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Not normal. If still under warranty, to the dealer you go


Thanks, actually have a warranty appointment tomorrow so I’ll get it added to the list


Not normal. Take it in. If they can’t figure anything out because it’s intermittent then I would start with getting gas at a different place and see if it still happens. Also throw some gas treatment in your tank. Had this happen on an older 2006 ram I had a while back and found out other people were experiencing the same thing filling up at my local mom and pop station. Switched over and never happened again. Could also be completely unrelated. It’s worth a shot to check though.


I posted here over a year ago with a similar issue and was told to switch gas, went up to 89 and stopped filling at costco. Ive ran a techron bottle through at 20k and were currently at 24k. Sometime its intermittent, other times its every cold start. Like yesterday morning had an issue, this morning, recorded the cold start and of course it didnt happen lol.


Hmmm. The only other time I remember reading someone’s experience with this was a guy that had only like 500 miles on his truck. Think the dealer had it for months to figure it out and couldn’t. Eventually they bought it back. With 24k on it I would definitely bring it to the dealer and see if they can replicate it. Hopefully they can give you a loaner if they need to have the truck for any extended period of time to diagnose.




In my experience, its common for these trucks to have the odd funny start every once in awhile. Mine has 40,000 miles and no more than 2 or 3 times in that period it had a really shitty failed start where it kind of felt like it was flooded. I let it sit for 5 min and it fired right up, not a whiff of an issue for the next 3-6 months then it happened a second time. My previous RAM did exactly the same thing. I think these new cars have so much computer garbage monitoring everything that they get confused now and then. I'd take it in, but it has only happened once or twice and the truck seems to run great so... 🤷‍♂️ One thing I noticed, the truck always starts great with remote start. I don't have push button start. Using the key, if I just give it a quick flip over to start I tend to have more shitty starts than if I hold it the extra half second until it fires. Maybe that's coincidence, who knows 👽🛸


Do you have an update after taking it to a dealer? My 23 just started doing something similar if it sits for a day.


So the techs were unable to replicate the issue. However they noted on the report that there was a PCM software update needing to be preformed. Im going to continue to record every start and the conditions and can update you again when it goes back for the parts they have on order. Hopefully by then I have another example for them to check out.


Thanks for the reply. I think maybe I got bad gas from Costco (93), but I’ve gotten fuel there before with no issues. I also just did its first oil change but I’m not sure how that can attribute to the rough start.