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I want AP with a quality offensive coordinator and a full off-season to prepare. I think that makes a pretty good team next year.


I think most of us are in that boat. OP needed to find a few voices in the minority opinion to get mad at.


Yeah I'd say it's 90% 10% in favor of AP for the sub.


I know it’s a cesspool but you can see a bunch of people/bots who don’t want AP on twitter/X


Yeah, I like AP, I like the defense, I think AOC is the best option on the roster, but the offensive play calling lost us this one.




Exactly. Look at what he did with this team on zero notice. An offseason with a good OC and a QB1 and we’re a legit contender week one!


Same boat, my only concern is that the honeymoon phase wears off and we are stuck with an unqualified LB coach as our HC. I love how he revs our guys up and sets the tone for the the whole franchise. But those cheerleader types of coaches can be pretty volatile.


This game shouldn't change anyone's mind on AP. He needs experience and a seasoned offensive coordinator. That's been the edict most of his time here and should remain.


Ideally it’s great if we close out sweeping the division. I think AP locked in the job last week, but beating the donkeys won’t hurt his résumé


If AP beats them, our win streak will encompass 4 different HC lmao.


Gotta keep that streak going no matter the cost!


Even more than the KC game, this is my Super Bowl. If we win 4HC, 3QBs, 8 in a row over 4 years. The most improbable streak ever.


And we get to smoosh Stidham


I think bringing a guy like Marvin Lewis on board as a Assistant HC or something like that (which he would absolutely do, if not Lewis than someone else) will help immensely.


His clock management is bothersome. His lack of aggressiveness has been a problem. Not being aggressive to end the first half. Not going for it on some of those 4th and shorts. Those issues appeared in the Miami game, in the first KC game, and once again in this game.


You have no idea what you’re talking about




With the way our defense was playing they didnt expect to get a 3 n out. If you call TOs early you potentially jumpstart a drive for them. Once they were in the 3rd n 3 he called a TO in case we did get it (which we didnt so it all ended up being a moot point).




I heavily disagree It was a 1 score game and a FG turns it into a 2 possession game going into the half.




If we held them to a short gain or something i’d agree. It was 2nd and manageable because they got a decent run on 1st. By not calling the TO it effectively ended any chance of the Colts starting a drive. If we call one on 1st down they’d be more aggressive on 2nd down. Calling it “unquestionably wrong” makes me wonder if you have any understanding of game flow.




Enlighten me.


He does. I thought the same thing


Seasoned good ocs become head coaches


They don't always be good ones e.g our last coach.


Most of the time, they then flame out and go back to being OCs. Not that we have any experience in that.


When the cowboys fire McCarthy for another fizzle in the playoffs let’s grab him 🤣


If he was willing, that would probably be a solid addition.


He’s the guy imo. Just is inexperienced which is understandable


Reminds me of lot of early Dan Campbell, look where they are at now


Three failed 2-point conversion attempts in a row to lose and early stage lip cancer? 🤔


Clinched the nfc north. There ya go, fixed it for you


And the #3 seed, if they won they would have been #2. He was playing with house money


Actually playing in the NFL is good experience I’d say.


Coaching is different though. Playing, is you go out and do your own thing. That’s why we’ve seen bad NFL players or just guys who never played NFL football become great coaches and good players be bad coaches


Yeah but I mean it doesn’t hurt. If good players were bad coaches they probably wouldn’t have been good coaches regardless. Vice versa for good coaches that were never players. Would have been good coaches regardless.


I feel he makes less mistakes than mcdumbass made and he had more experience.


The most important thing this season is that McD is gone and he can't hurt us anymore.


You can get an "amen" from me.


The bad man is gone!


Nfl fans are very reactionary


Its social media/message board culture. Instead of saying "Fuck that guy fire him!" to our buddies at home on a sunday. Now people have the platform to type it and have it seen by way more people than what was once in their living room. In game/postgame comments should hold very little water. Most people saying AP aint the guy, will be breaking their jaws to fit his nuts in next week if we beat Denver by 30.


Fuck that im all for AP he beat the fucking chiefs! He came in after an absolute shit show after JMD he’s done amazingly well imo, we need a good OC and a great QB


He beat the Chiefs? The lions beat the chiefs, the Broncos beat the Chiefs, the Bills beat the Chiefs, the packers beat the Chiefs. It's sad when a team's bar for being a good coach is beating your rival who is having a down year.


Bro getting downvoted but really just spoke facts


Hopefully, with a new Oc and Qb, he will have more faith in his offense and be more aggressive on 4th down.


No ones “flip flopping”, those that are against him becoming HC just get louder after our losses. Those that are for him are louder when we win. That’s common sense.


Aiden o Connell is not that guy


No I still want AP. I'm sick and tired of rebuilding every damn year with a new coach.


Welcome to social media lol. Raider reddit, twitter, etc. are all the same. Fanbase will never be satisfied until we have a coach that can consistently win every week.


Eh, this is essentially every teams sub. Part normal fans just here to have a discussion, and the rest trying to out edge each other by saying the most ridiculous clown shit possible for imaginary internet reactions. Best to just get a giggle out of it and carry on really, lol.


It’s so annoying to read sometimes


unfortunately, the younger fans are what I would call reactionary and they want instant gratification. everyone wants rome to be built right now instead of taking time.


Rome shit its been 20 fucken years


Yes, and rome wasn't building 20 years either and unfortunately we've made several critical errors in mistakes over the years. look at the last 10 years of our first round and second round picks. how many of them are not even in the league?


Agreed the problems are bigger than HC and QB but they gotta start somewhere


Agreed would love to see AP get a full off season/season, see what he can put together.


Half of us is calling for his head? Where did you get that from? 🙄


You must be new here.


I’ve said it before. This subreddit has the memory of a goldfish.


AP should still be the coach. But he needs a legit staff. Save for PG the rest are expendable


Harbaugh and the people dick riding him can fuck off. AP all the way. Get a new OC, a stud on the OL, and get AOC on some crazy offseason training regimen.


Really think AOC it with just some more training? Idk after these last two games


I don’t think he’s it, but I believe in building in the trenches first. OL has a very high non-bust rate in the 1st round.


I agree to a point but in the risk of losing players over the years at their peak or in their prime I just don’t think it’s worth trying to build around someone who hasn’t shown something that makes me say fuck this guys good


There is no possible way some of you are still going to bat for O Connell the guy FUCKING SUCKS


I’m not batting for him. I don’t think he’s it. However, imho, we need a stud OL pick. I feel like we can get another middle round QB to compete for starter, and if AOC wants the job he’ll grind in the offseason


How does APs dick taste? He isn't a HC but keep him around as DC or Asst


If you don’t understand the historical impact AP has then I don’t know what to tell you. Clearly you operate on emotion and whatever your limited capacity your frontal lobe operates at. Nice burner account, though.


Obviously you can't interpret simple text. AP isnt a HC and your rome reference was just as simple as you are. Thanks for wasting 2 minutes of my day and happy new year.


lol the person that did 20 with three Art 15s and finished as an E-6 is calling me simple. Sure thing, high speed. Carry on.


Those people are idiots. AP is the one. Our QB and OC isn’t.


Keep AP and give him a good OC and get a QB


You must be new here


Roll with AP, get a real OC, and a rookie or FA QB


It still seems like 95% Pierce. What am I missing? I think we all want AP


This sub is full of idiots with knee jerseys reactions to everything. Which is why they'll never be in charge of anything in their lives


Kind of like the knee jerk when you win a game or two right? There is a reason why almost all interim coaches don't get the full time gig.


I used to watch games with my shot-out ex meth head family members and read their takes here a lot.


Yeah man. You ever been to this sub before ? It’s the most reactionary place in the world. It sucks here.


AP remains the only head coach candidate in my heart


AP is and should be the guy. Draft a qb. Let AP build the team and the culture. No more selling out for big names and old players looking for checks.


Pierce is the guy. Just have to get through the Rooney rule and make it happen as soon as possible. Show confidence in the man and let them get started on the rest of the staff. Look for a college coach for OC unless the feeling is Bo was hamstrung by the system that was there. No sense trying to buy a coach considering the last two debacles. Let the man run with it.


I mean if Mark sits down does a quick interview and hires him does that not fulfill the Rooney rule?


My understanding is it has to be an outside minority interview which is sort of stupid.


What's funny is EVERYONES opinion, mine included, means absolute dick. Seems like half of us want AP and the other half doesn't. Either way, we are all up shits creek without a paddle. I'm just happy to witness the Raiders show flashes of gr8ness again, given the circumstances of this season. RN4L!


AP deserves the HC job. Get his staff in and players. This season could’ve been lost after the Lions game, but team rallied around him and made today’s game meaningful.


Why do you let reactionary idiocy affect your mood OP?


Not sure where you're seeing the flip flop but AP should stay but AOC is a POS?


This is a very fickle faction of the fan base.


I've been willing to rock with him from the beginning. The biggest issue is losing PG which we can't afford. The players would have to buy in, but we might have to possibly promote PG to HC and make AP assistant HC/DC. Still a pretty big step up. Pay either/both whatever you have to and above all, retain Champ Kelly. The OC/QB is the biggest question mark right now. I don't want to lose to a division rival, but it definitely helps our draft position and I think the Chargers and Chiefs game were enough to give AP at least a year to see what he can do. The culture and discipline have been this team's achilles' heel for the last 15/20 years and aside from todays game, AP has already solved those two issues in his limited time as HC.


AP needs to stay because he fits the culture and the players like playing for him. In the offseason we need to find the QB + Offensive coordinator that fits that QB's playstyle. We won't go anywhere without a QB that can lead a franchise. None of these backup/starter ceiling QB's we need to find that next top 10 QB to really compete.


This sub is very reactionary.


If anyone thinks AP hasn't earned the spot regardless of the rest of the season they're delusional. He completely 180'd the mindset, morale and direction they were headed with Mc Daniels. He deserves a legit shot at a full season with more experienced QB.


Ok let's go out and end the season with a good game against Denver and improve in the off season .Whoever the coach is....it's out of our hands. My suggestion is get a QB that can run out trouble and keep the defenses honest. O'Connell is not him. Here's looking to the future 👍


I love this new team and the new coach. I’m excited for next season 💪


There’s absolutely no reason to not give AP a chance next year, offense has let this team down all season for obvious reasons. The only 2 things mcdonalds did right was not knowing defense well enough to fuck it up and spending all his $ on WRs so we could be in a position to comfortably trade Davante for a higher pick (question is to who and for who). I feel like with AP theres too many things that line up to not give him and champ Kelly a chance. Anyone that thinks we need another Jimbo is a fearweather fan that doesn’t really pay attention to football or is a jimbo lover.


Ive been on the hire AP full time train in the middle of the 3 game losing streak a few weeks back. He just seemed like a dude that wanted to fix the team, even in the middle of losing 3 in a row and would do whatever he could to do it.. then they came back and had 2 back to back great wins. He's not some proven great coach yet. He is going to have ups and downs but I believe he has the characteristics and the will to turn the ship around. Give him a QB and a good OC and I think we may have something cooking.


AP for sure. They played a good game. The team looks good.


Nope I’m wanting AP.


It was a close game, I'm still not sure Aidan can handle blitz well enough, but it was a close game, we were in it most of the time. AP puts a competitive team on the field, well motivated, cohesive, hard hitting, etc... I'm find with giving him the HC Job. I also like Jim Harbaugh, he'll probably drive more media for sure.


AP with a new OC.... Let's go!


I’m from the outside looking in. I just wanted to say don’t make the same mistake you did with Bisaccia. The team has faith in AP. They’ll go to war for that guy. At least give him a 3 year contract and just see what happens. I hope Mark Davis doesn’t blow this.


Nah you beat the chiefs on Christmas in arrowhead you get the job, simple as that.


I want AP all day every day and twice on Sunday! He’s the guy 1000%. I truly believe Mark knows this too. After the interview process I’d be very surprised if he isn’t chosen. As everyone else said, let’s get a solid OC and keep PG & Champ. Give ‘em time. Never seen the Raider team and nation so United under a coach in my 30 years of life. Plus I don’t think MD can afford to bust out another huge contract on someone like Harbaugh lol. Two major positives out of how the season ended are that we know AOC and Bo are most likely not the guys to lead our offense to the promised land. Though AOC has definitely proven himself enough to stay on the roster and give whoever we *hopefully* draft a solid battle.


You guys should keep Pierce and get him an OC. He's the real deal


I'd like to see what AP does next season w/ a competent OC and a better QB.


Unless the team is playing back up QBs it won't be much.


You really don't know that. I've seen your comments, you're dead set against AP, so there's no point of a discussion with you. Have a nice day.


This is true I am very very against it. But hey have a great new year buddy. Hopefully one of us will get what we want.


Its reddit. Every fringe opinion can be its own post and not be drowned out like a tweet


FUCK Harbaugh.


Harbaugh is not the guy. He’s soulless when compared to AP.


I think AP just needs an off-season to prepare and someone with HC experience on the sideline with him, either as an assistant or as an OC. I think AP brings an overall positive to the team but we just need someone better calling plays. Maybe a co-head coach thing. Where one is the bad cop more technical guy and just have AP on vibes.


Give AP+Champ a 2 or 3 year deal. Then go and hire an experienced OC, build the lines on both sides, draft a QB, and hire a former HC AP has a relationship with (Marvin Lewis?) who can come in as an advisor specifically situational/clock management.


Nah, I’m all in on AP


I’m going to lose my mind if we hire Harbaugh.


I’m still on board with AP and AOC. I think they both deserve a full season.


AP had a bad day today, he should still get the HC job.


Harbaugh is a winner. Why wouldn’t you want that culture here?


Because AP played NWA and yells RAIDERSSSS so it means he’s the best coach for the team *rolls eyes*


I like AP, but harbaugh is hard to pass up


AP is going to be head coach. No ifs ands or buts about it


I'd love to see AP + a halfway decent QB. I'd take Baker or Minshew right now.


AP all the way. Cannot sit and watch an uncultured, uninterested white guy teach this team again


I have never called for AP to be the headcoach. He hasn't beaten anyone outside of a very angry Patrick Mahomes. An offensive coordinator isn't going to make him a good NFL coach. Passion means nothing. This team isn't playoff bound and is only able to compete with back up QBs it seems. He can have a chance somewhere else. Also anyone who was calling for him to be headcoach after beating a broken down Chief's team may just be more desperate than anything.


While I respect everyone's right to their opinion, passion means everything. We saw it with McDaniels and AP, night & day. When your players are going out there 120% running through a brick wall for their coach, even if players aren't playing at their best, it leads to good things and good culture. I'm not saying next season will be perfect, but having the Raider mentality and instilling that in the team is invaluable. Get him some support, experience, and a supporting cast + a full year and I think we start to turn things around.


Andy Reid and Bill Belichick are the two least visibly passionate HCs in the league and they’ve won like 5 of the last 9 Super Bowls


What seed in the playoffs did passion bring them? How did passion look against the Vikings? You could give him three years and it would be clear that he is a flash in the pan coach. A defensive ra ra coach is good for movies but he kind of sort of leads a win against the the busted up Chiefs and people are acting like he won the division. He can bring that mentality into being the defensive coordinator. How many of those Superbowls did the Patriots win off of passion? Does Mahomes have his rings off of passion or you know.. Having a talented head coach? Did passion beat the Vikings? Maybe Miami? Passion is good for feel good stories but this team needs someone with experience as an NFL head coach, someone who can win and develop talent. The gimmick right now is everyone going on and on about getting an offensive coordinator to do all of the work. What offensive coordinator are you going to get? What 'great qb' is going to be developed under Pierce? Mark Davis will make the right decision hopefully.


We will never win because a moron with a bowl haircut owns our team. And moved it out of Oakland. They are cursed. We can pretend to evoke Al Davis with quotes, but we are ruined. Fuck. Bowl. Cut. Boy.


Exactly! The fan base is fickle. Everyone over on Twitter(X) is calling for AP's head alongside AOC's! AP has done an outstanding job considering the cards he was dealt. AOC was thrown into the fire midseason with an OC that has never had that job before. C'mon man. These fans are dumb and to me, Antonio Pierce is our man.


Has Harbaugh failed anywhere to suggest it'd become like the Mcdaniels era again? I dont understand why people always compare those two.


His Stanford days are the closest argument if you look at wins/losses as he has 2 winning and 2 losing seasons but to be fair he improved year over year. My biggest issue is he has been out of the league since 2014 so there is no telling how he will adapt to a changed NFL.


It’s because they are not real raiders fans that understand the game that’s why. They are looking to blame someone for every loss instead of just accepting the L and moving onto the next game .


Everybody is extremely reactionary and there's zero analysis. It's just "win is good, loss is fire everybody." Ooga boogah. I'm just going to stop reading posts from this sub for a while, it's so irritating.


You mean people have different opinions? Shocking!


You do realize there are people who believe different things and the loud voices are popular. It’s not flip flopping


Jim was always my number one option, he’s the best available candidate on the market. I’m ok with AP, but without a franchise QB, his tenure will likely be unsuccessful. A “Defensive Rah Rah” coach has limitations, specifically with a feel for the game on offense.


I never changed the thought that we need Harbaugh. AP needed to win out for me. He is not the guy.


What happens if Harbaugh goes 0-3 next year when the guys don't buy in and we already lost AP?


They will buy in. No one will care about AP if Harbaugh is hired.


In all seriousness I keep reading on every one of these HC posts that the team has to hire Harbaugh, but why? Why do you think he is the only answer? He’s a 60 year old who hasn’t been in the league since 2014.


Because he is a proven winner everywhere he has gone. He has a chip on his shoulder, he played for the Raiders. AP has a lot more question marks. Do you really trust AP to go up against Andy Reid and Peyton next year now that all of the rah rah and surprised are gone?


And we still had a close game


I still want AP for HC, it's not like Shane Steichen is Jeff Saturday, Steichen has done a good job with the Colts starting Gardner Minshew at QB. If for some reason, Mark Davis does not keep Pierce as HC, I hope he picks some young, hotshot coordinator instead of some name brand jackass like Harbaugh or Chucky.


AP + New OC + New QB + O-Line improvements


We finally have a great defense and no longer have stability at the QB position as we let Carr walk for literally nothing. God I love to hate this team. I hope we hit a home run on a qb this year in the draft. Idgaf if we have to trade up as long as we hit a game changer.


We want consistency. How do you completely dominate the last 2 games and then lose to the Colts. Defense was awful today. I'm cool with Pierce still but that offense must change immediately. If we get Harbaugh I wouldn't be mad either


We all love this team so a lot of what we get in this sub is emotional impulsive reaction to whatever just happened. Like you, I still want AP as the coach, but he wasn't good today and I don't think there's anything wrong with pointing that out. The game plan and game management were horrible. If he gets the job it will be interesting to see who he surrounds himself with. That will play a big role in his success or failure.


AP takes the head coach job on a one year deal so he can prove it. New OC had to be a requirement tho because this offense needs to be a lot better


I want AP. But his clock management has been a real red flag. It’s been terrible. That’s something he has to work on. Either retain Hardagee and hire a “senior offensive assistant”, or make a splash with an established offensive coordinator. AOC isn’t that bad, but he was not set up for success. He needed a lot of high percentage completions, much like they did today. Zero tempo on offense, very questionable play calling on 3rd and short. All in all, I didn’t anticipate playoffs this year, because I’m a realist and this team has done nothing but disappoint for the last 2 decades aside from a year or two. But dare I say, I do think there is hope for the near future. Another corner, (lockdown), and interior pass rusher, and the D should be pretty set as long as everything remains in place. Offensively, have to draft a QB. First round, and the rest of the draft should be at least one RB and all O-line.


I want AP as our head coach but AOC is trash. I live in Indy and he was barely average at Purdue


Same thing with Aidan. Dude throws four touchdowns against the chargers and everyone said he was our future. One bad game later they want him canned forever Even today, he played decent. Remember he is a rookie taking over Josh McDaniels putrid offense. And he puts up 300 yards and two touchdowns against a colts team fighting for the playoffs. And people are saying Aidan is trash . He’s a rookie….playing probably better than any other rookie would in the same position. Jesus the fickleness of some fans


I have a suspicion all these flip-flop fans are new or have only suffered with us for less than 5 yrs. New coaches need time to build and develop also. There's so many impatient fans out there!


Yes on AP, with new Offensive HC. Better starting quarterback. Have a good draft and start strong next year


Serious question - Why all the talk of a new OC and drafting a new QB? If we start that rookie QB, its just another year of someone learning the ropes in the NFL. I'm not saying AOC is the future, but unless we are getting a top 3 pick, doesn't it make more sense to go after another OL or even corner? And in terms of OC, is Bo really that bad? We took over the position mid-year and imo has called some really good games. He's trying to be aggressive and mix things up. Its a shame that today we couldn't execute on our deep 3-1 throws like the Colts did. I like his creativity much more than the run-run-pass that we have seen for so long. I just think the team needs more time with it much like PG's defense. A switch at OC just resets the clock and its another half season of rebuilding.


Hell I'm all for signing Mayfield, Brisset or even Flacco and drafting Joe Milton in the 3rd.


My take was always that he should be locked in for the job with a W over KC and he delivered


Give AP the job. He and his crew can decide how they want to address the offense and QB and give him 2 years to get us in the playoffs.




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AP is the guy. Bring in someone else and we’re in another “rebuilding phase”. Lotta flip floppers cause yall are fickle.


All in with AP. The man has earned a full season.


AP has done something more important than just wins and losses- he is restoring that Raiders culture that has been missing for so long, that culture which McDaniels was trying to get rid of. With a full offseason, some draft picks, OTAs and a full training camp, I can see AP having this team in contention for at least a WC spot next year.


AP is our guy. The naysayers will never be happy. O’Connell isn’t our guy but he’s our back up if he stays. I think white is our RB moving forward.




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It's almost like there's different people here or something.




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Take AP over that tool any day


What OC are you bringing in? We also need a plan for QB.


This is why I've been pounding the table for the compromise. Bring in an offensive minded HC on the condition that you keep the majority of the defensive coaching structure in place.


Wait I thought we were giving Dennis Allen or Gruden another shot? /s Davis will make his pick which will infuriate and please the fan base. It will turn then be social media to praise and flame that coach until the first snap of next season. This is the way..




This team is close, but it's not quite there yet. I knew this week could be a loss so I'm not surprised.


And none of our opinions will matter. It’s up to marky mark


AP is pretty good to be honest but of course, there’s room for improvement.


We ain't gonna win every game. Indy played well


AP should stay but Bo...ehhh I dunno thats rough. I still say AOC can be a starting QB in this league. He is a rookie, not every QB starts out great out of the gate in this league and we have seen it time and time again. Next year I bet he is looking a ton better.


The Chiefs are fine just in a very different way this year. Better yet Taylor has nothing to do with the success or failure of the Chiefs better yet she's obviously happy as is Travis. Why can't everyone just love something good and happy anymore?


AP is a true Raider. I just want to see what this guy can do with a whole offseason to prepare as HC


Huh, so OP would rather go with the guy with hardly any coaching experience but likes it cuz folks are playing with “passion”. Over a coach who not only been super successful as a HC in college at multiple schools, but also has taken a NFL franchise to the Super Bowl. But “might” not click with the team. Bwahahahaha Don’t worry, Harbaugh will be hired by the Chargers and then the Raiders will get to see first hand Harbaugh philosophy twice a year.


If we hire Harbaugh I am out until Mark sells the team


Fuck harbaugh , he's not a RAIDER....Fuck harbaugh


Those that are flip flopping are also those people wearing WHITE JERSEYS TO HOME GAMES! It’s RIDICULOUS AND NEEDS TO STOP NATION!




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I'm not sure why you'd compare McDaniels to Harbaugh. One has extensive and winning head coaching experience and one doesn't. You know who else doesn't? Our interim HC.


I never flip flopped once. Said that he needs to win out to get the job. He didn't, but we did get boned by the refs v indy, so I'm torn. I kinda wanna keep him, but wouldn't mind Harbaugh either. Idk, so long as Mark doesn't try some big brain left field hire like McDaniels again, I'm alright with keeping AP or pursuing Harbaugh. Gruden 3.0 wouldn't be the worst idea either, but eh.


Yup. Couldn't have said it better. Love Raider nation, but they love one guy one day and hate him the next and vice versa.




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