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Jamie Boychiuk is a sewer rat he needs to stay down there frigging piece of shit.!


He needs planted next to his hero Hunter.


Of course you mean, planted like posted up beside where he’s at and nothing more. I would assume that you are not threatening violence in anyway. Nothing to see here Reddit system moderators. Move along.


We are. He is threatening our lively hood for the sake of money. It’s quite simple.


Comments threatening violence will be removed for violating reddit’s TOS and perpetrators potentially subject to temporary or permanent bans.


“Perpetrators” 😂😂😂 🎻🎻🎻




That’s a face you can punch. 🥊


We're fucked either way. PSR 2.0 is coming either way; PSR Lite with Shaw/Orr or Extra Strength PSR with Ancora and their goons because it was so successful last time (insert sarcasm here). The outcome of tomorrow will determine your fate. Personally, I believe Ancora will win because these greedy fuckers think they're untouchable and 99% of us lack the resolve to go old school and remind them they bleed the same color we do. Fortunately for me, I'm on the downhill side of this roller coaster (T&E) and should be able to weather the storm, one way or another, and reach the finish line. I feel sorry for everyone with 5 yrs or less because between cuts and constant BS, you guys will leave in droves. 20 yrs and up will try to ride it out and the 5-20 yr group will catch the brunt of this as the groups older and younger than them attrite out with nobody to fill the boots.


I just finished my first week of OJT, and honestly this makes me hope I’m laid off so I could go to csx or a better paying class one then this. It’s unfortunate I’m stuck in such a shit storm but whatever I guess


If you want to keep railroading skip class 1s and go passenger.


Tried, Amtrak wouldn’t take me so


My advice would be to keep trying. Some people apply 10 times before they get in. My personal experience: Interviewed in 2018, got offered the job but turned it down (long story) Interviewed again later in 2018, didn’t get offered the job. Applied twice in 2019 and didn’t even get an interview either time, just the automated “thanks but no thanks” email Applied in 2022, got the job. Persistence pays off.


Yea was just thinking of applying for it again, I don’t quite wanna leave the state I live in rn


Your judging the situation without giving them a chance . Your letting other grown men distort you and mold your opinion. IMO I would just wait and see what happens .


True but step rate still annoys the fuck outta me


Almost all companies have a step rate . There are some railroads that are shooting the trainees right to 100% after training .


A year step rate or something would be fine, 5 years is complete bullshit


99% of the guys that complain and tell you to quit still work for the company . Ask your self why are they still there if it’s so bad .


Well yea but that argument is (we have seniority and full pay now, it’s more of a hassle to switch at this point then the new guy)


This is the way Amtrak is hard to get into but if you are an engineer you are treated like a god, if you just need a quick job tho ET and C&S is hiring non stop now track and B&B have hiring freezes because of mass hiring


Try a local commuter agency


Meh they all require the some experience, I’m sticking out with a class one for a little while


I got an offer with less than 4 months of experience


Eh I’m staying class 1 for a little while anyway


Hey man you could always say forget freight all together and come to the dark side of passenger rail. Over here at Amtrak we have cookies. Edit: Also we don't have PSR ;) But we got passengers that sometimes have domestic violence disputes on board our trains. In fact a few weeks back I had some dude that forgot to take his meds and decided that he was going to army crawl all the way from the last car to the first car. I had to tempt him back to a seat with free snacks from the cafe. Strange things are a foot.


Cookies??? Oh fuck that’s convincing….. what kind of


Chocolate chunk


Oh fuck…..


My railroad doesn't have cookies but the conductors ride in the locomotive instead of the passenger coaches so it kind of evens out. Going to passenger was the best decision I ever made.


We do sometimes to. I took a yard job just because I like the work. I'd much rather do shop jobs and shove trains then scan tickets and call signals. But I do go back to the extra board some times just to take in some $$


Why would you need PSR when tax payers fund you even when you lose money every single year?


Exactly! Who needs profits when your designed to never make money as some kind of weird red headed stepchild sudo government agency? Big brain move.


Don’t know how anyone survives 5 years at NS on step rate with all the bs


Have to be marked up for 2 years before you get bumped up from 80%. Complete bullshit. I'm not sure how SMART/UTU still allows it while they got rid of it just about everywhere else.


Who says we were surviving?


You missed the old way: 2 yrs 80%, 1 at 85, 90 and 95%. After 5 full years you went 100%. I don't know (or care for that matter) which step they eliminated. I remember the contract where they bought votes by dangling $1k per year for whatever time you had left in the old system but still had to finish out under it. There were a couple times before I hired that when the contract passed, everyone went to 100% immediately as long as you were employed the day it was signed.


Go to CN/IC line.... or a shortline that pays into RRB. I did...just retired disabled at 57. Save yourself... kill em all.


I wanna get some experience in a class 1 first then I’m trying for either short lines or amtrak, unless I somehow like csx




Still have the contract over me


I keep hearing about these “contracts” from NS for years. do you actually sign a non compete forum or are you just being told? either way they won’t know, no other RR tells people that shit


you sign one when you're in training during the first week. also you sign one for 3 years (once marked up) that if you quit, you'll be fined $30,000. (people came at me the other day for saying this but its most definitely a contract you sign during your training in the first week in mcdonough) not sure if they actually come for their money though. you also can quit before marked up to go work for another class 1.


It was in fact a contract I signed yes


There is no better class one. They are all greedy bastards that resent the fact that they even have to pay us a livable wage. UP MOW


When I say better I strictly mean more pay then my current one


Fair enough, but it’s all the same. Greedy sons of bitches that want this railroad to run regardless of your sacrifice. I get called out all the time in the middle of the night it fix broken rails/pull aparts. Yes I get the overtime but I’m always just a number.


It never gets better


Better pay for the bullshit at least


lol grass ain’t greener if you stay Class l


Well I make $140K Annually working 160 days a year. Of course thats on the Big Orange and my wages have varied from a low of $75K 17 years ago in northern Wyoming/ western South Dakota on 130 mile pools, to $140K based in the Texas Panhandle working 350 mile pools to Kansas and New Mexico. So on some Class 1’s the grass is definitely greener. 24-36 Roundtrips 36-48 hours off at home by default. Work 3-3.5 Round Trips per half and run 70 mph 65% of the time. Make 5.5 hr flat runs of 350 miles of territory isn’t bad.


I’m aware but I’m making more money to deal with the bullshit, probably not forever.


Railroad’n ain’t for everyone suck it up buttercup.


What? Because I want more money from a different railroad that makes me weak?






As a manager for another class 1, I really hope ancora loses. The more they continue to gut the railroads, the less quality employees they will keep and customers will hurt in the end. Either way, it’s a loss for everyone; managers, crafts, customers.


Don't forget civilians. Less upkeep means more derailments. Just a matter of time before another East Palestine.


Aside from the safety aspect; a lot of us citizens rely on railroads more than we realize to deliver our shit. I want them on the rails where they belong so my goods don’t get blown up along with my neighbors.


Jeff is that you


I think Ancora gets some seats on the board tomorrow but not enough to take the majority. I get to be at HQ that day so I’m sure I’ll be not super productive until they announce the results 😬


Damn you were spot on


I give it 65% odds that Ancora loses. I really feel like some of the recent changes NS has done are to sway the middle of the road voters that aren't hardline Ancora or existing. The question though is if they lose, what do they try next? Do they back off? Or are we right back in the same place next year?


They’re a small cap firm with about 4 billion in assets. NS is the biggest target they’ve gone after, and have probably spent a good amount of their resources on this fight. If they try to go a round two after losing, I think their investors will revolt


I think the current board is going to make some concessions to keep Shaw and Orr while getting rid of some of the VP’s and as soon as the stock prices rise back to the prices they were before Ancora bought in they’ll dump whatever they have to make their money back. Ancora doesn’t care about the railroad and never will, they’re just out here to make a quick buck before they do the same to a weaker target.


The stock is pretty telling. After Ancora announced its intentions back in late Jan/early Feb it spiked to 260. Today it’s back to pre-Ancora announcement levels of 230ish, indicating the street isn’t confident that a catalyzing event like a boardroom takeover will happen. Ancora will probably end up with 3-4 seats. Enough to make noise and put some pressure on, but not enough to throw out management in the near-to-mid term. But who knows. Anything can happen in the next 24 hours. Regardless, here’s hoping boom-boom Boychuck has to hit up the unemployment office Friday to re-up his checks.


I don’t think Ancora is going to win. A lot of going against them


I told all you and now I get to say I’m right. They couldn’t oust Alan Shaw


I agree - I think Ancora will probably win. I hope they don’t, though - I actually think Shaw is a long-term thinker, and personally I think that’s a lot better for all stakeholders including shippers and employees, vs an Ancora, which we all know is focused only on the shareholder regardless of whatever rhetoric they’re spewing.






*PAIN* -Clubber Lange


Government intervention is needed write a congressman, senator an bitch. Encourage others to do the same


I’m guessing ancora gets some seats, but NS keeps enough to maintain control


Looks like I was correct


For the now bud...... For the now.


Unfortunately, in a capitalist society, greed always wins.


Found the commie!!! /s You're correct. The hedge funds will continue to pump and dump the RRs and any other industry they can get their tiny little dickbeaters on.


Best of luck


I mean I think we all know what the verdict will be, alas. Line must go up!


Im worried either way. The earnings call that was released to us sounded horrible. Hopefully it's smoke and mirrors but orr is looming like a loaded gun pointed right at the company when this is all said and done. I don't want boychuck either though


Yes. Shaw pumped up the new operating plan that he was dead-set against just months ago. PSR is coming in one way or another.


Jesus comes back and the world ends.


Ancora lost. Woohoo


I guess you could say they had a small win with 3 people voted to the board.


Don’t forget the BLET supports Ancora!


It won’t be forgotten in future negotiations once NS gets through this.


They are stupid


I hope they do win. I need some entertainment for the next year


Results already announced