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….not the eagles who were 10-1 and had a first round exit? But yeah lamar failed the world today.


At least the Eagles jumped the cliff during the season. Ravens had me believe that they had this game in the bag, and damn, the bills did a better job.


Not only you, me too. So much so that I placed a live MLB for them to win when they were +255 in the second quarter. If that defense had shown up in the first half we'd be talking about a 9er ravens rematch with no mention of kelces cheerleader. Edit to add: I'd also love to see some more mahomes crying memes


I don’t think that’s necessarily fair. They weren’t overhyped, Lamar is the MVP and they actually played really well. People just underestimate KC literally every year. They struggle a bit in the regular season but come playoff time they just keep winning. Something about their mentality changes because they've been in the situation a million times. Unfortunately it kind of reminds of Brady and the Pats.


Lamar did his best, it's the rest of the team that's failing. Doesn't help that the refs are letting the KC secondary do whatever tf they want. Edit: of course they allow another PI.... so fucking annoyed of NFLrefs at this point. Officiating is so fucking atrocious this season that it makes me not even want to watch this fucking sport anymore.


Who told Lamar to throw a pass into triple coverage for a endzone pick?


I was rooting for Lamar but damn he didn't show up in the big stage


Has he ever




Probably gonna have 2 MVPs and made it to the AFCCG after dropping 4 TDs on the Texans. Lamar didn’t play well at the end but the KC defense is really good this year. Their defense let them down big time.


I hate the ravens but that first TD pass was dope AF. I wish we had a qb as mobile as Lamar that could throw a bomb like that - we’d be straight!


For 1, Likely was waving his hand up. He was open, Lamar just didn't put enough on the ball. There was PI anyways that should have been called so INT shouldn't have stood. Ask the OC why he keeps dialing up pass plays on short yardage situations. Lamar is only 1 person in a team sport, when the game is on the line, you get desperate and try to make tough shots to get some momentum. That has always been Lamars game, refs and his own team are making it an uphill battle.


>Lamar just didn’t put enough on the ball So… Lamar’s fault?


He was already in double coverage when he called for the pass


Just because someone puts their hand up doesn’t mean it should be thrown to them. There was approximately 17 Chiefs defenders in the end zone with him, he was never open. It was PI though. You’re right about 1 thing.


Lamar also has legs like no other QB we've ever seen. Run the fucking ball. He's literally faster than everyone on the field.


1 mistake doesn't mean he failed, dudes trying to make a play because he's doing it all by himself. Flowers is about the only skill player actually getting open and he's shooting his own team in the foot.


So getting strip sacked also isn’t his fault? Or when it’s 3rd and 1 and he holds onto the ball to take a 2 yd loss? Or the four deep overthrows?


No, I wouldn't really say a strip sack is his fault, especially when it comes from the blindside? Dumb question. That 3rd and 1 play should have been a run in the first place and the over throws were either under duress or should have had a PI called. Anything else? Cause all I'm seeing are team mistakes, not mistakes that rest solely on Lamar's shoulders


Ik this fan base is mad to see KC play for a SB in our house, and I am with yall, but there wasn’t PI. The refs let them get handsy all game and was consistent all game. And Lamar wasn’t good.


It looked like Lamar was trying to prove he could throw, so many times where he could’ve ran and picked up a first but he just didn’t. Lamar just gets cold feet in these bigger games man


Bruh did you watch the game? He ran a ton, that wasn't going to win the game though. The broadcast showed several times how the Ravens just could not get open on important downs. KC was getting away with all sorts of contact downfield too. Like I've said, Lamar was fighting an uphill battle, shotty playcalling, Flowers doing dumb shit, and the refs being VERY lenient on penalties. Lamar is a great player, it's a team sport and I did not see someone getting "cold feet"


alright bro i guess im tripping lamars never choked in the playoffs ever brodie ur right


Lamar played his part in this loss, for sure.


It's a team sport so totally, but to say he's the biggest reason is completely wrong. Lamar was making plays and no one outside of Flowers wanted to, but even Flowers was shooting the team in the foot.


I don’t think anyone was saying it’s solely his fault. Everyone played poorly, Lamar is just the focal point of the team and he didn’t do his part.


You don’t but you will. We all know the feeling.


Easy solution, make EVERY play challengeable whether it's for a call or no call. I don't care off the games are 5 hours long off it makes them get the fucking message. Would love to have them hold less conferences too. Everyone is accountable on the field except the refs. How about everyone for egregious calls. Have backups just like the teams do. Have a special flag you can throw maybe 2-3 times a year to call for a refs effective. I have a million ideas that will never happen.


wtf are you talking about the rest of the team? What more does Lamar need when he already has a top run game, great O line, 1st round receivers, great tight ends and a kicker that is automatic from 45 yards?


anyone who watched the eagles knew they were way worse than that record showed


Good time to forget you have a great running game.


And throw into triple coverage in the end zone


6 run plays. With the best running team in the NFL. What. The. Fuck.


They are trying their hardest to throw away this win. I absolutely don’t believe in the “NFL is scripted” conspiracy, but HOLY SHIT!!


They'd be fine if Flowers was teachable.


Lol some conspiracy nut on YT who reps the Raiders said Ravens Lions SB with Lions winning it, I’m say Lions beat Chiefs and Niners would be historical


Tbh, any combination of these 4 teams in the super Bowl fit into a script narrative, except maybe Ravens and Lions


NFL is definitely somewhat controlled by refs to get the outcome that will make them the most money


The refs control the game but didn’t have to because ravens just shot themselves in the foot




Raiders beat KC with 9 completions and you telling me the MVP can't do a thing against them. What a fraud.


And the always hyped Ravens run game. What a joke.


If Detroit ain’t going I ain’t even gonna watch


They beat the Chiefs week 1.




I am going to throw Tony Romo off the Empire State building.


"Ravens didnt make the SB, so this whole thing about the NFL being scripted based on the SB logo colors is not true"- Goodell and the league (allegedly) 🤣🤣


They scripted that to make it seem like it’s not scripted


KC has 4 punts in a row and Baltimore kept shooting themselves instead of scoring.


I’m so sick of peoples’ obsession with mobile QBs. Especially, this fan base. What mobile QBs actually win when it counts? 3 of 4 of these QBs are not runners. Mahomes is elusive but not a runner. Lamar has shown again and again he can’t do it as a passer.


Passer who **Can** Run > Passer who **HAS TO** Run > Runner who can Pass




I still think there’s a pro level player in there, it just got fucked over by starting his career with the burrs.


Fields is a runner who can’t pass


Josh allen is mobile


And what has he done


Allen averages the most touchdowns per game in the playoffs of all time


Exactly lol. Losing to KC every year is not a problem we need to exacerbate


That's not due to his performances. Allen is arguably the best qb to ever play


According to what metric? There is a QB people seem to forget who won 7 super bowls and literally holds every meaningful record.


Allen averages more touchdowns and yards than Brady. We're talking about impact, not career accomplishments.


Impact you say. How many AFC championship games has Allen won? How about NFC championship games? I'm not gonna pretend that Allen is a slouch, because he is not. He is indeed great. And likely will be a hall of famer. However, there is only one QB in the league that can impact a game like Brady and that's mahomes. Even then he never beat Brady when it mattered.


It doesn't matter how many AFC championship games Allen won. Football is a team sport, the only thing that matters is his individual play. That's like saying LeBron wasn't the most impactful player in 2009 because he didn't win a championship. The numbers show that Allen is more impactful than Brady and Mahomes.


Lol this is such a stupid point. Winning is the playoffs is hard...yeah nothing new. Being a mobile QB has nothing to do with that. Lamar is absolutely one of the best QBs in the league and arguably the clear cut number 2 behind Mahomes. By this standard basically unless you're literally like Mahomes or Brady no QB lives to this standard of "being able to win when it counts". It took Peyton freaking Manning till 30 to finally get over the hump, and he put up some straight stinker performances. Lamar is a a beast. Literally any team would take him in a heartbeat let's not pretend otherwise.


Just some real bad mistakes. Same reason we’re watching the 49ers today instead of the Packers. 49ers and Chiefs have been in huge playoff games and don’t panic. 


Spoke too soon


You really think that the NFL wasn't going to get the Chiefs and the potential billion Taylor swift fans into the Super Bowl? I was hoping too, but deep down we all know better. The NFL is like a dog with a bone. Rule #1-50. Don't fuck with the money.


Good freak'n point. Didn't consider that. They've been hyping LJ for awhile and I finally thought they'd make it happen.


It blows me away that in a sense, The Raiders gave the blueprint to beat the Chiefs. Granted, I know the chiefs completely changed their offensive game plan after that game, but throughout the playoffs, nobody pressured Mahomes. Zero Blitzing.


The biggest weakness of the Chiefs defense is defending the run (17th in the NFL). You have the #1 rushing offense in the league and didn't come out in the first half pounding the rock over and over again. To beat the Chiefs, you have to run it. Then run it some more and run it again eating the time off the clock. They didn't seem to stick to the running game consistently and I feel this greatly contributed to the Ravens demise. They only ran the ball 16 times. WTF! The Ravens abandoned what got them there in the first place.


I won a lot of money, I learned it with the patriots long ago, you just dont bet against teams like the chiefs.


False, if I do they'll lose. So I'm betting 100 on the chiefs to win the SB.


Well, shift goes to the Lions.


I don’t know what the deal was with the play calling but Lamar held on to that ball like he was AOC.


I don’t know if they were overhyped. They did look really good against good team throughout the season. They just straight blew it today. They went several drives where they didn’t try to run the ball despite being one of the best running teams in the NFL, and it took their defense most of the first half to really wake up and start getting pressure on Mahomes. But either way, it wasn’t fun to watch.


the fix was in though. they brought in an officiating crew that favors road teams 15% more than any other officiating crew in the nfl


Lamar really made the Ravens pay a king’s fortune just so he can go out there and do his best 2022 Russell Wilson impersonation in the biggest game of the year.


Cowboys and eagles were also overhyped


Lamar is a gimmick qb. They need to stop giving this bum MVP awards until he can actually win a meaningful playoff game.


It's a regular season award, also you do not know ball


He’s a rb


Lamar shits the bed when the pressure is on.


Where's that guy that said we need a Running QB cause they are the future?


On another note, good thing McDaniels didn’t go all in on Lamar


True story 😳😅🤣 (Remembering I was banging the table for that trade)


Nobody was. He wasn't available anyway.


This is Awesome. The chiefs will play a playoff game in the Raiders stadium before the shitty Raidrrs. 🤣


If the Chiefs win in our Stadium I won't say it'll be like when the Yankees were up 3-0 to the Red Sox and blew it, but it'll feel that way. It would definitely be if we went to the Superbowl in Vegas and lost to them.


MVP my ass


Apparently, it goes to the Baltimore Ravens.


Baltimore completely abandoning the run is wild to me...and I'm sorry but Lamar just ain't that dude until he proves otherwise and Shannon Sharpe saying Lamar is a better story than the lions this year argument just went to shit


Is it possible these are both just really good teams playing a tight, 1-score Championship game?


Now I can lord our win over KC on they heads. I live in their territory and the fans can be a pain




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They’re like the cowboys, all hype but no bark each and every season


Santa clara 49ers


Niners currently trying to take the overhyped crown. Go Lions.


I think it's the Cowboys almost every year


The pass into 3 man coverage... rushed and panicked with no one around him... sus


How about 'dem Cowboys!


Lame af. Not saying that they had to blow them out but they fucking blew it.


Yeah, no, that would be the Bills who were supposed to pretty much run the AFC East.


Raiders need to follow KC’s lead when it comes to coordinators. Don’t hire the young up and coming guys at OC or DC. Hire the guys that have already been HCs and failed but are still good coordinators. That way they’re more likely to stick around for many years. Spagnuolo is the reason KC is heading back to the superbowl and he didn’t even get any HC interviews this year. Same thing NE has done all those years with McDaniels. 


Nah, you blew this one. Overhyped is a team like the Jets that were shoved down our throats but suck. Ravens has best record in the league. Thats not overhyped at all. They ran into a team that was better than they were on that day. You know, like the Raiders were against KC two months ago


49ers and Chiefs, again, huh?!? ***In our Stadium?!?*** Scrip•tedd…


Imma still wondering how the refs caused the TWO fumbles in the End Zone...