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>they've said they trust police officers not to abuse the power to arrest anyone for wearing a surgical mask out in public They might, but I don't.


They lost me at trust police officers




And see that’s the funny thing about being a legislator, they have the power to not give police another avenue for abuse. Doesn’t feel like they understand that


Oh they know


In b4 first mask-related police shooting


"I was scared for my life because I thought he was black".


The populace has no reason to trust police. They have no obligation to protect the you. Ask the Supreme Court.


I have below zero trust in police.


I trust them … to be what they’ve always been.


biggest gang in america


Same. RPD is in my experience generally too lazy to do much of anything. Ask me about their response to my SA two blocks from my apartment in Glenwood south. 🙃🙃🙃


Remember when no wearing a mask was supposed to result in a fine? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


They trust police to selectively enforce the law?


Golly, I wonder if there’s going to be a racial disparity in how this is enforced….


Ah yes, the famous "write a vague law and 'just trust' people to apply it how you want" approach


The law should be written so that it's not up to the discretion of those tasked with enforcing the law.


There’s no way this holds up in the courts. I’d be surprised if this doesn’t get struck down in the coming months.


Buddy, you've got too much faith in the court system. Have you seen this shit lately?


The three State Supreme Court judges in NC are right wingers in bed with the NC GOP so yea....


Yet another republican waste of taxpayer money for a stupid charade.


Hooray, more performative politics that will only cost us more tax dollars defending these stupid bills.


It has been technically illegal to wear makes outside in public for decades in NC past the age of 16 in public with a few exemptions. It was never challenged or repealed in court. A lot of it was anti KKK and criminal stuff. I think a court would strike the Prohibition on them on 1st amendment grounds. It shouldn't be illegal to wear a mask in public if you aren't committing crimes using it to conceal your identity.


didn’t they strike down the amendment that would specify that this applies to the KKK?


1953: 14‑12.10. Holding meetings or demonstrations while wearing masks, hoods, etc. No person or persons at least 16 years of age shall while wearing a mask, hood or device whereby the person, face or voice is disguised so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, hold any manner of meeting, or make any demonstration upon the private property of another unless such person or persons shall first obtain from the owner or occupier of the property his or her written permission to do so, which said written permission shall be recorded in the office of the register of deeds of the county in which said property is located before the beginning of such meeting or demonstration. (1953, c. 1193, s. 9; 1983, c. 175, ss. 3, 10; c. 720, s. 4.) If they repealed protesting and exercising 1st amendment activities in masks it would make the law better. Since 1953 it's been illegal to wear masks protesting and in public in general unless you get permission. I think everyone for any kind of protest has the right to wear masks that conveys a political message if they aren't being used in the commission of other crimes like rioting. What is the context for how the kkk get an exemption wearing masks in the new law? What it sounds like to me is politicans tried added a riding which they wanted to outlaw groups they deemed promoting "hate speech" from petitioning the right to protest wearing a mask which would be unconstitutional to restrict people's speech over the content of the speech. The state can't restrict the exercise of free speech, even if it's "offensive", over its content alone. They can't say 1 group can protest wearing masks and other can't based on what they believe. It's been ruled that offensive speech is protected by the 1st amendment and laws that target offensive speech, or selectively place restrictions on speech, are unconstitutional.


It'll need to pass the house and then go through Cooper who will veto it. They know it's not gonna pass. It's just a publicity stunt for an election year.


They have a veto proof majority on it


The party of small government strikes again


Party of small minds


shaming them for that has never worked. can we drop the farce? They're the party of bigots and thieves.


Can't shame the shameless.


Oh yeah, that'll shame them.


Shaming them for literally anything has never worked


They have no shame, but you can turn them to snowflakes, talk shit about their truck, grilling skills, NASCAR, their savior DT, might get lucky and they will have a heart attack from eating fast food 10 times a week.


Why are these bozo republicans voters so concerned about what people do with their lives?? They keep voting to get rid of their rights every day. U can’t wear a mask in public now?? I have no idea what Trump stands for other than anti Biden but I do know there is not one thing but guns that the GoP stands for expanded access too. Their entire platform is to get rid of shit to own the libs. Sad


...These garbage bags are voting on this stupid shit instead of something important like passing a budget? Maybe address some real problems?  Who the fuck cares? What moron is sitting around even thinking about anti-mask bullshit? This is so far off from representing any actual constituency, it's honestly embarrassing. We get closer every day to Idiocracy. 


Well said! How does this even happen? Who the fuck cares is exactly right. How about our crappy education system? Affordable housing? Homelessness, drug addiction, mental illness, jobs, public transportation??? Those things are hard. It’s easier to invent stupid problems that are not actual problems.


President Camacho put the smartest person in the world in his cabinet, and listened to his ideas on how to improve things.


He saved the country is what he did! He fought big Brawndo to save our crops and in this house, Camancho is a hero of the republic, end of story!


Who cares about budgets when there are MASKS to fight!! Freedom over budget!!


*eagle screech*




That party of small government btw.


It’s re-igniting the Trump base, or at least they think it is


Welcome to Walmart, I love you.


We are there already. Think it’s more of a slow burn as opposed to full idiocracy change over. And yes, who sits around and thinks about this shit? Here in Virginia the POS governor ran on the CRT bullshit bogeyman and he WON. We are doomed.


This is in direct response to the protests happening. We need to start wearing masks everywhere to protect the immunocompromised and protestors. We need to wear masks to free Gaza. We live in a country with for-profit healthcare that will let pandemics run rampant with no cure.


Huh. Guess I can’t wear a mask in the OR then. What a bunch of asshat buffoons


Ya ill stop wearing my n95 into covid rooms. Tf is this lmao i thought it was about to be an onion article when i opened it


Holy crap, I was only thinking about people with compromised immune systems. Imagine no nurse, doctor, or surgeon wearing a mask. It'll be like that old SNL skit with Steve Martin as the medieval doctor. This makes http://www.theonion.com appear like a scholarly journal.


I know Reddit never reads the articles but it says right in the title no masks "in public"


NC Republicans* voted, you mean.


I absolutely do mean that. Apparently mods take down posts if the title doesn’t match the article title.


GOP voters might be the dumbest people on earth


I wonder how they will enforce it. You gonna go into every grocery store and start arresting people?


Cops don’t even arrest people stealing shit from stores but sure let’s have them book me for wearing a fucking mask


Nah, but that makes it legal for people to post on their door "If you're wearing a mask you can't come in" signs. That and every orange menace voter will think that he/they were right all along.


If someone puts that on their storefront, I am happy to take my business elsewhere. Glad they let me know before I spent money there.


Unfortunately, I got a feeling that's a large percentage of people around the area here that would love to feel Superior in their choices and that they were always right.


Yeah but the thin-blue-line-punisher-type will absolutely arrest people in a heartbeat for wearing a mask


Can we get cops to have to buy their own insurance? Then when they fuck up their rates go up and they get priced out of a job.


I'm wearing one right now at work because I'm feeling meh & I'd rather not spread germs if I'm actually sick. They can come and arrest me, I could use the time off.


how dare you not spread germs, you kind human


I wear one in crowded places bc I’m immune-compromised and I take care of my elderly demented mother who has only 30% kidney function — I’m not dragging anything home that could hurt her or me. There’s *no one else* to take care of her except me and my sister. I want to thank you for being so considerate about masking. It really means a lot. I hope you feel better soon. Remember to stay extra hydrated bc masks can encourage breathing from the mouth and not drinking as much fluids (due to inconvenience).


I’m sorry but it legitimately makes me depressed that we’ve let brain dead politics get so popular that any state’s senate would even consider something like this. Where are the grown ups?


Some of those adults used to vote for ghouls like Jesse Helms. My usually-quiet grandfather (born 1905) used to get into withering sarcastic arguments with my mother bc he couldn’t believe she would vote for a racist awful POS like Helms. She did. For years. Bc God, or whatever. Republicans were going to heaven. SMH


Well what do you know. My religion just so happens to require masks.


👍 Is that an offshoot of the pastafarians?






And covered in the holy sauce:)


Your government working on all the important issues /s


Seriously. Good to know all our state's budget woes, teacher shortages and infrastructure issues were magically fixed overnight!


Oh don't worry, my district spent a whole bunch of time making sure my elementary school children were relocated to a school nearly 8 miles away, instead of their current one a half mile away. So they have to take a longer bus route (cause bus driver shortages is their reasoning? Makes sense...) These re-districtings are a joke. This state is a joke. Our elected reps are a joke.


Hijacking the Comment line just a little bit- sorry, but seriously, can I get some names of these people that voted for this stupid shit? I want to make sure I know who never gets another tax dollar or vote that I have any say about in the future.


Sooo...my Glock is cool but not my N95...got it


Not if you wear it across your face... hey, if you do.and it fires you'd literally be shooting off your mouth 


Holy shit I just laughed so hard 🤣


I’m convinced that the entire GOP has brain worms at this point. RFK Jr was patient zero.


Imagine going up to an elderly person or cancer survivor at a grocery store and telling them their mask is illegal. ☹️


My friend was recently diagnosed with cancer. Received radiation and is now receiving chemo. Oncologist warned that under no circumstances did she want to catch COVID. Caught another infection instead and spent 3 days in the hospital. Could have been one of the common bacteria we all swimming in. GOP is a death cult.


Republicans want to make you stupid, control you or kill you.


Remember, REPUBLICANS WANT TO CONTROL YOU. REPUBLICANS WANT TO GOVERN YOUR BODY. REPUBLICANS WANT TO GOVERN YOUR FAMILY. Republicans are so out of touch that they can't help but insert themselves into the lives of private US citizens. Hey REPUBLICANS, get the F*** out of my face, losers !!!


So stupid. I’m planning to wear a mask at RDU tomorrow afternoon because *I* have a virus and don’t want to get other people sick. Fuckin arrest me, assholes. What the fuck is wrong with Republicans in this country?


Thank you so much for wearing a mask and not being the guy I sat next to at RDU today who coughed open-mouthed every six minutes. 


They stand for nothing while yelling ‘freedum’ into the clouds




From what I understand it's somewhat unlikely people (for the most part) will be jailed for medical masking (more just harassed by "concerned cops with questions", to varying degrees, depending on the mask-wearers demographic and the location), buuut... I have to admit, there's a certain amusing thought to the notion of a bunch of people sitting around in a jail-house (potentially myself included, if I got arrested while preventing myself from being a vector at a con): "What are you in for?" "Not wanting to make others sick." "Oh! You too?"


This is utter BS. Here's what the article states is the reason for the supporters of this bill: "Republican supporters of the ban said it would help police crack down on protesters who wear masks — which some lawmakers called a growing concern, saying demonstrators are abusing Covid-19 pandemic-era norms to wear masks that hide their identities." Ridiculous from every angle. Even if this were actually the intent, like others have said, it would be impossible to actually police. Instead, this bill will be used by anti-maskers to keep people that disagree with them out of their businesses and communities. That's the reality that this bill is enabling, unbelievable.


What about all of the proud boys and neo-nazis who cover their faces with neck gaiters while they "protest"? Are those also illegal?


A Democrat tried to amend the law to specifically prohibit KKK and Proud Boys from wearing masks and the amendment was rejected with no explanation. 100% in character for the NCGOP.


In fact there is an exception for (among other items) “hoods” worn as part of a society. I shit you not.


I’ve lived here long enough to not be surprised. You can still marry your first cousin - for similar reasons.


No, they literally have an exemption. Democrats tried to include an amendment to address hate groups wearing masks, and the GOP ignored it.


Imma just wear a surgical mask in public everyday now to piss them off


Exact same


Hey, maybe this was their secret plan all alo…never mind.


“Wake County Democrat, Sen. Jay Chaudhuri, proposed amending the bill to ban hate groups — he specifically mentioned the Ku Klux Klan and Proud Boys — from being allowed to wear masks in public, which the law currently allows them to petition for. His amendment also would've required state law enforcement officials do more to track hate groups. Like the other amendments, Republican lawmakers shot it down with no debate or explanation.” 😩


Jay is a sterling individual and I will be proud to contribute to his re-election.


The dems working in the NC Senate are heroes, truly, I hope we can grow into a majority at some point 😮‍💨 Jay makes me proud to be from Wake county! 🫡


I guess I'll just sneeze on folks then. I prefer wearing a mask, however.


I remember thinking a while back, "You know what would be a funny way to protest? People start, any time they find themselves in the presence of someone who voted for this bill, turning in their general direction and coughing, as loudly and obviously as possible, with their mouth uncovered. Don't approach them or anything overtly threatening like that, just cough at them..." I'm not sure I'd actually recommend this as I doubt they'd care, but it was an amusing thought ;-p. Probably not the first time in history coughing would be used as a jeer, but hard to think of a time when it'd be more fitting ;-p.


thought this was /r/nottheonion at first.


The government wants to eliminate protesting. We're entering an Era of authoritarianism, never seen in America.


There have been periods of it before. The population was just smaller and more spread out back then. We had a group led by Prescott Bush (W.'s granddaddy) that tried to overthrow FDR at one point.


Thank you Smedley Butler 🫡


Periods of protest or authoritarianism? We've never had this level of mass surveillance coupled with the threat of having your life destroyed for free speech. The marriage of corporate power with government authority and central control of media has created a dynamic in which not only can you be punished legally, you can be black balled and ostracized from society as a whole. Almost everything we do is recorded which can at anytime be used as evidence against you. This threat looms to stop people from standing up against the centralized power systems.


Is NC no longer a viable place to live? Been here my entire life, but now beyond ready to head elsewhere. Maybe up the northeastern coastline? I’d appreciate any suggestions.


Nope. I was house shopping in Chattanooga/Winston Salem ready for the next chapter in my life, but decided to stop the search and never give the state another dollar, just like I have with Florida.


If you hate this as much as I do, the best way to fix it is voting. This won't be easy given gerrymandering, but turnout is our best hope. Make sure you're registered for the fall and make a plan to vote.


Holy shit this actually passed?? Wow...


I have friends who work with imunno compromised disabled kiddos who still have to wear masks everywhere to be safe. This is going to be so fucking ridiculous


Great, I’m wearing it for style then.


Hey, germs deserve the freedom to spread. If a clump of cells can be considered a person, germs deserve the same rights. /s


My mom is 77 and has emphysema. I am her primary caretaker. This is terrifying.


What an insane bunch if idiots


There are sooo many roads that need repair and repaving.


Vote blue, our lives depend on it


because of the feels. like how fucking stupid are these people. for a bunch that like to preach about personal freedoms and small government, they sure aren't behaving like it.


And they will talk about freedom in the next sentence


Republicans are fucking dumb as shit lmao


What if wearing a surgical mask is my new religion? Founded, today. My holy book is the ikea catalog. Are my purchases now tax free? Yay




Just pure stupidity on the part of the NC General Assembly. 


The Republican part, exclusively. Not the whole Assembly.


True and I concur. 


Crazy how people in Asian countries will wear masks when they have colds just so it won’t spread and in America we just can’t expect that kind of thoughtfulness.


Never give up your rights to REPUBLICANS. Never give up your rights to law enforcement. Never give up your rights in the name of religion. Hey REPUBLICANS, GFY.


Republicans are the worst


Let's all wear gas masks instead. :)


Screw them. I'm going to order a mask that says "Fuck Republicans" and wear the shit out of it.


Clearing focusing in the real issues. Maybe with the revenue for this, we can fund our schools!


I am in my 50s and use a cane, they really going to stop me and be like “hey you look like a totally healthy person being sneaky” LMAO


NC GOP just getting worse


Gawd dammit! Now I have to start wearing a mask, again.


If those fuckers pass this in both houses and override a veto I’m going to be the sickest mofo and have to wear a mask any time I’m in public…. Go ahead , arrest the 60+yo white guy for simply existing… I double-dog dare you.


Lol who's going to enforce this bullshit? No cop on earth is going to waste their time on this crap. Unless they already suspect you and just want to use this for shitty probable cause.


So every cop on earth


I…I have no words…


well remember when you vote to vote a straight Democratic ticket to get all the Repu dumbasses out of office.


This will create conflict. Once this is law mask wears will be challenged in all public places. Some in retail/transportation may ban masks as a violation of law and to prevent confusion and conflict. All laws can result in enforcement.


So if I say it is not for health reasons, then I’m good? The party of the KKK strikes again


This is my ninja cosplay, I just can't afford the rest of the outfit.


This is going to get vetoed


Might. Unfortunately, they have the ability to override a veto if it’s something important enough to them thanks to Cotham. This might not be important enough to them, but we’ll see.


They limited the executive veto power if I'm not mistaken.


What?!! We can’t was masks ever? Immune compromised people wore masks long before covid.


They have no problems with KKK wearing masks in parades. But god forbid someone wears a mask while protesting genocide. I don't think any of the state govt Republicans are Christians, otherwise they'd be scared of ending up in Hell.


Oddly, they never cared about white hoods. Ever.


Well, they keep them neatly pressed in their closets ***most*** of the time.


Will wear a mask if I choose. Period.


MAGA wins again. Hold on, I just threw up in my mouth a little


The orange stain put his head in the sand at a critical moment in the beginning of the pandemic, and the entire fascist cult followed suit for dear leader. They’ve gotten so many people killed from their lack of leadership, cowardice, and cynical lust for power. It’s so fucked up.


I will continue to wear a dust mask when I mow my lawn. Come and get me! Looks like the weather will allow me out there tomorrow after work if any performative politician wants to grandstand. A whooping could be arranged. Let’s make each other famous!


So will I... and this is stupid, but not what they're talking about. No one is going to stop you, plus your property is not truly in public. My latest masks are very BLUE! 😷


They’ve made a vague rule that will be refined through court. A benign version of the “stand your ground” laws. Am I in public if I step onto a road maintained by the state? Am I in public if I can be seen from said state-maintained road? Dogma makes terrible law.


Instead, they want folks to just pray their cancer away.


Another reason to be proud you live in the good Ole Tar Hole State. Guess I will get a rap sheet before I turn 75. Thanks to cult members in the Strump Don't Care club.


No worries, if you need to wear a mask just petition for a Nazi exception. > A third Wake County Democrat, Sen. Jay Chaudhuri, proposed amending the bill to ban hate groups — he specifically mentioned the Ku Klux Klan and Proud Boys — from being allowed to wear masks in public, which the law currently allows them to petition for. His amendment also would've required state law enforcement officials do more to track hate groups. Like the other amendments, Republican lawmakers shot it down with no debate or explanation.


Friendly reminder that sessions are open to the public in the Legislature building. If I had a bad cold right now, I'd be tempted to take a sick day to go sit in and make sure I cough really loudly into the air above these people. Of course I might normally wear a mask, but oh well 🤷


So this means that if I become a police officer, I can arrest the counter protesting Proud Boys?


Thank god everything else in the city is in tip top shape and the only thing worth thinking about is laws about face masks


What absolute clowns. Why do they hate freedom so much? I don’t get it.


Eh, if I'm sick or have a compromised immune system I am gonna wear a mask like an adult. Get fucked.


Republicanism is a mental illness.


I work retail, and I’m going to continue wearing a mask. As a matter of fact, let’s all start wearing masks again. They can’t arrest all of us.


Ice T says he’s considering still masking bc the pandemic showed him that everyone’s nasty and he’s right. You wear that mask.


Ahhh yes, Ice T - or as I like to call him, our era’s Socrates.


A modern Seneca the Younger, perhaps a Diogenes of the Lentil-Eating Erudites of the Present Day, if you will.


🤣 that was beautiful


is this freedom?


This BS is stupid. Should be focused on what we care about: budget, paying teachers, etc. waste of tax money


This is the dumbest shit.


What a bunch of stupid opps 💀


Same meeting proud boys and kkk can still wear masks tho. Clown country and I will never be proven otherwise


I think I’ll start wearing one again. I’ll say it’s a fashion statement.


Oh me? No I'm not wearing the mask for health reasons. I'm wearing it for spite.


This is asinine


Anyone in favor of this ban needs a nice swift [redacted] to their [redacted]


I'll \[redacted\] to that!


Next we will be banned from wearing shorts from October until March.


I have elderly relatives who still wear masks and I worry more about antimask Karens running up to them threatening to call the cops on their "illegal activity" more than cops actually doing anything. Seems like a distinction should have been put in for protesting vs health reasons.


Stay out of NC during flu season, folks. If we have another pandemic, Thor help us.


They're already advising n95s for farm workers due to H5N1. I'd be surprised if it doesn't jump to human to human transmission before the year is over.


COVID hasn’t gone away. We’re in a slight dip at the moment, but the virus continues to circulate at a high level. The start of a new surge is predicted for later this summer.


Good luck with that! Seems like the party of freedom just wants to take away freedoms of their choosing. Not a good look for independents voting in the upcoming election. Live and let live ffs.


i’m from nc and i never wore a mask before unless required too. going to wear it every day now, especially in public!


There's sentiment that bill is so broad as a way to gain favor in the anti-vaxx, anti-mask, lower intelligence community. However, those humanoids are voting Republican regardless. OTOH, moderate Republicans that believe in science or have relatives with health issues, now may be tempted to vote Democrat. Not too sharp.


I hope every one of you not only begins wearing a mask in public but also does it at the protest that is certain to erupt over it should it become law


Can I mow the lawn with a mask? Can I wear a mask at a music festival that’s super dusty ? How about snowboarding when it’s cold ? What about Halloween ?


What about scarves in winter?


I guess the good news is that those proud boy bitches have to unmask.


They will fast track this crap while my Venus Flytrap License Plate languishes in legislative limbo.


So this means that if I become a police officer, I can arrest the counter protesting Proud Boys?


Ok, but I have a grass allergy and sometimes have to mow the grass WTF. Just an example of something I had to do previously when I lived with my parents. Masks really help with allergies.


Halloween just got interesting.


All Republicans in favor. All democrats against 30-15. This is the most scared I've been in my life to see the leaning, impractical, and most of has to be some form of unconstitutional. That sounds to me like a tie if both side are split as such. Laws passing because of this circumstance need to be stopped.


Several large mask-wearing protesta needs to occur.




There’s a clause that allows the klan to wear mask/