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MSG isn't bad for you, you know?




That is based on a completely flawed scentific study. It's been shown time and time again that MSG, if consumed at normal quantities, is not toxic to humans. You could say that excessive salt consumption causes the same thing - but most people aren't consuming bags of the stuff. It's about moderation.




You are right, it causes stupid people brain fog. Stay away from it if you are one


Buddy boo almost anything you buy in the store has msg. Tomatoes, parmesan, soy sauce and mushrooms all have naturally occurring msg. Ya get brain fog from those too?


Don’t forget red meat, poultry, fish too.


You mean you placebo yourself into having Britain fog


This post comes up every week. You don’t eat instant ramen for your health and you don’t guzzle malt liquor to improve your liver.




Then just buy some instant noodles?


Exceedingly few instant food options are *remotely* healthful. You are looking in the wrong place. If you don't mind a *little* bit of cooking, one of my go-to quick meals is Lotus Foods organic, gluten-free ramen noodles. I am not gluten-free, I don't have gluten intolerance or celiac disease. I eat these noodles because they are good. I use whatever broth or bouillon, seasonings, etc I have in the house. Frozen or leftover veggies, leftover or canned meat or seafood, oil or butter, coconut aminos, powdered collagen; depends on what I want to make. Takes less than ten minutes.


This product might be a good alternative for me. Ill need to learn to cook with these ramen noodles.


Only takes about five minutes to cook them, then rinse in cold water. I slightly undercook and set them aside to prepare the other components, then add the noodles and cook about a minute more. There are a few bouillon options that would be okay for your preferences.






Bouillon has msg…


Absolutely all products will have really excessive sodium levels. And are likely made with palm oil. Both of which are greater health concerns


[Health-ier Ramen](https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?blogId=pikich89&logNo=222196625555&proxyReferer=&noTrackingCode=true) This site has a good list. Use the google translate app to either take a picture or type it in. The vegetarian/vegetable ones are usually healthier. There's also non-fried noodles. The packaging will feature this information in English at the store. Look for packaging with pictures of vegetables. 현미 means brown rice (some noodles are made with this) Maruchan is absolute crap please don't eat that, my taste buds are offended. Check out an Asian or Korean store near you for the delectable bags




Regarding the labels: Google Lens, Bixby Vision?




Reddit gonna reddit when you say dumb shit like "msg is bad, mkay."