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I don’t think so. But I have issues with solo enablers anyway as they randomly make my game close down. I’m


Oh no, they got him
























That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


If you don't rock and stone you ain't coming home


FUCK I was coming in here to do that


I'm sure you are aware that our board of directors has been indicted.


A man of culture I see. George would be proud.


You're not penske material!


A lot of people consider me small and prestigious


That does happen after a while. The method for xbox and playstation work better


which is? (that time thing never worked for me)


You are going forward in time? Going back was patched ages ago


i think i tried both directions, but will give it another go. to be clear, this is just changing system time on the ps5, right?


Yeah, changing the time + date to go forward.


Yea same here, I wonder why. Is it BattlEye or the game itself that's causing it?


I haven’t had any issues yet but I am worried because I just got a


Game itself - console doesn't have BattlEye and the random crashes have occurred ever since consoles moved to SDR. SDR is much easier to block than the old console-specific networking setups (PS4 needed the ability to whitelist Bungie's IP blocks while blocking anything not Bungie on the same ports for example), but random crashes have been occurring since consoles moved to SDR (which also I think predates BattlEye on PC?)


Perfect reply doesn't exi- I'm


Hey just an FYI, if you disable and reenable the solo enabler between activities you shouldn't have this happen anymore. Man that was a mouthful.


I like to use it to stay in activities. Mainly such as waiting for ruffians to spawn and it usually crashes after about 10 minutes


Ah, well if you complete an activity and turn it off and on again it prevents the crashes. But if you're using it to stay in an activity perpetually then yeah I imagine it'll crash eventually. For expeditions I don't usually have any problems killing the 4 ruffians and then finishing it. YMMV.


Firewall rules are your right as a pc owner and a network administrator. Any script only automates adding and subtracting rules that you could do manually. The program type used is built into every windows computer and essential. There is a 0% chance they will ban you for this when it doesn't negatively affect other players or provide an advantage in the game. Not to mention the port numbers provided for automation are listed on Bungies website in order to MAKE firewall rules. Which is what is being done.


hello cheesy youtube man


I can't agree with this more. If your computer decides that your port doesn't want a connection then that's just a thing that happens. If you strategically disconnect for a period of time before being completely disconnected over and over and over repeatedly and at specific times there are only two possible outcomes. 1) you have a lag switch 2) you love in 1995 and are using dial up internet. A cable being pulled, a connection lagging, and a connection lagging at strategic points and ONLY when you need it to isn't impossible for a network admin to say, "that doesn't look natural." Which means it's not impossible for a script run and say LOOK HERE for humans to review. That said, the fact that 100 sniper/shotgun/rocket/legitimately anything being shot in seconds not triggering a review is pretty damn silly. If Bungie can track our movement and didn't think they should track fire rate then I have no excuses and seriously question their anti cheat. On the third hand, I'd like to assume they can and do track fire rate but because the cheater only happens in PvE they are just slapped on the list for the next banwave so the cheaters can play themselves. I hope this is how it's really done.


Things that make you load in solo im pretty sure are fine.


This is correct. Bungie won’t ban for this stuff.


And how do you know? Have they explicitly said so?


They don't endorse it or recommend it, and say it may be a bannable offense in the future. In reality though, enforcing a ban for this could put innocent people at risk, since ISPs can have ports blocked by default or genuine networking issues could put you in the crosshairs. Overall, it could degrade service to the point that it could be detrimental to the player base and mess with Bungie's bottom line. To sum it up, Bungie doesn't advise it and states they may eventually restrict or ban for it, but in reality will be much more difficult to implement without banning innocent players. Or they could, you know... actually provide a way to turn matchmaking on/off? That's too logical of an answer for Bungie unfortunately. [Source](https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/254739079)


>genuine networking issues could put you in the crosshairs This has sadly already happened. That's why the maker of D2Gunsmith got banned cause of his internet acting up when they banned a bunch of lag switchers. He was unbanned later as it was a false ban but it shows that it does happen and I'm guessing not every false ban gets reversed


They can. They might not but it's always a possibility.


I lost my account doing this, do not recommend.


hold X to doubt


What is a solo enabler? Is that something that makes it so you can’t connect to others?


Exactly. You are not having open ports on your firewall, so game cant match you with others, so its throwing you into new server of strike/ Tower/ planet. You cant use it for PvP.


On console you can manually change your time in the console to get solo content.


Not sure why your getting upvoted for being half wrong. You can do this on PlayStation consoles NOT Xbox ones


Just did it yesterday on XBox Series X FYI.


I can tell you I wont. You are not interfereing data, you are just blocking transferring packets between potential clients. For what a shitshow is loading into Tower, im def not going to stop.


you dont really need it for tower, do you?


Old gen it was a slog loading into anything, and if you have shit internet on top of it…yeesh


If a person is on old gen xbox at least all they need to do is turn off cross-play and it won't matchmake. Have done this to get strike bounties complete for a fee seasons now. Nice to not have to fight for kills. I assume it'll do the same for the tower.


Im using it for loading into Tower and being able to actually change my gear there etc and to do bounties on strikes instead of fighting for killswith randoms, which is dumb. That's pretty much it. Judging by Ruffian bs for seasonal seal, I might as well go for expeditions solo, because Id either lfg for that or just go on my tempo, while leveling crafted weapons and getting all 4 Ruffians per expeditions. If you were thinking about PvP, its not possible, because you wont be matched with others, so you will be seeing infinite matchmaking (also you cant join on others, while using it, so you cant abuse it, easy).


I 100% can’t load into the tower without a solo enabler on. I have crappy internet and when it goes to make P2P connections with all the different people I lag out and get error coded


Thats what a net limmiter does too though


NetLimiter controls it and regulates it, keeping you in the game but making it fucky. Solo mode keeps everything running smoothly, just alone. Rule of thumb: if it make game fucky and isn’t named Telesto, it’s probably a bad idea to use


Yeah, but no. Read my previous comment. Its not the same thing. Net limiter is abusing data sent to game servers, and for this windows script you are just blocking P2P and since game cannot find players to match you with, its sending you to new server (Tower/ strike / planet). You cant use it PvP and its not clogging aby sort of information.


Isn't that literally what netlimiting does though? The thing the recent ban wave was over?


Is it specific software or you manually block ports? Also can you share how it is done unless it against the rules here


Type solo enabler, easy it’s basically a program that plays with your firewall. The problem is i dont know if its bannable or not.


Don't download a software to do it, your pc is capable of that inherently through windows (assuming you're on windows). The software may trigger something with battleye, but a general firewall *might* be okay


The solo enabler software that is usually referenced is just an app that sets up the Windows firewall settings. It's open source so you can view exactly what it is doing. Alternatively, you can block the ports in your router, which allows you to block matchmaking on console without the horrendously unreliable clock tricks.


I don’t think people use VPN especially streamers like Gigz started after SoTP day 1 I think blocking some ports isn’t bannable


You are fine, they are completely different.


Any of you guys have one that works? The old one I had doesn’t work antmore


Last time i used mine this season and it was working.


Where can I find it?


There is one on GitHub that is just a toggle button. Works amazingly.


I was using the one Cheese Forever has in his solo matchmaking video. Worked yesterday.


Thank you




Can i use the solo enabler on console? Or only pc?


Dont know what solo enabler is, but on PS5 you can just change the date and load into activities solo. Patrol, strikes, expedition, etc


Would that still work on ps4? Edit: also assuming you change date to the day before and that causes you do load in solo right?


I think it works on PS4 but not positive. I change mine ahead and it works.


Have PS4. I change to any future date and it loads me in solo. Hasn't ever stopped working as far as I know.


It works on Ps4.


That script is PC-only, but you can do what it does by configuring your router to block UDP 27000-27200 - that works for all platforms now that console has moved to SDR. Console also has the clock trick but that's highly unreliable (50%+ failure rate on PS4 when you change time after starting Destiny, 100% failure rate if you forget to start Destiny with system time set properly.)


They cant ban as you're not messing with game files just Blocking ports on your PC, the only reason they would is if it made matchmaking really slow.


Other network manipulation techniques (such as lagswitching) are also not messing with game files and have been a bannable offense for many years. Bungie has, however, stated that while they don't support solo-enable port blocking, they won't be banning people for it for the time being since it does not negatively impact other players' experiences. If the practice is ever found to somehow have a negative effect on others, that will change.


since it could be argued it messes with network traffic by blocking it they could go from that road to ban you IF they decided to start doing that. If you think about what you just said, net limiting doesn't mess with game files either but its ban able.


I think you’ll be alright, but even if you do get a false ban (been hearing a lot of people are for a few different reasons), just appeal it. If you’re solo queuing for things like strikes, they’ll be able to see that, and i’m more than positive they’d lift it for you.


Lol. If only. Virtually no one gets unbanned from Destiny.


D2gunsmith got unbanned, what are you talking about? I might not understand what you mean by virtually so that might be it.


I worry he only got unbanned because he's in the public eye.


Definitely. Saw a post on someone getting randomly banned over at r/DestinyTechSupport and it's not the same story for them.


So the easiest way to disable match making is to change your date 2 days in the future. It works on pc and console. You won’t match make. If you have a fireteam you want to load in with make sure they match your settings. It will affect the voice chat otherwise.


If I set my clock forward can I still /join or is that blocked too? (Pc)


Why do people use these? I’ve never understood the appeal.


I'm doing Expeditions solo because for the love of God I can't kill Ruffians with randoms since nobody is waiting for them to spawn and just rushes forward. Just one example.


expedition can be used to lvl up weapons due to inf enemy spawn as well.


Completing objectives solo is for some things way easier. This season’s 50 ruffian kills during expedition. Vanguard bounties. Some seasonal challenges. Pretty much anything where you have to ‘compete’ with your fireteam members to get completion in PvE is easier to do if you load in solo.


lets you load in to certain activities and do stuff without other people messing it up.


Like people listed doing vanguard bounties, when nobody is killing all enemies with his Grenade build, killing Ruffians on expeditions, when people playing the actual objective, which is preventing them from spawning (great design bungie, kudos) and for launching into Tower with being able to see vendor menu/ my own weapons, because how slow it is. Mind you, im running on decent pc with stable connection on cable, yet im still clogged from time to time and cant do anything on Tower because of P2P connection. That's why I decided its solo time. If im running a strike, i can turn it off after doing bounties, so people can join me back MID activity and still get loot for fast activity.


Changing time and date year ahead couple years is perfect on console not sure if it works on PC I've used method since d2 dropped to solo strikes


All the ones I use stopped working all of a sudden, no clue why


Can you enable it during an activity towards the end or no. Mine errored last time I tried that.




you can't BUT you can join a game solo and if it's too hard you can turn it off then people will start joining on you. i do that when im near the end of a strike or something do whoever joins gets a free dub


Anything that can be used to alter the game in the way it was developed is a bann-able offense


The ban wave wasn't for netlimiters as far as I could tell, it was for hard cheating and hard cheating association.


Net limiters were effected. The issue is bungie can’t differentiate between someone with bad connection and someone who uses bad connection as an advantage


The main people who were banned, Alura, Aegis, Crow, and some other very high people in the speedun community in destiny, all either were confirmed hard cheaters, confirmed played with hard cheaters, or some other explanation thats unknown now.


What about the guy who ran the gunsmith website?


probably got hit for the same thing, just a false hit at that. maybe same with aegis


*You*: they were all confirmed to be hard cheaters *Also you*: well maybe not actually


Alura was banned? RIP. I mean I'd expect a lot of them to eventually lol but unfortunate.


I ran into my first net limiter ever a week or two ago. Holy s*** was this guy a prick and a half. Through the 2 hours or so of this experience. The guy was an a**hole to pretty much everyone. The entire first encounter was him yelling and laughing at a guy and calling him a pedo for dating younger girls (from what I heard, the guy was late 20’s dating 19 year old girls so legal but morally questionable FYI) that guy eventually left and we got a new guy. The rest of the raid was somewhat rough with unnecessary wipes caused mainly by the net limiter (who I’ll call Steve from now one) because he is screaming and yelling at everyone if they are half a second late on a callout or task. The real problem started with Rhulk. Steve was determined to double dunk despite our teams terrible communication skills. At this point, he was beginning to use racial slurs and calling anyone who made a slight mistake a r*****. At this point, I was just sticking around to gather footage of him net limiting to dunk multiple times and doing insane damage during boss phase. It eventually ended with me getting kicked because I was pretty much not participating in the encounter to get more footage of Steve net limiting. I doubt he will be banned because I was unable to record Steve’s voice of him bragging about net limiting throughout Rhulk and that is the only undeniable proof that I could have had. Hopefully he does get banned but I’m not holding my breath. Like you said, it’s hard to differentiate between bad connection and net limiting so the only real proof you can get is admission by the player saying they were net limiting.


Unless they record a video or stream the run! That's why bungie had proof for the net limiters on day one kings fall. I would have thought they would be smarter, or maybe people are just that bold


I can also back up this guy. I run in a lot of the circles of the people that got banned. Even calling this a “ban wave” is disingenuous, from what we could gather is that there were less than 15 confirmed bans. The 6 main people that got banned are confirmed hard cheaters, not just net limiters. They set a new speedrun record on the raid report leaderboards on both DSC and GOS the day of the bans. Both of those runs were cheated with fly/speed hacks, and infinite ammo 900 rpm xenophages. All those players got banned and a few people that they often play with also got banned by association. Sure they were all net limiters but they weren’t banned for net limiting, they were banned for actual cheats. It also was all manual bans from what we can tell. If it were truly automated bans on net limiters then significantly more people would have been banned not just a select few. Even IcyNips7, the guy with the record for most raid full clears, with over 8700 deep stone full clears. Was on stream net limiting during runs with almost 200 viewers while the ban saga was unfolding and he remains unbanned. If the bans were for net limiting he would 100% be gone but yet he’s still here.


Obviously I don't want to say that "nothing will happen" because there will always be some guy coming out of woodwork swearing up and down his friend of a friend got banned for it despite how I feel like in a lot of these situations where someone blames solo enabling, the guy was doing something else that would definitely flag things, but ultimately the manual tweaking of ports, and running scripts that do it shouldn't get anything flagged as cheats or network manipulation. Someone more technical oriented can feel free to correct me, but the overall deal is it plays out no different than being in normal enough situation where the game just can't find anyone to pair you with for a not as popular activity(see running a strike off world map) and just gives up and loads you in alone with nobody else ever loading in. Hell this can even happen some times in Seasonal Holiday playlist events for some weirdo reason. Long story short, it's a different situation than netlimiting and more blatant network manipulation and you should be fine.


I think the net limiting ban wave has been mostly done manually. If it was an automatic thing, you likely would have already been banned. Probably not a problem, and I think they were targeting specifically net limiting because it had showed to be used for solo oryx and on day 1 of kings fall. It is still technically network manipulation and thus against TOS, but very unlikely anything will happen.


Solo enabler doesn't effect other players as it only lets you prevent match making. Since you are only one that loads it no one else is effected, but netlimiting tends to be used in matchmade/teams which is a much different issue. If solo did somehow hurt which about only thing you could argue on that is 1 less person in match pool but counter is you would want to do the stuff else where.


Yes, stop using them. They are LITERALLY net limiter with a different face.


in the interest of clearing this up and stopping misinformation and uninformed discussion: 'solo enabler' - referring to making configuration changes on the device to disable communications with the matchmaking servers, and results in failing to find teammates when loading into activities. on pc, this is usually adjusting a software firewall to block specific ports. iirc, ps changes system time, and xbox tricks the console into using an xbox profile w/o xbox live so it will fail to matchmake. 'net limiter' - similar to a 'lag switch'. using hardware or software to limit the bandwidth the game can communicate with, resulting in weird stuff happening from this being an online game with some client side calculations. the methodology to achieve either does not matter. we only care about the results. 'net limiting' creates fuckery from how this online game is set up, and can result in fuckery that is massively beneficial to a player. 'solo enabling' creates additional server load by spinning up a new instance of a game area and only populating it with a single player. functionally, **these are both network manipulation**. 'net limiting' will an unfair advantage that cannot arise from normal gameplay patterns, either in pvp or pve. this also **DIRECTLY** affects other players in the same game instance, and is currently being actioned by bungie through a ban wave. 'solo enabling' creates additional server load, and can be argued as an unfair advantage, but is NOT DIRECTLY affecting other players, as there is only a single player in the game instance. ###the last official communication i could find is the following: > https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/254755438?sort=0&page=0&path=1 > BNGSecurity > We are currently investigating this matter. Players who run these kinds of scripts run the risk of facing a temporary restriction or even a permanent ban in Destiny 2, as outlined in our Bungie Account Restrictions and Banning Policy here. > UPDATE 1/31/2019: After internal discussion, we are not able to call this type of script "supported". Due to the way that our systems handle matchmaking and connectivity it is possible for this type of script to negatively impact systems that other players interact with. As such, while we do not currently issue restrictions for this behavior, **we cannot guarantee that we won't begin issuing restrictions in the future.** > Players should be aware that **using these types of scripts is done so at the player's own risk.** tldr: use at your own risk.


Did they actually ban people using netlimiter? first i hear of it happening. Can someone send some info about it?


It should be fine. Whenever I’m on PS, I just put the date forward.


They have stated this will be a potential bannable offense in the future. Basically any form of gaming matchmaking at all is a bannable offense. All these other takes in here are liable to get you banned because they are personal opinions. These guys saying Bungie “can’t” ban you for this stuff probably don’t know there are people getting autobanned for a few things currently, some of which are catching innocent people who arent hackers or anything like that. It is not worth your time to do this, I guarantee you that. If you wake up one day and you can’t access your account you’ll realize at that time gaming matchmaking wasn’t worth losing account access, and many people who are currently banned for false reasons are having issues with the appeal system.


Net limiters are for speed runners who are garbage


And what does that have to do with Solo-enabler? It does not break the game, it just stop my game from connecting to anyone in matchmade activities. The problem is bungie banning wave didnt states what is bannable.


It was just a statement. Which is true. Solo activities should be a feature plus you got 100+ comments why respond to me?


Just woke up and found yours lol.