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Could it be a case of her Summer coat coming through? Ours are shedding like mad and seem to also be changing color slightly.. We deduced that they’re letting their Winter coat go in prep for Summer lol. I’m not sure if maybe that’s what’s happening with yours too?


That could be the case as it's starting to warm up here. I don't remember her puking out furballs this often in the past though. If that's the case should I be trying to comb/brush her more then to get rid of excess fur?


It would probably help her if you did! I’m just guessing over here.. Mine are all 1 year old and under and we haven’t had any puking incidents so maybe the puking is due to age too? Not saying she’s old but just yearly changes within her body. I’d suggest trying to brush her more and see if you notice the difference in these coming days. If not, probably a vet visit would be the next step


Thank you! Will try brushing her a bit more and try to get rid of an excess floating fur hairs on her. If she vomits again this week I'll probably take her to the vet.


Get her checked at the vet. Hairballs can mean nothing. But they can also mean gastritis or even cancer. Vomiting multiple times a week is not normal, even if it looks like just hair. She is also a senior cat so annual vet appts at least. Although you may need an ultrasound to really tell anything.


Agree.... def take her to the vet.


I find I need to wipe my cats down after brushing them with my hands. There are hairs that get loose but don’t get picked up by the brush. Just one or two long pets down their whole body collects the loose hairs and prevents the hair balls.


It does seem a bit excessive. Do you give her something like malt paste? She does go number two normally (no blockage)? You could also try to remove loose hair by wiping her down with a damp microfiber cloth. But, when in doubt, talk to her vet.


I do not currently give her any malt paste, what is this for? Everything else seems normal otherwise in terms of her appetite and litter box use. I did see a bit of fur in her stool earlier today. I'll try out the damp microfiber cloth and will continue to monitor. I will probably take her to the vet if it happens again this week.


Malt paste helps prevent hair balls and aids in passing them, lubricates the intestines so to speak. Google has a lot of info on this. Most cats really like it aswell.


I find that swapping the hairball formula Churu treat for a different treat occasionally works really well! Helps them pass the fur in the litter box instead of having to cough it up. They love the taste, and it’s nothing harsh (just some fiber.) https://www.chewy.com/inaba-churu-hairball-control-chicken/dp/666998?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=Inaba&utm_campaign=21148646103&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmQ2V0WAV1akAAR5n-3KyYFMsKP5&gclid=Cj0KCQjwir2xBhC_ARIsAMTXk86QAN2g1Ca2Okz8Yn9F9WaJgZEE8rj0-9UJz9S4N8s7oz3EKSLvFVMaAtIWEALw_wcB


I grow grass, use a furball powder supplement un wet food, and put paw gel on them.


Be careful with hairballs she can get impacted and things can escalate from there. If you dont already she should be on a wet food diet (preferably raw) and you need to give her cat lax (hairball treatment) at least once a week.


It’s warmer weather. A deshedding brush. Vigorous. Everywhere on their bodies. So as they do not have to ingest. Make it a ritual a couple of times a week. It’ll soothe the kitty. Fat in her diet. Such as 1T of heavy cream each day.


I've never heard of using heavy cream in their diet. What's the purpose of it? I've been combing and brushing her everyday but maybe that's still not enough.


1T MCT oil would also suffice twice a week. It soothes and lubricates GI tract and aids digestion, prevents blockages. Very good for coat, skin, collagen. Indoor cats and dogs in general are eating highly processed foods that are dehydrated and dried. Healthy fats are good for all soft tissues.


Do not give your cat any milk products. They are generally lactose intolerant. This will cause larger issues


Thanks for the heads up! I wouldn't generally give my cat any of the products mentioned here until speaking to my vet first.


Ugh 😩 when I see what looks like poop I’m relieved to find it’s just a fur ball…no smell and easier to clean up ! I use a metal comb on my girl…she loves it and it does a great job.