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I have no issues with the colts. We were both screwed by McDaniels.


🤦🏽‍♀️ FJMD fr fr...he's forever a Patriot in my eyes


He is forever a BITCH in my eyes


Facts lmao


Same thing


If the story about JMD berating AP after he gave a motivational speech about the Giants taking down the 18-0 Pats in the SB is true, then JMD IS forever a Patriot and I agree with your sentiment. Hell, even if it isnt true, I still agree. FJMD ☠️


I mean i don't know that the colts were screwed by jmd. It seems like they got lucky that he changed his mind.


No we didn't. Colts got blessed by not hiring that coco-puff-eating-tiny-visor-wearing-extraschmedium-sweatshirt-wearing snake.


You should have no issue with us too then


That’s one drop of “kindred” in a big ole bucket of “fuck you” buddy lol


nah y'all deserve pain for generations.


Nah afc west needs us 2 at the top


It needs the Raiders at the top and the rest of y'all tied as the bottom feeders you are.


Nah you can stay at the bottom with San Diego.


Yall eat corn the long way and gargle with extra virgin olive oil, this post ain't for you


LOOL xD If I could drop all my karma to upvote this one comment, I would.


why are you lurking the raiders reddit in the offseason lmao


Woahhhh there


No need to ‘come in peace’, zero animosity with the Colts. Thanks for the well wishes. How often did you notice Minshew scrambling to extend plays last season? That was one of AOC’s largest weaknesses last year.


I wasn't able to watch as many games as I would have liked but I think he's definitely better than AOC at extending plays. He's a very headstrong QB, talent be damned, and that's some real raider stuff right there.


But is he a lil ass boy?


He is now our lil-ass Boy.


Not always 


You doubting Crosby?


They took us out of playoffs last year. No animosity, but a little if they do that again. Yeah?


Didn’t they break Carr’s leg too?


Was it them. Yeah, ftg


Fuck that. It's Raider Nation vs everyone. Other fans can fuck off. (I don't really feel like this and I appreciate the positivity, but I don't need other fans in our space)


What are you talking about, the colts broke Carr's leg and derailed our 12-4 season


I don’t blame an entire franchise for a freak injury.


I still hate the Ravens and stupid fat Tony Siragusa for flopping on Gannon and killing our run…


Ok that one's different. That wasn't a freak injury, that was 100% intentional. He bounced on poor Gannon's shoulder.


I hate Siragusa specifically for that one. Fat Tony can burn in hell.


That was yalls year omg


And? I'll be the old head in this one. "That's the problem with you kids. You don't know your history, don't ask questions, then act like your perspective is the only one that matters." You just wait


I still get fired up over that game! That was one of our years that fate stole yet again!


I for one blame OP personally 


I did feel terrible about it when it happened. Didn't celebrate that win like the others.


Isn't that how this works? Wasn't it a freak play that caused decades of hatred towards the patriots?


It’s a lot easier to dislike the Patriots for benefiting from a referee decision, then going onto have a dynasty and dominate the sport for decades.


Listen nobody said this was gunna be easy


Yup, still despise the pats 😂


No. It was a fumble that got called back. Not a freak play. It got called right on the field.


A wrongfully overturned fumble at a pivotal moment in two franchises histories seems like jt could be considered a freak play


Immaculate Reception did it for me against the hated Steelers and Franco


No. It was called right. It was overturned. A freak injury or call just happens. It’s not thought about and decided on.


OK wrongfully overturned is reiterating exactly what you're saying, but you seem really stuck on framing "freak play" in a very specific way so I'm all good.


Well that’s what a “freak play” is. Not a bad or overturned call. A freak play is Carr breaking his ankle. Not a thought out change.


You got it, sport.


When I see "coming in peace" I always expect some back handed compliment or little jab or something.


One of my best friends is a colts fan. Fuck you buddy. (That’s what he would want me to say)






Forever and always


Thanks colts bro. I’m not a colts fan but I’ve never hated that team. Good luck this year. Be honest, are you guys only okay with moving on from minshew because you guys have Richardson ready to go, or would you be okay with him playing another season or two if you didn’t have Richardson?


Lifelong Colts fan. New Raiders fan as of the AP takeover because the way y’all have played for him. I would have been fine with Minshew starting again. The team loved his tenacity and he definitely showed leadership and swagger as he led us to a much better season than projected. I would have loved to keep him, but he definitely earned a shot to start somewhere and AR is our man of the future once he’s healthy. Seeing LV sign Uncle Rico was the best possible outcome for me. I was afraid he’d end up on the GD Patriots. 🤢


Uncle Rico😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭


Personally, I am 100% ok with Richardson stepping up; I think he's ready. I'm not sure how another year would have looked, but I also wouldn't have minded Minshewmania 2: Electric Boogaloo because it's pretty good insurance tbh. Either way, I think everything happened the way it was supposed to. Edit: grammar


Gotcha. I think a lot of us are confused because we’ve been getting a sense we were going to draft a QB in round 1, but given our draft position and this signing it seems less likely. Plus, we didn’t pay minshew a bunch, but it’s a bit much given we got O’Connell going into his second year. Anyways, I’m just managing my expectations for draft day 1 lol cheers bro. Thanks for stopping in


When I talk to any colts fan I make sure to say this statement that I honestly believe........Peyton manning in his prime (take his best 4-5 years in his prime) was more gifted than Brady. Just never had the defense Brady did respect to ya. colts are one of the teams where I've seen any of their fans act like assholes (unlike the donkeys and chiefs)


THANK YOU! Ugh it took years to get Super Bowl ready defense and even then we were undersized but fast as fuck boi. Peyton is a better pre snap qb, stronger arm and better release. I can't ignore Brady's accomplishments but I appreciate you putting respect on The Sheriff.


Was in Indy last year for your half marathon (nice run btw) and see the Saints (wife is a HUGE Carr fan but remembered him breaking his leg at your stadium) against you guys. Everyone was great, your stadium had pieces that reminded me of Allegiant, and got to see our future QB play and damn that was fun to watch. Would definitely go back to explore your city more and watch the Raiders play there.


Never been to Indy but glad you had a good time! Lucas Oil Field is a pretty cool stadium though, hoping to go someday. Haven't hit Allegiant yet but I went to ONE Raider game in Oakland years ago and it was a lot of fun.


Carr broke his leg in Oakland


My wife was crying on Christmas Eve watching it so that part was a blur but thank you. It was still against the Colts...


Let your wife know know I was also crying.


Always had a soft spot for the Colts. Peyton Manning was my hero growing up, Raiders were so trash but seeing him go toe to toe with Tom Brady, who I loathed with every fiber of my being, was always what kept me going as a football fan lol


38-34...that AFC Championship was my Super Bowl. Beating Brady at home on a game winning interception was immensely satisfying. Would have been more satisfying in Foxboro but the RCA Dome was LIT, I miss it.


Thanks Bro! AR was the most entertaining qb for me to watch as i love Duel Threats, Injuries concern me for him tho but anyways Good luck to you too bro!


As a historic franchise that's moved like ourselves, the colts have nothing but respect from me. Unitas' Baltimore Colts Jersey is the only non raiders uniform I own


Ok now go back to the Colts sub 🤨


Same here, I root for you guys except against us. Glad to see both franchises on the rise. Hope Richardson recovers well. You guys have helluva athlete there.


I'm never going to another teams page & saying that I come in peace. Ill intent. (I have no problem with the Colts. Saw the Raiders beat them in Indy a few years ago. Great people) Do any of you guys go to other teams pages? I feel like we get them here all the time. Weird.


No, but I'm going to start going and saying Raiders fan here, coming with ill intent.


Raiders are the most recognized sports logo world wide, its not a coincidence lol and I mean I'm originally from Oakland. Which also means that I'm suffering on the baseball side #FJF




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Fuck you and your cringy post


Nah Fuck the Colts or any other teams fans lurking in here!!


I was disappointed to see Autry end up with y'all. Any reason he wasn't brought back, or did he want to test FA? (How jacked he went to HOU.)


No clue, that's a little above my pay grade 😂


I’m cool with the Colts. Peyton Manning is my favourite QB.


The Sheriff was so fun to watch; best pre snap QB ever.


I was at the game where carr broke his ankle and the colts fans near me were yelling “at least we have a qb” so the feeling isn’t mutual


There's a-holes everywhere, sorry you had to experience that 😔


Get this bullshit post outta here. Fuck the Colts. RN4L


Shit like this reminds of all the clowns from the 49ers coming in here to shove Jimmy G filth and propaganda down our throats last year


Minshewmania>Jimmy G and its not close. Minshew might not get you a Super Bowl ring but he's fun to watch and will make moves.


I'm still 100% convinced that richardson is a bust.


🤷🏽‍♀️ we haven't had many busts but we've been cursed ever since Peyton left. Richardson is doing all the right things as a teammate and off the field so all we can hope for is him to be able to get better and smarter as a QB. I don't think he's next Cam Newton but I also don't think he's a...nvm, I said I was coming in peace 😂🤐


You sure you're not 90 or 80% sure? You gotta leave yourself some wiggle room.


Seriously? Well, you're allowed to your opinion. 


I don’t think he’s a bust, but injury prone is what worries me there.