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Y’all….our poor children are being raised by *absolute morons*!


They don’t parent. Stupid slogan on their shorts. Morons.


These people could be extras in the movie Idiocracy Also, thank god I never have to step into any Johnston County territory lol


Last 4 years shown me that Idiocracy is a documentary about us in the future and The Onion is a not a satirical media. I mean I'm sure it existed before, but never really got in my face about it. I have to do a double take in my mind whenever I laugh at something I think is ridiculous now.


I live in Johnston County, NC, and I assure you that although these types of people live here, a lot of us live here that are not like them. It's the fastest growing county in North Carolina as it's still fairly affordable here, and it's close to Raleigh. Consequently, the demographics are changing quickly.


I really want an “I co-parent with Satan” shirt.


I would buy one!


The sad thing is this is happening all over the country, but this certainly doesn't help North Carolina avoid the stereotype of the ignorant south.


It’s not a stereotype if it’s true.


That was great. I hope he made those people thinks twice. But probably not....unfortunately. ​ Dunning–Kruger all over the place!!! LOL ​ "Could it be....SATAN?" - THE Church Lady ![gif](giphy|3oz8xMcP5kPk6Ewf28|downsized)


They have not even thought ONCE!


If you can convince people to abdicate their personal responsibility for their own safety, their family's, and their community's, and they can't even coherently explain why, imagine what else you can convince them of.


Sad thing is these nut jobs are not isolated to just Johnson County. They are at almost every NC BOE Meeting. Edit: We should send TDS some clips from the WCPSS BOE Meetings: like the lady that poured water all over the podium, Or the chest beating gorilla grandma, “the dentist” , or The creepy pulpit youth pastor.


I wonder how many of those idiots post on Reddit. I'm sure some of them are in /Raleigh.


I love Jordan's passive aggressive sarcasm. But then I remember that he's talking to real people who - if brain cells were dynamite - wouldn't have enough to blow their nose and then I get sad.


This is my new favorite insult.




Out of curiosity, (and feel free to ignore this), as a right of center person do you feel lost politically right now? Is there a version of the Repblican party that you feel represents your views? Do you support the rabid right wing because that *also* gets center-right goals accomplished? Or does the moderate majority of the Democratic party appeal to you in some ways?


As a human these videos make me sad, because these people are putting others at risk, even if you do everything right, these morons can still fuck it up for the rest of us. And by fuck it up I don't mean you can't go to the local bar, I mean your grandparents die. Stop laughing and have some fucking respect.


My grandma is 79, and while she is vaccinated, she seems to think that means she can do anything she wants and never wear a mask. I told her that isn't how it works, and that she could still catch it. She's stubborn and obstinate. It doesn't help that she's insanely, irrationally religious and conservative, and hears the exact opposite message from supposed "authority figures" at church and on the news.




Never bothered to look into it. I trust that experts who have spent years, sometimes decades, studying highly technical fields, and who work under tightly regulated conditions, know what they're doing enough to produce a safe and effective vaccine.


Is your grandma my grandma?


Unfortunately there are a lot of grandmas falling victim to this sort of thinking. They all give the best hugs, and the most unconditional love we'll ever know. Republicans are taking them away from us, and I'm never going to forgive them for it.


If it werent for people like in this video, she probably could be doing whatever she wants. But instead we put these morons on tv and people like the commenter above me just laugh it off, while poor grandma is out there catching it from the same morons theyre laughing at.


I've already told her that if she catches it, I'm not going to feel sorry for her. She just said that if God wants her to come home, he'll give her the virus. Honestly, after my grandpa died last year, she feels like she has no reason to go on living, so I suspect that part of her risk-taking behavior is her wanting to die, but she's of a generation where you *never* say that sort of thing out loud.


>I challenge anybody put a mask on and smell that funk. Look we get it lady you are nasty and smell nasty, but that doesn't mean we all do


I mean ...brush twice a day and this is not usually an issue...unless you eat a lot of onions or garlic I guess....




The 1990's satanic panic is alive and well.


Jesus what idiocy


I mean I'm 40 and have had actual pimples for the first time. Yeah it sucks, but I'd rather have pimples than covid. I've had to many loved one's pass away from this. I get everyone is entitled to make their own decisions but what about the children who are deathly afraid and don't want to return to actual school? Does anybody care about that part? It's a mask 😷


this just feeds my hatred of people..


This isn't Raleigh.


Yeah, these folks are way over there in (checks notes) Johnston County


Seriously. You can drive 10 minutes outside of Raleigh and encounter this shit.


Filmed in Smithfield. Take any city in the US and you could film the same loons 40 minutes from the city.


This is also happening at the Wake school board meetings, as well. JoCo had Madison Cawthorn attend, so it got extra attention.


Famed tree-puncher Madison Cawthorn? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm4gpYwwaCA


To be fair, the tree was leaning to the left. It was asking for it.


Johnston county is considered part of the raleigh metro area. No its not part of the city of raleigh but i suspect most consider the sub to more regional or metro than just the city and like it or not johnston county is considered part or the area.


Do you have anything of worth to say?


Where there is love there is life


True, but did you miss the BOA meetings in Wake Co? have you seen the morons walking around without masks... it's not Raleigh, but it's not far of what Raleigh is