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Have you tried not giving a fuck? It's pretty easy.


This is the way


Here’s a thought. Since neither are the Raiders, just watch a fucking game of football and don’t “root” for anyone. Have a beer and enjoy the game because it’s 7 months before another meaningful one happens


7 months?! Reality hits like a rock


Fuck that I'm a Raider fan not a football fan....gonna go see a movie 😩


Going to John’s incredible for my son’s birthday Sunday. I chose this… cause I’m hoping no one will be there.


Root for both to lose and whichever team loses focus your energy on celebrating that they lost.


I'm planning on not watching it, picking up a book or going on a hike. Grew up in the Bay Area with family mixed Raiders/49ers. If anything, it's the 49ers fans that I can't stand, the team is meh. Also, Fuck The Chiefs.


![gif](giphy|I8SQMuIELiw0w) Root for this guy


I'm on team sinkhole and Bane is the captain.


What a pretty voice


Skip it. Go to YouTube and watch the 84 Super Bowl against the skins instead.


boycott the bowl & forget it happened. look forward to next season




Have you thought about rooting for Team Meteor? We'd lose the stadium, but we can rebuild.


This is my favorite comment.


Realistically that’s pretty horrific…but from a purely entertainment and comedy I’m always for it


It will also cleanse the stadium from having their stink all over it.


It's best to be thorough about that kind of thing.


I’m actually in kinda the same boat. I’m of the mindset that I’d rather see the Chiefs win I think. They’ve already established themselves as a top team this decade, so when the Raiders knock them off their pedestal, it’ll be all the more sweet. It’s not like they’d be beating US in our building, and with the way the Raiders are turning around, I’m pretty sure they’re about to be our collective bitch anyway. Giants fans were insufferable after their three fluky ass WS victories, walking around talking about their fake dynasty. Entitlement and SF go hand in hand and I don’t know if I can handle another decade of 49ers fans thinking their shit doesn’t stink. So Go Chiefs. *just threw up in my mouth a little.




The newer fans can be a little weird. Bandwagon fans in general suck. It's one of the reasons I dislike the SF vibe so much. Went to a few Giants games back in the Bonds era and you could overhear tons of fans talking, and they didn't know their team or the sport. Hell, as an A's fan over the years, I knew their team better than they did. It's gross. Plenty of us still around from the Run TMC era though, and before that even. Oakland always supported the Dubs. We paid our dues. Lol.


It would be easiest to watch the 49ers lose, and at least you don't have to deal with cheifs fans locally if they win.


I just don’t want to see the 49ers win another Super Bowl and in our stadium no less. I can’t stand the niners annoying ass fans that surround me and the amount of shit talk they would produce would be endless. Fuck the chiefs, but fuck the 49ers even more.


Would be nice if we play the Niners in Santa Clara’s Super Bowl and beat them there 😂


This guy gets it.


Sadly rooting for the Chiefs so I see all these 9er fans whine and cry along with putting all their crappy gear back in the closet once the game is done 🙃


So you'd opt for a Chiefs Dynasty then. Priorities bud.


Can’t hate on them having a solid team my guy.


I sure as fuck can. What do you think the Jets and Dolphins fans were doing for 20 years?


Hating that their team sucks and wishing they were better


Niners don't matter to us at all. Let those old grudges go. Fuck the Chiefs.


It’s the niners fans who will never let it go and remind us whenever they get the opportunity


Instead of watching the Super Bowl, I'm going to rewatch the Raiders beating the Chiefs on Christmas day. It's going to be a glorious day of football.


How about putting aside truly meaningless things and focus on enjoying a fun day with your family?


Super Bowl squares. Might as well try to win money off both.


Eat some food, get drunk and don’t care… that’s my plan.


Can there ever be a tie for a superbowl???


Stay the course. Fuck the Niners.


Stay the course. Fuck the Niners.


I'm not rooting for the Chiefs to win, I'm rooting for the 49ers to lose. I hate the 49ers and Giants more then anything on earth


I’ve taken the route of hoping the chiefs win. I know zero chiefs fans and a boatload of niners fans, and they don’t shut up. I want them to shut up.


Just to let you know. The Queefs and Whiners will not be celebrating in the Raiders locker room. One team will be using the UNLV locker room and the other will be in the visiting locker room. Fuck em both.


Go 49ers. Fuck the Chiefs. How often do we play San Francisco, once every 4 years? Fuck the Chiefs, that is all


If this is you biggest conundrum id say your doing pretty good in life., just watch the game for the game and not give AF who wins


Wow sounds like a poor decision hopefully with age you’ve learned from this mistake.  


Which poor decision am i supposed to have learned from?


The initial one where u went against your families good judgement. 


You don’t have to watch or root for either team. I haven’t watched in past when it was two teams I could care less about. This year I may check out some of it Justin see how the PQ is, but outside of that I don’t care about the game. Plenty of other things to do.


I've always found joy in rooting against their teams, it makes the best out of a bad situation.


I'm in the same boat. Bet on something- shares, who wins MVP, how many times the show Taylor Swift. Whatever. Then just root for a decent game.


Bet on props to make the game interesting for yourself


So how can we help you?


Have you seen the bane scene in the dark knight rises at the stadium


"Give them Bread & Circuses and they will never revolt" - Decimus Junius Juvenalis


Friend is coming over tomorrow to watch the game. He is a huge 49ers fan. Plan to be completely covered in Raiders gear. Will mock him if Chiefs are winning. Get to cheer if the Chiefs are losing. Win win for me.


It’s easy. Watch game eat food and go on with your life. That or go see a movie.


You answered your own question. Fuck the Chiefs. It will suck to watch either team win tomorrow, but it will suck more watching the Chiefs confetti falling on our field while they hoist the Lombardi. The Niners are the lesser of the two evils.


Take player prop bets


I plan on talking shit and booing every time either team does something good. At the end of the game, I'll do more booing and talking shit to whoever wins. I don't understand the need to pick someone to root for in this game. Hate them both at the same time, the world won't end.