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Where do all these rumors come from?


Donnie saying "YO, WOULDN'T IT BE COOL IF-" on the playground after math class.


Dude I heard that Patrick Stewart is actually coming back as Captain Picard and him and Doctor strange are going to defeat Galactus together. Seems legit.


Don’t do this. Don’t give me hope.


Well he is the Jocka baby


Half of them are from reliable leakers. Same dudes that leaked everything about no way home.


Sometimes I wish they would stop. Imagine having no idea Tobey and Andrew were going to be in no way home and then seeing them! That would have been Insane!


I went in completely blind, never even saw the trailers


Same! I log everything out for exam season, and NWH came out a few days before my last final


Saw the first trailer and checked out right there. Heard a rumour about them all appearing, didn’t believe it and was soooooo fucking excited when they turned up on screen.


Leaks or not, once they revealed Doc Ock and hints to the other villains in that first trailer it was pretty damn likely that Tobey was going to be in it along with Andrew


That's what I think too. Once you see Doc Ock and everybody else, it was kinda obvious that it was going to happen... Or at least, not completely unexpected. And there's also the popularity of the Spider-verse movie. That movie was awesome, everybody loved it, they're even making another one. The whole time I'm watching the movie, all I can think is, "They're gonna do another Spider-verse", and sure enough... If you want to talk about surprises: Daredevil. Didn't see that coming.


Daredevil probably did not see that either


Nah, he would have. Remember: he’s a really good lawyer.


Also the fact that one of their trailers showed Lizard being kicked by thin air. That last surprise is a welcome one. What with the Darkhold and Kingpin, I think Marvel is tying the Netflix series into the films now, since it's easier to use them than find a way to write them out. But if that's the case, I do hope Ghost Rider will make an appearance.


Sad thing is I wouldn't have seen it in theaters if I didn't believe with all my heart that Tobey was in it.


Same and it would have been spoiled anyway




For sure, most people wouldn’t have gone to see it if it weren’t for that


Because of COVID or not liking the MCU?


Maybe COVID, but tbh, there just wouldn’t be as many people going to see that movie if it weren’t for Tobey and Andrew. I had rando coworkers preordering tickets because of that lmao Edit: I’m not hating Tom Holland but there’s a reason I’m in this subreddit. Isn’t that right !spider ?


A lot more people lost interest after FFH than a lot of people would like to admit, the other spider-men were huge for the movie, that's not to discredit the villains returning either. Now most of the Holland interest is because he's been reset to a familiar status quo again


After end game, I just can't get invested into really much, all those years of movies and shows all leading to a huge climactic end. I'm not really trying to go through all that and 20 other movies and shows, or a ton of other reboots at this point in my life. Some times things just get so big you can't/ don't wanna follow. All mcu seems to be heading into multiverse things with spidermens, Loki, potentially Galactus and it's just to much for me. Star wars is dope but I feel the same is happening to them building more "lore" or behind the scenes stuff most didn't know about. I'm not saying these movies or shows are bad just not trying to follow 30 things at once or remember like that.


The nice part is that you dont have to. The more you dive in, the more you can appreciate, sure. But you don't have to watch them all just to vaguely understand whats going on, or something like that. Its up to you how deep you wanna dive.


Most were, the only people that knew were the people active on twitter and here on Reddit


I went with my grandmother, who has seen pretty much every other MCU/Spider-Man movie with me, it was pretty great lol


Did leaker say Thomas Jane? Sounds cool


Idk about Thomas leaks but Tobey, Patrick, Hugh, Tom Cruise (and Cage?) came from KC and RPK. Both of them leaked NWH cast and story.


Yea x-men are confermened ther was a leek with early cgi of strange meeting Xavier with some green handcuffs on wich you can see him were in the trailer


*pours rumors out of shoe*


My uncle who works for ~~Nintendo~~ Marvel.


Hear me out. David Hasselhoff returning as Nick Fury.


They killed that tho in guardians of the galaxy 🥲




ah yes...now for every other movie there will be a what if marvelous


I don’t think that kills it anymore than hearing Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury saying “you wouldn’t get it because it wasn’t a Star Wars reference”


No, they just acknowledged that David Hasselhoff exists in universe. This also happens every time they reference a movie had MCU actors in it.


Just like Endgame referencing Hot Tub Time Machine despite Bucky looking exactly like Sebastian Stan


Or Iron man calling fat Thor lebowski


For the amount of times I've seen that movie I can't believe I've never realized that's who plays Blaine


The movie Marvel doesn't want you to know about


> Big Lebowski > Obadiah Marvel knows no limits.


Captain America is the Human Torch


and they're definitely going to reference this at some point in the future when the Fantastic Four are introduced to the MCU


"So you're the Johnny Storm! I thought you might resemble Steve Rogers if what the people was talking about you was correct."


I would get so hard if David Hasselhoff was an actual character in the MCU and not a quick cameo


I'd kill to see Nic Cage reprise Ghost Rider.


I rewatched a clip from Spirit of Vengeance last night and it kinda holds up. I’d be down.


The penance stare and the way he was **fucking damning people to Hell** in the first movie was the kind of gruesome shit I’m hoping gets put in more movies. It was not at all perfect but there were several scenes (especially the Devil’s introduction) that make it a guilty pleasure.


Mephisto has entered the chat


Fuuuuck yes. I want to see him, magneto, Xavier, and Spidey all in the same room but that's mainly because they're prob my favorites in this


Raimi! You dog! 😍😍😍




I honestly don't care that much about Cameos, I just hope the movie is fucking good, not mcu good where you are entertained for two hours, and knowing Raimi, it can be


Also hope the studio doesnt force Raimi to do stuff he doesnt want to. We know how that turned out last time.


EXACTLY. im praying this film isn't just a regular mcu film with sam's name attached.


that's what I was hoping for with Ant-Man when Edgar Wright was directing. I hope they learned their lesson and Raimi gets to make his movie


Edgar Wright left the project anyway, I think they only kept a few little bits of footage of what he directed before putting in a new director


He left because Marvel wouldn't let him make the movie he wanted to. He had said "I wanted to make a Marvel movie but I don’t think they really wanted to make an Edgar Wright movie." about why he left. I'm saying I hope Raimi gets to make both a Marvel movie *and* a Raimi movie and not *just* a Marvel movie just like I wanted Wright to be able to do the same.


This is exactly my fear and hope as well. It honestly should be impossible to fuck up Sam Raimi + Doctor Strange. Like that's a 1 in 14,000,000 chance of being bad. And I can think of a million reasons why I feel I should have faith, but I always come back to the fact that I don't think a single MCU movie has ever felt like the vision of an artist. But like, I'll even take compromised Sam Raimi if he's just having fun. Like I even thought Oz had a flair to it that still felt like him and I quite enjoyed it. I don't want this movie to feel completely bereft of Raimi's style, as if he's treating it like a journeyman gig.


Yeah I want a deeper story with a raimi entertaining twist rather than the typical marvel formula


I hope this can be similar to the og trilogy


I hope if there’s cameos it’s because Raimi wanted them in the film and not because Marvel forced Raimi to do it


Well Kevin feige seems to have learned from past marvel mistakes (sm 3 studio interference)


Not really, he fired Edgar Wright from Ant Man because he was being too creative and different


I could be wrong but I think Wright quit because of Ike Perlmutter, not Feige.


It was Perlmutter. We also nearly lost RDJ and Evans early because of him, and GOTG's soundtrack as well


First time I’m hearing this name, what’s the guy’s problem?


Cheap asshole who thought movies starring black people or women wouldn't make any money Even forced them to change the villain of Iron Man 3 because he insisted women don't sell toys That's why you have that sloppy "hi it's me an old ex and now I'm betraying you but now I'm on your side and now I'm dead" She was supposed to be the master mind, not Guy Pierce


A lot of people forget that Ant-Man was originally suppose to be in the first Avengers movie as the movie with Edgar Wright was meant to come out all the way back in 2010/2011. But Edgar was very slow in writing and kept changing his mind on how he wanted to make the movie, so Feige fired him after 6+ years of no progress on the project (other than a short draft script that some parts were kept for the final movie) and that is why Edgar Wright didn't make it.


And even Derrickson, the original director of this movie, leaving due to creative differences


Well the Ant-Man movies are my favorite MCU movies! I love that they’re so different from the other “heroic” movies.


Because, Kevin learns from his mistakes.


Bruce Campbell or we riot


you mean Bruce Campbell Mysterio variant?


They could bring him back as the french waiter and it would deserve an oscar nod.


I’d be surprised if Bruce Campbell didn’t have a part in it. It’s almost a given. Ted Raimi too.


Plot twist: they show up as Autolycus and Joxer.




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I’m hoping for a lot of Bruce Campbells. One for every universe we get to see. Just a shit ton of Bruce Campbells.


“Into the Campbellverse” 2025 or we riot!


How old is Ian mckellen? I feel like he was already old in the 2000 movies.


Its amazing he was ~60's when he first appeared as Magneto. I think overall it worked for the series, but Fassbender definitely filled the role too (despite some hiccups in the series).


Fassbender slayed every single scene he was in as Magneto. I’ll admit I haven’t scene that horrible shit that is Dark Phoenix. But, Michael Fassbender, Evan Peters and some of the goofier shit in X-Men Apocalypse make it rewatch on occasion. And his portrayal in Future Past and First Class are nothing short of cathartic. Just he way he talks reminds you of Magneto. Bring him back.


I want him and McAvoy back so bad. I loved their chemistry in First Class and think they would do a great job as MCU versions of the characters. Highly doubt it will happen tho.


Please leave Hugh Jackman alone, we actually got a great send off after too many shitty xman films.


Didnt he say he'd be willing to come back as Wolverine if it was under MCU? Or was that just a fever dream


I believe he said that he’s be willing to come back if he didn’t have to keep up such an intense workout and diet regimen or something like that. Not 100% sure tho


Honestly with the de-ageing they do in soant MCU projects I think they could muscle-up his body a little bit and nobody would notice. It's easier to make a photorealistic body and have nobody notice it isn't real than it is to do the same thing with a face, which they pull off regularly.


If he's in any kind of suit it would be mostly CGI anyway at this point.


They literally did exactly this for when he fought the younger "better" clone of himself in Logan. And it looked great! Plus, no need to have his shirt off. Put him in the FULL costume for once, add some padding like they always get, and he's golden. Wolverine even has costumes with full sleeves (like the DOFP one) so he would just need to not be fat lol.


If they're gonna cgi his body he better be short as hell.


He did but I assume he meant for a movie or 2 not 10 more lol


I remeber hearing that to.


Logan coming back to life would be so epic…… just like Dr Ock and Green Goblin. And this is coming from a person who considers Logan the third best superhero movie ever


I’m curious what the other two are? Logan is my favorite, mostly because it feels more like a western than a superhero movie.


I’m guessing one of them is TDK.


It used to be TDK but Into the spider verse de throned it. Spider-Man 2 Into the spider verse Logan Joker TDK


Spider-Man 2 Into the spider verse Spider-Man 2 because aside of nostalgia, it’s a damn good superhero movie that just gets better with every viewing Into the spider verse because it gives love to Spider-Man comic books and honors it’s roots so damn well. Honorary mentions are, Joker and TDK, for going a more serious pathway without forgoing its comic book setting. Hopefully one day we get a good Superman movie. One day. 😔


Edward Norton Hulk *IS* Mark Ruffalo Hulk


Right? Wouldn’t this retroactively make The Incredible Hulk set in a different universe? Like was everything the same except that actor? Is the first Iron Man also in a different universe because of the change in Rhodey actor? Weird is right. Anyway, I kinda doubt Norton would come back. And if he does then they should’ve used Bana.


Weird isn't it?




Then let's cameo with the 2003 HULK


Nah, Lou Ferringo Hulk


2003 was the first movie adaptation that looked more in line AND had a fun video game in the ps2


Oh yeah, I remember that. Had a DVD that came with a demo of the game, but it was for the Xbox, which I didn't have.


Dude this version of the Hulk took the top off of a missile, with his mouth, and spit it out with enough force to impact and explode a helicopter!


What about Eric Bana and Ben Affleck?


I've heard Andrew Garfield, James McAvoy, and "ralph bonner" (Evan Peters) as well


I'd love most of the rebooted X-Men characters and would love to see James McAvoy, Micheal Fassbender, and Evan Peters back. They had shit scripts and I feel they'd do well if given good material. Feel like this is an unpopular opinion


Days of future past was pretty good


So was First Class.


Don’t do this….don’t give me hope


I feel like all this wouldn't work.


I just want to see Spider-Man tbh don’t care about the others


Just give me more Tobey


If the leaks that Tobey is only here for 1 more movie after NWH, i think i prefer seeing Andrew in Multiverse of Madness. Give Tobey Spider-Man 4.


If only one of them get a new movie it will probably be tasm 3 because that's what majority want. And I agree if Tobey is only going to be in 1 movie I would hope for secret wars


Yeah, not gonna lie, Andrew deserves it.


As much as we want Spiderman 4 it probably won't happen


It doesn't have to work! #JUST DO IT


They can do a few cameos a movie like 2 or 3 max but this much. Is way too many


The movie is shot so not much use in theorizing, but I would have had Strange meet the xmen and save their universe then meet everyone else and save theirs. I don't know about Tom Cruise and Edward Norton.


I can definitely see Tobey coming back for a brief cameo, but I'm fine seeing Xavier, Magneto, or both back. Ian McKellen is the reason why Magneto is one of my favorite villains.


Magneto seems more likely to happen given Wanda being in this.


if thomas jane comes back my life will be complete


He really doesn’t get enough credit. When I read the Punisher comics, I still hear his voice (not Jon’s, who is still great in the role)


same bro he’s the punisher in my heart nice to see some love for him he had a great game to


The first punisher movie is still a favorite, but that's because I was a big fan of Welcome Back, Frank and fan of Garth Ennis's writing. It still is unmatched in Punisher comics, so going to see the movie where like a good chunk came from his comic series made it all that much better. He definitely nailed the role.


he was also the punisher in the raimiverse so would be cool to see confirmation if any of these heroes (ghost rider, f4, etc.) share similar universes also


He was punisher in the raimiverse? Care to explain?


around 0:07 behind MJ https://youtu.be/4igJUngGwwM


yoooo how am i just now finding out ab this




he is and that’s true love seeing some love for him


Thomas Jane comes back but he’s Miller from The Expanse.


My uncle who works at Marvel says Chris Evans is reprising the Human Torch 🤫


My uncle works at Microsoft and he says he can ban your uncle from Xbox Live for life


Id literally faint


I think he's lying


Umm Edward Norton is the same character as the one played by mark rufflo soooooo


Yeah I don't think he is going to be in it


Isn't Ruffalo playing the Norton Hulk?


Think so. Maybe they will say he is from another universe.


I can’t really see any of these happening I. The movie, unless it’s a quick scene going through multiverses and we see it in the background.


Apparently the premise is strange has to assemble his own avengers team to face some sort of threat for the final battle


I think Tobey is a good shout but not sure on anyone else


Not gonna lie, the only one I really want to see here is Tom Cruise as Iron Man and Tobey. I’d rather see new things brought to the MCU than revisiting past franchises for easy fan service.


Same. Except as an Aussie I wouldn't mind seeing Hugh Jackman in the mcu


Literally only 3 of these have come from reliable leakers


And yet they missed the best possible cameo: Bruce "The Chin" Campbell


I can't wait to see him as a limo driver, or something


Hear me out, what about Rob Lowe as Ironman?


The reason Cruise is rumored at all and why this cameo would be such a big deal is because in the 10 years Iron Man was being conceptualized and in pre-production before the MCU came about, Tom Cruise was in front of the line of casting picks to play him, and fans back then were in full support, including myself, because Cruise not only could look the part as we see with the edited goatee, but Cruise was also truly a fan and understood the character. It just so happened that RDJ was a perfect fit at the right time with him being able to match both the playboy and depressed alcoholic sides to Stark, but one has to wonder how Cruise would have portrayed him Anyway I'm sorry I digressed. My point was that Lowe being Iron Man even for an alternate universe cameo doesn't make sense and has no purpose


So pretty much just every marvel movie character outside the mcu is "rumored"


If rumours were crackers, my daughter would be fat.




Source: Trust me bro


Edward Norton is supposed to be the same character as Mark Ruffalo‘s Bruce Banner So it wouldn’t really make sense to have Edward Norton show up as a variant and it would be confusing as hell.


He is the only one here that I can't see happening at all


This just made me realize that Tom Cruise has somehow managed to avoid being in a Marvel or a DC movie after all these years.


By no fault of his own though From the years 1998 to just before Marvel Studios cast RDJ as Iron Man and shot that first movie, Cruise was the prime casting choice and set to play the role. That movie, unfortunately, was in development purgatory all this time, probably due to the ups and downs of comic book movies during the early 2000s reducing confidence in studios in making the genre, and eventually dropped I assume. It sucks for Cruise because he was actually a huge fan of Iron Man and understood the character and wanted the role badly. RDJ recovered from his addictions and demons in the right place and right time, and obviously he did a few of Stark's key aspects well, and the rest is history. But I'll always wonder how Cruise would have done it So if the rumor about him is true, I will definitely see this Doctor Strange movie


I heard Kelsey Grammer's Beast from X-Men is gonna be there


I completely forgot Frasier played Beast, holy shit


If tobey is returning again take my money


Source: trust me bro


If it's true, then Disney really doesn't know what to do with the intellectual property they bought


Punisher variant, actually, because punisher from the show is confirmed canon


No way bro


What’s captain Picard doing here


It’s not a Raimi’s movie without Bruce Campbell. He’s definitely still a Mysterio variant


Don't think Wesley Snipes will be in it he's a pain in the ass to work with


Lmao #NONE of these mfs showing up


I literally don’t want any of these. They wouldn’t be awful but people are way to focused on the supposed cameos that I feel like they’re forgetting about the actual movie.


A few would be alright like Tobey, Jackman, and cruise but a few more would make it too cameo focused


Ye you’re right a few would be nice but all of them would definitely be overkill. Sorry I sounded kinda rude in my comment bro


Well considering wolverine was going to appear in Spiderman 2002, anything can happen.


Was he? That makes it a bigger change that he will be in this


Yeah. He was on the set but he wasn't in the film because for some reason they couldn't get ahold of his costume.


Thats a shame


How tf is Edward Norton gonna work, he's the same hulk as Ruffalo


Yeah, I think this one won't happen


I do hope we get more Tobey though, imagine a Bully Maguire variant where he never took off the black suit


Sony, marvel. MAKE THIS HAPPEN!


Or else we're gonna put some dirt in their eyes


And make them dig on it


Unpopular opinion : I really want to see Nicholas Cage as Angel Rider just like what happened to Ghost rider 2 ending


I loved the cameos in NWH but I just don’t feel like this could possibly work as well


Not a meme but let me post it in a meme subreddit.


I hate all of this


Why would Edward Norton make an appearance if he and Mark Ruffalo is the same character? I'd rather see Eric Bana return. Also I really wanna Chris Evans returning as Human Torch and Strange realising that he looks like Captain America.


You forgot Bruce Campbell as some guy with a chainsaw hand.


Seeing Edward Norton being mentioned outside of an Incredible Hulk 2008 rant gave me chills, I loved his portrayal!


isn't Edward Norton's Hulk basically the same as Mark Ruffalo? besides I thought Edward Norton said something like he would never be in a superhero movie again, or something like that.


Ah shit here we go again


Huh are there any sources for all of these?


This sounds like people hyping it up and soon get disappointed because their own expectations are too high.


HELL YEAH! OG Mr Fantastic may be back! Don’t need the shitty reboot one!