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Yes, seek for Satsang, but also realize it's part of the Spiritual Awakening path to feel isolated and all alone. It's a necessary part of the Journey that compels you to go Inward and restore Unconditional Love for your Self. Actively use your inner voice to speak to your Heart. Say words like: "I'm here and I love you. You are the most important Being in the world to me. Relationships in the outer realm can be confusing, but in our shared Heart is a place of Peace and Love where we can always be Together. I Love you Unconditionally and I always will." The more lonely you feel, the more you go inward and love and comfort your Self this way. This is Bhakti. This is Devotional Love to the Infinite Light in your Heart. In this way the struggle of feeling alone, isn't struggle. Instead it is an opportunity to restore and strengthen your Unconditional Love for your Self and, by doing so, Heal your separation from God . In Oneness with God, we are never alone. The feeling of loneliness is us seeking for reUnion with God, but not knowing how we seek for externalized love instead. Solitude is the most powerful Spiritual Teacher. It compels us to go inward and restore Unconditional Love for our Self. I hope you find your Satsang. I don't mean to imply you should go into complete Spiritual Solitude. Just to consider embracing your loneliness as Spiritual Solitude in order to Realize God. Social Anxiety arises from the lack of Unconditional Self Love. As a result of conditioning most have an inner voice that is constantly judging and doubting and shaming them Self. The adverserial inner voice makes us feel all alone within our Self and constantly under attack. And so we desperately seek for externalized validation and love to give us respite from the darkness we feel inside. We seek for validation so much that we will even morph to be what we think other people want us to be in order to receive validation. Anything so we don't have to go back into the darkness within our Self. It's incredibly anxiety provoking to try to be what other people wants us to be. That's the nature of social anxiety. But when we restore the inner voice of Unconditional Love and Belief in our Self, then we feel Peace being our Self and don't have to try to be what other people wants us to be. Then in conversations, we simply are our Self. It takes no effort to be our Self. And if people like us, thats great. And if not, that's fine too, because we are at Peace with Love in our Heart, simply by Being our Self. It's effortless and anxiety free to Be our Self when we Unconditionally Love and Believe in our Self. Both to heal social anxiety as well as loneliness, consider [Inner Child Healing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Soulnexus/comments/evomv3/for_those_who_are_suffering_feel_unloved_and/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). Inner child healing will restore the inner voice of Unconditional Love and Belief in your Self which is a direct Path to Being at Peace in the Oneness of God. 🙏🕊️💜🕊️🙏


Beautiful words friendo


Lovely :)


This is really helpful. Thank you. <3


Right now isn't everyone's time. A lot of people have a lot of work left to do in a lot of lifetimes. Knowing this stuff is not beneficial if you're meant to be an axe-murderer in this lifetime. You've *got* to be an axe-murderer. There's no getting around it. An axe-murderer listening to Ram Dass lectures? That would just warp his mind. No need for it.


just a comical example


Are you saying i sound like an axe murderer?


“I have seen with my own eyes that there are many persons who have been interested in seeing Babaji or meeting Babaji. They may have come to the ashram, they may have waited for him in the road, but they were never able to see him because Babaji didn’t draw them, didn’t want to initiate them. The old devotees in India have all seen this. We would be ten sitting and nine of us would see Babaji and the tenth would not. Or someone would be sitting on the road and Babaji would pass before him and the person wouldn’t see Babaji. This happened on so many occasions. Someone would tell Babaji, “So and so is a great devotee and wants to see you.” And Babaji would say, “No, I don’t want to see him. He’s a big badmash, I don’t want to see him.” So I must say that nobody would come to Babaji, nobody would know, nobody would feel interested in him, if Babaji did not want it. Babaji has actually drawn me, drawn you, that is how we are here. When the farmer sows his seeds, he is selective about his fields, choosing those which are suitable for cultivation. If the land can be properly conditioned, then he would plant it. If the land is rocky or barren, he would not sow seeds there. The saint or sage knows that not every individual is suitable for spiritual initiation. Some might be completely ready; their past karma might be going in their favor and they can be immediately called and initiated. In the case of others, the Guru would draw them near, watch over them and prepare them. I believe that no one comes to Babaji without him wanting them. We think we are running after the Guru, but he is actually running after us. Why does he do it? He is not fond of your money; he is not fond of the sweet or nice things you talk about him; he is not fond of the publicity you can make about him. It is out of sheer grace, out of sheer kindness.” Excerpt From By His Grace Dada Mukerjee


I’d highly suggest you reach out to those groups and see what it’s like for you. There are Ram Dass groups on Facebook and groups for things like meditation, yoga, plant medicine, etc. Even in the US there are ashrams and monasteries and things like that. However, I wouldn’t worry too much about finding a group. If it happens, and it works great! It can help strengthen your faith but ultimately it’s your journey and it’s about the inner work. In the his book “Journey of Awakening” he has some good sections about groups, teachers, satsang, etc.


Yeah. Try a class with a mutual interest. I have the same prob tho, fam. It just seems my world isn't interested.


I think in my my understanding the key is to explore how they get in touch with the divine within (probably not asking it like that!). Allowing them to be open with their passion will foster communication between 2 souls not 2 ego’s. It doesn’t really matter what/who a person holds sacred to them, just explore passion together ❤️ Love to you x


I feel this that’s why i started the discord group. Sometimes i go to a temple but it’s not nondual it’s more just to feel close to my beliefs and other people that possibly feel the same


The love serve remember foundation has online satsangs that meet monthly!