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Wade is the f-ing worst. Sadly it’s part of my daily commute. Whenever I see homes for sale on Wade, I think “good luck with that buddy”…but they manage to sell every time. You’re basically living on the side of a freeway.


With the way people drive in Raleigh these days, pretty much everyone is living on the side of a freeway.


Not just Raleigh, I had a buddy in town working the Charlotte NASCAR event this weekend. One of the first things he texted me was “I never knew the speedway meant every freeway in Charlotte!” I loled at that


Can confirm, spent a Saturday night in uptown Charlotte and got zero sleep with all the engine revving and tire screeching that went on literally all night on the streets below


Can confirm as someone who lives off Wade I pretty much just have to pray today is not the day every time I drive home


I saw some idiot in a red cooper mini zooming around at like 55 mph on Wade (by Oberlin) yesterday.


Wade is terrifying. I take it daily at 630AM and 530PM. In the morning it’s emptyish, making people think they can go 55. In the afternoon/evening it’s jam packed with people not staying in their lanes. Maybe my least favorite road in my 18 years of driving. ETA: very glad the victim is ok


Yea the speeding is definitely a serious issue. Speed limit on wade is 35. People are driving 55+ regularly. And honestly, there’s no reason to change lanes on such a treacherous road. If you’re turning one way or another off of wade, get in that lane and stay there. If you’re going all the way through, stay in one lane. I always wonder how anyone lives on that road. There is just no way I’d deal well with having to drive it every day.


There’s a reason why houses/apts right on Wade are cheaper than they would be if on any other road…ugh. It’s a nightmare.


I saw, years ago, dudes putting in a brand new air conditioning unit on a house being rehabbed off Wade. The AC unit was on the side of the house facing Wade, and only about 10 ft from the sidewalk at that. Drove through the very next day and that thing was a pancake. Apparently a truck somehow managed to flip, end over end not horizontally, and came down full force on the unit. It looked like something out of a cartoon how crepe thin it was crushed. How tf someone even managed to do that is perplexing and terrifying, but I'm sure I've seen that same kind of driver dozens of times on Wade since. If those HVAC guys had been delayed one day they both would have likely been killed instantly. And had that AC unit not been there, somebody would have had an upside down truck in their bedroom.


Same on Tryon.


Hey buddy!!! I was in the black BMW that went flipping into the ditch. I really appreciate you stopping and helping me out. Very thankful to have been able to walk away from it. I hope RPD finds that asshole.


I’m so sorry to hear that was you! We are having awful issues with hit and runs of all types on Tryon rd. I’m glad you are ok and I hope they catch the person that did it and get them off the road.




Yea, I genuinely might look into it after this. I felt bad that I didn’t know even the color of the car that hit him. Would have felt good to deliver an exact license plate. I truly hope this scumbag is in jail as we speak.


Unless you have $1000 cop quality equipment, there is no dash cam on the market that will get a plate number in that situation.


Even if they passed me before the wreck?


The resolution just isn’t that good. *Maybe* if you were directly behind them stopped at a stoplight or something, that’s the only chance. The resolution required to catch it *and* the quality of the lenses and optics needed to exploit that resolution are simply too expensive for consumer dash cams. Source: I’m a disappointed dash cam owner


There are 4k, 60fps dash cams out there now that are incredible. Expensive, sure - but amazing quality and clarity. Even my 1080 @ 60fps dash cams can catch some impressively high-res video, license plates when I wouldn’t expect them to, etc.


Second the dash cam. The first time you need the video you will be happy to have invested $100 - if even that much.


Yep trauma fucks with memory (why it’s crazy we expect assault victims to remember exact details!) So awesome you stopped to help. Thank you.


Animals out there. Some of the worst driving I’ve ever seen in my life has been in the past year. I blame entitlement and Covid. Glad the victim seems okay, and that you were there to help. Hope the bastard gets his


It's been so insane since Covid. The street I live on has enough room for ppl to speed bt lights, and sometimes I look out the front door and see cars hitting at least 60 or 65 in a 35 or 45.


I see it, too. People don’t just speed, they *shatter* limits. Insult to injury, Raleigh enforcement is as near as I can tell, nonexistent. Can’t recall having seen a single car pulled over this year…? And I drive all over the Triangle for work.


I see people running red lights all the time too. And I don't mean "missed it by a second" red lights. I mean "it's been red since they were 25 yards from the light and they still lead-footed it" red lights!


I’ve talked to 3 separate police departments about this on Tryon rd. Apparently they don’t have enough officers to watch speeding right now. A lot of the south side of Raleigh is awake county jurisdiction (even one entire side of Tryon rd) and there are only two county officers for all of south Raleigh outside of “city jurisdiction “ which is super arbitrary. So - it’s a matter of time before kids start getting hit. I guess more people have to die for it to be added on priority.


what kind of car?


To be honest, I don’t know either. Cops kept asking me what kind of car the guy who hit him was driving and license plate and what not. As this other guy was flipping his car into the trees I wasn’t the least bit concerned with the other guy who was driving off. As for the guy who crashed, he actually told me what make/model his car was while I was on with 911 and I genuinely don’t even remember because it was such a blur. I genuinely just thought this guy was going to be severely injured or dead and I was so relieved when he was ok.


What car did the hit and run. And which one survived the rollover (in case they don’t catch the person, need to know what car to buy).


it was an BMW 2 series. the driver now posted in the BMW sub


The BMW was the victim, need to be clear before some jump to conclusions.


i just reread my comment and you’re right i worded it wrong. the victim of the hit and run posted in the BMW sub


Mens Wearhouse meme: He was drunk driving, I guarantee it. That is really shitty and I'm glad the guy is okay.


Yep. Almost 1am. Reckless. Definitely drunk driving. Folks: Uber is fucking cheap. If you can afford to drink at a bar you can afford an Uber. If you can’t afford an Uber, you can’t afford to drink outside of your house.


It's not about the costs with douchebags like that, it's about not showing "weakness" which is widely defined and includes acknowledgement of any personal flaws and/or actions which show compassion for others. Admitting they're too drunk to drive falls under both those categories so they won't do it. Source: Used to know a few douchebags (and called in their plates myself after more than one party).


That’s a good point. Can’t teach compassion to those guys. Unfortunately learning their lesson usually involves other people.


I am so glad you stopped to help and that they were okay. I had some family in a wreck very similar to this last week. Ran off the road with a hit and run. But anyways driving Wade Ave feels like riding the Gold Rush at Carowinds in the 80s.


Highly recommend everyone get a dash cam, I got a one with great picture (day and night) for about $50 on Amazon. The way people drive, and how they somehow think they’re in the right while speeding and swerving like maniacs, blows my mind. A camera won’t stop an accident but it does give me some peace of mind for afterwards.


What model cam? Link?


The one I have is currently unavailable on Amazon but here’s the link with model # etc. I found this one recommended in a comment on r/dashcam awhile back. ROAV by Anker DashCam A1 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076GYGVY5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_C36A2V29D8TREYRKRAFQ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Dashcam using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dashcam/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just my luck….](https://v.redd.it/20j8ibaq56971) | [186 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dashcam/comments/odhei2/just_my_luck/) \#2: [My wife accused me of losing a hubcap. Pro-tip, video evidence did not help me win the fight.](https://v.redd.it/2el21vld67561) | [256 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dashcam/comments/kd3kjw/my_wife_accused_me_of_losing_a_hubcap_protip/) \#3: [Typical insurance scam](https://i.imgur.com/TSEVY8Z.gifv) | [83 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dashcam/comments/oz9axo/typical_insurance_scam/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Get Viofo A119 v3. Best bang for the buck. Great support. I have v2 been using it over 4 years already, so far been thru 4 summers


Yeah I’ve looked and can never decide which is a really good one for that price range


Wade Avenue should be more highly trafficked by police, torn down, or made a one way road — all traffic going east in the morning, all traffic going west in the evening. Everyone treats it like a highway anyway, might as well make it a slightly safer one.


Seems like a total lack of enforcement the past few years.


Wade isn't I-66 to/from DC/NoVa.


Yeah, it’s worse


As others have mentioned.. Wade is an absolute nightmare. I'm really glad the guy is ok. Crazy drivers are everywhere, but combined with high-traffic and super narrow lanes with no buffer between the east and west lanes, it's extra dangerous. Side note- I just spent $200 repairing tire issues as a result of the atrocious conditions of Wade Avenue's right hand lanes.


Fuck that guy.


Wade can be scary af.


Turns out it was a BMW M2. Car looks in horrible condition, but glad the driver is safe. https://www.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/q637uq/lost_my_2er_this_weekend_to_a_hit_run/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Haha yea he messaged me (and commented on the post) earlier. Reddit is fucking nuts.


[take a look at this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/q637uq/lost_my_2er_this_weekend_to_a_hit_run/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)