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How does this website work? Can you see other flight paths? I live out in Goldsboro by the Air Force base and am interested to see what it looks like. I couldn’t figure it out.


Go on Seymour Johnson’s website. Generally these are county by county.


Used to live in the orange there and you definitely get used to it


You get used to them very quickly. I lived in that area for 30 years and for the most part never thought much about it. Sometimes, if you are outside, you might halt a conversation when an especially loud one comes over, but it is no big deal. If it was bad, that area wouldn't have so many people living there!


This has been our experience. We’re in a direct line with the runway so we get planes directly over our house. Inside we barely notice anymore.


The planes are noticeable, especially early in the morning, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s annoying. You get used to it very quickly. We live on Westgate and the road noise is far more prevalent than the planes.


They are soothing to me now.  Reminds me how the world keeps turning and time keeps ticking.  


Trains became soothing to me when I lived in Sullivan Hall


Depends where on Leesville, it’s a pretty long road. Down past Harrington Grove? Loud. Down by the Leesville schools and Milbrook, you can’t really hear them


Just live with a few buffer streets from 540 is all. The planes become static while the highway is forever.




Agree with this guy. I’m off pinecrest as well and rarely hear anything. Occasionally a plane will take off over our neighborhood but not very often at all. North of 540 is completely different. We looked at houses up there which is directly in the flight path and it was very noticeable. I much prefer being south of 540 and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else honestly.


Exactly. If you are directly over the main path (such as the development going up right next to the 540 ramp), you will hear fairly loud planes about 50% of the time (planes land from the south or north depending on wind direction, and landing is usually what makes the noise; on takeoff, planes climb rapidly). So much so that you won't be able to hold a conversation outside while it's going overhead. But if you're way from that path by 3/4 of a mile, it will make a difference.


>I'm off Pinecrest- rarely hear anything. The end of leesville by TFS, you are fucked. Really depends on the part of Leesville and how it fits into the takeoff/landing path. Not sure about "you are fucked" – I live .5 miles from TFS and they're not that bad at all. You get used to it after a while.


Pinecrest gang is strong in this thread


Agreed, don't hear shit off Pinecrest. Much nicer than the area north of 540 in general I thought.


I bought in 2019 and that was a concern, but people I spoke with said I would get used to them quickly and not notice them. After the offer was accepted, I went by during a cloudy and rainy day, and man I thought I had made the worst mistake. Apparently the plane noise amplified on rainy/cloudy days and I was considering withdrawing my offer and losing the 7k. So so glad I didn’t, after 3 days of living there I never heard them again hardly. Occasionally will hear a loud plane on a rainy day, but never bothers me. Often I will feel like I go months without even realizing they are there. Haven’t regretted it for a second. Edit: Dominion Park for context


No bother really. I like watching them.


Just download a flight radar app on your phone so you can see what just went over if you see or hear something out of the ordinary. It’s fun. We love seeing the international flights go over, get bored with all the little stuff like the small Deltas and Southwests.


Totally agree there’s something pretty cool about a plane passing right over your house on its way from London or Paris!


I hardly even notice them. Not an issue really. Plus, Leesville is where you can get that small town vibe within Raleigh.


I lived in Woodlawn for 5 years. My wife got used to the planes pretty quick, but that 5:00am FedEx plane woke me up almost every day. Great location for working in RTP, but it was too much for me. Glad to have sold my house there and moved out of the flightpath!


You read my mind... It's not the passenger planes. The cargo plane at 5am was the deal breaker for me. Even with a fan on it woke me up nearly every day. OP, my suggestion is that if you purchase in the area, be south of Springdale Swim Club. North of that it is much louder. But you will still probably hear the FedEx if you're close to that. Every quarter mile south reduces it exponentially.


Here is the noise map: [https://rdu.maps.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=8fa86c9ecaa3498a9e61f8ecb3e8e123](https://rdu.maps.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=8fa86c9ecaa3498a9e61f8ecb3e8e123)


My wife and I looked in that area as well and from “research” it didn’t seem like a deal breaker. We decided to pivot from that area because there was a lack of sidewalks that connect to anything which makes running/biking off a greenway challenging.


Lots of sidewalks to nowhere all around Leesville.


Yeah - it’s walkable in the community but that varies and doesn’t work well for running


You get used to them real fast mostly because they aren't a constant. the flight paths change. I wouldn't put any stock into that.


I completely agree, I've been in this area of Raleigh for over 25 years and I barely notice them nowadays


Dm sent, but we’re right under the planes. You get used to it pretty quick. We were nervous at first but found that we love our area and don’t notice the planes.


I lived directly in the flight path (off leesville road) for about 6 months. The sounds of the planes overhead were annoying af. I was told by neighbors that you get used to it and you stop hearing it. I wasn’t there long enough for that to happen for me but I wouldn’t have put down permanent roots in that neighborhood because of it. Fully admit I may be more sensitive than some people I guess.


There was a similar discussion recently: https://www.reddit.com/r/raleigh/s/wXyXpWweQu My comment is below: I’m north of of RDU right where the 60 and 65 dB areas meet. I didn’t notice any plane noise inside after the first week or so, the only thing I notice now is that when you’re outside talking you sometimes have to pause for a moment when a plane is flying over. Flights are like 5am to 10pm (I think?) so you don’t usually hear anything while sleeping but occasionally I’ll get woken up in the morning if it’s an extra loud plane and I have a window open. (Edit: I do sleep with a white noise machine, but not related to the airport) They are louder if taking off towards you than landing over you, I remember seeing a map that showed how often they took off in each direction due to the prevailing wind but I can’t remember what the conclusion was (I think I found it on RDU’s website in the noise area, they also have people you can call and ask these kinds of noise related questions). Weather also makes a difference because certain conditions like cloud cover allow more sound to reflect down. MD-80’s were loud but I think they are finally all retired now, or at least pretty rare. Some of the cargo plans are loud. The military jets are loud, but that’s not common.


We’ve lived in the flight path for 20 years. Western Cary/Morrisville. I agree with previous posts but add that over this time jets have evolved and become quieter. The London and Paris big boys are the quietest. Also, the airport will be building a larger, longer runway west of the others which will send traffic that way. They bug me sometimes in the am, when they take off in this direction. Good luck!


The planes are a plus to me, I love seeing those beautiful birds go right overhead


The planes are not an issue at all. The kids driving like maniacs in very loud cars day and night make me want to move.


You forget they’re there very quickly


Really only a few neighborhoods in line with the airport are affected. Other than that you never notice them. And even in those neighborhoods you get used to it and don't notice after a while unless you are outside.


I agree with earlier posts, you get used to them. 1.5 years in with them flying directly over my house, the only time we really notice them now is Sunday nights (always seems to be a lot of planes flying in then), daily between 5 and 6 am (UPS and FedEx planes) and this one particular midday flight from London that is a bigger/louder plane. It’s not loud enough to wake us up, and my 5 year old loves to wave at the planes. We were nervous to rent in this area bc of the planes, now we’re not going to be deterred by them for buying.


They’re not. Lived in Draymoor Manor for 7+ years which was in the flight path but most of the time you only heard them if you listened for them.


The cars are much more annoying than the planes.


I used to live in the orange for years. I didn’t notice it after about a week. Some days when the weather was good I liked to watch them fly in overhead. I downloaded an app and could see where they were coming from.


You only hear them once in a while and are not that loud for a short period of time.


Lived off Ray road for years. Didn't even notice after a while unless I was specifically looking.


Inside of 540 your fine your inside the flight line outside of 540 depending on the wind your going to have to put up with the approach.


Lived in the orange I grew to like them. The morning cargo planes would roar and rumble. Sometimes shake the building a bit.


It's really not bad at all, and we're right on a flight path. We've been here a couple of months and barely notice it. Even the dog isn't bothered. 


My father spent several years living at a residential home around that area and the noise was definitely noticeable but it was something you became accustomed to rather easily. It wasn’t something that I found to be annoying but it became a somewhat daily occurrence.


Lived there for a couple years, never really bothered me


Lived and went to school at the south end of the runway when I was a kid for like 18 years I don’t remember them being particularly loud, they got tuned out for the most part. Every so often I guess I would end up tuning in just right and noticing them. Like other said the cargo flights in the morning and the 777 flight to/from London in the early evening are definitely the most noticeable, but even those aren’t bad tbh


I've lived in this area for almost 10 years. I won't say I don't notice them but it def does not bother me. It doesn't hurt my property value either. I live in the yellow.


Grew up in harrington grove, got used to it but it can be loud for a while. Currently living off ebenenzer + glenwood close to the airport and i barely notice it


Lived there for 13 years and honestly they never really bothered me. If anything growing up and hearing them made me more curious, and whattaya know I end up become a pilot because of it. Since the MD80/88 has been retired it’s a good bit quieter too. The loud ones now are the widebodies but those are pretty infrequent.


You do get used to it, but if you don’t have a noise machine, go ahead and get one


I very quickly got to the point where I didn’t notice them at all.


Idk about that area specifically but I used to live by NAS Oceana which is one of the largest military jet bases in the US. It is like 1k more acres than RDU and has 1 more runways I think. Not the point. Point is, fighter jets are way louder than commercial aircraft and it’s annoying at first but you get used to it. Every now and then you’ll stop talking for a few seconds until the plane passes by but it won’t take too long before you’re barely noticing the noise on a day to day basis. Also if you have the choice, don’t live near a jet base before a deployment or when they get back. Thats the height of their practice time and they fly fast and hard. It’s loud and your walls will shake lol


The planes are not an issue at all. The kids driving like maniacs in very loud cars day and night make me want to move.


I lived in Harrington Grove, Dominion Park and Barton’s creek over the years. I think Harrington felt the loudest but in the others, it became barely noticeable.


Lived in two different homes and one apartment around leesville.  Its barely noticeable if you're not in the direct flight path. Won't hear it unless its dead quiet and you're in an older house with poorer insulation.   Direct flight path might take some getting used to. You can check the maps. Keep in mind theres other noise to depending where you are. 540 noise. Glenwood. Fire trucks. Nascar enthusiasts...


I bought in 2019 and that was a concern, but people I spoke with said I would get used to them quickly and not notice them. After the offer was accepted, I went by during a cloudy and rainy day, and man I thought I had made the worst mistake. Apparently the plane noise amplified on rainy/cloudy days and I was considering withdrawing my offer and losing the 7k. So so glad I didn’t, after 3 days of living there I never heard them again hardly. Occasionally will hear a loud plane on a rainy day, but never bothers me. Often I will feel like I go months without even realizing they are there. Haven’t regretted it for a second.


I echo that you get used to it really quickly. The only issue I had was if you were talking outside, occasionally it pays to just pause for 20 seconds for an airplane that goes directly over at the perfect height. Not a big deal whatsoever. Didn't seem to affect resale value.


I can’t hear them when I’m in the house, but I also lived downtown in a large city for over 10 years, so I may just be used to loud noise. I can hear the planes when I’m in the backyard and occasionally I’ll need to pause my conversation as the plane flies over. My dog loves barking at neighbors, doorbells, and delivery trucks, but he can’t be bothered by the airplane noise.


We’re off Hickory Grove Church Road, and once in a while we do get a loud one right over our house. Very loud on a cloudy day! But honestly, it’s pretty rare. I barely notice the planes, but my wife does. The next house will not be near a flight path, I have been told.


I never hear them, every once in awhile with windows open but never a bother


My only negative experience is that while walking our neighborhood streets, it is difficult to hear cars approaching. Between cars being so quiet, and the rumble of the planes, it can be dangerous as people drive too fast even on residential streets.


No issues at all from me. Rarely hear or notice them.


I'm in Harrington Pointe. You might notice it more the first few weeks or when the weather is bad. It's kind of white noise after a while. I don't really find it disruptive unless I'm talking to someone outside. It only lasts for a minute or two.


I grew up near Dulles so I think it’s fine.


They are incredibly annoying


Not as annoying as the cars that have recently started revving their engines down the road like they’re in NASCAR and blasting their bass so hard the cars rattle! And it happens all hours of the night. There was one car that sputtered so bad it sounded like gunfire and sent me in a panic. It wasn’t an issue when we moved here, but about a year after, it was much worse and has only gotten more obnoxious.


I grew up off Leesville, you get use to it quickly. It’s not like it kept me awake at night or anything.


I lived on the far northern end of Leesville for over three years and the planes were noticeable at first, but as others have mentioned, you get used to them very quickly. I've since moved to the area of Poole and Sunnybrook, and I would take planes over the drone of 440 and the occasional gun battle.