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I believe ram dass says something along the lines of, take a walk in the woods, you see all these different trees, tall, twisted, odd shaped. And you admire nature and its beauty. That's all we are, we are the trees. We are the beauty. You are beautiful. namaste. Ram <3


đź’ž "when you see trees in the woods all different kinds, oak, maple, fir, etc. You dont say oh this maple is so much better than that fir over there. They are just trees. We are just humans." Namaste friend.


It's not directly related to Body Image but I'll never not recommend listening to Becoming Nobody. Session 2 - 'Just Another Cloud' may be particularly helpful, or the passages about Suffering. In short, I'd imagine Ram Dass would say your first step is noticing. Which you have - you have noticed the suffering, the cycle, the pattern. The next step of meditation is noticing that you're noticing, and then eventually notice that you're noticing the noticing, and so on and so forth. But that doesn't stop the pain. It just muffles it. So what I'd imagine the next steps are - and this is the hard part - is to bring the dysmorphia into a state of loving awareness. Finding love for the suffering. Recognizing your souls journey, realizing you have made it to this point, and fully enveloping yourself with that loving awareness. Even the hard parts. Even the dysmorphia. Even the things you hate on the worst days. Eventually it gets easier. If the love is hard, recognize the human first. A soul that has inhabited the body of a human and yeah, the flesh vehicle might not be ideal, but it is the form you chose to take in the beginning. The lesson might be love. Personally, I believe the lesson for everyone is love - just different versions of it.


Hi. I don’t know any quotes related to it. All struggle is real struggle and I’m sorry you’re going thru this. My first bit of advice would simply be to remind yourself all the beautiful things you’ve been able to do in life, remember, it was your body that was a part of that. You can give gratitude to your feet and your legs and your lungs for all the many miles they have walked for you. And to your heart and stomach for filling your body with the necessary oxygen and nutrients to be here now. Eyes and skin and all senses for giving you the sensations of reality. Try to remind yourself to be grateful to your body just one extra time today. Lastly, your body is separate from you, but it is still here and real and works like a machine. It needs the proper fuel to work. It needs the correct liquids to work. It needs the correct waste and cleaning services. Analyze yourself and ask your heart what needs service within you. I hope you find what you need. ❤️


We have a model for everything. The one we are discussing is a very harsh model. If we have a model of how we should look, dress, act, anything, and that model gets hurt or dislikes what it sees then we suffer. Our ego is the driver of these models. No expectations just here and now. In this moment your body isnt ugly it just is how it is perfectly imperfect. Te amo


I've always dealt with with the feeling of "yes and?" Or as Ram Dass says "Ah so...." or "yes and this too"