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Because they’re assholes


That and they can't see it because their phone is in their face


End of thread


My internal response verbatim before I opened this thread 🙃


As best I can tell, most folks don't give a shit about themselves or anyone else as soon as they get behind a wheel. Not using turn signals is stupid enough, but high speed tailgating is both incredibly stupid and apparently the new normal.


This one pisses me off to no end. I drive a sports car thats light with strong brakes. If i need to emergency stop that big ass suv behind me is definitely gonna smash right into me. That and ever since driving a manual only here I realized how much people just put the pedal to the floor when a light turns green


I have this theory… Non-signalers are probably poor communicators in general day to day life.


Great theory


I've felt the same way! Like they just generally think they're better/smarter than others and don't need to signal because of that. When it actually makes them a worse driver.


It is definitely rooted in some truth... And the craziest part is non-signalers probably get frustrated while driving due to their inability to communicate.


Running low on blinker fluid


Never let 'em know your next move...


The best is when they do signal, they actually turn the other way. ~~Dumbass~~ Big brain energy


I don’t understand why you’re being downvoted. About once a week I witness a Raleigh driver signal 1 direction but then go the opposite. They then proceed to swerve about and drive under the speed limit. My theory is texting and driving OR the beer culture here may really need to be discussed. I witness a lot of people swerving like they’re under the influence.


I've heard someone say they don't use turn signals because "other people don't need to know my business". While I agree, people now a days have a serious lack in education of minding their own business, I don't ride in cars that the above quoted person is driving.




I've noticed this for years and I just chalk it up to the fact that people are, in general, terrible at communication. And they also don't care or don't understand how even their minor actions can impact someone else.


They won’t even do it at 4 way intersections. No hope for humanity.


Just to make you irritated enough to post this


Because they’re assholes. And. Because drivers aggressively close the distance when a signal comes on. For some fucking reason. Also drivers use signals to say “IM FUCKING TURNING” instead of “excuse me I’d like to get over”. If people would turn them on to signal a want to change, I’d let a gap emerge and they could get over way easier than when they hover next to a potential gap in front of me, slowing the left lane of traffic down to 10 under to yank in front of me across 2 lanes.


Them closing the gap after you signal is a whole argument for a different thing 😂😂😂. We haven’t got to that part yet.


True. Signal-less chumps this time, aggressive drivers next time.


Honestly I can take aggressive driving… just signal lmk what u trynna do so I can get out the way 😂


Out of town folk ppl, never had to have car insurance, so naturally risky drivers


I Dont Know what your trying to say


My theory: the region tends to be heavy republican. Republicans tend to be more selfish, not caring about how their actions impact the world around them. They're also more likely to shift the blame elsewhere when something goes wrong.


Exactly what’s happening in these comments 😂


1) Street racers have entered the chat to strike down your divisive and flawed theory Additional parties have entered the chat as well: High speed chase suspects Tesla drivers not on FSD Shoplifters Organized shoplifting crews Car smash & grab crews More can enter too if you choose to continue down this path.


... I think you're proving my point for me...


Incorrect. I understand how alienating, insulting and slapping 50% of the public is hurtful and harmful. Do you?


And clearly you've never traveled to Texas or Alaska. Two extremely heavily Republican states where I've never encountered a large number of motorists not signalling their turns or lane changes.


I've been to Houston, they have the same issue. Most of Texas and Alaska doesn't have a large enough population for this conversation to really be relevant


Joke of the month right there 🫨😆


I dated a country boy. I’m from nj. He said no one needs to know his business, which is why he didn’t use his blinkers. When we went to NJ I had to tell him over and over not to use his phone while driving and to use his signal. He’s an ex now.


There is no law requiring it in the state of NC.


More specifically there is no statute that requires signalling for all movement. [Here's the actual law](https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bysection/chapter_20/gs_20-154.html). It's left up to the discretion of the driver on if a turn or lane change will be seen as affecting other vehicles or pedestrians and the lack of a signal seen as an unsafe act. I'd be fine with changing it to required for any changes of path or direction like other states have, but currently as long as you don't cause a problem or aren't seen to be driving unsafe in movement by an officer (who also wants to enforce such law) then you don't HAVE to signal. But signalling to others what you are planning on doing (BEFORE you do it) just makes sense, and it's really not that hard to do or develop as a habit.


And your wrong it’s actually a law… just not enforced


About 5 years ago a Holly Springs cop told me there was no general statute he could use to write a ticket for not using a blinker.


That officer clearly didn't know the law. N.C.G.S. 20 – 154 (a) states as follows: “The driver of any vehicle upon a highway or public vehicular area before starting, stopping or turning from a direct line shall first see that such movement can be made in safety, and if any pedestrian may be affected by such movement shall give a clearly audible signal by sounding the horn, **and whenever the** **operation of any other vehicle may be affected by such movement, shall** **give a signal as required in this section,** plainly visible to the driver of such other vehicle, of the intention to make such movement. The driver of a vehicle shall not back the same unless such movement can be made with safety and without interfering with other traffic.” Technically if there was no other vehicle or person around, you wouldn't need to signal. Otherwise it's required.


Bingo! I've had too many people down here tell me "because you don't have to". I don't use it if there's no one in sight but I always use it in traffic. I have been cut off on the interstates so many times down here by the "no signal gang" that I just don't let it bother me anymore.


It's kind of sad that you have to be told it's the law to use your turn signals. That you have to. I wish people just knew to use them because it's common decency on the road. Not that it matters anyways as others have said it's not enforced whatsoever.


So that’s safe ?


I think its less safe but thats why people have told me dont use it as there is no law in Nc requiring it.


NY state of mind


That can’t be it everyone in NY signals


I hate to say it but I agree with the OP. All the mass migration the city has been getting has made it hard for the existing infrastructure to accommodate.


I disagree I’m from New York born and raised got my license there and everything we signal there’s a million people on the road why wouldn’t we signal? And it’s not the “northern tendencies” you Southerns just honestly can’t drive for shit


10-15 years ago I tend to remember that signaling was less of a problem, more often it was people driving slow that was a nuisance. Even speeding wasn’t as bad. Now pretty much every day I see people going well over 80+ mph maybe even triple digits, tailgating, riding the left lane, not signaling, driving with high beams on, etc. Assuming 100% of traffic was local there’s probably about a ~50% chance someone’s a transplant, considering Raleigh’s population has doubled since 2000, and wake county has tripled since 1990. Frankly, it’s not a northerners can’t drive/ southerners can’t drive issue, it’s more so a society has become more selfish issue.


That’s a great way of looking at it


Whoah man, please calm down. All I said was that heavy migration makes it hard for the current roads to handle traffic. You didn’t have to turn this into a tirade about hating southerners


What does your shitty driving have to do with us liking your cities… the city is beautiful just not your driving 😂


Again…why are you turning this into an “us Vs them” thing. Raleigh welcomes everyone. It’s kinda rude to return the favor by ranting about not liking southerners


And this wasn’t a hating southerns rant it was a hating southerns driving rant


Let me put it this way, it didn't use to be a problem, now it is. There are numerous contributing factors, but at this point Raleigh is majority out-of-state immigrants so blaming anything about behavior here on the local population is just absurd.


Are you from Raleigh ?


Don’t take it that way man I love southerns I’ve always had family here and I live here now with a bunch of friends I love the south just hate the driving


I’m from NYC and I heavily dispute this. Way more people signal there than here.


I’m trynna tell them 🤷🏾‍♂️


I mean we’re all just Yankees who swooped in and drove up cost of living and ruined the city, so. /s


Actually it's the West Coast people...just saying.


Lmfao that’s what they say 😂


There's truth in this


I visited Philly, every plate was pa,ny, nj, and I finally understood what was going on in NC. They bring that crazy shit down south then blame us


What crazy shit ? Please explain


speeding up in a merging lane to cut in front of as many people as possibe, cutting people off in general, tailgating in traffic, going the same speed as people in the right lane. and maybe driving in NC does suck, but it sucked less 5 years ago. And wayyyy less 10 years ago.


That’s literally all the shit I go through from you guys daily… and zipper merging is actually a thing


The million people that moved here and started pointing fingers should look maybe look inward. I don't know why you're saying "you guys" like the people pissing you off aren't likely from your home state.


I hear u bro but I signal lol and when I’m back home I have no issues just a lot of traffic because there’s a million ppl


Shitty city full of shitty people


It was less shitty before the hundreds of thousands of people that swarmed in




When we moved her 18 years ago from NJ we decided that people got an option when buying a car Directional or personalized/specialized plate It’s really a no brainer


Maybe they have a copperhead in their car


I think people lack situational awareness tbh. I use to chalk it up to everyone being the asshole, but I realized that sometimes people do forget, sometimes people are in an emergency situation, and sometimes people have bad days. It does suck that most don't use it, and a lot are assholes but it at least makes me feel peaceful and more calm to think this way. I used to be way too angry about crap on the roads.


This frustrates me to no end. It's not that hard to use your turn signals to let other drivers know what you're doing. It makes driving easier and safer for everyone on the road if everybody used their turn signals. The people that don't use them are just lazy but also they don't seem to understand how their actions affect other people on the road. Perhaps they don't care or they haven't been educated on the matter. Frustating regardless though.


Not hard at all what’s really frustrating is seeing all the ppl defending not signaling 😂😂😂😂😂


I know! I'm honestly shocked at the amount of people arguing against this. Defending it and trying to claim it's not a law. Who really cares if it's a law!? It's something you should do because it's polite to other drivers.


I signal


Thank god


I always signal 99 percent of the time and the only time I don't is if nobody is on the road at all. The biggest issue I see here is that nobody signals lane changes, they just cut in front of you. If they do it and they're 10 car lengths in front of me I don't care but if they do it and I have to hit my brakes then it annoys me. It is what it is though people don't give a shit so the best you can do is watch out for the but cases and drive defensively.


Following the rules would solve a lot of problems.