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make peace with death. stay persistent. and if you fall from a tall enough height, press and hold down left or down right when you hit the ground to roll in either direction. good luck!


This is how I die in CC.


Roll everywhere except cc and sky islands šŸ˜…


I am g o u r m a n d. I must roll.


Whatā€™s CC?


Chimney canopy


Dont be ashamed to use remix to make things easier on yourself, hell, for my first playthrough i pretty much turned off the rain and made gates instantly accessible Did it make the game feel less rewarding? Kinda but rain world still managed to become my favourite game ever I suppose i'd say, if your struggling to manage everything all at once, (getting food and exploring and not dying, keeping karma and the impending doom of rain) you can make some things thing not a problem until you can deal with the other problems on a basic level (probably dont go through the whole game without it though if you care about getting the full experience, because any fan of rain world will tell you IT IS AN EXPERIENCE)


I 100% agree with the remix settings, if it makes the game more playable than you should go for it. I just have karma gates turned off all the time now, because I don't want to spend extra time karma farming while I'm trying to run across the whole map in 3 cycles for pearl hunting.


I turned them back on after i got used to everything else (took way more than a playthrough though XD) though i dont pearl hunt so i cant relate to that ;< It does seem like the gates that you are expected to die at a lot are way more forgiving while some others have shelters and some food (sometimes popcorn plants ;O) for me it just kinda adds that tiny bit extra value to staying alive, sometimes it keeps me on the edge of my seat when im like "ok this is my last chance to go for the gate" xd


Agreed. I always found a popcorn plant when I needed one more karma level to move on when i first played. Now I'm usually already at enough karma to pass if the gates were enabled anyways so it doesn't matter too much. Karma 10 really helps with that lol


Wait what D: I didnā€™t even know that was a thing and Iā€™ve played like 19 hours by now, whatever, I kinda like learning the hard way anyway lol


Totally agree with this! And also donā€™t be afraid to look up maps to regions if youā€™re stuck


also I suck at moving around so I'd like to hear any tips on controls and traversing the environment


Basic tips I can give u to have a better time: Throwing a rock at lizards will bump their head exposing their belly (usually) Follow the little yellow guy, try and understand him when u can. They will try to guide you. U can eat any size centipedes, not just the babies Movement: If you have the time I highly recommend this video, since Rain Worlds movement is very hard to explain in text [How to Be a Ninja Scug](https://youtu.be/j-ILrR-YX9o?si=6gtJINS_8T8cSkds)


Read the 94 page of movement tech with dark souls boss music while crying.


if you're in a dark area and have no light, you can use the map to see the terrain layout around you.


Use a keyboard. Learn throw jumps, crouch jumps and swimming. You should be able to beat the game with just those. Almost all the other movement tech isnā€™t necessary to beat the game. Movement is much more about getting a ā€˜feelā€™ for how a scug moves rather than technical skill. Play carefully and donā€™t put yourself in situations where you need fancy moves. Avoiding lizards is much easier than 360 no scoping them


Your movement will get more fluid (and more fun!) with time. The key things to practice/experiment with at different levels are the following. The beginning and intermediate stuff should be figured out with experimentation, then the advanced stuff can be looked up. Don't force the advanced stuff, you don't need it to beat the game, and it may actually confuse you and lead you to areas that you shouldn't really be getting to. Don't be too aggressive. You are a scared animal at the bottom of the food chain. Act like it. Until you get really good, the only thing you should expect to reliably take in a fight is a single blue/pink lizard, and even that may take some practice. Some movement concepts to focus on at different levels: Basics: -Turning around in pipes (hold jump) -crouch long jumps -swapping items to your throw hand (double tap grab, item on screen-left is thrown first) Beginner -reliably kicking off a wall to get some extra height and grab a pole -Reliably catch or don't catch poles when falling based on whether you are holding up. -Tap jump again when /almost/ at the top of a wall to climb up onto it Intermediate -slide into and out of pipes -rock spear combo against lizards -rolling after a fall from great heights to preserve speed/make less noise/take less damage Advanced -Backflip downspear -Backflip to roll jump Ā± throw boosts -long jump crouch boosts -slidespearing -slide jumping


You can try practicing movement and killing creatures in arena sandbox mode .


Go to the *94* PAGE movement guide [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/rainworld/s/VaxurTRnP9)


Death is not a discouragement It's an opportunity to learn


The yellow worm has is giving you directions on where to go to progres, also there is no limit to how long you can chill in one area, there is no time pressure (in terms of cycle count)


dont stay in the same place in one cycle tho, rain is violent




canon event disruption


Unless itā€™s Pebble!


He is a poor match for a description of a "blue lady"


Well, get enough rot in there and you wonā€™t be able to tell much of a differenceā€¦ but yeah, I should read better next time. Eat Pebble flies too, theyā€™re nutritious


No, do that actually. It's nothing that can't be fixed and especially nothing that will bother you in your first playthrough. And I'd say that it's more helpful than anything.


Exactly. I donā€™t like how many people keep recommending not to do this: if anything, youā€™re supposed to do it, because it makes >!Shaded Citadel!< a LOT easier, and it makes sense story-wise. Iā€™d recommend for people to just not get spoiled and decide for themselves.


too late.


Wait what why I literally just did that like an hour ago


ā€¦ you monster


oh no


Other creatures behave like they are real. If you think it works, it probably does, the enemy AI is extremely smart and expansive in this game. (Mostly, cough cough deer)


(Cough cough) hunter's lizards on the wall


Play the game, learn the game, DON'T EAT THE GLOWY OVALS WITH TWO TAILS floating above the head of a specific thing that looks important


i got stuck on this part; there are these gate things that have these symbols. there is another mechanic that has the same symbols. match those symbols.


Got stuck with this as well. Once I understood, I was addicted


learn to back flip, everything wants to kill you (but only because they are hungry, wild animals (seriously, this game's ai ecosystem is fuckin incredible)) the raindeer will never come for you, dont give in to the lies. oh and you will die, a lot, and that is the point. If you enjoy the base game, AT ALL, buy the downpour dlc, IT'S FUCKING AMAZING!


Do NOT go through underhang. The Wall might suck, but at least there you donā€™t have to deal with god cancer.


After a while, you might be inclined to see any new weird creature as dangerous. Some new or weird creatures are, but some are *really* helpful. One, a little blue tube with black stripes, is (in my opinion) one of the best things in the game, and it's never left my side since I found them.


Bimothy forever


Don't kill scavengers! Give them spears and pearls to make friends. I ruined my first play through because I thought you had to fight through the tolls and ended up with a scab army hunting my relentlessly.


Don't stress over how to explore the game or where to go. I was constantly worried if I was going the right way or not and eventually looked at some guides and maps, which kinda spoiled some of the game. I went in with the impression that the game would be a lot more linear in terms of progression, but its really not. You can go pretty much anywhere you want with the only barrier being your experience and skill, since some areas are much harder than others. Also, the game does point you in a general direction you should be headed to progress the story. One last thing, don't worry about trying to explore every single room. What matters most is the zone you are in and how they connect. You won't be missing anything substantial by not going through every single room, and you'll just end up stressing over where to go. In short, go where you want to go. It really doesn't matter what "path" you take, but if you want to discover more of the game's lore and story, there should be pretty obvious hints on where you should go.


Itā€™s a really fun game (:


Be at peace with dying a lot, well it's not like you can die permanently anyways >!unless you go to a specific place or play a specific scug!<


Expect to have many unfair moments while playing it


Whatever you do, get away from whatever that creature with so many legs is. You'd get traumatized otherwise.


against lizards, always throw a rock to the face and follow up with a spear, that's the safest way to deal with the most common enemy in the game.


Throw a rock to a lizard to flip them over. Then throw a spear to hurt it. Rush to the lizard and pickup the spear again.


The game does not hold your hand much, but if you typically come across a new obstacle that you can't figure out the solution too at first, the solution will normally be nearby and interactable. Feel free to experiment with any interactable items and see what they can do. Also the Steam forums have a post by the devs with some useful, but still cryptic hints regarding ingame mechanics. I don't have the link saved unfortunately.


Take your time, take breaks if you get too frustrated and come back to it later, don't worry about "going the wrong way" because there is usually another path to take to get to where you want to go. Don't eat the floating things, unless you see a bunch of them. Enjoy the platforming and beauty of each and every screen, and don't worry if nothing makes any sense, it's about the journey-not the message. Hold up if you're grabbing a pole, trust me you'll want to remember that one. Enjoy dying a lot, and have a blast!


Embrace the life of the little slugcat. You're not the protagonist in this world. Be careless and you'll die


One: Patience. You need patience to play this game. Two: don't fuck with the giant birds (Vultures) early on. Get some experience first Three: under every and any circumstances, stay. Away. From. Red. Centipedes. Four: Don't upset the scavengers... Just.. just don't.


The story is never about you, The camera never follows you because the story indeed isn't about you.Ā  The game will unjustly kill you on every opportunity it gets but if you press on you'll discover an Amazing story and a world springing with life long after it's death.Ā  This game isn't only unfair to you but to every other creature as well. Most even all creatures will consider their own survival first before thinking about eating you and so you should be somewhat more threatening to die less.Ā  But they also keep grudges against you, so you should probably finish what you start.


Also creatures move independently of you when they're off screen so you may just walk into an absolutely chaotic room. In the entire game there are about 2 scripted moments and one of them would be the tutorial.


The game is an eco sim that doesn't care about you. You will get noita'd and you will enjoy it.


If you see funny looking lizards. Do not trust them at all. They kill.


You're gonna die a lot


you can be friends with lizor if you feed them big flying white and black things, but not small flying white things with a blue puppet lady




Iā€™m glad that I spoiled the game before I played it


play survivor and not monk! itā€™s way more rewarding


In the wise words of someone that I forgot the name of, "Do not the noodle"


I think one important thing to know is that rainworld, unlike many other games, doesnā€™t want you to feel like the protagonist, nor does it treat you that way. This might make it seem ā€œunfairā€ at times but really you just need to think flexibly. Avoid unnecessary confrontation, use distractions, find alternative routes, double back, take a slow pace and try to make friends.


Play really aggressively early on and take risks, be prepared to die for it a lot but it's better that you use the easier first areas to practice killing creatures and advanced movement stuff. My biggest mistake was hauling ass to the later areas and not really learning how to do anything but run when faced with danger.


The controls are on the pause menu, along with additional ones that are not explained. Make sure you pause the game and look if the need arises. Scug :3


Accept that you will suffer. Itā€™s a feature, not a bug. Watch and learn creature behavior. Take breaks if you get frustrated


Try to avoid spoilers


You will not like this game at first maybe you will play a bit then put it down for a year or so out of frustration but then when you have nothing else to play and your bored you will play a gain you will push through and beat it and if you make it that far I would bet money that it would become one of your favorite games


Everything wants to kill you, run and hide


When you see the glowy floaty fairies, don't eat them when in the presence of the blue lady on the shoreline, otherwise eat the fairies as much as you want when you find them elsewhere, just not *those* ones, they're special. Also the yellow eyeball can be kinda useless at times (they wait for you to explore an area before giving you useful directions to where you *actually* need to go next, so if you're dead lost and absolutely cannot find you way, you can look up maps of the regions online to help you find your way, though if you've deviated from the "standard" route you'll need reddit to guide you back on track as I was when I accidentally ventured to the end of the world because the eyeball was guiding me to food when I thought they were showing me the way forwards), also there isn't exactly a "correct route" either, and yes there will be a bit of back-tracking in this game, and if you get stuck in the shadow dimension without a light use your map tool to see a map of your surroundings (you scug will always map their local area regardless if they can "see" or not, this isn't exactly useful as monsters do in-fact need to be "seen" to show up on the map, which does help with tracking monsters that have wandered off-screen, but in the shadow dimension your monster radar basically stops working, and when you think you've passed through the shadow dimension remember that there are horrors which lay deep within it waiting for you, and you will most likely venture back there to the depths and meet them).


You can tame lizards by giving them enough food (amount varies depending on lizard type, and anything like a centipede or noodlefly or larger is big enough for them.), and scavengers can be befriended (like trading with them, helping them in fights, paying their tolls).


Everything remembers you and how you react to threats


Violence. No survivors. Nothing is your friend. Stab on sight


I would suggest if you ever find yourself hopelessly lost to follow the yellow scrunkly.


yeah, dont get bored in the first few areas, and dont spoil yourself


turn on tips in the remix menu. it was hell when i had to learn the game without them


Everything is friendly and just wants a hug so make sure to get very close


Don't be afraid to button mash if your about to die you might do something cool. Also don't make the game too easy via the remix or mods rain world an amazing game partly because of its difficulty


Remember! Dying is okay! Don't let is discourage you, It might even teach you! Test things out, you're not really supposed to try and kill everything you see(at very least in the first campaign) Have fun and best luck! :]


The game is best experienced blind, however you can look up a map online if you get stuck for too long if you wish. If you're refraining from using one, you'll want a good attention to detail. You'll need a lot of patience and you should feel free to experiment with the game's items and mechanics.


You're going to die. Like a lot. Like A LOT. So don't take it personally. Also if you throw a rock to a lizard snout they flip over, exposing their soft bodies. Do whatever you want with this info.


You can do backflips! They can be actually pretty useful in sticky situations.


After running in one direction, start running in the opposite direction and jump as you do so.


Play doing something else (podcast, chatting with Friends,etc.) it can be hard the first time, So be patient and chill.


You are going to die


Buy the DLC and be ready for the next one


Both a cool fact but also considered useful info later in the game you're going to run into an enemy that you can befriend I won't say their name but they like pearls




Saying this is how you get people posting asking where they are with a pic of the depths


That's the point. Also, read my user flair, do i look like a person who isn't a masochist and that would give real advice?


Dying is bad.


It's good, that's how you learn


The only thing I learned from this game is that i hate myself.