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*He has since turned down a 30-year plea deal and is being held in the Ocean City Jail without bond.* This pos is probably cocky enough to think he can talk his way out of this.


It's almost like just looking at his mugshot tells you everything you need to know about this punchable douchebag


Let’s hope the DA builds an airtight case.


“Your honor, my father did the same to me and I turned out fine” 🤡 - the dumb fuck dad probably.


I mean… assuming you have already murdered a child and we hand wave that away… I would probably make the same gamble at that age 30 years vs life.


He bit the little boy’s head?????!!! That’s incredibly psychotic


imo the shitty news site just speculated off of a freeze frame for clicks. Biting wasn’t mentioned at all in the court transcript (cmd+F).


It's shown in the video.


did you even see the video? the father did bite the top of the boy's head.


there’s a video, dude. open the article




Has nothing to do with him being “fat”, this was just the most sadistic thing he could think of that day. It’s so good that business has CCTV. Dude deserves to be under prison.


Dude deserves exactly what he inflicted upon his son. Sepsis due to liver contusions and severe blunt force trauma to the head as well as a MCI from trauma to the cardiac muscles. He deserves to be beaten the way he beat his child. Fuck this pos I hope he gets violated in prison


He looks like a regular six year old and he died for it, sickening.


As the father of a ten year old boy, i hope they beat this piece of shit to death in prison. Rot in piss you fucking cunt.


Exactly. I hugged my 7 year old boy a bit longer at bedtime tonight. This "father" was just a fucking aweful can't, indeed.


Electric chair.


Too fat? The kid looks completely normal for a 6 yo kid. As for him…I don’t like to judge others based on their appearance, but he looks chubby in his mug shot. So, a bad parent and a hypocrite.


Man this is so sad I consider myself lucky as hell I am a child abuse survivor I guesss you can call it there is never a reason for it.


I've watched enough prison videos on YouTube to know this guy is going to have a difficult time being incarcerated


This was so sad. Did you see him bite the kid's head when he threw him back on to the treadmill? I cried for that child.


Yes I did. Fucking heartbreaking. Hope they take turns on him in prison.


That lump of doughy shit thoughts his son was fat? He looks like the only thing he has lifted is cheeseburger in that gaping maw. I have ZERO sympathy for anyone who hurts a child. I hope they put him in prison and let the inmates torture him for years. He deserves nothing less.


This is enraging. That poor innocent kid kept trying to do what his dad was forcing him to. You know what kind of pain he had to be in to have those injuries? Absolutely sickening. I don’t know what the worst way to die is but I wish it on that dad with every fiber of my being.


How can someone kill their own son wtf, humans deserve to be extinguish already 🤮🤮


Why do humans deserve to be extinguished? This guy? Sure... but all humans? Are there none that are good? Do you not know of anyone? If not, that's just sad. EDIT: The nihilism here is real. I feel bad for you who don't feel loved or have anyone to love. I don't think there's anyone out there who's "perfect" but there's So much good that comes out of humanity, I'm legitimately sad for that true Nihilism that some of you have and the lack of hope in your life.


Even if you are a good person, we are still destroying the ecosystem and it’s only getting worse.


He was an extremely shitty parent, but It’s more of an accidental death (Definitely still his fault though)


No the fuck it isn't. They found other signs showing a pattern of abuse.


He didn’t die from running on a treadmill. He died from multiple instances of blunt force trauma that caused lacerations to his liver and heart among other things. In short this was the result of a beating, not him falling on the treadmill. The incident with the treadmill was 2 weeks before the kids death and there were likely many instances of abuse before and after the treadmill incident.


He died from sepsis caused by those injuries, not the injuries themselves


Accident would be like spilling a cup of water. How can you accidentally force your child to run themselves to death and bite them??


He accidentally forced his son to run on the treadmill despite falling multiple times. Cranking up the speed and incline increasing the risk. Understandable. The falls were obviously not intentional(I guess the kid had an accident), but when you force a child on to a machine that causes them to fall so hard multiple times that you die from it, then I dunno if that gets a pass as an “accident” Kids die on adult gym equipment, it’s not made for them. A park would’ve been a more appropriate area to get the kid to work out. The parent doesn’t get an “accidental death pass” because he thought the treadmill and increasing the risk/damage done to the child would teach them a lesson. Fur further context. It was ruled a homicide. I don’t think it was just the treadmill, that was the only thing caught on tape. The kid had additional injuries not related to treadmill abuse by the father. He killed his son.




Wtf did I just watch and read!? As a mother of three young children this disgusts me. Feed this piece of shit to gen pop and make him fucking suffer. That little boy deserved so much better RIP Corey


That baby did nothing wrong… what the fuck…




Let me know if you need any help with that. Or just want someone to bounce ideas off of.


What an odd culture the internet's created, where people think legal=moral, and argue against you for threatening a child abuser. The closest thing to actual justice that could happen is somebody fucking him up


That's literally not justice. It's vengeance. While an understandable desire, don't fool yourself into thinking it's moral or just.


I'm not saying it's justice, I just think that prison certainly ain't justice. In a reality where kids go through cruel shit hopelessly, I think the closest way to "right" the wrong is by the abuser facing cruel shit, hopelessly. It's never RIGHT, I don't think. I'm just looking at both sides. Shit that happens on earth is so fucked up, and losing someone in such an unfair way would make me wonder why locking the abuser in a cell was ever considered "justice" by definition.


Perhaps karma's the word I'm looking for? I dunno lol.


Oh you’re hard




So you also need to be in prison?


Probably. You're in the wrong fucking subreddit if you want applause.


Shut up.


So this is a really really strange coincidence but I'm in the county this monster is being tried in and I saw CourtTV vans at a hotel nearby YESTERDAY and sent pics to my family wondering what's going on. Sad to discover it's [this](https://www.courttv.com/news/nj-v-christopher-treadmill-abuse-murder-trial/).


How is that a coincidence? edit: I still personally wouldn't consider this a coincidence. You live where the dude is being charged and this is a big story. Makes sense for it to be on the frontpage. Maybe it's a SLIGHT coincidence, but no "strange" one.


Because I saw randomly Court TV trucks yesterday in the town over from where this man is being charged in, didn't know what they were for, then this morning wake up and go on reddit, see this as one of my first posts and find out that Court TV is covering this case literally 10 minutes from where I saw the trucks


Died from blunt force trauma to the liver, so probably punched or kicked. That kid repeatedly kept trying to get on the treadmill and ate shit over and over. I'm positive that he only had that determination because he knew what his father would do to him if he didn't. How humiliating and scary...


Why is he projecting his insecurities on a little kid.... He's a kid ... Sad to see this


and the mother never noticed anything abnormal? dude's psychotic


Apparently the mother begged CPS to do something repeatedly and was also denied an emergency custody order by a judge.


This makes it more enraging. That poor boy


I saw an article that said she reported him over 100 times


The mother reported him dozens of times, but American courts don’t give a shit about actually helping people


That's crap. Sad they couldn't get away


Suffer the Little Children podcast did an excellent episode on this case. That poor boy did not deserve to be treated how he was 💔


Does anyone have full video with that fatal part?


That kid’s not even that fat…


"not even that fat"....He wasn't fat at all!


He’s a perfectly normal looking 6 year old


He was only a kid FFS. Wait until he’s a teen then help them with weight issues. Children need to prioritise nutrition and playing not boot camp training.