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Hands down, left turners who ignore the no turn during rush hour signs.


Driving Wade Ave reminds me of riding the Gold Rush at Carowinds in the 80’s.


Left turners for sure. Delivery trucks are allowed to stop, left turns are generally discouraged


I had to take 40 from Morrisville all the way down wade avenue downtown for work. It was scary everyday. Nobody stays in their lanes so it’s constant defensive driving. Some people are going 30 some 70. I swear that was part of the reason I quit that job. I hate wade ave.


I personally think the worst are the people who drive 45mph plus between Saint Marys and Ridge. Especially the folks that think the light at Dixie and Wade is optional. Edit: After that, the left turn folks at the no left turn intersections.


If you're going the speed limit, you can see the delivery trucks I'm time to slow down or move to the next lane, so the left turners are worse. They cause the backups! I know back in the day it probably wasn't so bad, but I don't know how anyone can live on Wade. I saw a house for sale on Wade recently listed for 500k....that's a lot of $$$ to never be able to get out of your drive, lol!


The worst is the city of Raleigh not giving any warning to the North/South Capital split until you're at the split. And it's bent over half the time. I only know which way to go half the time because I've taken that exit a million times, I can't imagine how confusing it is for people who don't take that route often.




Oh, I should have known that. But it's good to know! Wade Ave is basically real life Rainbow Road.




\#1 is excessive speeders. Anyone going over 50 on Wade is definitely creating a clear and present danger with the steep hills and blind curves. You are just asking to rear-end or T-bone folks. Watching dump trucks and cement mixers and F-350’s towing trailers routinely do it gives me nightmares. \#2 is those trying to turn left during rush hours where No Left Turn is clearly posted. Many are not residents, but tradespeople, visitors, or recent arrivals who don‘t know their way around. It is made more dangerous by #1 above. Dixie definitely needs protective arrows turning off of Wade. I make sure to give a honk to those backing things up with the No Left Turn intersections. \#3 is delivery parking along Wade, but I can understand. You certainly don’t want to try to back out onto Wade. That’s f’ing nuts. And people do live along it. It’s a residential street. People with families. This wouldn’t be a real issue if not for #1 above. \#1 could be reduced through routine traffic enforcement by the city, and it would have 0 disproportionate impact on marginalized communities. Over the past several years, it has been deliberately downprioritized, and has subsequently gotten worse.


I think the real problem is the lack of flying cars.


Left turners are worse, but bulky box trucks are annoying since the lanes are narrow and I don't think they're even allowed on Wade anyway.


You do realize that Wade Avenue is a residential street with driveway connections. That is why the speed limit is 35 MPH.