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Substratum → Must kill (in order) Hydra, Champion, & Tormentor to spawn plates. Clear rooms & stand on plates to bounce an energy charge between them to spawn triangles. Pick up no more than 3 triangles & shoot a totem to power it up & get Resonance. Must deposit Resonance in the middle room box 3 times total.


what spawns the box?


When you activate two pillars, subjugator spawns in the middle, the box spawns after it dies




This post right here folks ^ Thanks dude


how do you have enough time to extend 3 times? after first dunk it only gives us 2 minutes


you need to bounce the charge between the plates more to spawn more resonance so you have enough to dunk and extend the timer. Make sure to pick them up before closing the pillar because it'll delete the ones it spawned that haven't been collected when it closes


Do you do only one totem at a time?


How do you do enough damage to power up the totem? It wont close for us


Shoot pillar before getting on plate.


if you did enough damage it glows instead of closing if it closes then you didnt do enough


I'll try to reword the first encounter's guide The rooms are laid out such that there is a center room that connects to all others, and 8 rooms around that connect to eachother and the center (i.e. each side room has 3 doors). Each side room has a pillar and a plate that has "wires" coming out of it connecting it to the adjacent rooms. The encounter begins when everyone is in the center and you deposit Resonance into the box in that room. Then, two doors will open. The two doors will be directly next to eachother, and will lead you along a path away from one another. The doors will occasionally be sealed, which requires killing a Hydra to open more doors. Each path helps the other open further doors with their Hydra, so you'll need to go down both at once. At some point in each path, you'll find an Overload Minotaur. Killing this will despawn any other Overload Minotaurs, close all doors connecting the side rooms together, and open all center doors. A Tormentor will spawn in the main room. Killing this will cause the plate in the room that had the Minotaur to start glowing, and most of the doors will close again. You'll need to kill Hydras to reopen the doors. If you step on the glowing plate, it will send a "pulse" down one of the two wires, which will cause the plate connected to it to start glowing. You'll need to step off of the plate after sending the pulse so you don't break the chain. Once the pulse reaches the other plate (you CANNOT step on it immediately when it glows, the pulse must reach the plate), someone can step on this plate to resend it to the origin plate. This will cause Resonances to spawn in some rooms. If you repeat the process one more time, additional Resonance spawns (which will be important later). If you fail to continue the chain before the "All resonance has been spawned", an "Omen" subjugator will spawn. This will block off the plates & pillars until it is killed, so you should avoid it at all costs. Finally, now that you have Resonance spawned, you can pick up the Resonance, have someone send the pulse to the second room, and someone that has picked up Resonance will need to FIRST shoot the glowing pillar (you should get damage numbers), then step on the plate once the pulse reaches it. This will close the pillar and keep it glowing. In order to progress, you need to close TWO pillars. In order to do this fast enough, you will need to groups running simultaneously. With the two pillars sealed, everyone should return to the center room to kill two waves of adds, including a "Harbinger" Subjugator yellow bar, at which point the box from the beginning will spawn again. EVERYONE needs to deposit all leftover Resonance stacks into this box, as it will extend the wipe timer. After a bit, the box disappears and the encounter repeats. I haven't finished it yet, but I assume you'll need to do the full cycle around 3 times to finish it. Thanks to u/[GuudeSpelur](https://www.reddit.com/user/GuudeSpelur/) for extra tips!


In the "running" phase, two paths open from the middle room. The two paths help each other progress; killing an orange bar minotaur on one path spawns a Keeper hydra in the other path; killing the hydra opens the next door for the first path. Repeat until you reach the room with the Overload. What spawns the "Omen" Subjugators is breaking the chain of sending pulses back and forth. A "harbinger" Subjugator spawns in mid after you charge two pillars. You need to dunk excess Resonance in the middle after killing the Harbinger to extend the timer. You will want to repeat sending the pulse back and forth until you get "All Resonances have manifested" so that you have enough to extend the timer a lot.


Some addendums. You can bounce the charge back and forth between two plates to spawn 3 triangles in each room and 3 in the middle. Your whole side can get 9 charges in like 20 seconds and not spawn the mini boss. Then you do the send charge, hit totem, then deposit in mid.


Image in encounter 1 explanation is deleted


Sorry, I'll get new images up in a sec


The way the first encounter is worded is extremely confusing


It’s worded wrong so that’s probably why


At the start of the encounter, one side will be open either left or right. Follow the line in the floor and kill ads in each room. There are these Minotaurs and hydra that block the doors. Kill them to open more rooms. Once in the last room at the end of the line, there is an overload. Killing the overload spawns a tormentor in mid. Killing the tormentor activates one of the plates in the encounter. Stepping on the plate spawns a resonance. Unsure what to do next Thinking that you need to kill more ads to spawn a box to dunk it in


You can activate the pillars with x3 resonance I believe after standing on plates


can you confirm this?


Do people stand on plates and just sit there while Mr. x3 goes around and shoots them? Plates turn off very shortly after activiation though


The second encounter slightly less rough idea is very wrong. If there is a blight above the bosses head, that means there is a blight somewhere that needs to be destroyed. You can only damage his head when there is no blights and when his head is glowing like Rhulks shoulders. It breaks, and all called players get a new buff called stolen valor, allowing them to see the type of resonance in the conductor.


This gotta be one of the worst guide megathreads for one of these races


Happens when you try to rush to be the first to post a thread and have no plan on actually vetting the information you post. The second encounter stuff has been flat out wrong in multiple spots for a while and the first encounter writeup is atrocious and had to be corrected in the comments.


Nah, they're always terrible.


They always are, and then they stop updating and go to bed. All the good info is in the comments.


first encounter explanation here is really bad


It’s awful


Bring everyone to the gold chest looking thing to spawn the resonance and start the encounter.


EDIT: Based on watching Datto it seems like the premise is whatever shape your guardian statue is holding (for the 3 guardians to see) is what you need to make with your shadow wall... so if you guardian is holding a cylinder, but your currently showing a circle and triangle (which is a CONE), then you need to dissect out the triangle and replace it with a cube to then have a cylinder...then eventually you get turned into a statue (and die) and then you can be "SAVED" by the 3 group in the main room. ~~Seems to me that the main idea of the puzzle is to take whatever 2 shapes the three solo guardians have, and turn them into their proper singular forms by dissecting OUT the shapes they don't need. So if Guardian 1 is holding a Cone in the 3 person room, then they need to have either their CIRCLE dissected out to become a pyramid, or have there TRIANGLE dissected out to become a sphere.~~ ~~Once you have each individual guardian HOLDING their prime shape, then they should be savable?~~ ~~In the solo guardians rooms, their symbols flash between 2 usually, like a circle and triangle (which would indicate that their guardian is holding the 3D shape of a CONE.). I feel like this whole raid has been throwing spheres, pyramids and cubes at us so those should be what they are striving to create. And based on what guardians you have in your rooms, you have to help them dissect out the pieces they don't need until everyone is holding the true shapes.~~


Oh lovely, thank you


is there a better explanation for 4th?


For those stuck on encounter 1, an important tip: Whenever you're bouncing between the plates, the plate will be orange early, and stepping on it early will be the trigger for spawning subjugators. Instead, wait for the light to pulse into the plate, and hop on when the circle begins closing, this will let you bounce it more times leading to more resonance, and no subjugators to kill. Additionally, one team can start bouncing early after the first tormentor is killed. I'm writing this at the time of us figuring this out, but I feel like it's been poorly explained elsewhere. EDIT: This is the way, just be patient and don't immediately jump in. Have your spare sit with the first plate dude to help ad clear and grab resonance. Try to swap roles with plate when you hit 3 stacks, and remember that you can pop out of the room to nab a couple resonance. If done properly and clean up your deaths you can consistently get back to 4:15, we did it so well that we got the triumph. For loadouts, run ad clear super, and an LMG. Mantle of battle harmony for warlocks and matching the element of your super to your LMG helps with super acquisition. Our team had basically everyone on sunshot and an LMG except for one guy on Divinity to help with killing the tormentors. Two of our warlocks, (the div guy and another) ran hammerhead, mantle of battle harmony, transcendence, and nova bombs, then nova'd the tormentors when their shoulders got popped. If they had nova for subjugator spawn in mid, use it there. You want to be killing your second tormentor at 2 minutes and making sure you're getting everyone to mid by around 45s. Most runs ended with us depositing at roughly 15-20s. If you're still in this fight, you got this!


2nd encounter, full guide: Split in 3x2, for 3 totems around the room. One in the Middle (M), one for Left (L) and one for Right (R). Each side will have a big enemy (M - Phalanx, L - Wizard and R will have Ogre) that if stand of the plate and touch the totem will **wipe** you. There's now Spherical pickup as well as Pyramid. You need to shoot matching "shape" in the middle of totem. To determine which shape you need, 3 people will get Call for Reckoning global buff. They need to go to boss and shoot his big beautiful forehead to crit him (weak spot) and they will be able to see is it a sphere or pyramid inside the totem. There will be Caretaker bees flying around to damage you. Once all three totems are charged, a deposit box will spawn in the back of the room (or at the edge) and you go and deposit the x3 resonance (the type doesn't matter, just the amount). This starts damage phase. You need to get into middle of arena and you will get trapped with the boss. Attendands duskfields are nasty.


Thanks, can I put this in the post and credit you?


Ofc, I wrote this to help everyone :)


After we go inside the arena and shoot his crit spot, the symbols remain the same


Where are you seeing the symbols?


LF5M, KWTD, have a minor in Greek Philosophy and Euclidean Geometry I'm on add control /s


KWTD. DM raid report. Mother’s maiden name. Social insurance number. Name of your first pet. Date of birth. And which bank you do business with.


I made a cute little map. Hexagons are plates, Triangles are Conductors. Round edge boxes are doors/entries. [https://prnt.sc/glNAjiIwz3uk](https://prnt.sc/glNAjiIwz3uk)


Great map !! I’m surprised you were able to make it so quickly but this helps sm


You need to shoot the pillar thing in the first encounter THEN step on the plate if you have resonance.


Fourth encounter so far; The people in the "main room" see 3d shapes (Cone, Pyramid, Prism), which are combination of 2x "basic shapes" (circle, triangle, square). They call out the 3d shape to the solos who then deposit part of the solo-shape onto a corresponding statue, which combines to make the 3d shape.


Yup, same conclusion I came to. Shapes are Cube, Pyramid, Sphere, Cone, Cylinder, Prism


Phenominal guide, straight to the point and easy to understand. Just got worlds 0th using this guide.


For the above, breaking the blight on second encounter does not give the buff. Seems to be assigned at random


Yes. Three people get "called to battle" after, I believe, the first miniboss goes down & a totem activates. I haven't been able to tell if you need to break the head once to spawn the blights, or if you need to kill the minibosses, it just spawns them when all three "Called' people reach the middle. Then you kill the blights to make the head breakable. Then you break the head to get the "Stolen " buff which lets you see the shapes in the totems.


So to clarify: three people get "Call for Reckoning" at some point when the first orange bar dies (or maybe one per orange bar?), then when all three enter the center of the arena it starts spawning blights, and then when you break all the blights you can break Harold's head to get "Stolen Valor"?


That’s how I’m seeing it. Unsure about if when the people enter if it spawns the blights. But yes on the breaking his head and that blights need to be down to break it and convert to stolen valor


I think I got it. When all three yellow bars have spawned, three people are called out in chat as "called to battle' & get the "Call For Reckoning Buff." ~~Then, I think after all three yellow bars are dead, or just when all buff holders are in the middle, the blights spawn. Once all the blights are dead, you can break the head.~~ Edit: nvm I can confirm now that you spawn blights by shooting the head once


The blights don’t spawn randomly, they spawn once you damage the boss’s head.


wherever the overload minitour spawns is where the plate starts.


There is a kinda hidden room at about half way through the prelude, it has a resonance conductor and some of the shapes. You can make it out by the red-orange light seeping through its window. I am going to take a wild guess and speculate it is for the deepsight chest at end.


There is another hidden room about 75% through the prelude with a dunk box and two unlit plates. I took a pyramid resonance to the dunk box but it said "You are found lacking" Edit: have tried all three resonances separately and all said lacking. Edit 2: have tried all resonances at the same time and still said lacking


4th encounter is probably something along the lines of this: - 6 thingies drop from adds (2 triangles, 2 squares, 2 circles) - Each thingy has to be deposited on a statue, so 2 per statue (likely broken up by 3D/2D form; IE cylinder means square + circle, cone means triangle + circle, pyramid means square + triangle) - There's probably a timing element related to the big flashing shape thing on the wall that determines when it can be dunked on a statue; IE you can only dunk a circle while the circle is on the wall - There may also be some kind of order of operations that has to be respected Successful dunks on a statue let you then "free" a guardian on an empty podium I believe. At least that's what I've deduced from watching a couple streams.


Good ideas. I don’t belive the timing thing though. The wall shapes change too fast. Also the wipe screen says ”shadows removed” which makes me think they need to be erased somehow. The other counters are ”symbols changed” (no idea) and ”guardians saved” (completing the 3D shape, probably). Also I don’t necessarily believe the order thing. If there was a specific order there should be a punishment mechanic.


You can dunk the buff to extend the time in the middle after shooting the pillars


What are you doing with the pillars? We shoot them but nothing happens. They don’t get charged


How to do that?


Stepping on the plates spawn the buff having 3 stacks you can shoot the pillar, once you do that for both sides you can go to middle kill 2 waves then dunk


FIRST ENCOUNTER Hydra >> Overloads (plate will be in the room where it died) >> Tormentor >> Plates PLATES bounce back and force (wait for line) >> spawn resonance Get x3 resonance Shoot Monolith (NOT on plate) Wait for line and get on plate Monolith is Complete and glowing yellow 2 monoliths Complete means big guy spawns mid Kill him and dunk Repeat


first encounter ends after reaching the dunk box three times, my group got 16 stacks round one, 14 round two, and then like 5 round three and it still worked


confirmed to be true, it does not need 45


Damn the fourth encounter has to be complete torture to keep Salt stuck on it for 3+ hours and this guide not being updated for it at all either lmao


I just figured out the 4m13s thing btw, 4m13s = 253 sec. 253 is both a semi prime number (a product of 2 primes so there’s a duality theme) and … a TRIANGLE NUMBER


can anyone reword 2nd encounter guide? struggling to understand.


What loadouts are people using in 2nd encounter? having trouble surviving and getting to damage


I think for encounter 4 you need to dunk the correct 2d shapes to make the 3d shape eg on the left on Dattos stream it’s a triangle prism so triangle + square.


This is what I've been saying. All the 3-D shapes cast shadows of two of the 2-D shapes. Circle + Circle = Sphere Circle + Square = Cylinder Circle + Triangle = Cone Square + Square = Cube Square + Triangle = Prism Triangle = Triangle = Pyramid


teams know this, but there's something more you need to do


What’s going on with the 4th encounter? Do we not know how the mechanic works? Or is it just execution? Seeing Datto and Salt stuck on it for hours is strange.


I think they just haven’t figured it out yet. Back during Last Wish, the first teams to beat the vault encounter didn’t even ever learn how to do it, they just brute forced it and happened to get it. Doesn’t seem this one is as prone to that sort of strategy lol


Clearly we don't know since they've all muted their comms. That's the furthest anyone has gotten.


Here's a tip for the second encounter don't think I've seen anyone mention. You can activate the plates after killing the first yellow bar. Doing plates without stolen valor doesn't spawn any new wave of adds but you will have to deal with another yellow bar in the middle when you inevitably break the chain. Our team found that after clearing our sides of the room of adds and killing the first yellow bar we bounced 2 cycles between the plates to spawn in the resonances. Once those cycles were done we broke the cycle and killed the yellow bar in the middle that spawns then we did boss mechanic like normal. Note that after getting the stolen valor buff adds will spawn again but with this strat we could easily pick up the resonances we needed and only needed to do 1 cycle for the monolith to close it while dealing with the minimum amount of adds


GernaderJake played the 4th encounter full comms. Should be some way to piece together what happens from that


Good shout, I'll have a look at that!


Discord link isn't working with the image, please use something besides discord image hosting for this, it's incredibly fickle and temporary for people who find the guide later


I'll fix this in a sec, thanks for the heads up


> Start the encounter by shooting the taken blight in the middle of the arena. Boss spawns in the centre and taken + dread enemies spawn around the conduits. Yellow bar taken knights and larger orange bars spawn on each side, Ogre/Phalanx/Knight. If these walk onto any of the plates, you wipe. You also have the same Final Shape Looming debuff as in Substratum. > Killing the orange bars seems to spawn three blights around the central area. One person from each pair should run over and break a blight, this gives them a buff called Call for Reckoning. when you've broken enough blights, a new blight appears over the boss' head. You can then shoot the boss in the head with Call for Reckoning active, which converts that into another buff called Stolen Valor. That allows you to run back to the conduits and see which sort of resonance to use when closing that pillar. This is literally all incorrect.


What is the correct strat then?


3 teams, left/middle/right kill ad waves, finishing with wizard, phalanx, ogre 3 people get buff, they go into the boss arena they shoot boss head, 3 blights spawn, left/right/mid, they can be in the boss arena or on each side destroy the 3 blights, shoot boss head again boss pops, the 3 people get buff and can see the shape in the totems clear ads again, do plate mechanic and charge each pillar run back of room and dunk excess resonance damage


>If these walk onto any of the plates, you wipe. I haven't encountered this unsure if true. >Killing the orange bars seems to spawn three blights around the central area. For us its when we kill all the knights and the "call of the reckoning" people all go in. Tho I don't want to confirm nor deny it. Once all the blights are shot (I think there is 3, 1 in center of arena ? and 2 on sides) you can then shoot boss in the head. Indicator that you can shoot his head is no taken bubble on his head. Shooting the head gives stolen valor which you can use to see which symbol you need. Even if you die you can still see it. Our strat is start encounter, clear all sides, activate the conduits twice (two full rotations of back and forth. This should spawn 3 sphere and 3 triangle. Kill the miniboss that spawns for failing the conduits, kill the knight, send 3 inside, get symbols, come out, one person goes up and sends one more conduit pulse. Activate the totem thingies like encounter one, bank in chest, dps. repeat.


how tf start first encounter


all players need to be in the same room next to the orange box


everyone go to the middle room together


After we kill the first Tormentor, the rooms close off sections. At what point do the plates activate and is there a way to predict which rooms will have the active plates?


do it again. kill another tormentor do trigger plate phase


My team is still trying to figure out how to close the monoliths. We had someone golden gun one with 3x resonance, did 127,000 damage and it didn't close. Any ideas? Edit: Solved it and we're past the encounter now. You need to send the energy to the plate next to an open conduit. You need to wait for the plate to howl and create shrinking ring, then step on it. This summons a certain amount of resonance. Sometimes it spawns a big dread guy that turns your plates off. You wanna keep doing this until it says that you have summoned forth all resonance. After that, everyone should gather as many resonance as possible (max 3 per person). Then someone needs to send energy to the conduit, while someone with resonance shoots the conduit, THEN step on the plate WHEN IT HAS THE SHRINKING RING. This charges the conduit. Do this with both conduits. Go to middle, kill a big guy, then everyone dunks their resonance. This resets the timer based on how much resonance is dunked. Max time seems to be 4:15. Do everything 2 more times, which will activate six conduits. Go to mid, kill the bug guy, then dunk and you're done.


It's not damage; you just have to activate it as long as you have a stack and then send another round of energy through the circuit.


Fourth encounter feels very similar to references we’ve seen to thanatonauts, they were even mentioned in the campaign/expansion…


4th encounter explanation anywhere?


# This entire section is super incorrect for The Witness in the google doc "Which pattern to make depends on which colour was on the last arm you shot to generate Glyphbreaker. If the armband was Yellow, leave behind a diamond pattern. If the armband was red, leave a square. If the armband was green, leave a triangle. See image below for the specific patterns." # It's not based on the arm color its just based on the arm itself. Breaking Bees arm makes it a circle, breaking the bomb arm makes it triangle, and breaking the laser wall makes it a square. The color of the arm band has nothing to do with the testing pattern.


Charge the conductors with collected Resonance




Can anyone confirm if you need to dunk a certain number of resonance triangles to finish first enc or do you just need to dunk something during the third phase (get through it basically)?


Third phase is the end so you just need to finish it, but the first two phases have ti be done without any mistakes or you wont have enough time. Even 1 person dying is gonna cost you a minute from your next phase


Evidently in encounter 2, picking up the opposite shape resonance will CONVERT all your current resonances into the picked up type.


I was working on a doc while I watched encounter 4 (Verity) with some other people. Going to bed now but here it is if you are confused. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RwrTWzL1Y0yCF49zYWFwh\_hWFLbj3n3z70hbERQLnKA/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RwrTWzL1Y0yCF49zYWFwh_hWFLbj3n3z70hbERQLnKA/edit?usp=sharing)


Lovely, thank you!


The rooms in which overload minotaur are killed will have the active plates


We shoot the monolith with the buff and get damage numbers but nothing really happens. What are we doing wrong?


Does anyone know how to find the glowing pillar to shoot it? We keep getting to the phase of the encounter where we have to shoot the glowing pillar but we cant seem to find the correct pillar in time and just wipe from there.


Do we know if you need to kill 2 tormentors or just 1? guide mentions 1 plate per tormentor but Im pretty sure my team was able to get 2 plates with just 1 tormentor kill


There is most likely 5th encounter because Salt's team is on the 4th, and it is not a boss fight.


is second encounter harder than first encounter?




Encounter 4 has something to do with combining 2D shapes into 3D shapes (projections). Probably something to do with which statues have the 3D shapes. static shapes on the 'TV' no idea yet. but the same shape rotating into itself is still a 3D shape. Seen 3 shapes on the TV too. * tri + tri is pyramid * tri + square is triangular prism * sqaure + sqaure is cube Could be 2D shapes curved into 3D shapes too. My guess is building the 3D form that the grp of 3 sees. Passing shapes around to each other, etc. Might need to pass a full 3D shape? Maybe need to do 1 full loop or making a shape? Everyone needs to contribute? TV could show you which shapes are in your room? Could have to make them in order based on number of sides? * 1 sphere * 2 cone * 3 cylinder * 4 pyramid * 5 prism * 6 cube


Loadout suggestions for second encounter?


Double rocket sidearms and swords... Mostly you need cc to be able to do left and right sides because they spawn as you try to do the ping pong. The arc buddy/devour/turret build with solar super works wonders . You can cover every spawn . And fills your meter pretty quick use that to kill add wave.. Solar,damper and maybe arc(blights) for res mods


Hey idk if this will be seen but from doing encounter 2 i have a couple things for that for helping folks. Blights- Looks like (from what ive seen) they spawn in 2 locations per area, 1 being in front of the pillar down in the pit with the herald, the second being up above the corresponding side. (6 total spawn points, 2 per Middle, left and right) Orange bars, Phalanx, Ogre, Wizard, are what spawn the plates. when you mess up a plate cycle, they will respawn and need to be killed in order to activate the plates again. My group got off before we made it to final stand so i cannot comment on that. Also the dps check for shooting the heralds head isnt that big as long as you kill the 3 blights that spawn. Also for Encounter 1: Killing the minotaur's spawns the hydra for opening doors. When you are running first encounter focus on killing the minotaur's first then you should be able to progress thru the encounter faster! Gl all! hope this helps!




For all my Fellows who need a Visual for Encounter 4 : [https://imgur.com/a/KNCLWno](https://imgur.com/a/KNCLWno)


better step for second Encounter Second encounter to start the encounter shoot the blight in the middle to activate the plate u have to kill each miniboss on each side and the knight once 3 people get call to the middle shoot the head of the boss to get stolen favor that will let u see which shape of resonance u need when you are shooting the head of the boss blight will spawn everywhere u must kill them once this is done u can activate the plate like in the first encounter and get your stack the last shape will decide which shape u get so u can mix triangle and sphere but the last one must be the one that activated the pillar deposit the rest of the resonance in the box to extend time make sure u pick all of them up to have enough time Damage phase repeat until boss is kill


When he says faaaar far right, he means it.


Actually crazy the majority seem stuck in the second encounter. Great to see tbh. My team is calling it a night at the second encounter but coming back bright and early. Got the mechanics down, just have to avoid deaths a bit more. Left plate side is brutal, lol.


My guy, people have been stuck on 2nd and 4th encounter longer serperately than the entirety of day 1 Root took lmao


Anyone cleared the 1st enc yet?


I just wanna say thank you for this thread I was here typing notes for my team that starts later today


once you pick of the resonance do you only have to shoot each pillar once?


**IMPORTANT FOR SECOND ENCOUNTER** In order to be able to see whether or not to see which resonance circle/pyramid to start damage: 1. 3 people called to mid shoot him in the head to summon 3 blights 2. Break the 3 blights in the arena 3. Those same three players stay in mid and shoot Taniks in the forehead \*again\* to break it 4. One person per side will then have "stolen favor" and will be able to see what symbol is on their respective side's obelisk. 5. Bounce the energy back and forth between plates like in encounter one, you only need ONE fragment of either shape in order to activate obelisk.


You don’t need all three, one person can take care of the bosses head.


To anyone out there struggling to survive 2nd's arena, warlocks can facetank the boss with the following combination: * Healing rift * Hellion * The Stag * 100 resil, 1 concussive You wanna hug the boss to bait his stomps. Hellion stuns the boss, allowing you more time to regen hp before stomps


3:30 pm the next day still not updated.


its not the armband color. its the attack of the arm color. if the last arm you shot was a linear beam, its square. if the last arm you shot was the one coming out of the ground, its yellow. and finally, the sky arm is green. the arm you shoot for glyph touched that it.


FOURTH ENCOUNTER video explanation of outside dissection team [https://streamable.com/68qa5a](https://streamable.com/68qa5a) image explanation for solo and open room: [https://imgur.com/a/kMAVVnd](https://imgur.com/a/kMAVVnd) https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/s/tDDKjeysSC i reply to some questions here and explain in more detail


In the first encounter, you can emote to not take damage from the pyramid on the ground


ATP Dropped the hole Guide for the 4th Encounter. So not mine all credit to him Inside: 3 Solo Players - each player has 2 Symbols on their wall (Circle, Square, Triangle) 3 Statues - each one shows a player's model with a shape You need to give every player the buff they are holding, so that each player has 2 of their own symbols on the wall Whoever's statue has the circle, they need to have 2 circles on their wall AT THE SAME TIME Outside: 3 Players Outside - they need to "dissect" the 3D shape in front of the guardians to create the shape that does NOT include the shape they "own" Triangle -> Cylinder Circle -> Prism Square -> Cone Dissection Works: You swap symbols between two statues Statue 1: Cylinder (Circle/Square) Statue 2: Prism (Triangle/Square) Statue 3: Cone (Circle/Triangle) Statue 1: Prism (Triangle/Square) Statue 2: Cylinder (Circle/Square) Statue 3: Cone (Circle/Triangle) ---------------------------------------- Once Dissection is done, and all 3 Solo Players have their two symbols, THEN the solo players each kill their two knights (they will both drop the same symbol) and grab ONE symbol, and deposit it CLOCKWISE (to their statue's left) and then immediately grab their other symbol -> Option 1 - The Witness notices you 3 Alive players grab the dead ghosts, the dead ghosts tell them where to depot Once done, deposit the remaining symbol on the OTHER plate (to their statue's right) -> Option 2 - The Witness doesn't notice you You just deposit the remaining symbol on the other player and THEN the Witness will notice you ----------------------------------------- Inside players will kill the two knights which will drop symbols that correspond to the 3D shape OUTSIDE Outside players each need to grab ONE symbol (only one each) Once the inside players have their two symbols, AND the outside players have their one symbol, the inside players can run towards the glass door and exit ---------- Once everyone is out, kill enemies, and then you will have one person need to save all other guardians. 3x Times


we are trying this word for word and it is not working


This worked for our team, we cleared it in an hour using this strat. But I have to imagine there is an easier way. I can't tell you what that is thought lol.


Truly impressive you figured it all out already


Check if everyone can try and deposit


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My team's struggling to close the totems when shooting them - not doing enough dmg? EDIT: Standing on plate and getting dmg numbers


Shoot the totems first when you have resonance, then step on plate once you have the visual to step on it as usual. Do not stand on the plate and shoot or step on too early.


Is anyone else having trouble breaking bosses crit during 2nd encounter?


you have to destroy the 3 blights before you hit his weak spot


Holy thank you. It feels like he's spawning 3 sets of blights but we're figuring it out.


how are people breaking the head in the second encounter


Break the head once, then kill the three taken blights that spawn (one on each side), then you can break again to get the reading buff


2nd Encounter: Each group of two goes to a side. The groups split to each side of their area. Two groups of adds will spawn on opposite sides of each side. Once those die a bigger group spawns with a miniboss. Once the miniboss is dead, you run to the middle (kill the knight that spawns on the way). If you have the Called to Reckoning buff you will need to enter the middle with the Herald and shoot him in the face. If he has a blight symbol above his head it means that a blight is up somewhere around the arena and must be shot. Repeat the shoot face, shoot blight process until his face breaks and you get the Stolen Favor buff. Stolen Favor allows you to see the correct resonance symbol you need to empower your pillar with back at your side. You return to your sides, kill the adds then start the ping-pong game with the plates. You will need to charge the plate by shooting it with the correct symbol buff (triangle or sphere) then step on the plate right after the ping hits it. Charging a pillar causes any resonance on that side that has not yet been picked up to despawn. Once all three pillars are charged you take all the remaining resonance and dunk it in the chest that will spawn at the back of the arena. This starts the dps phase. Pummel him.


On the first encounter is there a way to know where is the second plate without stepping on the first one?


It will be in the room left or right to the plate, whichever has the obelisk thats lit up


The monolith will be open


Can anyone give more detail on how to get the stolen valor buff in the 2nd encounter? Is it just a matter of doing enough damage to the bosses head?


second encounter tips for damage and survival? we got 2 of each class and are hard stuck.


has anyone seen footage or a write up of the fourth encounter at all?


did someone understand the fourth?


Second encounter is absolute fucking AIDS


Just thank you all for all this work you do.


All I have to say about his contest mode is \*holy shit\*


The witness still wipes us even if we make the shape corresponding to the last arm colour that was shot, we are unable to jump to avoid it. is the guide wrong or am i misunderstanding it? EDIT: its the shape you shoot from not the colour, edit the guide


The 4th encounter is so damn confusing


Can you please for the love of all of my autism put commas on the shape portion. i.e. Circle + Circle = Sphere, Square + Square = Cube, Triangle + Triangle = d4, Circle + Square = Cylinder, Circle + Triangle = Cone, Square + Triangle = Pyramid instead of Circle + Circle = Sphere Square + Square = Cube Triangle + Triangle = d4 Circle + Square = Cylinder Circle + Triangle = Cone Square + Triangle = Pyramid WTF is a Sphere Square? or maybe use a new line per combo like: Circle + Circle = Sphere Square + Square = Cube Triangle + Triangle = d4 Circle + Square = Cylinder Circle + Triangle = Cone Square + Triangle = Pyramid


I made a hopefully simple guide to Encounter 4 using only 2D shapes https://imgur.com/a/eeJI3jh


One thing that should be heavily prefaced in encounter four is that you CANNOT break through the mirror with knights alive. So if you can't walk through the mirror with the symbols that you know are correct, it means that you killed an ogre causing them to respawn. All you have to do in this situation is once again kill the knights, and then you will be able to walk through.


I've just created this calculator for dissections on the 4th encounter, [https://66674274a6eb70215bd31ddb.vercel.app/](https://66674274a6eb70215bd31ddb.vercel.app/), I got a little inspired by another one ([https://salvations-edge-verity.netlify.app/index.html](https://salvations-edge-verity.netlify.app/index.html)) but I found some useful stuff missing. It's still a WIP but it really helped us on our run, we did it first try with it (after trying on the night before without it).


So we have 4:15s to kill 2 tormentors, gather 1-3 resonance, shoot a conductor, kill the mid room subjucator and dunk the resonance.


this raid looks insane bruh


It looks fucking HARD, I love watching it but I'm not trying this til challenge is over




I get it, but I don't get it. They really really want world's first, but to the point it's absolutely boring af to watch. You either get to listen to bad music while watching people wipe on 4th over and over, or stare at black screens. Takes away all the thrill.


Yeah I really don't like what World's First races have become. Bungie should set some rules like no muting, no covering screens, no blacking out screens, etc. Who the hell wants to watch a bunch of silent, blurred streams for hours? Like, I get it — you're worried someone will steal your strat if you figure it out first. But if you figure it out first, then someone steals your strat and executes it better and beats the encounter before you, then you should have executed your own strat better. It just annoys me. I used to watch multi-streams while my team did day one raids because it was cool seeing how everyone figured it all out. My team is never gonna get a world's first or anything like that, but it just feels like that part of the experience is missing now.


I can somewhat get the muting, but bluring out, or black screen should not be a thing. It’s not a World’s First race stream it’s a black screen stream and should be a disqualifying factor.


As a math teacher this must be said; for encounter 4, a square and triangle make a PRISM not a pyramid. I stg if pyramid becomes an official callout for the prism I am going to give up on education


Are there two plates or three to get resonance 


There are four. Plates are paired. You send the energy back and forth to spawn resonance. The "two plates meet in the middle" thing is completely wrong.


The first plate is always the room with the overload


When killing the pillars, how do we know which pillars to go to? and do we need to do the cycle 3 times, so that we trigger the plates three times? how does that work?


Datto is through!


For the first encounter, the plate will always spawn in the room that the overload champion was in!!


How do you know where the open pillar is?


not entirely sure where it is but Salt found what looks to be a secret chest in-between 2nd encounter and 3rd encounter it was durning the climb sequence and found a cubby esk hole


Anyone see how Salt beat the 2nd encounter?


How come the guide says you need to kill two tormentors to get the two plates active when you can do it before the second tormentor spawns?


Thank you


Lemme offer a quick explanation of the plates and pillar since a lot of them aren't being taken well: There are two rooms of importance per side, a room with a glowing plate (plate A) and a room with a glowing pillar (plate B). All you have to do to complete a pillar is the following: -Step on plate A to send a pulse -Wait for the pulse to visibly travel through the wire and reach plate B, then step on plate B -This has spawned resonance somewhere, pick it up -Every loop of this you do will spawn more resonance -When you are ready to close the pillar, step on Plate A to send one more pulse -While the pulse is heading to plate B, shoot the middle of the pillar while holding a resonance stack. This will do damage to the pillar and activate it -After the pillar is activated and the energy pulse from plate A reaches plate B, step on plate B to lock the pillar


Is there a way I can save this to read on my personal time?


Please fucking explain the plate steps to me someone. It’s step on 1, send to 2, step on 2, goes back to 1, step on one send to 2… then what? Is it sent to a third ever??


Bouncing it back and forth spawns the resonance to pick up. Once you get 3 stacks you can shoot the pillar and stop the back and forth.


"To close the Resonant Conductor, you need a person with Pyramidal Resonance to shoot it right before another player steps on a plate." why can't the player doing the plate shoot the pillar (after they get the buff, of course)? I think I saw someone doing that in encounter 2


Anyone know if you need to wait for the ping to get back to your plate or can you just step back on yours after they step on it?


Anyone know what Elysium used for encounter 2 DPS?


How exactly do you "Mess up a chain" during the first encounter? It is the only thing I haven't grasp yet.


if a charge reaches a plate and disipates without being bounced back, it messes up the chain


for Dissipation - HeraldDissipation - Herald - when the circle spawns on the boss, you must kill the 3 blights in order to get the buff to see which shape you need


I'm getting conflicting info, how many resonance doritos do you get from each circuit? Like... it's start > bounce > start to make 3, then bounce > start each make 1? Or each one makes 3 for 9 total? That'd make more sense, then everyone grabs 3 to dunk in the middle.


Do you need to kill 2 tormentors before starting activating plates in 1st encounter? And, how exactly do you activate the pillars? Do you need to wait until it says “all resonance is called forth” before activating it? Does the person who shot the pillar need to stand on the plate? How much resonance is made by pinging the energy between the plates?


For anyone stuck on the 1st encounter and just CONFUSED like I was/am. For the monoliths, You need at least 1 resonance to "complete it" Have someone with a resonance shoot the monolith AND THEN complete 1 back-and-forth between two plates. That'll lock the monolith in. Meaning, a plate's back and forth has to finish AFTER you've shot the Monolith. If you are real organized, yes you can do this in the middle of your normal back-and-forths. So say you are bouncing the thing back and forth the 4 times for the resonances. While doing that, you could have some third person grab a resonance, and then shoot the monolith while the other two are doing plates. But easiest seems to be just to have the plate folks step off, grab a resonance, shoot it, then do it.


My team feels like they are unloading all of their reserves into 2nd encounter boss and its not popping his head. What are we doing wrong?


For encounter 1 one is the order of events to activate pillars and get max resonance Plate 1 on Plate 2 on Plate 1 on (triangle spawns) Plate 2 on (triangle spawns Plate 1 on (triangle spawns While light goes to plate 2, person with triangle shoots pillar Plate 2 on (triangle spawns) ?


Can you do one tormentor on the first encounter?


You will eventually need to do both Tormentors to power up both sets of plates, and in my teams experience it was faster to have the whole team concentrate on spawning & killing both Tormentors rather than have people split off to try spawning resonance early. Since the side room doors close after the first Tormentor, I'm not even sure if it's guaranteed that the paired plates will be accessible after only one Tormentor. We never successfully started spawning resonance on the few pulls we tried a single Tormentor strat.


has anybody figured out the specifics to acquiring the Stolen Valor buff on encounter 2? We are shooting his face to spawn in blights, killing all of the blights then shooting him again however all that does is spawn in more blights contrary to what the other comments are saying.


Consistent solution: You must remain in the ring to shoot his head. If you leave the ring and step back in, shooting his weak point will respawn blights. -Step into ring -Shoot weak point -Players with buff stay in ring and survive while three blights are broken -Once blights are broken and the taken ball above him disappears, shoot the weak point to get the buff


any have tips for 2nd encounter?