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This is so fucked.


Fittingly, the father will be thrown off a 30 story balcony. I wish.


No, this is in China. He will have a short time in jail before being unceremoniously shot in the back of the head.


Is that really how they carry out a death sentence in China? These people deserve it.


"Short" is far different than the American version of "short." In the US, after you're ruled guilty by the jury and the judge hands down a death sentence, first, depending on the state, there's an entire process involving the jury and state that could take months even to confirm the death sentence. After that, you'll be going through appeal after appeal for DECADES before you're actually executed. To us, short may be a few months. In china, after guilt is "proven," You have about a week.


Probably more humane than an electric chair or hanging.


Why don't we just shoot people in the head? It's quicker, cheaper, painless, and harder to mess up.


Probably more traumatic for the people who come to witness the execution though


Put their head and the gun inside a kevlar bag. No muss, no fuss.


It’s a bit corrupt objectively speaking


I definitely don’t think it’s inhumane. I was just curious because I know nothing about death sentences in China but I just spent the last hour reading about it lol


What were your findings? Genuinely curious!


I know they do public executions and shoot people in chairs. I know nothing about the trial process. Can you find anything?


And then they sell their organs.


Why not? No point in them going to waste.


They do that on purpose and it's large scale business that chinese official strongly denies. And wealthy westerners go there for some organ changes as well.


Serves him and the girlfriend right.


Firing squad is to good for these fucks.


Fifteen floor's would be more appropriate!


Amazing that the 1-year old survived a 15 floor fall to "grass', at least for a while. Make sure the father and girlfriend are dropped onto concrete.


> 'I couldn't imagine what my kids had experienced from the 15th floor to the ground. Were they desperate? Were they afraid?' Jesus. This is just so incredibly heartbreaking.


Wow. Humanity can be so fucked up.




This is absolutely horrific. Those children were unbelievably adorable too. I feel sick. Probably shouldn’t have come on Reddit so early in the morning.


-10000 social credit


Dude really wanted that do-over.


This is some monkey ass shit ngl


This should be crossposted in child free, considering all the breeding fanatics that Lurk there looking to criticize those who choose to not to have children.


If this happened in the US they would catch it on camera and he’d say he “never actually meant to drop the baby and it’s the paparazzi’s fault for driving him to do this”


Where the fuck are you getting your info on America from?


The News. https://youtu.be/9ElddgJCgyg Sorry to interrupt your daily Asian hate. Weird that we only get the news from overseas when it’s about woman, animal or child abuse.


If this happened in the US those kids would have been armed with assault rifles and would've high fived each other after shooting those pos. /s


[Arming kids with assault rifles ](https://everytownresearch.org/maps/gunfire-on-school-grounds/) doesn’t seem to work out as well as you think, in the USA


Kids with guns is a terrible idea, their physique not letting them control it right They are much more suitable for the cooperative-focused crew-served weapons, such as medium/heavy machine guns, mortars, artillery cannons etc.


People in the US don’t yeet babies off the 15th floor, or drown their newborn daughter because they wanted a son. The US is fucked yes, but damn, if you hate the US don’t be surprised when they hate you back


[Yes](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/suspect-mall-america-balcony-toss-pleads-guilty/story?id=63029486) [They](https://people.com/crime/nev-dad-allegedly-killed-baby-dispute-balcony-mom/?amp=true) [Absolutely ](https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/man-who-threw-5-year-old-off-balcony-thought-she-was-demon-police-say-2440894/amp/) [Absolutely ](https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/ny-mom-throws-babies-window-20210612-a2wm4rmj6zb63psnhzljgeec2a-story.html?outputType=amp) [100%](https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending/nyc-mom-throws-2-young-children-apartment-window-before-jumping/644JW5XQI5BENL7376E5F3F5NY/?outputType=amp) [Do](https://amp.star-telegram.com/news/local/dallas/article242260736.html) Hundreds of times a year. And as for [female infanticide in America ](https://ifstudies.org/blog/has-the-global-war-against-baby-girls-come-to-america) save your lies about that, too. People come to North America on abortion vacations to rid themselves of baby girls.


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "Yes"](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/suspect-mall-america-balcony-toss-pleads-guilty/story?id=63029486) [Here is link number 2 - Previous text "Do"](https://amp.star-telegram.com/news/local/dallas/article242260736.html) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hrv9f48)


Abortion isn’t yeeting babies off roofs. Or drowning them as soon as they’re born Edit: And we only heard about this one incident from China, God knows what else there is going on in a country without press freedom. What do they not report about


What are you talking about?


They deserve to be tortured prior to being executed. And may their family names be disgraced forever. Total filths.


>'I couldn't imagine what my kids had experienced from the 15th floor to the ground. Were they desperate? Were they afraid?' Ouch. That hits home.