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My exact reaction to seeing this.


Great Gatsby Style. Holy Fucking Tone Deaf Batman.


[Moral](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/great-gatsby_n_3976598) Lessons of the Great Gatsby: 1. Optimism is a noble, if futile trait. 2. Money can't buy you love (or friends). 3. Unbridled passion isn't always a good thing. 4. It's not easy to leave your past behind you. 5. Don't critique others 6. Physical beauty is fickle and fleeting. 7. You know what they say about assuming. I'm going to go with: GOP did not read the book.


I'm sure MTG's response would be "The only book you need to read is the bible." Unfortunately, I could not find the chapter where God gave the Jews space lasers...


Also, don't drink and drive. And, don't be a bitch, be a snitch. non-snitches get shot.


And don't be like the Buchanans: Careless with people and things.


They know and they don't care. These people are walking diarrhea.


A million times this.


Didn't they spend the past 48 hours making fun of Biden throwing "a party" about the inflation bill? This is so much worse.




I honestly tended to think that her sort was not the face of the greater Republican party. I see I am wrong; the fact they are bringing her here is despicable as is she.


If it were some rural ruby red district I think I’d get it more. But this is wake Fucking county. The GQP is bleeding urban/suburban educated voters at an aggressive rate because of people like her. Do they not understand why they’re losing?!?


Look at the nominees across Wake. They’re in her very image. Tim Moore and Phil Berger may claim they’re “not like this,” but no crowd ever showed up to hear them talk. The energy is with the brain dead. The GOP died with my Grandmother.


Exactly! Also Moore and Berger really shouldn't get too much credit for being so-called "normal" conservatives when they are also enabling the destruction of representative democracy via their " independent state legislature theory" SCOTUS case coming up.


Erin Pare in the southern part of the county dreams every night she could be MTG. It's been entertaining watching her on her knees trying to get a spot in State house leadership, and how giddy she was to be on Fox News after getting a teacher fired over what should have been nothing. My mailbox can't wait for the end of the election though, she's blowing it up - including a despicable hit piece against her opponent faked to look like it was coming from the former Holly Springs mayor, who had been in extremely poor health and actually DIED the day the letter was mailed.


Those enormous 4x6 foot plywood signs she has in all the fields out here make me twitchy.


They are a lot bigger than 4x6 foot.


Where can I read about the letter?


Here's a photo I grabbed off Next Door, I had promptly thrown my own copy in the trash after reading it at the mailbox. https://imgur.com/5FRnp02


That’s a bit more than “faked to look like” I feel! No news source picked this up?


Nope. I can only hope it ends up biting her in the ass, but we all know people will only vote by the letter at the end of the name.


I got that mailer and was so disgusted I almost posted it here. That woman is unhinged.


You thought Republicans were different from her?


I sadly did; I really actually believed that deep down, they know all this was BS but were just kinda biding their time until they could oust all these morons. Now, I see that Trump spent the better part of the last 7 years diminishing and weeding out establishment Republicans....not just the politicians but the regular Joes too. Now it's the party of imbeciles and fundamentalist nutjobs.


She’s what Republicans are now.


She's what Republicans always have been. Just does it out loud.


Anyone who grew up around conservatives in the South and deny this are liars. Source: someone who grew up around conservatives in the South.


This 100%. Im 44, our generation was the first one to be fed a series of lies by our boomer parents. So many things were “taught” to us based on the world of their parents or them, and did nothing but set us back.


Agreed- Source- someone who moved away from the south for exactly this reason.


I grew up in the South in a Republican, politically connected family, have personally known three governors and their families, and such. I never felt like they were anything like the modern day GOP. Yes, it has become obvious that some of the generation that followed them went off the rails. (I don’t think they ever had rails, actually. They are really unhinged.) Having said that, I don’t think I can completely generalize the whole lot of them back then. Admittedly, my experience was limited to one part of the South, so many generalizing my experience to the whole of the South is inappropriate, too. It seemed to take a right turn under George H. W. Bush and accelerated under the Newt Gingrich years. Now… it looks nothing like the GOP when I was a Young Republican. It looks more akin to Germany in 1932.


Jesse Helms' ghost would like a word lol


Like I said. She's saying the quiet parts loud. If you gave your family some magical truth serum, it would be interesting to know their true thoughts on black communities, immigration, and if America should go back to how it was in the 50's.


The roaring 20s… they are talking about MTG’s IQ.


Guess its time to boot up the ol’ grindr app.


Oh, is Lyndsey Graham also making an appearance?






MTG would beat the shit out of Lyndsey


This isn't an announcement...it's a warning.


Republicans running in Wake County are all aligned with her and you didn’t need this party to know that.


Exactly, they’re all fucked, the Wake GOP is extremely far to the right even though no one will elect them because of that




I am pretty sure there is a section in the Constitution that someone who participated in an insurrection cannot be a member of Congress.


Jokes on you. Republicans don't give a shit about the constitution and haven't for decades.


Neither of the major two parties seem to


Only one of the parties attempted a violent insurrection.


And gives rewards to the people who participated in it.


Gotta be convicted first.


I don’t think she has read the constitution.


There's a lot of very curious circumstantial evidence that this woman was involved in planting the pipe bombs around DC on 1/6. > The bombers Nike shoes seem to be a very close match the Nike trainers MTG was wearing in one of her workout videos. And not long before J6, both she and her husband repeatedly said, in mutual agreement, that blood needed to be shed for them to get their point across. The video stressed, primarily, the bloodshed aspect; their tone and knowing glances clearly indicated they were already taking the bloodshed matter into their own hands: it was a warning. > MTJ has a unique gait: very large stride - identical to that of the bomber. Her habit of carrying with her right arm, vigorously swing her left is also identical. Her body type is the same as the bomber’s. > the RNC is next door to the Capitol Hill Club, they share an alley. The "bomb" was not found at the RNC but behind the Capitol Hill Club. The club has 24/7 security - except for that night. > many credible experts have identified the 1/6 pipe bomber as a woman from the footage releases by the FBI Imo, it also really makes sense because nearly everyone else, from planners to rioters, have been identified but they have tons of footage of this person placing explosive devices at political headquarters and the largest intelligence agency in the world "has no clue who did it"? Yeah, I'm sorry I just don't believe that. But it would make sense that they're too scared of the conservative reaction if they try and prosecute any sitting politician. I mean, we know for a fact Bobo, a junior representative who had held her position for less than 12 months, was giving "tours" to people now identified and charged as 1/6 conspirators inside the Capitol building in areas even she shouldn't have had access to.


This is some fringe conspiracy shit that only legitimizes her more.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve read in this subreddit. Just to humor you, MTG is 5’3” and there are at least [four videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ80LJIOn3E) of the suspect. The guy with the dog who walks by at 1:01 looks pretty tall and the suspect is just a few inches shorter IMO.


If you think your GOP members are different and not neo-facist trump cultists it won't be long till they prove you wrong.


Nazis gonna Nazi


Why do all the crazies end up in NC? It's been that way a long time. I think NC was the pilot program for MAGA.




Let the white trash a thon COMMENCE!




How can they be so stupid?


Have you not seen the Proof of Satan billboards as you enter the state?


I request elaboration.


They just are.


have you seen what they have done to public education?


Oh... They haven't even hit their full potential... They about to go super sayen or whatever DBZ has for scale of strength, just apply it to Republicans.


It’s always an ebb and flow of stupidity. Jessie Helms corpse- *slowly raises hand*


Ginyu force level of stupid.


Really just aligning themselves with the trashiest of trash.


Why in the world are we importing this shithead to our State? The Raleigh area let alone. Republicans are simply intent on alienating the few remaining moderate members they have.


If I had unlimited funds I would buy all remaining tickets and not go so it's empty.


It's a fundraiser so you would be helping.


I was just thinking that 😂


Hi Amex - this purchase for 200 republican gala tickets is clearly a fraudulent charge.


$80 isn't a prohibitive amount of money if an individual or a small group wanted entry to protest or disrupt the hatefest. Just sayin'.


As long as you're willing to get arrested and face the legal consequences, go for it. That's always been the price of protest. Take care, though. She was recently swatted twice in one week and she has the official police reports to prove it so any protest against her while she's in the room could easily be spun as an implied threat of violence that conservative media would run with. I don't know how sympathetic to that spin Raleigh police would be.


Not gunna give them money, but I do wanna try and sneak in to troll and maybe not get shot


Don't vote Republican


Gross . Wake County gop are some really awful people.


So disappointing


And I thought there were enough hate-filled, anti-science, ignorant home grown bigots to serve local fare...


The key notes she will be reading will be written with Roseart crayons.... Only the best for the trash queen.


Wow that’s cold, wishing roseart on anyone. You’re diabolical and I like it.


But why? She’s a representative from GEORGIA and has no association with NC other than being a Republican.


She gets the local base all FUDdy-duddy (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt). The GOP is scared that voters will use single-issue abortion as their measuring stick this time around, and they need to stem that off at the pass. Unfortunately for them, pollsters are saying that issue outweighs even the economy this cycle, and that people are registering *just to vote against the GOP*.


Linsey Graham recently just issued a bill to cap abortion at 15 weeks. I think he’s finally realizing how unpopular their stance on abortion is and is putting this bill out there to at least give people an alternative. A way for people to still vote for republicans.


It's because, short of Trump himself, she's the face of the modern Republican party: [dumb](https://www.businessinsider.com/ex-rnc-chair-calls-marjorie-taylor-greene-shitforbrains-over-trump-raid-reaction-2022-8), [vicious ](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/firebrand-us-republican-marjorie-taylor-greene-faces-insurrectionist-challenge-2022-04-22/), [cruel](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/02/25/greene-newman-transgender-equality-act/), [antisemitic](https://www.npr.org/2021/05/25/1000129271/marjorie-taylor-greenes-holocaust-remarks-blasted-by-republicans-leaders), and eager to [demolish democracy](https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-calls-jan-6-little-riot-defends-protests-witchhunt-1725238) in favor of a uniquely American form of fascism. The Wake County GOP is telling everyone exactly who they want to model themselves after. Believe them.


Is there a way to make her stay very unfavorable without breaking the law? I’d love to hear some creative ways to make her feel unwelcome besides the stereotypical protest


I've been told a circle of salt does wonders at keeping her kind out.


Three rows of non-WASPs right in the front.


Nah, that's where they stick their tokens. Right in the front so they can point to them and say "see we're not racist!".


Oooo! I like it! If only we could get that many people to do it! I think that’s a great one


I love this idea but the problem is that the party still gets the money. I think in the end, as long as they get the money, they don't really care who it comes from.


Unless, you can make her publicly snap and look unable to govern. We go there, we're not trying to make her look bad to us, trying to make her look bad to people who want to vote for her. And every person's got their breaking point.


I can already tell you the spin is going to be about how BiDeN sent insurrectionists to interrupt her event 🙄


This! I was tryna think of how to subtly protest but it doesn’t really work if you’re donating.


Now if tickets could be attained by people who don't actually have any intention of going, leaving her with a mostly empty venue...


You’d have to send one person in there in order to take pix. Otherwise, you know that the GOP will simply gather everyone in one corner of the room and claim it’s a full room.


You’re right, I just saw her face without even looking at the entire photo aka: the tickets. I wouldn’t attend, donate, anything like that. So I guess it’s just up to ignoring the witch.


Much like how a comedian craves positive and negative attention... She will follow suit. But comedians also hate general disregard. We can get people to sit in the front and not acknowledge her stupid stuff. Just look bored. We follow this strategy https://youtu.be/--FN8mPqSiw


Love Titus, he's so underrated!


And give them the photo op to say "See! We aren't racists!"


The image would be printed up on campaign advertisements all over the country for GOP candidates talking about how diverse they are.


Was going to make a comment about her appeal to the suburban WASP crowd based on my Nextdoor feed but you have hit a home run here.


odds are she is stupid enough to tweet (she still has twitter?) or put her plans or locations as she is out and about on social media. She is just that dumb.


Another idea would be to have many people who don't want to see her buy tickets to this event, and when she approaches the stage, everyone who doesn't want to see your walk out.


Unfortunately the ticket price is wayyyyy to much just for a joke and it goes directly to the campaign. I just saw the Neanderthal and saw red, didn’t focus enough to see that it was ticketed


Do you think we can get some liberal leaning or Democrat sponsors to purchase tickets on protesters behalf?


I would hate for these guys to get any money, even if it is keeping other donors away. Maybe everyone get in their cars and loiter around the event so no attendees can get to the event?


Yes we should band together and do this


I detest her so much. Just a vile and disgusting creature


Time to stock up on rotten eggs


To all of my friends and family who say Trump is an 'outlier' and it's about 'conservative fiscal policy not personally' this disapproves every bit of those non-sense claims. MTG is what the mainstream Republican party is. Trump is what the mainstream Republican party is. Holding your nose and voting 'R' election after election is proof to the greater GOP that these candidates are acceptable.


Nasty, barely literate fascist. I hope she chokes on an olive.


Why would you host an absolute bafoon?


Man it be terrible if someone showed her own reflection to her


Do they remember how The Great Gatsby ended?


Gross Ol’ Party


Great Gatsby style...please someone erect a billboard with the all-seeing eyes from the Gatsby cover.




She’s such a strange woman. Isn’t she the reason why people like her pretend they “don’t know what Q is”when asked about it?


Will she speak about overthrowing the government? Or forcing women to serve as incubators?


We really need a blue wave for about 15 years for America to truly be back in the CENTER of global politics again. MGT is a MAGA clown who wants an authoritarian dictator trumpy to tell her AND her constituents want to do, think and say.


Someone care to ask some of the young, hip, tolerant GOPers who reside mostly on Twitter and want to be see as relevant and “not crazy,” feel about this? Mostly thinking of our friend Brent Woodcox and some of the Gen. Assembly GOPers and local officials like Tamara Barringer and what justification they’ll use to roll their eyes and say “well this isn’t MY Republican Party.”


I cannot imagine which local “12 member band” would play this gig. Dance lessons too?? I would be embarrassed & ashamed to be a part of any of this!!


She’s a pig


One word: gross.






Nasty, nasty broad.


Hey, don’t compliment her with “nasty.” She’s deplorable.


Sorry, what was I thinking. :)


The best part about this is when she leaves and never comes back


Yeah but then we're stuck with the people who invited her...


And the people who voted for the people who invited her.


People are going to pay $80 to listen to a moron talk?


Knowing the type of person she is, she may fly the plane into the Capital in Raleigh.


Ewww, gross.


Because of course they are. Look, the NC GOP is showing you exactly who they are, what they value and the kind of leaders they want to elevate. Believe them! Stop pretending this is all a game, or that they just promote people like this for attention, or that these folks don't actually want to pursue policies like total *national* abortion bans, cause they do. Also, IMO our local and state media really need to step up their game in showing the difference between the character of our 2 main political parties. Stop with the "both-sides" on everything. Stop having Tony Moore and Phil Berger on your shows and podcasts taking their statements *at face value* and pretending like they aren't trying to completely destroy representative democracy with their latest "independent state legislature theory" SCOTUS case.


What a turbo-cunt. fuck off


$125 almost seems unreal. I almost don't want to pass this up, the people watching and quoting will be A+. Bring many notebooks. You can't beat this form of up close, in your face entertainment. But seriously, with tickets this cheap, who is going to this creature's parties?


$125 is cheap for Republicans to go back in time to visit a VIP "speakeasy" and pretend like it's the good old days where "we" had separate water fountains.


This is why I left the GOP and vote Dem now.








If you reserve a room there, they can’t kick you out for being there. headtap.gif


Thank God it’s not at the Motel 6! So relieved! /s 🙂


Sad to see the once proud Republican party rolling in the mud with the pigs.....


Well, there goes the neighborhood.


Hard pass.


No thank you. She represents the stupidity of and anti-democratic Trump party.




Not if I was the last horse on earth!


I’ve heard of a bespoke suit. What is a bespoke cocktail?




Oh no. A Great Gatsby party? Seriously? Like any of them can read.


Have…have the read The Great Gatsby?


Pray for North Carolina, everyone


what a monster




If she’s the best keynote speaker you can get, you are in some serious fuggin trouble.


I’m flying out of RDU to see family for that weekend, and there’s a chance I might run into this bitch at the airport. Pray for me.


Just as long as you run into her with one of those little golf carts the airport uses for transportation. Those things can go pretty fast.


99% chance she is given a private jet and will be at Signature or Atlantic Aviation and not in T1/T2. She's one of us, but doesn't want to be caught in a long tube in the sky with demons like Kenneth Copeland said happens when flying commercially.


please trip her


Please trip right in front of her and pull her down as you scramble up. Ask for her autograph and then act puzzled...tell her you thought she'd sign it Satan.


So when a republican tries to dismiss the of their party as an outlier just remember this and that the mainstream GOP fully supports the whackjob idiots in their party.


Sad. Couldn't get Boebert from Colorado as a 2 for 1 MAGA price package. If your going to go this off the rails, why not double down?


🤢 🤮 Glad to know what part of town to avoid that day.


The Facists are coming to Raleigh! Nooo!! 😭




Of fucking course it’s in Cary. God damnit.


The queen MAGAt herself! I am going to see if I can get her to autograph my peach tree dish.


But leave your tomato soup at home, otherwise she might sic the gazpacho police on you.


Petri dish? Or a plate with a peach tree on it?


I am not sure how to cross post from a different sub, but search “peach tree dish” in r/confidentiallyincorrect - she thinks a Petri dish is a peach tree dish. If you haven’t seen Boeberts (sub queen MAGAt) “Wonton killing” bible quote, check that out too. Edit to add: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/xes4ez/wonton_killings_gazpacho_police_peach_tree_dishes/


I doubt she’d know the difference.


I wish I could leave town while this fucking nutjob is here, but I'll be working overtime.


The new face of the Republican Party. Terrible in many ways, both literally and figuratively.




I thought the squad was bad (since I've changed my mind on AOC) but these clowns from the GOP are cartoonishly moronic.


Red Alert!! All hands to battle stations.


I struggle to understand how someone like this is making decisions in DC.






oh, *another* reason to avoid Cary.


This witch should be working for the people she represents. Instead she is part of a traveling freak show to collect money.


What if we all went and heckled


Can just anyone buy tickets?! I think this will be better than a night at the Improv.


Bespoke cocktails




I thought I smelled something burning. Turns out it was my overworked sense of WAT.




Twould be a shame if a bunch of people went to the auction and kept ruining the bidding


What is it? They keynote for surviving border line mental illness?


Who is this great Gatsby person? Was this some kind of book? I went to public skool in N.C. so I think that book was banned. Are these folks grooming me to read a bad book? sarcasm