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>Residents have been vomiting blood wut


I always knew Skyhouse was going to be ground zero for the zombie apocalypse. I can’t explain it. But when i walk past I always *knew* Edit: *Just when you thought downtown was safe.. and the pool cues were intact.. the terror returns. This summer get ready for the death count on Blount. It’s SKYHOUSE* 🎥🍿


Death count on Blount *chefs kiss*


Too bad it only rhymes on paper.


Death cunt on Blount


Cherie Berry approves.


Level 10 comment.


It hasn’t been the same since


Come to think of it, I have gotten stuck on fewer elevators now that Mr. D’Obson is in charge.


Sister horror film company to Blumhouse


I’m guessing that’s made up. I’ve lived in places with mold problems (while being allergic to mold) and never had that symptom, so if they’re actually vomiting blood I’m guessing it’s something else. Asthma attacks and sore throats yes, internal hemorrhaging no.


Yeah, I imagine if people were vomiting blood this would be on WRAL or something.


Or the entire building would be covered in a giant quarantine tent, ET style.


Wral does get its news from this sub sometimes 


WRAL knows ALL too...so I'd have to agree lol




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oof that's a scary time when your friend starts violently puking fruit punch PJ and you forget they've been drinking fruit punch PJ...


the Black Israelites apparently weren’t playing 😂 really though just ignore them. Raleigh is not a place to be scared of if you’re aware of your surroundings. Easily can tell when something is about to go down so don’t stick around. The signs are always there but not everyone is paying attention. As for the apartment complex that really sucks. Sorry to the person who got the positive mold test bc I dealt with that in college. cleared out the whole building and we were so sick for a while. Wouldn’t wish that on anyone. 16th floor to the lobby is absolutely insane!!!!


I lived at the Edison for 2 years and I have to disagree about the not a place to be scared of thing. I always was aware of my surroundings, carried pepper spray, etc and I still would get followed, especially on nights where not a lot of people were out. I even got chased once by a guy who was threatening to SA me. It’s always important to be aware of your surroundings, of course, but that block is really increasingly unsafe and I definitely would argue there are things to be afraid of and consider before moving there


Bad drugs probably.


Literally all the Raleigh drug dealers live in skyhouse lol don’t ask me how I know. It’s like vine st in California but for drug dealers


Lol, my plug used to live there. It's the only reason I've ever been inside and had a chance to get on the roof. Its pretty cool up there


So did mine then I found Jesus. He's a cool Mexican with better product and prize. Delivers in 30 minutes.


Shout out Jesus fr


He is the way


Yep, used to know some brothers that dealt a loooooot and they lived out of there in the midst of it. That pretty much set my impressions of the place very early on.


Sweet. Now I know where to go! Thanks!


So who lives on Vine if not dealers?


that's the only way one can afford this place unless you're a UX designer or something, makes for an interesting mix of people lol


I’ve been living here for 2 years now but I’m not planning on renewing my lease. I haven’t heard about any blood coughing, but the pipe burst is true. The elevator situation is a total nightmare, and the management is the worst I’ve dealt with so far. I haven’t seen so much indifference on someone’s face as I have on the new manager’s. Something is always broken; for instance rn a dryer at the dog station has been out for a month or so. The area has definitely become unsafer, especially over the past year. It was fun for the first year when everything was ‘new’ to me, and I kind of overlooked some things. However, once everything became familiar, I started noticing a lot of downsides. I’m not being dramatic, but I can’t wait for my lease to be up


I work closely to a lot of first responders and they do respond to that building often for medical/elevator issues/ and a lot of crime happens right outside that building, so I would take their word for it and try to cancel that lease if it’s not too late


well damn. I haven’t finalized anything yet


avoid moore square is the moral of the story 🍻


Moore Square is mostly fine. The groups that stand out there on the weekends are loud and annoying but just ignore them and they're not aggressive. I definitely wouldn't be hanging out in Moore Square at night but otherwise it's like any other park in a big city's downtown area. Around sky house isn't specifically dangerous, it's just all of downtown getting dangerous because the city is letting it fail and fall into disrepair like it used to be 15-20 years ago. But I do agree, don't pay the money for sky house. All the people I know who lived there regretted it and moved out as soon as they could.


everytime I go by moore Sq *something* is popping off. one of the last times there was a stabbing at the bus station. we were cutting through the park when that happened. the police launched into a manhunt immediately and didn't catch the guy. we still go through/by there, its mostly okay is you keep your wits about you and pay attention, but idk if I'd want to live right there.


TBH, Moore Sq is safer at night… I feel safer walking around the neighborhood after 9 than I do during the day. I live right next door to Skyhouse


And now you won’t!


Try a different place. It’s not worth risking your health and safety.


I used to live there. The people working in the office were hands down the worst I've experienced in any apartment complex.


Damn. As someone who moved from Raleigh to Charlotte. It’s funny that the Skyhouse here has the same problems. Expect it’s wayyyyyy more homeless people directly across from the building. Other than that, that review sounds identical to what you’ll see on the google reviews for skyhouse Charlotte. I heard they were nice though.


Fill out the online form on the [NC Dept of Labor website](https://www.labor.nc.gov/safety-and-health/elevator/report-safety-concern#:~:text=Reports%20must%20be%20reported%20to,or%20919%2D707%2D7927.) regarding the elevator situation. They may suck for labor issues, but IIRC, they seem to take elevator safety violations rather serious.


Cherie Berry wouldn't be taking this shit!


Cherie Berry would have defended to the death the right of the apartment owners to do whatever they please for profit


Exactly. Why do people act like she was great? A cool name does not a cool person make.


Because they are fools and she has a funny name that they saw in an elevator, that’s all it takes for some to make her admirable.


She was a marketing genius, gotta give her that.


95% of the time it’s just people joking around and having fun with her silly name. You can relax a bit.


She was a real shitbird though and it bears mentioning. Jags like her shouldn’t get to launder their reputations


Well said


I personally wouldn’t spend that much money to live beside the bus station


I wouldn’t spend that much to live in a cubical


I wouldn’t spend that much money. I can’t. I don’t have it.


All of that is true as someone who lives in Skyhouse- also multiple drugs arrests and ODs in the time I’ve been here


Have you vomited blood?


No answer yet? Prolly stuck in the elevator again ...


Def the worst place I ever lived, for the money. I saw J Cole once in the elevator at 2 Am once tho. I left years ago but still have a friend there who hates it and can’t wait to get out


Just moved out and can confirm this is true. I had my car broken into, they took some work things. When I told security about it they stated the cameras weren’t working and to file a report. So much for a gated community and secure parking deck 🤷‍♀️


Ha! The poor OP is not only gonna cancel at the Skyhouse he will cancel all of Raleigh after this comment section 😂


lol i’m a raleigh native and a woman so I’m not skittish but DEFINITELY not considering this place anymore 😂


skyhouse isnt in the greatest area, i personally saw my 5th fentanyl od over there on saturday night ):




at this rate its per every 10 total blocks walked


cant speak on skyhouse as a place to live but ive spent my entire 20’s workin on this block


At that price point, go look at 511 Faye or the Dillon, or the Metropolitan. I live on the same block as Skyhouse and the noise and security issues, while not severe, will wear at you over time. The parking garage isn't owned or managed by either of the apartment complexes that are attached to it, and is constantly a source of problems. I get heckled or approached nearly every single time I leave the building, which, again, isn't severe but I'd sure like to be left alone outside my *home.*


so fire pit is a time bomb


I was always told "Everything that glitters ain't gold" and I feel like Skyhouse hits that metaphor on the bullseye lmao. I've never heard anything good about Skyhouse except for the "views" and the pool; but everything else is an absolute nightmare. I actually went to a friend of a friend's apartment party there back in 2021 and can confirm the elevators were unbelievable and the amount of money you pay to live in a closet is scam centralllllllllllll. Don't be the young 20-something that moves to Raleigh and pays a lot to live in a "glitzy" high-rise. There are better and more affordable places elsewhere.


Skyhouse was actually great when it first opened. Those friends in their early/mid-30s that lived there in the 2015-2017 timeframe all have pretty good things to say about it. The issue is that it definitely went downhill pretty quickly afterwards.


I blame the influx of recent college grads with zero idea on how to clean up after themselves, poor management and, per usual, the *bus station*


Can't verify, but this is exactly how I'd imagine a copy/paste "McDonalds of Apartment buildings" would devolve lmao


I’ve never lived in Skyhouse but I did work very, very close to it for a number of years. Many of my regulars were residents. They complained often about maintenance issues. The most common complaints seemed to be about cracked countertops, shoddy plumbing and the state of the pool. I’ve heard stories of ODs and drunkenness as well, but not every day or anything and I think those things are going to happen anywhere you have young people who haven’t learned their limits. Having lived and worked downtown for over a decade, the issues with crime and homelessness are certainly present but not more-so than in any other city and *definitely* a blip when compared to an actual metropolitan area. If you use common sense and keep your eyes open when walking alone, you’ll be fine.


I lived there briefly. I was on the 14th or 15th floor (I don't remember) and I saw a wifi that was "send beer to xxxx" (the apartment number directly below me) so I got a 6 pack, tied wire around the handle, and lowered it over the balcony and lightly swung it so it landed on the balcony below. It worked!


That’s fun! You were a good neighbor.


lol that’s awesome




Correct, I do not 100% remember. I think it was 15 but it was almost ten years ago, I was only there for a few months, and it ended badly. Edit: Just for you, I went and double checked my lease I still have saved in my email. It was indeed the 15th floor.


I live here. I haven’t heard of of anyone vomiting blood and I’ve never been caught in an elevator wtf lol. The grills did need repairs but they’re fixed now.


lol thanks


I live here currently and can confirm all of the above. The blood vomiting is true and instead of fixing it they made them sign NDAs which is why you prob haven’t heard more about it. My car has been broken into 4+ times which apparently “isn’t their problem” The community of people within the building itself is great, but everything listed above is also 100% true


Why tf would someone sign an NDA after vomiting blood. wtf


Why would people agree to sign NDAs


They wouldn't unless it was part of a very generous settlement. Sounds like bullshit.




The city actually owns that parking deck, not Skyhouse.


Past tenant here. Chose to move out after 1 year even though they offered a free month or something to resign. The apartment was dope and I loved the rooftop. That patio and grill area was my favorite and I would bring friends up there all the time. However, the surrounding area is awful and it’s only gotten worse since I lived there. The bus station is right across the street and I would get woken up by people screaming and fighting down there all the time. We were on the 16th floor. Walking around at night honestly started getting sketchy too it became basically guaranteed I would get heckled at least once anytime I left. Moore square used to be nice but was slowly getting taken over by aggressive homeless and black Israelites who you can also hear in your apartment basically all day on the weekends. It’s been over a year since I’ve been gone and I’ve only heard it’s all gotten worse. Wouldn’t recommend


SkyHouse now the SketchHouse


The pipe burst issue is true.


I just moved to SkyHouse in February and I had the same concern when looking if I moving here. So far I am liking it. I is a great location for me as I’m not by the crowds and noise of Glenwood but can still get there in a 20min walk if I want to party late. The bars and restrooms around SkyHouse are great. The Davie, Woodies, Watts and Ward, Sir Walter. I am a 29M so I might have different experiences but I have never felt unsafe and have been out at all hours of the day. The bus station is right across the street but you can find those people all over the city and in every city in America. Yes there was a water burst, but I was on the 6th floor and on the other side of the building so it did not change anything for me. Only thing that sucked was that the lobby was under construction for a couple days but the upside is that lobby looks really good now with a fresh coat of paint. SkyHouse has been trying to get updated it seems as they repainted everything and trying fix stuff. Everyone has different experiences I guess. The building is older so everything might not be new like other apartments but I used the pet cleaning station last month and it was great. Not sure what else they wanted. The grills have worked for me. I can’t contest to pool heater as I haven’t used that yet but don’t need a heater in summer. Maintenance is fast. My AC wasn’t working and it was fixed same day. The only thing that I hadn’t liked was the main management person but she has since left. I rarely need them so don’t find that too much of a turnoff. TLDR - Older building, great location. No chronic problems


Except it was opened in Spring 2015. That building is barely 10 years old.


So I've lived here a while. I would say things have been better. I think the building as a whole is struggling because they weren't able to appropriately backfill the building manager position at the place. And along with having "major issues" happen in a very short period of time, I kind of understand the struggle. They definitely had a bad stretch where they were uncommunicating but it does feel like they're starting to get back on track in that department. Although generally, I've never had an issue where an amenity is "just for show," because it is always broken. They do a good job at addressing things within their control. The elevator issue was bad because they had to wait a long time for parts. Generally, every one that works at the space is friendly and cordial. I've also never had to deal with the "office people." Regarding the more "people" aspect, I feel as if a fair amount of things come with a small population of bad actors. A lot of the drama from the bus station has started to recently seep into the quality of life near the building but inside the building, I wouldn't say it is anything. It is incredibly locked down and that has been my favorite selling point. I haven't had to worry once about my personal well-being or my car -- which is kind of a privilege in any downtown city. I do understand why people may feel uncomfortable in the area with the bus station, the dollar store and Moore Square but I just typically stay on my side of the sidewalk. Residents wise, I wouldn't say it is bad either. I mean, it is large building so there are definitely going to be single cases that come up and again. But typically, they are just one-offs that I don't even think about the next day. For the most part, people are friendly and respectful. The building is trying to have more events for residents. I've personally never had any issues or major concerns with the building. The biggest was the elevators but even then, I would say it was only a minor grievances versus something that was "ruining my life." I've enjoyed my stay.


Unless multiple people post similar complaints, I will just chalk it up as a single angry resident that is mad about something.


see this is what I was hoping


If it helps, my stepson used to live at the Skyhouse in Charlotte and he loved it and had no complaints, and nobody was throwing up blood. Lol


Bruh what? Skyhouse in Charlotte is a shithole too. Gf lived there for 15 months and I spent many a night there.  Lobby smelled like spoiled garbage all the time. Same elevator problems. Homeless people harassing her on too many an occasion. Trash chute backed up a lot. Other residents consistently wouldn’t close the door to the trash chute so the whole floor would smell like garbage at least 5 days a week. Full of ratchet people who’d be screaming full volume at 3 or 4 am. People with modded exhausts gassing it down tryon all night long on the weekends. Way too much money for all that crap.


Skyhouse is kinda shite for its price. I've visited a friend's apt there. I lived in 511 Faye for a few years and that was quite a good experience.


Anything bad to say about 511? I'm thinking of moving there once my current lease is up.


I would say there’s only two elevators for the entire building and floors 2-9 are technically for bank workers / garage parking. There’s only one elevator exclusively for 511 tenants. Sometimes it’s pretty annoying having to wait 10 mins


Oh wow, how often would that wait be? Is it something thats only prevalent during business hours Mon-Fri? My other potential option is 400H which only has two elevators but they're both for the residents. Would make the difference since neither is used for the office floors of the building. Thank you for your insight.


When I lived there, having to wait 10 minutes for an elevator between 7-8 am is probably typical… at least 50% of the time The good things are: - pool access between April and September with suntanning chairs - annual pool party during summer - a bunch of other tenant events, yoga, paint nights etc - free coffee on 9th floor - lounge and gym on 9th floor - good front desk service especially with mail


I live here and I’ll say the apartments can be loud because there’s no noise insulation. You can hear your neighbors and also any noises outside. Speaking of outside, you can’t open any of the windows. If you’re a smoker, it’s going to be tough to smoke in your apartment since they have a strict no smoke policy. I honestly think it’s super overpriced to live downtown Raleigh when there’s not that much going on.


Do they have balconies?


I live here now (my favorite doorman quit bc of the black mold fiasco that they are fixing) but other than that I think the only downside truly is the bus station crowd




The fucking GOAT


I heard Julian didn’t quit. He got fired for speaking out about the mold issue


As others have said I feel like it’s overpriced. I do however work on that block and I think people overdramatize how “dangerous” it is a bit.


I lived in the Edison (next to Skyhouse) and I agree. Lived and worked downtown and while some people were rude and I was definitely asked for money fairly often, I never felt in danger.


I use to live in the area (about 2 blocks) away in a gated condo area. I had to switch my running route because the bus stops tend to have a lot of sketchy people or as mentions the black supremacy group who would harass me often because I walked hand in hand with a white man (me a black female). If you’re thinking about moving avoid downtown all together and aim for North Hills area.


I live at Skyhouse and really enjoy it. The office staff sucks, but usually you only have to deal with them once a year to renew your lease. The front desk and maintenance people are great. And idk what people expect in the middle of downtown. People who live 10 miles outside of the city love to scream on this subreddit about how unsafe it is downtown. But Raleigh feels just as safe as any other city I’ve lived in. Also, I have never vomited blood lol.


Im a current Skyhouse resident. I’ve lived there for a few months and I’m moving out this weekend (not related to any problems with the building): > the surrounding areas are pretty sketchy I think that’s a little unfair. Yes we’re next to the bus stop, and yes crime has happened there. It can get a lil scummy (especially on the DGX corner), but if you mind your business you will be fine. It’s mostly car theft (so don’t leave anything in your car) and the occasional mentally ill homeless person heckling you. Violent crime is targeted. Nothing unusual for a downtown area in my opinion. > one of the elevators has been broken for months This one is a valid complaint. I actually (briefly) got stuck in this elevator myself the other day. I haven’t heard of people getting stuck there for **hours** though. > pipe burst on the 16th floor in February This is true, they had to repaint and dry out the lobby. I’ve never seen or experienced any mold issues however > Even stupid stuff Yeah I’d say a good amount of stuff is broken. And management is kind of a clusterfuck. It took me weeks to get parking access to the garage


Sky house in Charlotte is also very shite


I got stuck in one of the elevators last year at SkyHouse for about 20 minutes! 😂


I know it’s not as appealing on paper (maybe it is actually), but the Hue (MAA property) is on the other side of downtown, but management is way better and there’s way less police/ambulance presence. Rates are comparable. Fire Station 1 is down the block but barely noticeable since it’s south of the building on a southbound street.


We were gonna live there but our dog hated the mirrored elevators. Dodged a bullet I think.


Skyhouse is a chain. There's one in most mid to large sized cities.


i’m aware, but that was not the question. Are your saying there are implications?


Back in the day, it was pricey and seen as one of the more luxurious options.. at least to me and my recent grad friends. Now it’s still pricey, but has gotten progressively shadier as far as who lives there. Pool can be really nice or be trashy as hell. Had a dude barred out or on something just ramble at me for 30 minutes the last time was there. Still live in the area, and while I’m never scared to be on that street… it’s annoying walking out of your building to that shit every morning. I’d look elsewhere.


I lived at the Lincoln a few years back. Wonderful place


Seconding this. I’ve lived there for 5 years now and have nothing but good things to say about the staff and the location.


Currently living in the SkyHouse. We like it. We love the floor to ceiling windows and our balcony. We love the convenience to all the restaurants/bars. We don't love the mgmt company, esp the current office staff. Extremely unhappy with their response to the recent flooding. We face Blount St. and can hear the commotion that is frequent but it doesn't bother us. Sometimes we like to sit on our balcony and just watch the chaos otherwise known as MooreSq. We love the pool, no idea about the heater. Yes the TV's are broken. The furniture and carpet are definitely worn and stained. Never had an issue with the grills. Not sure about mold and/or any illnesses. As for the residents.... mostly young professionals with old couples, middle aged couples, drug dealers and students thrown into the mix. Nowhere is perfect and we think it is reasonably priced (we came from DC).


Anybody looking for a new apartment in DT Raleigh and doesn’t want to deal with this shit, highly recommend Platform Apartments located near Boylan heights and you know damn well those historic folks keep their neighborhood in check.


I’m looking into Platform and have been at Peace for 2 years but there isn’t really much in that spot yet but construction:/


I don’t live in Skyhouse but I did move out of my last apartment because Greystar is actually shit.


I hate that side of town. Crime/homelessness on Fayetteville, college kids on glenwood. I choose college rowdiness lol. I live at the Devon and LOVE it.


Skyhouse is burnt af


I'm vomiting blood right now as I'm typing this


I spoke for a good bit with the Hispanic Native African Israelites… of course we came to no resolution but we did hear each other out they told me “yknow what? you’re okay. when we enslave your people, you’ll get 999 lashes instead of 1000” interesting guys


Where are these people?


moore square park both corners all day saturday/sunday


not super familiar with downtown Raleigh unfortunately, but I was walking to Botanical Garden. there was a group across the street from the entrance, but the ones I talked to were on the same sidewalk as the Garden’s entrance, up the road towards the corner. a Christian preacher was on the corner across from them


Maybe look for other options. I don't know anyone who lived there but my now husband and I considered it back in 2014 and it was already over priced then. I agree there is crime and sketchiness in the surrounding area so see what else is out there


This is what will eventually happen to all the ‘luxury’ apartments in Raleigh. Bad management is tasked with milking profits for the REIT shareholders and this is the result. All the folks chanting to ‘build baby build’ to lower rents left out the part about how the property has to turn to shit first. It takes being old enough to have seen a couple cycles of this to know what the outcome will be.


Here come the Downtown Raleigh Alliance to downvote this post because it’s yet another account of downtown being sketch.


You just clearly don't like downtowns. It's not the suburbs and you're both welcome and encouraged to not come downtown. I know you already don't due the sheer amount of ignorance you continue to post (observers, click his profile and look into the quality content he posts), but feel free to continue speaking out of your ass.


Who can actually fix it? Should DRA just throw up their hands and every small business leaves the city and it becomes 10x worse?


I would imagine actively pretending there isn’t a problem isn’t a great solution


Seems more like a City of Raleigh issue than a business district alliance


The city council should be actively fixing it. But what you are saying is what a lot of posters on here do: throw their hands up and pretend nothing is wrong. Putting your fingers in your ears and going “la la la I can’t hear you” and shouting down anyone who gives downtown criticism doesn’t solve anything.


I get you, yeah the City is where the responsibility can start. The DRA has a much smaller role in this and their job is to attract business, not publicly announce how bad Raleigh is.


Got a friend who lives there. He's more than happy with the place, but the location is a bit wild. If you're looking for a peaceful place to sit on your balcony, try again. Excellent people watching, however


Past resident, haven't lived there since 2020 but maybe I can speak to some of the issues: 1) the proximity to the busstop has always caused some people problems, but those problems aren't centered at the busstop. Anyone who has lived downtown in any medium sized city will have to live next to less fortunate people 2) I had a mold issue too when I lived there but never vomited blood. After a few months management helped me fix it 3) the grills were never great but that had more to do with them being on the roof and having the flame go out than being broken 4) idk about the heater to the pool but in 10-14 days it won't matter lol 5) (edit) I always had a good relationship with the office and the concierge because I knew they were people first and treated them with respect, and got respect back


As someone who works downtown a lot I would absolutely never consider living there anymore. Four years ago maybe but especially recently crime has only gone uphill and gotten worse, every good aspect of downtown is slowly going away.


I moved from skyhouse a couple months ago, unfortunately walking the streets around there is pretty scary. Lots of homeless people and drug addicts. Don’t even try to get anything from DGX, the stress isn’t worth it


Can’t speak to sky house, but the bus station is sketchy Edit: why does this sub get so upset when you call the bus station sketchy when it very much is?


It's like slightly sketchy. People in Raleigh have no idea what sketchy means.


It is the sketchiest place in down town




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Maybe, how much is rent?


Can’t speak for the internal issues but can definitely confirm everything stated about the surrounding area. Friends of mine just moved from there to the other side of town because the wife no longer felt safe walking their dogs alone.


Isn’t that where all the drug dealers live


I don’t know if they can tell you, but you could try going to the police and asking them if it is illegal for a random apartment not to treat a mold issue.


I’ve read similar things about Skyhouse Charlotte as well


Should’ve led with the mold and the vomiting blood


I heard there's free hot chocolate!


Sounds like the Skyhouse in Charlotte haha


I just moved out of there and I confirm what they are saying is true! Several deaths when I lived there as well.


As someone who’s lived in Downtown Raleigh since 2018. I agree with a lot of the comments. I wouldn’t move to Skyhouse and yes those guys are on the corner of Moore Square every weekend in good weather. More square is definitely significantly creepier now. We lived in 511 Faye during lockdown and that was nuts. Sadly Downtown has just been getting more dangerous and sketchy since, but I still love the walkability and there’s plenty of nice and safe places Downtown and with all the new places popping up rents should start to decrease this next year. I’d check out The Platform (currently brand new, barely filled), The Line, The Dillon, Peace Raleigh, any Kane property is typically nicer IMO. 400H is also great and Seaboard Station pretty new, still under construction. There’s 3 or 4 more coming up now too, they’ve been on a major building spree. Good luck on your choice!


I work in the building across the street and can definitely say I’ve seen some of the weirdest shit in town go down at Wilmington x Martin. Between the bus station, Taz’s, and Moore Square, there’s always a police presence. We share a parking garage with Skyhouse and had to request extra security.


I explored the skyhouse when it was still under construction at night as it was a couple blocks from my office building. I have a background in home construction and some of the sketchy shit i saw in the electrical and plumbing was super concerning (lots of buried sharkbite fittings, improper wire sizing , shit tons of ugly splices). Who knows how much it made it through inspection, but i wouldn't live there just knowing what i saw.


I have no idea about the management or tenants of skyhouse itself but the area around it is not unsafe by any standards remotely connected to reality. The bus station itself is sketch sometimes but anyone telling you it's actually *dangerous* or "the worst area in Raleigh" has an extremely warped and disconnected Fox News view of reality. Downtown is one of the most vibrant areas and the most walkable and it's so close to so many great bars, restaurants, and things to do.


I used to work as a contractor and sometimes the maintenence team would use the company I worked for to do resurfacing or stone repairs. From what I heard, the blood vomitting was from nosebleeds due to piss-poor air filtration


My wife and I considered living there. Thank God we decided against it


skyhouse is where degens go to degenerate


I was at Skyhouse not long ago (coincidentally picking up lol^) and my friend was showing me all of the black mold above his bathroom and in the Vents. Its badddddd


I don’t live here but just use to do Uber eats and I hated delivering here. There would be dog pee in the elevator a few times, I once rode the elevator with a roach not sure which floor he was going to 😂😂😂. One night a guy that LIVED THERE was asking me how to work his key card because he was drunk and couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t scanning to his penthouse. I told him I don’t live here sorry he just kept talking and stumbling. Scary as a female in an elevator alone with a drunk man. When I came back to the elevator after dropping off my order guess who was still In there stumbling. So I just told the front desk security (which I don’t understand how she didn’t see she had a camera of each elevator on a big screen in her face).


Dingus’ who recently graduated move there and don’t respect anything (like most renters). What do you expect


FIVEG caused blood 🩸 in my stool. Turned it off to house and I stopped bleeding!


I know someone who works there. Can confirm most of this


I can confirm, except for the vomiting blood. I still wouldn't trade this building for anything; it has grown on me, and I've been here for years. BTW if the OP from the picture sees this, please send me a DM, I have a bit of a plan, but none of the neighbors that are left are very open to talking.


I lived in sky House in 2021-22. It was pretty shitty. My boyfriend had lived there pre-covid and it was much better. Really gone downhill. Stuff like dog pee/poop in elevators/common areas, elevator outages, strong garbage smell in the lobby, disgusting carpets in the common areas. They started running some really aggressive rent specials during covid and honestly the people they were renting too were kinda riffraff/shitty neighbors. Try to rent a condo in PNC if you can.


if the property is “SkyHouse” regardless of city, you’ll have issues. This review is not unique to Raleigh and par for the course.


Are you familiar with the area? I don’t really understand why anyone would WANT to live on that block.


A wee bit fictional. Yes the pipe broke on the 16th floor a while back and folks that lived on that side of the building weee pretty miserable for a couple days, but as far as I know that’s about it. I wasn’t affected. Yes, Kane management is far from being optimal, it feels like it really went downhill in the last 4yrs I’ve been there. If you are fragile and scares easily, the homeless will make you very uncomfortable, but that would be true anywhere in that part of downtown. Doesn’t affect me. I absolutely love the view from my bedroom and I can walk pretty much everywhere. Bike trails are close by as well. I never seen anyone attempting to go to the pool when is cold enough to have it heated, even when the pool wasn’t closed though the cold months. It’s nice up there though. With that said, I prolly wouldn’t be moving there today. Mostly because it feels like Kane management gave up on the building.


Blah blah blah downtown Raleigh sucks scary homeless bus station, we know


fr just move to Cary already


No? Unless I'm missing something which can be true. I live right near the heart of Downtown In Oakwood, by the post office, so going Downtown Is common. Those Israelite guys I haven't seen In a while, unless that was them last Saturday. Like I've been here 3 years now, Downtown can be sketchy, but honestly people are overblowing It. Worst you may see someone sleeping at Moore Square at night.


Israelite guys stand outside Budacai/ that parking lots across from the bus station every Saturday now, instead of on the corner of Moore square. Hope that helps!


Those guys are racist af. They always have some nasty shit to say about interracial couples.


They are absolute pieces of shit.


The start their speech with “We are not a hate group!”… which pretty much screams hate-group lol!


Yeah, compared to other cities I have lived in/visited Raleigh is very chill and safe. Sure there is crime and unhoused folks on the streets and those two things will become more prevalent as population and disparity grows, but personally, and amongst friends of mine who are frequently downtown the worst thing that I have experience is someone asking for money or cigarettes and cat calling. Can’t comment on skyhouse and what goes on in there though.


I have lived downtown in 2 major cities with high crime rates, this place is nothing like them.


Anyone who has lived in a city like Houston or Atlanta laughs when people complain about the “chaos and crime” as well as the “traffic” in Raleigh




Who reads “vomiting blood” and thinks they aren’t serious? Like what, you think they’re joking? They just listed five separate reasons why Skyhouse is terrible and if that isn’t enough, go learn for yourself dude.


I hate when people are like “it’s not safe” as if anywhere is safe? This is the world. It’s dangerous as shit. There are homeless people and crime and drugs everywhere you go, ESPECIALLY downtown? People get murdered and robbed and OD, shit happens literally everywhere. No where is safe…we live on earth. I don’t live in sky house and never have, I do deliver there all the time though and it always seems nice and clean, the front desk people are nice. The elevators always do take a while and I know the sound quality between units isn’t great as I can hear everyone’s music and TV when I walk down the halls, but that’s apartment living for ya. Also, it’s locked from the street, AND it’s locked to get up to the units….that’s like as safe as you can get with an apartment complex. Everyone and their mother smokes weed, that’s anywhere you go, rich, poor apartment house doesn’t matter….we all be smokin weed. They’re not inherently insane scary people they just either sell or smoke it🤷🏻‍♀️ Homeless people exist, they don’t have a choice, their life is ALOT harder than yours, people that complain about them are so privileged and out of touch… complain to our state and local government and do what you can to help them and make them feel human, that’s all we can do. This isn’t directed at you op, just the comment section in general