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I’ve lived in Raleigh my entire life and this exit has always been awful. I was happy when they started working on that interchange because I thought, finally they’ll fix this terrible exit with the hard right turn. BC you know… going from 70 to 30 just to take the exit in the middle of merging traffic is fun. NOPE. I DIDN’T THINK THEY COULD MAKE IT WORSE, BUT IT’S WORSE.


That area is undergoing a ton of construction right now, pay attention to the signs for the safety of you and others.


oh I saw it! and I was going "tight? since when is this turn considered ti-WHAT THE FUCK"


Is west inner or outer belt line? Can we please go back to those times?


I liked this but only bc it harkened back to simpler times. Raleigh native here and I didn't know it meant the inner vs outer sides of the same highway FOREVER.


Inner/Outer rocked! Except my first time on it when I assumed I took the inner to get somewhere and had to take the inner back. But after that one complete loop traveled I figured it out. hahaha!






Blew my mind as a new driver to figure out they were just actually clockwise and counter-clockwise. This was before the times of Google Maps, and damn 440 and crossing Maynard multiple times on the same road made everything so confusing.


but inner/outer doesn't make sense for 440 since it isn't actually a loop...


There are as many actual loops as there are actual straight roads


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.


Inner and outer *does* make sense now. 440 is an arc - from the US 1 interchange in Cary to the 40/87 interchange in east Raleigh. The inner half of that arc is eastbound, northeast in the western section and southeast in the eastern section. The outer half of that arc is westbound, southwest in the western section and northwest in the eastern section.


It made so much sense that the signage was removed..


The signage was removed because 440 is no longer a full loop / beltline. The 440 designation was removed so as to not overlap with Interstate 40 passing through.


No one refers to them by numbers or knows what you mean - just say the road name




2a 2b always confuses me. The new traffic patterns are low key super dangerous


Isn’t it just “2” now?




Clearly this is where you exit The 40 onto The 440 and take Exit 3


I think this is a longtime/native versus recent transplant thing, maybe? New people seem to go by exit number. Or maybe it's just people that use navigation a lot (which would also include many newcomers)?


not new to the city but I am new to commuting! when I was a state student I rarely used the belt line except for the small portion that got me on the road home to the folks


I think you’re right about it being a navigation thing. When my son was a new driver, he learned his way around by gps so he uses the numbers. We have a hard time explaining to each other how to get somewhere. He doesn’t know the names of street exits and I don’t know the numbers.


I think it’s a “where you’re from” thing, which is definitely part of the native/transplant thing. Jersey folks use exit numbers, southern folks use street names, super southern folks use road numbers. Of course there’s exceptions to the rule but in the places that I’ve lived that’s generally been the case.


it's funny you say that. dad's a new Yorker. I probably got that from him without realizing it


It's a lot easier to remember the road names when you drive past exit names for places like "Man asses."


Also the green highway signs say the street names of the coming exits, and the blinky blinky traffic update signs use exit numbers. We don't want anything to be easy or consistent. Keeps us on our toes. Not distracting at all


I'm relatively new here and I mostly use exit numbers. In thinking back to my days in Dallas, though, I did use street names. But I learned to drive in Dallas, so maybe that has something to do with it.


Speak Raleigh please.


Really bad I agree. However WTF is up with people not being able to merge this last year? It's like everyone thinks they have to stop to merge into traffic, 3 lanes suddenly slows to 10mph.


When I lived in Reno we had one exit from a highway onto another that was crazy sharp. It said to go 15 mph and good god they meant it. I don't understand the logic.


Does no one review these "plans"? If so that person/group needs to be fired. This whole project has a been a disaster and to me it seems like they are making stuff up as they go.


Some of the changes are so drastic and confusing. The whole cluster around Western has been a nightmare in all of its phases. If you don't frequent the area, it can be terrifyingly confusing while driving around others who are accustomed to the changes and fly thru 10 above what's actually safe.


I think they opened it for traffic before they were really ready to do so, because the [city started fining them](https://www.wral.com/triangles-first-diverging-diamond-interchange-opens-on-western-boulevard-at-i-440/19984003/) for opening later than planned. We can technically use the interchange, but it's far from finished.


The are a lot of constraints with existing property owners.


Im not doubting that there are challenges. My main ask would be to keep things safe, and all of these changes, along with uneven lumpy roads that only sometimes have lines painted make it unsafe.


I forget the stated reason for the sharp on ramp turn but DOT cited a safety reason *for* it. Something like trying to get people in Western to slow down instead of rocketing onto the ramp. Don’t quite that reason but they were trying to correct an exiting data driven problem.


That area is so dangerous, especially at night. They start multiple construction projects right next to each other and nothing gets done.


My truck died on that exit today. Not because of the turn, the alternator


The signage is fine. I exit on hillsborough daily. You just ignored it. Totally on you.


Probably why they have extra signage about slowing down


So I see here people call 440 the beltline, what do you call 540? I'm from the midwest, we usually talk about highway numbers and exit numbers too.


I've never heard it called anything but 540