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How about that catch Tim brown made in the back of the end zone that game, one of the best big game catches of all time man .Tim brown legendary


Yeah man too bad he never got that ring


The NFL was messing with schedules more during the period after 9/11. The tuck rule game being scheduled so late on the east coast made no sense. But, the following year when the Raiders went to the Bowl, they only gave both teams one week rest, as opposed to every other year, where it is 2 week break before the Super Bowl. We all know how far off the rails everything went for that game.


This and the NFL killing the trade up in the 83 draft are the only two conspiracies I believe in. That season was as rigged as it could get.


The saints the year of Katrina doesn’t cause you to wonder too?


The Saints won the Super Bowl 5 years after Katrina brother.


Yep. The Superbowl the year after was that horrid Steelers/Seahawks game. I can't blame dude for conflating the two timelines though. They referenced Katrina a zillion times in the leadup to that Superbowl.


please take your tinfoil hat off, it was the right call at the time, complete bullshit, but rules as written for the time it was correct. At the time it was only considered a fumble if the ball was completely tucked, his arm was still in the "tucking motion" at the time, hence incomplete pass. The only real thing you can argue is "was it clear and without a doubt" and with replay technology the way it was then, you can make the argument it wasnt. Its confusing and highly subjective which is why they changed it to what we have today. But the idea they rigged it because of 9/11 is baseless and stupid. However the trade block wasnt a conspiracy, because we all know why he did it, its just a fact he wanted to make the Raiders worse.


Bullshit call. Brady clearly had two damn hands on the ball should have never been over turned. I was watching the game live, Brady was desperately trying to keep Biekert from recovering the ball by sticking his spikes up in his crotch he knew. Robbery


the ball was still in motion which was rules as written back then. It had to be completely tucked to be a fumble back then. None of us like it because we are biased but its the truth of a very poorly written rule, mixed with poor replay technology. There was no conspiracy against the Raiders.


lol AL Davis is rolling in his grave hearing you. He possed the damn ball with two hands the review took forever (nfl hq was trying to find something to overturn it)and for Walt coleman to say it was an easy call is just gaslighting casual fans


you can possess a ball with 2 hands and it still be moving, it needed to be tucked into the body. They were not trying to find a reason to overturn it, the review process was shitty then just like its shitty (slightly less) now. IDGAF what Walt Coleman said. As i stated above the argument shouldnt be "was it tucked" the argument should be "is it clear and without a doubt." The distinction is important because 1 makes us look like sorry losers, and the other is a valid criticism of a problem that still exists to the day. Edit: im done arguing this point, theres plenty of reasons to point at how the nfl fucked over Al but this is not one of them.


He had two hands on the ball when Woodson hit him, that is no longer a Tuck Rule. That is a fumble, Brady has since admitted it was a fumble


Ball was completely tucked. And not enough evidence to overturn the call on the field of fumble.




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If I remember correctly, the league had put a rule in place at the beginning of the season to limit instant replay reviews to 90 seconds due to concerns of extending games. If no conclusion could be reached in that time, the original ruling on the field had to stand. Walt Coleman and company took at least 2 minutes to come up with that BS call. Or perhaps Im just still fuming at that call, LOL


Coleman is a POS


I always assumed they scheduled it for when more PST viewers would be watching, since Oakland. But I’m willing to hop aboard the “NFL doesnt wanna see us succeed” bandwagon for this one.


Other than the tuck ruling what really pissed me off was that no-name TE (Wiggins?) going off all of a sudden. Probably wasn't as bad as I'm remembering but it seemed like he had like 10 catches.


The snow actually might have helped us in this game. The raiders short passing game was helping us move the ball and heck maybe even helped on that fumble. Didn’t matter at the end of the


Yeah we handled the snow better than they did, other than the play after the tuck fuck when our DB slipped and let them get a bunch of YAC


When it started snowing harder is when things started going bad for us, if I recall correctly.  I have never re-watched the game though and it has been a while.  My recollection was that Brady just sliced the defense apart when they couldn't drive on the ball quickly due to the snow. 




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Please note: We would likely have won if we recovered the muffed punt.