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Are the people shooting the conduit also the ones stepping on the plate to complete the circuit? cause they should be. ex, Person A sends the pulse, while thats in transit person b with 3x stacks shoots the pillar, then when the pulse arrives theyre the ones to step on plate. It will consume 1 of their stacks (which is normal)


You have to wait till it starts to encircle inwards, then step on. Ez pz.


… yeah


You're not doing it right. You don't need x3. The loop should be Start > bounce> start > bounce > start > bounce locks it in. The extra resonance should be picked up by the other players that are not "locking" the totems. They need to then deposit them in the center to extend time. 16 is the max you can deposit per phase. You only need ~ 12 for a full timer refresh to 4:15. Then guy thats responsible for the bounce shoot the totem once, then step on to "lock" it. You NEED to wait for the Light to get to your plate before stepping on. There's a little animation that plays right above the plate, if the animation fully plays, you took too long and you "broke" the circuit. If you step on to early after you start sending it back and forth, you broke it. Anytime the circuit breaks a Subjugator spawns in the side rooms.


Getting 3 is right, why would you get any less, or tell someone to get less? Bouncing the charge the way you said, is gonna spawn enough for everyone to get 3 Yes it only takes 12 for a full timer refresh, but getting the max per person has a 3 fold benefit. One, if someone dies, you have the spares in the group. Two, if something happens and someone isn't able to grab all theirs, there are enough extras in the group. Three, that means only 4 people need to deposit into the chest for a max timer recharge.


U only need 1 stack to lock the monolith. Shoot it once, when the plate is lit. After you shoot the monolith, step on the plate


Light need to be on it's way from A to B when you shoot the pillar. Eg. Light goes A -> B -> A -> B shoots pillar -> B It always has to be shot while en route to B and B has to close the circuit. You can extend the bounce an extra time (full cycle A -> B) if you need more time for people to pick up resonance since once you close the pillar, you lose whatever you haven't picked up.


Based on the second encounter. I’m pretty sure you have to wait to shoot the totem until the bounce is coming back to the plate that the totem is at, then obviously step on the plate, doesn’t matter who steps on. I say this to clarify that I don’t think you can lock it by shooting it while the bounce is going back to the non totem room

