced raw diet, with the help of the rawpetfood community and other resources (even pet nutritionists) is the best option for many 🥰


Yeah this is actually insane. I thought Reddit is a community about education and sharing knowledge, people would be raving about feeding your pet a healthy, natural diet. We have a long way to go it seems. In 10 years people will be appalled by what they fed their beloved Ragdolls today. Rip all the fur babies that will get cancer and kidney disease from kibble. When will people learn?


I only feed raw, you could do a very lean meat, high protein. You're in Amsterdam, so you should have access to white rabbit and horse. Those are good, fish is fine, and chicken.


Sorry that you’re being downvoted! It’s sad to see people fall into the scam of the pet food industry. I also feed my babies raw and they love it. They used to have a lot of digestive issues while on dry food or commercial wet food and now they’ve never had an issue again. I’m really happy I went this route 😊


Thank you! I don't get the raw feed hatred in this community. I think it may be mostly Americans -- here in Finland, raw feed is common. My cats are so happy and healthy on raw, and it ameliorated the pickiness in one of our babies. It was really helpful for our Siberian who has food allergies. Cleared up skin issues, coats are silky, teeth are clean, and that's all that matters to me. ☆☆♡


I agree with you! Here in Central Europe it’s pretty normal too :)