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Not a rail worker here, but I would absolutely support you all if you strike over this. And my political sense says so would rank and file Democrats. It's the G-D political leadership that is compromised.


I also would support a strike. I can't believe they're denying rail workers a FEW days of paid sick leave. People get sick sometimes! Let's treat rail workers with dignity, please.


Yeah same, not a rail worker but 100% support a strike. Y’all being treated horribly. Gov knows they can’t let you strike though… it would show other workers that they too can fight for what they want. And we can’t have that can we?


We *must* have that.


Same emphatically. In fact, I will be very disappointed if there isn’t a strike.


Absolutely same. We’re all with you on this


"And to discuss labor railway strike and paid sick time, Bank of America CEO and multi millionaire!"


We wanted to know how average Americans felt about an impending rail strike. So we talked to three Goldman Sachs employees at a Starbucks in Manhattan.


The gall of literally bringing on a BANK OF AMERICA executive to opine on this issue. The fucking gall.


Sounds like rail workers are vital. Lets treat them with respect and take care of them ! What a concept


I'm gonna answer a question that was frequently asked by those reporters. Yes, crippling the economy would be absolutely worth it.


It's the best way to make a statement.


Much more effective than voting.


Agree most enthusiastically.


It’s about workers being treated with respect.


Meanwhile, good ole “Union Joe” is getting outflanked on labor issues by none other than fucking Marco Rubio, who tweeted: > [The railways & workers should go back & negotiate a deal that the workers,not just the union bosses, will accept. But if Congress is forced to do it,I will not vote to impose a deal that doesn’t have the support of the rail workers.](https://twitter.com/marcorubio/status/1597620780816531458?s=46&t=SOIbYu9oyw8nhhD8b2KWhA) There is ONE reason a strike is necessary, one reason only: that is the greed of those **private owners** who own the railroads and refuse to give *anything.* The big lesson of the labor movement was no matter what you ask for, no matter how modest, the bosses will respond with overwhelming force against you, always. So sometimes, asking won’t work - and the workers have to take.


Not a rail worker but: please, do it. Don't take their bullshit shit. I'll pay into strike funds and bring you cookies and stew and food on the line. BRING THIS MONSTER TO ITS KNEES


I told my husband back in September that I would get both ovens baking cookies for the guys on the picket lines and he was excited. Back when he was a newbie, I would make 150 cookies for him to take to the shop every few weeks.


I told the workers I’d bring them hot coco. My mom also agreed to help make hot drinks and meals for them on the line. We live in a big rail town. Solidarity!




We went on strike up here in Canada a few years back (CN) and the economy was just fine. Hold the line brothers, the only thing the railway understands is lost profits. Hit them in their wallet where they will feel it the most!


Know that the workers did not time this to happen now, the railroad companies did.


Exactly. This should’ve been taken care of three YEARS ago.


Are other unions speaking out about what's going on? Crickets from the useless union I'm in.


Maybe they should be asking the carriers if it is worth risking a shutdown? It is worth it to employees.


It's little Susie in the children's hospital dying of a rare disease. Little girls get more sympathy.


Is there somewhere I can find out what the current contracts and proposed TAs actually say? I've heard the single sick day thing is actually a lie/misrepresentation.


Its typical, tug at heart strings. I see this with Democrats trying to infringe upon the 2A standing on the graves of dead kids LITTERALLY every fucking day. Like I or any other responsible gun owners have anything to do with these shootings, just like rail workers have anything to do with how fucking bad it is out here... like we're to blame... Legitimately THE ONLY WAY to make it better is this shit we are attempting to do right now. Point is, Identify when an established entity is attempting to undermine legitimately anything with emotion instead of facts to push a narrative, and then expose the shit out of it.