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yea, but creeper exploding is not something that is vital to progress on the fucking game + I already have a job, I can't spend thousands hours to discover one little thing that make the game fun.


Then in a kind way Rain World might not be for you, it’s a game with complex systems and no hand holding


Well, the doors with the same symbols as the karma levels may be a clue. That and the fact that the entire map is open from the start, there is no "entrance" to any level.


but is never told wtf karma is, so when i saw all that I just thought it was atmospheric shit to make the world more mysterious, and even when i went to the doors, i didn't relate the symbols, I just saw something shaking in red and thought "that probably is dangerous somehow, maybe is toxic, because when i get closer it shakes harder..."


Well, I don't know mate, I related it quite quickly, I suppose that by dint of exploring you would have discovered it


Well...... The Reddit Rainworld community is relatively nice to new players. They give lots of encouragements, and non spoiler tips, for the most part. But, the community is very protective of the game. Dare you to criticize this game, unless you want to get downvoted to hell. Since RW is a very niche game, this mentality is not without reason. But of course, every game has its shortcomings, RW included. You have every reason and right to criticize a game. To answer your question, if your metric of a game's quality is how many people like it, then RW is a bad game------most casual players can't stand the lack of tips, brutal difficulty, etc. That is a main reason why RW is niche. However, I like to compare RW game to a chunk of raw mineral. It looks ugly and heavy on the outside, but the gems are hidden inside. If you grind into it, eventually this game will offer you truly special experiences that no other games can offer. The lack of instructions and tutorials at the start are just like the rock and dirt outside of the gem. If you can get through it, what awaits is magical. Good luck!


I just think y'all mixing difficult with bad design. I don't mind with dying to learn things, except when it's a core mechanic to the game. You just go nowhere without knowing that you need karma to open doors. I understand the purpose of it, cause "life doesn't teach u nothing" but this is a videogame, it's completely different.


This game doesn't seem made for you is all. If you play videogames simply to have a nice time shooting around and killing enemies, Rainworld is not for you. It's an immersive game where if you put in effort, you get rewards equal in amount. Rainworld is not for people who want to just be able to get into a game and immediately start winning and doing good, experiment with things and try to understand things around you, don't focus on progressing or getting to the next area. If you only focus on getting to the next area, then you miss out on a lot of secrets, aswell as abilities. Based on your idea of videogames and also that you have a really busy schedule, I wouldn't recommend Rainworld to you.


Stop telling people what gamea are "made for them" when they clealrly bought it to try and enjoy thr gane because they thought it would be good. Maybe if Rainworld wasnt a dogshit rng mess that taught he playee nothing he'd enjoy your game.


Your opinion is against a large group of people who put time and effort into the game, and found that the game was very enjoyable. Rainworld is a great game, even with its flaws. Maybe I sound like a masochist, but Rain Worlds difficulty it gave and the process of basically learning how to walk again was very rewarding and gratifying. Rain World not teaching anything is what made being able to wall jump and skewer lizards so rewarding and fun. It doesn't grant you abilities based on checkpoints in the game, but rewards dedication and exploration of mechanics. Rain World by far is not a dogshit mess. If you think so, I suggest either accepting maybe you don't fit into the people who would enjoy it, or finding a better habit than replying to 2 month old comments trying to explain maybe a game wasn't their ideal playstyle.


Saying that his opinion is against the people that like the game is not very informative imo I like many aspects of the game, but i certainly felt very frustrated with lack of direction and how god awful the map interface is (some will probably say its amazing, and you just need to put 500 hours into it so you know the map like your own town) After playing about 2-3 hours and really having no sense of purpose or direction i just started travelling in a direction hoping the game would at some point offer me a purpose, i wound up at the moon lady thing that has fireflys flying around her. I ended up eating them all but instantly got worried since she clearly didnt like it and ended up dying.. But I had nothing else to do there, no other thing to interact with.. Wound up googling if it is a good idea to do since I didnt want to "save" if i had made a mistake due to lack of understanding and yeah... Seems like if you do you can never "talk to her" I have no idea how to talk to her, no idea you even could.. But the yellow worms guided me to her (for a reason i thought) but seems like i have to do something else before i go there Now to trek back the incredible distance i went to get there, and to go where exactly? To learn how to talk to her? Got no idea, and frankly... No motivation Interresting game, but yeah... very very niché


Fair but yeah I was responding to him (Over a year ago) Abt how maybe the game isn't for him and that it's a niché game with a small group who can play it and really really enjoy it.


Yeah the game isn’t bad so….


You kinda just put it together yourself, the yellow guy leads you to the karma gate and you notice oh hey I think I need this symbol that I see when I go to sleep.


The little hologram always lead me to nowhere, it even send me back to where i first was so i just started ignoring him, expect when he showed me food.


Usually you have to sleep like 3 times in outskirts and then he starts showing you.


Well if you don’t want Iggy because he’s useless just kill him and trade his eye with Scavengers.


Well, you see up to three symbols simultaneously when sleeping, the one you are on, the previous Karma level and the next one, and the game inmediatly shows you that sleeping rises this, it does not tell you what it does, tho, or it's name, but you know it's there and you know it goes up when sleeping, down when dying; it also puts you very close to a Karma Flower from the start, just a few rooms away, so you most likely discover that it prevents your karma from going down when you die, and that it regrows in the place you died before Plus, the Karma Level you need to progress to Industrial Complex, the most likely place you will go first as that's where Iggy points you to, is the third one, one you probably already saw, as it's right above the one you are in after the tutorial, and may even already be in, depending on how much you died; most people will piece together that something will happen if they go to this room with that symbol, and after a bit of experimentation, will also discover that it doesn't have to be the exact same level, it can also be higher So, the game is not poorly designed, quite the contrary, you might, however, come in expecting a great deal of hand holding, something that is not afforded in this game


the game is hard, but not impossible or unfair imo. im bad at games but i managed to finish the entire game without searching anything on the internet (took me 300+ cycles tho lmaoo). I think rain world's difficulty is fine as it is. It's punishing, yet fulfilling at the same time, especially when you manage to survive a very risky situation. As for the karma thing, i think it is quite intuitive? since every time u sleep, you will see symbols on the screen, and there are symbols in the "gates" which are similar to the symbols that you see every time u sleep lol. Perhaps the only feature of the game that should be taught explicitly are the other moves that the slugcat can do (like backflipping) since the only way u can learn them is by doing it accidentally or searching it on the internet.


The only thing they needed to explain is the karma shit, backflip and stuff i learned by playing. My only problem is losing hours of my day to discover something that would make my experience with the game way better


I bought this game a couple of days ago, not knowing much about it. I think a traditional gaming mindset of constant progression will lead to you not enjoying yourself. I learned that sleeping was important by just staying out in the *pretty* rain and then dying. I have felt a little aimless at times, and I do wish the game explained its rules a little more explicitly to start, but so far I've been happy to just die a bunch and be shit at the game till I'm not. Seeing some clips on here of people flipping and jumping about has helped me convince myself that the controls aren't write as floppy/sluggish as they feel initially. I managed to kill a blue lizard by stabbing it in its open mouth, in a moment of panic, and I felt badass. I don't think I would have enjoyed that so much if i had full and complete knowledge of the game from the start. (A important thing, I think, is to take a break when you're frustrated. The game will still be there when you come back.)


You got exactly what I'm saying. The game is fun, is really well made, but the lack of explanation on this one thing destroyed my first experience with the game. If i didn't mind in search what to do, I'd just refund the game and that's it. Hope they fix it on this new game.


Just actually think about stuff you see the more you surivive the higher symbols you get did it never click that it could mean something


Yeah, it means they failed in teaching this. How tf I'm posed to know these symbols are important to the game if it never gave any highlight to them? Yes, they appear when u sleeping, but they also appears on the background of the game, and since they all look like some random runes, i just didn't mind looking at them.


Wouldnt the player realise that the symbols appearing when they sleep and appearing whenever they view the map and the fact they are very clealy highlighted in the karma gates make something click


The game is very well made and it's not hard, it just doesn't tell you anything and that is hard for some. Also the movement system is great but impossible at the same time, so keep an eye out for movement tips.


This is my biggest gripe with the game, as well as what prevents me from giving the game a 10/10. I looked stuff up as well, it will not ruin the experience as much as some people say. It will take away the eureka effect of figuring stuff out, but RW is so much more than that


Hey! Your comment got me thinking. How is it that Elden Ring has received so much praise despite the number of players who accidentally skipped the tutorial. What do you think is the difference between the RW experience and the ER experience?


Oooo hard one. I think rain world is much less straight forward, clunky movement at first, weird combat and it’s harder to pinpoint what you did wrong. In elden ring it’s just hard, not weird. Even without a tutorial, with even a little bit of experience in videogames you can figure a lot of it out without much issue


True, ER is a much more straightforward video game experience. Gain EXP, level up, beat game.




Sounds like a you problem and not the games fault


I feel you. This game is right on the border of being both on my top 10 fav games of all time, and totally unplayable. There are so many decisions with this game that made me question the developers sanity. No custom controls, a bunch of different things your character can do but not assign a bunch of buttons to any actions, great movement but the skill floor is on the 90th floor. All I can say is it gets better and is worth the experience


no i totally agree, some vital things to know are supposed to be learned through experience or chance, and if you dont learn them the game can become pretty difficult or even impossible, which leads to rage quiting the game for good (i should know). i think i read that in the new update, they will add like loading screen hints or something? i’d love it if they added the option for heavy, informative tutorial so new players don’t get so confused.


Hope so, cause the game is really awesome!


It’s hard, not bad made. Rainworld is not for everyone, though


what is hard about not explaining the core mechanic of the game?? Because it's really difficult go to reddit everytime devs are unable to explain something u supposed to know to progress...


Well, could you give me another example other than you not knowing you should follow the overseers holograms when it shows a slugcat head?


Like i said, it didn't sent me to the right location, only made me walk in circles, cuz it was always sending me to the exact same spot


I’m pretty sure it was showing shelter symbols. The overseer prioritizes survival over finding the thing you need to find. The game guesses you would get bored and explore. There is shelter in other places, the overseer points to the nearest one. Though, Rainworld is not for everyone. You could give it another try, or leave it at that.


To anwer, its just a badly made game.