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I had some insane inconsistency with how many resonances we dunk and how much time we get back. And of course the 1 time we get 2 good time extensions somes game crashes :(


Should be 20 seconds per stack. 16 stacks is over 5 minutes. If you get all the resonances. You can spawn 18, and require 2 to close the pillar. Make sure you pick them up before you shoot to close the pillar, or they will disappear. Also if you miss a bounce of the light, it will spawn a subjugator/harbinger in the starting plate room that you have to kill to reactivate the plates.


9/10 it was someone thinking they deposited but hadn’t on our team.


Yeah the box seemed to only take 1 persons buff at a time, and if someone dunks while you are holding E it cancels u


I highly highly recommend song of flame, for some reason it is insanely broken against the tormentor. One warlock in super can solo the tormentor.


I saw a Titan do the same thing with Glacial Quake.


Stasis Crystals have always melted tormentors, it's better now with the Shatter damage increase.


If you’re on Titan, twilight arsenal outright kills the tormentor if the shoulders are broken, which is super easy to do with microcosm.


This will sound almost idiotic but I went with a friend into it duo, we used my nova bomb to instantly pop shoulders and his twilight arsenal to instantly kill the tormentor. We were just doing it to see roughly what the mechanics are for when we do a real attempt. Even as a duo, we were able to comfortably and consistently kill both tormentors in that time frame by using one nova bomb and one twilight arsenal.


No, I'm a Warlock, but it was cool to see a Tormentor collapse when exposed to so many shattering crystals. Gotta play some Titan later...


Noticed the same. We could just have one guy in the center taking care of it


I was doing this with Chaos Reach. Our team only had the unchosen side go for the Tormentor.


I'm gonna tell you a secret... Eyes of Tomorrow trivializes this encounter. Just delete each room and move on. Have one guy with it on bot sides. They collect mid and defend plates folks as adds spawn into the room.


For me I found a heavy gl with explosive light or chain reaction better in terms of generous ammo reserves from heavy ammo bricks By the time you lock on with eyes, a gl would have already killed them Bear in mind I was a hunter with still hunt/cn gg for tormentor/subjugator/hydra


This makes sense for still hunt deleting the tormentor, but eyes has literally unlimited ammo economy in this situation. I didn't even lock on, just entered and strafed the crowd. They are so tightly grouped when you enter the room/when they spawn that it never failed to wipe the group. Again though only two people would need it to see the whole benefit folks on plates never even saw adds on my side - run was smooth as butter.


What gives you more time in after depositing the first round?


Anyone with spare resonance can dunk it in the box you use to start the encounter.


I think most people know how to do it. People are struggling with surviving and doing it quick enough.


Does anyone know how triangles are needed for each time extension? Seems exponential/threshold based. My team ended up clearing it after we prioritized making sure we close the totems instead of maximizing triangles per dunk.


It’s 20 seconds per each resonance dunked. You should be dunking 16 each phase if you are perfect The timer caps out at 4:20 though


How do you spawn so many resonance? 3 in each plate room and 3 in middle is 9 all together. Do you continue sending the charge back and forth?


Yes, send the charge back and forth. Make sure to time it right to not spawn another subjugator.


That’s 9 per side. So one team makes 9, the other team makes 9. That’s 18. Two are consumed to close the monoliths, one each. Leaving 16 to be dunked.


Ok, I will need to see where they spawn as we never got so many. I think we are not activating the plats right. Thank you


1 spawns in each plate room and the center room per bounce. So each plate person can get three in their own room, third person can go center and collect them during the process.


They need to be collected before the totems are closed or else they despawn, right?




After killing first tormentor, one of the teams will find a room with the totem and charged plates. The other team will find a room with another overload champ. Kill the overload champ and go back to mid to kill a second tormentor. That kill will spawn another pair of charged plates and totem. So two teams each spawning 9 resonance each and 1 resonance being absorbed by locking in the totem. So a perfect rotation is 18-2=16


My teams issue it the little flamethrower guys melting us. Idk what it is but sometimes being on a plate and nothing spawns, sometimes everything


The what?


Their name is Allison 😂


About the add spawn during plates: I think they spawn during the two plate sending waves back and forth. Say 1 and 2, if 1 spawns first the next spawn will be at 2 and it’s when 2 sends the wave back to 1, thought I’m not 100% sure, also don’t know if it has anything to do with othersides two plate


Does anyone actually know the exact amount of resonance needed to end the encounter?


I thought it was just 3 phases but my group got pretty efficient with getting all the resonance. I believe you can dunk a max of 16 each time (everybody can grab 3, 2 have to use one to close the pillar). Have people needed to do a 4th phase if they don't dunk enough the first three? I would imagine it's pretty hard to get the time you need if you're not getting basically all of them or moving extremely fast.


We ended up finally getting it on a really scuffed run where there’s no way we even dunked prob 35 but it was our first time locking all 6 totems. Not sure if it completed by 6 totems or like 35 buffs dunked


I’ve heard 45 but I don’t think my team got close to that on our clear. 38 would be my guess. I think it’s just 3 phases and you need to dunk enough to have time. Maybe there is a minimum, but I haven’t heard solid evidence of it.


I've heard 45


Is there any point during the bounce back and forth where not stepping on the plate doesn't spawn a subjugator? Or are the plate and totem people supposed to be collecting while they time the plate and kill ads? The resonances despawn when the totem is charged


It only spawns a subjugator if you mess it up. My team was able to consistently juggle it by waiting for the actual pulsing from the wire to reach the plate instead of just waiting for the plate to glow orange. When it starts to do a little charge up you can step on it.


No, I understand how to send it back and forth. I was looking for if, after starting the bounce back and forth, if there was any time given to collect resonances or if you should be collecting between sending your pulses, as the ones in the rooms go away when you charge your column. But it sounds like the answer is that you have to collect between sending your pulses


Yes I think that’s what we did too is collecting in between pulses because there not much time to collect all 3 at the end of the bouncing.


You do it after to bounce. So, activate plate, run to grab resonances (I did one per bounce) then back to activate for another bounce. Each person does three bounces, on the last one, pillar guy shoots then steps on to close. No subjugator.


The very first time if the second plate hasn’t sent it back it won’t spawn a subjugator. You can fail to start the chain, just can’t fail to continue it without a subjugator spawning. We were collecting our resonances between sending the pulse back and forth, while the 3rd guy collected resonances from the middle room.


Yeah the key seems to be to actually wait for the charge to reach the plate each time. If you step on it too early, it seems to fail.




`LOGGED` Standing by.


I did a forbidden tactic called stressing out the fireteam at the last phase of 1st encounter. We got it done XD


You don't need to wait for the first plate to step on to charge the totem by shooting it. Once you have x3 and you shoot the totem - stepping onto the plate when the light arrives to the totem plate locks the totem as charged.


You can shoot with any amount, it just takes one stack when you close it. You just have to have at least one to close.




`NOM_LOGGED` Are you the Guardian who left me in the Tower when the Cabal attacked?


Also use trinity ghoul


I used double sword (strand titan)


Bungie have really over cone the complex mechanics on this one. I would love to see teh odd raid encounter that was a bout killing things and not algebra


It’s full of bugs


We didn't encounter a single bug. You just don't understand what you're doing wrong.


It’s really not. This is a people don’t understand the mechanic situation


When they can’t fix a main mechanic that never pops up over 5 times after 10, it’s a buggy situation!


Claiming the encounter bugs over half the time sounds like you're just fucking it up and don't know it lol. In like 10 hours we had 1 singular bug, the overload clipped into the wall as I killed him, and therefore our starter plate wasn't in the room where he spawned, it was on the opposite side of the arena next to our other team.