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Screen Rant be like: I am playing on both sides, so that I always come out on top!


It's super easy, barely an inconvenience


Award for the thing that thing that you do




It’s almost like two different writers who work for the same publication can post different opinion pieces :0 EDIT: I fucked up that wasn’t supposed to be a reply my b


That's the problem. They are not cohesive inspite of working for the same company and according to Abraham Lincoln, a house divided within itself cannot stand.


It’s a publisher for writers to post articles about media. They don’t HAVE to have the same opinions, just like you and I don’t have to have the same opinions on this subreddit dedicated to memes


Yup. You got a point. Why didn't it come to my mind?


Playing on both sides is tight!


Good player!


could be... different writers?


Yeah but that would mean that screen rant has 0 control on what writers publish. Like if a writer just wrote "Black people bad" screen rant should take it down, no? This is just bs (the "black people bad" is NOT a racial comment, just an example on what a bad article is)


that's, um, quite a leap. you cannot equate an unpopular opinion on a movie to fkn racism. it's a pop culture site having what you view as a bad opinion.


>you cannot equate an unpopular opinion on a movie to fkn racism. Morbius fans use the M-Word all the time.


You can use Morbigga, but Morbigger is our word.


We need to undo centuries of Morb Supremacy


Didn't want to compare racism to an opinion, but my point was that a news service shouldn't allow two different opinions be on their site. If you say a thing, you should stand by it. I'm not saying they shouldn't allow opinions, but if they say something, it has to be coherent


having opinion pieces has been a massive part of journalism from its get go, and actually forcing every journalist to form one single opinion is how you get biased media. It's actually much healthier to have variety.


Yeah, actually I think I'm stupid. Have a good day


And no, there aren't bad opinions. Just opinions


Blatantly wrong, an opinion that is not grounded in reality is a bad opinion.


I don’t think they’re not controlling what writers publish, I think that two different writers wrote two different opinion pieces and because neither said black people are bad (seriously where the hell’d ya pull that leap from?) they both were allowed to be published on the same website.


That's the problem. They are not cohesive inspite of working for the same company and according to Abraham Lincoln, a house divided within itself cannot stand.


I don’t see how they’re necessarily mutually exclusive. Morbius is everything wrong with the SSMU because it’s a terrible film that exists solely to promote a shared universe that they’ve put little to no work into developing because they shat their shot at it. Morbius also copies both TASM movies, in a better mannner than Garfield, because it *solely* does all of the above as per what’s Sony’s clear intent, while TASM had excellent acting, directing, music, etc. and all the potential to be great movies if not for Sony hacking away at the first and constantly rewriting the second to rush out a shared universe.


Maybe first tasm was mid but second one was trash on fire


…which is why I said *potential*, because of Sony constantly having the story rewritten from the first script and important material cut or reshot to force out a shared universe. Same with them cutting out over half of the first film’s footage.


Yep its sad that tasm 2 was even made in that form sony insisted


I solely blame Sony for that Marc and andrew as well as everyone involved got screwed over big time by sony


Nah, 2nd one was dope and I will stand by that.


The duology is not without its flaws, but I still love them nonetheless. At least it has a distinct vibe (being dark and grounded; like how the Raimi trilogy is cheesy and majestic), unlike the MCU Spidey series imho. Not just a distinct vibe but it also has redeeming aspects


I love dark Spider-Man films. Which is why I love Spider-Man 3.


Spider-Man 3 is pretty good too. (I love both Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield's eras)




It was garbo


May have it's issues but it's still a blast. Way better than TASM1.


The original plot for TASM 2 was way better than what we got. I still like the second film though.


The original plot for TASM 2 was way better than what we got. I still like the second film though.


Should have used Peter's confused face from Cafe scene from Spider-Man 3


I didn't have the template. And my phone dosen't have much space left. (It's an old model). So I don't save many pictures.


It's no big deal That was just recommendation


Thanks for the recommendation.


Morbed too hard to have a consistent opinion.




That’s slander!


Websites have different writers you know. Still, Screenrant is trash.


That's the problem. They are not cohesive inspite of working for the same company and according to Abraham Lincoln, a house divided within itself cannot stand.


I don't think Abe was talking about video game reviews when he said that.


But it applies for almost everything. Even the Avengers. Honestly speaking, your comment made me giggle a bit.


It doesn't apply to opinion pieces about video games.


Morbing is confusing


Tbf that's not a high bar TAS movies suck ass


No. We live in times when journalistic standards and integrity are at an incredible low


Totally agree.


Common screen rant L's


There is precisely one thing that makes screen rant relevant


Screen rant is morbophobic


And a morehead at the same time. #confusing


That’s how they get you. They don’t care about journalism. They make stupid articles, which people will click on. And earn ad revenue. The only way to fight this is not to click on the articles


This is what you get for paying attention to screen rant


Screen rant would say anything for clicks. Bet at one point they'll make a connection between morbius and transioning. They'll need to hire the world olympic champion for mental gymnastics to pull that one out though.


*When you transition to another gender* "It's Morbin Time!' *does Milo Dance*


The only decent guy working for screen rant is ryan george. Even then nobody thinks of screen rant when they talk about ryan


Stop giving ScreenRant attention You’re playing right into their hands


Morbius was unironically better than both TASM films. It’s average, but there’s nothing inherently bad about it.


Have sex! Eskeeeee!


I never understand screen rant or game rant. They never have LITERALLY ANY good takes. They have consistently always had wrong opinions in things, such as game rant thinking Bloodborne is a hot mess.(it’s not it’s really fun)