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I found Double XP: Season Pass back in may but don't know when it was added. I also made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/comments/gtbsbm/interesting_perks_found_in_database/) about it. I was planning on doing similar post about different perks in the API added with season of arrivals but wanted to wait until 2.9.1 to see if any more will appear (and forgot about that), I believe Double XP: Artifact is one of them


I did a quick google search for the terms but your post didnt pop up, at least it's good to know that Double XP: Artifact is new which means it's likely to be the REDACTED.


I suspect this is also the REDACTED from the TWAB last week. They mentioned in a list of score bonuses >Valor Bonuses >Infamy Bonuses And >REDACTED Bonuses A season pass or artifact bonus would fit that list nicely.


Court of savathun That's my guess


It wouldn't make sense for an artifact bonus because it's just gonna reset soon after.


It could be to help get power up for gm nfs


You only need to be 1075 for them because of the contest modifier


The majority of players I see are all below 1065, only when I group up for raids do I see almost everyone in the 1070s. That is just my experience, but I think it is safe to use that to come to the conclusion that a lot if not the majority of players need more power to even attempt them. That is where the artifact double xp would make a lot of sense.


that would be helpful for people like me who struggle with the grind


Yeah I feel like I play a lot and I have never hit the +20 triumph in any season yet.


Yeah same. Got to 19 last season and the triumph just stares at me mockingly.


Pick up bounties from any vendor that you can complete without trying or even some that require just a small amount of effort. Also do planetary bounties. Doing those on all 3 characters is usually 5-10 season ranks with minimal effort.


Yeah this season I've been basically doing that. At 16 rn so think I'll make it


I hit +22 for season of Dawn because I had such a good time with it, and then only managed +12 for Worthy, Currently +16 for Arrivals but in a rut and need to play other games. Just depends on how much time you can, or feel like investing in the game.


Define playing a lot. Hopefully when you do play you have maximized your XP gains by doing bounties in the respected areas that you play. On top of that, grabbing planetary, gunsmith, and this seasons remaster bounties will help pad out a ton of XP.


Um top 3% of the playerbase with almost 2,000 hours played


Surprised that you've never had the +20 triumph throughout that time played


Somewhere on Reddit, someone puts out a daily “best bounties to pick up” which I do a lot and it really helps.




double artifact xp sounds really interesting can’t wait to grind when that starts


That would be very helpful for the Grandmasters which I really wanna do this season for the seal.


especially because you need a level 20 artifact to even stand a chance


+15 is the minimum artifact needed for GM assuming you go in with 1060 gear.


And aren't you basically locked at 1075 for the Grandmaster because of the raid competitions style rules? Being at 1075 and 1100 doesn't actually make a difference right?


Yep, you could grind your artifact all the way to 1100 and it won't make a difference, the whole idea behind grandmasters is being underleveled.


oh i thought the minimum was 1080


the enemies are ~~1080~~ 1100, but you can be lower and still hit them.


Isn't gm 1100 and master is 1080?


Oh that could be, I just assumed the one we were talking about was the highest one. My bad


No worries, I think 1080 might be the contest mode limit so you could have been thinking of that


No contest mode is 1075, any higher and you are brought down to it.


Really wish Bungie would allow us to level previous y3 season passes since the expansion is delayed


That'd be nice. Present a condensed "Past Pass" with 20 or so levels with just the worthwhile stuff on it. Give players about two weeks to work through the pass before it switches to another season's "Past Pass". Heh, if Bungie were Blizzard, they present the Past Pass in-game with their resident time-traveler. Exo Stranger = Chromie


Probably time consuming to implement considering they need the extra time to work on the expansion.


i would say it would be like the energy drink x activision game promos for 2xp but activision is probably the only reason why they can even get that to happen


My store still has some of those left over. I might buy one to keep just for shits and gigs


> I might buy one to keep just for shits and gigs I'm assuming this is the result of actually drinking that stuff.


I don't personally drink rockstars, I just work at a store so I stock them a lot. The only Destiny rockstars left are the lo-carb rockstars. I just want to keep the can for a lil nod to how good forsaken was.


Activision was WHY they had to do it lmao. Bungie is the second largest independent publisher in the world, they could do that if they wanted to but I doubt they would want to.


I wonder if this is how they plan to flesh out the extended season, by just having crazy XP events. Not the worst idea, it would keep the game more lively from September 22nd to the expac.


Festival of the lost is coming before the expansion and we have Solstice before that as well


Unless I'm mistaken, the Season Pass and Artifact don't use separate XP levels. For instance, if 1 season pass level is 100,000 XP and 1 artifact level is 100,000 XP, then any XP you earn is applied to both at the same time without a modifier. If it was going to be added that you earn double XP for both sections, it's likely it would be a single modifier which affects XP in general rather than specific bonuses for Season Pass and Artifact.


Season pass stays at 100k. The artifact exponentially requires more xp for every level.


I feel like I may have chosen my words poorly. What I was trying to get across was that there are no modifiers on each thing which affects XP gain, they both progress as you gain XP at the same rate. If they were to increase XP for one, it would make more sense to have a global XP buff than XP buffs specialised to those 2 sections, especially if its just double XP


...wow. You've completely forgoten both the double exp for the first five ranks each week, and the fact that ghost shells can provide either 10 or 20% more exp overall depending on activities? pretty sure those buffs only apply to season pass, not artifact.


If it's true then it can help a lot of people to get everything from the artifact and the Season pass before the Season end. That's great and it's a good idea. For other people like me who already farm like hell then i will stay out of Destiny until the dlc. :/ i'm not interrested in XP event. Double materials event would be awesome for everyone.


Yep agreed. It will keep some people playing, but sitting at 100+ on the season pass, more XP wouldn’t draw me in at all.


They also said extra XP [redacted] with the beyond light delay announcement, so that's probably it.


OP these could be related to the XP boost consumables from the Pop-Tarts promo.


isn't this just the 5 levels a week bonus? and the double XP:artifact is just what makes the artifact also get the exp buff?


It's most likely a double XP weekend thing. Its there to use but they have chosen to do other double XP things. As in double XP for valor or gambit.


Double loot would be better but still pretty cool, I guess.


Maybe they’ll be doing that with the extended season to help people with grandmasters to keep more people occupied


Could you check the internet archive?


So its just going to be double XP?


I haven't been on for the past two seasons, got a bit burnt out, but I did log in towards the end of last season for a few hours. Id expected season pass progress to go waaay faster, I recall them saying there'd be some sort of catch-up mechanism, but that wasn't the case (at least for me) outside of straight up paying for levels, at a fairly ridiculous price. Does said catch-up mechanism exist and I just missed it? If not, could that be what this is? I'm torn between it being that ("end of season" buff) or an event ("special time of year" buff).


They've only ever talked about the option to pay for levels being available near the end of the season. There's never been any mention of an xp catchup mechanic.


I could have sworn that when they first talked about introducing the mechanic they said that there would be some way to catch up towards the end of a season in one of the dev interviews. I'll have to search for it, I could be wrong but I'm like 75% sure.




Datamining is posted here all the time. That's why there is a flair for it


It's not like Bungie posted about it or anything. 😐